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Skeletal muscle cells or fibers generally extend from one tendon to the other tendon that attaches the

muscle to
the bones.
Skeletal muscle is classified as voluntary muscle since its
contraction is mandated by the central nervous system—we
can contract muscles at will. Thus, the innervation of skeletal
muscle is essential for activation of contraction. Each fiber is
activated by one motor neuron, whereas one motor neuron
can innervate a number of muscle fibers forming a motor
unit. When one motor neuron is activated, all of the fibers
innervated by that motor neuron will contract. The motor
neurons from the spinal cord or brainstem, in response to
action potentials traveling down the axon toward the skeletal
muscle cell, release the neurotransmitter acetylcholine as
shown in Figure 9–3 at the neuromuscular junction.

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