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Date: Monday, April 23rd, 2018 Learning Opportunity: Nature Scavenger Hunt

*Frames of Learning (Highlight frames for which you are preparing)

*Conceptual Understandings: Conceptual understandings are statements of essential ideas that accompany each of the overall
expectations. Conceptual understandings include concepts, skills, attitudes, and habits of mind.
- Our actions can make a difference in the world.
- We have a responsibility to understand and care for the natural world.
- People have the capacity to feel a sense of wonder about the world.
- There are things that I need to know and do to keep myself safe and healthy. I am empowered to make choices that
keep me healthy.
- People have the capacity to feel a sense of wonder about the world.
- The inquiry process helps us to discover new information and to confirm or question our theories about the world.
*Overall Expectations (OE): Knowledge and skills described, in general terms, in each frame. Educators focus on the overall
expectations when co-constructing learning with the children.

8. develop movement skills and concepts as they use their growing bodies to move in a variety of
ways and in a variety of contexts

13. use the processes and skills of an inquiry stance (i.e., questioning, planning, predicting,
observing, and communicating)

29. demonstrate an understanding of the natural world and the need to care for and respect the

SRWB – Self Regulation and PSI − Problem

BC − Belonging and Contributing DLMB − Demonstrating
Well Being Solving and
Literacy and
Mathematics Behaviours Innovating
*Noticing and Naming Learning : Making Learning Visible
Learning Goals: Enable children to think about and to begin to Success Criteria: Enable children to know when and what they are learning.
direct their own learning. Support the knowledge and skills Accomplishments along the way.
described in the overall expectations and conceptual
I can work with my partner and find the items on the list.
I can check off the items when I find them.
I will participate in the scavenger hunt. I can find the items on the list.

Ways in Which Children Might Demonstrate Their Learning:

Specific Expectations: describe in greater detail Children are not required to demonstrate their learning in all three ways.
the knowledge and skills related to overall expectations. SAY DO REPRESENT

8.5 demonstrate spatial awareness by Say: “I found the water!”; “I found the grass!”; “I can’t seem to find
doing activities that require the use of any butterflies?”
small muscles Do: Students will work in pairs to complete the scavenger hunt. It will
take place in the yard outside.
13.3 select and use materials to carry out
their own explorations

29.3 identify ways in which they can care

for and show respect for the environment

Lakehead University, Orillia October 2017

Date: Monday, April 23rd, 2018 Learning Opportunity: Nature Scavenger Hunt

(e.g., feeding the birds in winter, reusing

and recycling, turning off unnecessary
lights at home, walking to school instead
of getting a ride)
The Educators’ Intentional Interactions :
How educators engage with children’s learning- students; strategies; materials; environment – based on observations
Respond: The educator will help the students in guiding them towards finishing the scavenger hunt.

Challenge: The educator can challenge the students by asking them thought provoking questions about why they may not be
able to find certain objects on the list like the butterflies, etc.

Extend: The educator can extend the children’s learning by discussing how we can take care of our environment so that we
can still find these things on the nature scavenger hunt checklist.

Teacher Questions/Prompts:
“Today we are going to participate in a scavenger hunt.”
“Who can tell me what a scavenger hunt it?”
“We are going to complete it in pairs.”
“Why do you think they aren’t any more butterflies out right now?”
“Why do you think we may not be able to find some flowers?”
“How do you think we can help and protect our flowers and environment?”
Assessment Documentation
- Photo documentation
Materials required:
- Scavenger Hunt Sheet (1 for each pair)
- Ipod for photo
Possible learning next steps for learning:
This activity helps the students see and understand their surroundings and what the Earth creates and how we can protect it.

Script how you plan to engage the students with this opportunity (if required)

Minds On:
- Students will watch a video on Earth Day as it was the day prior.
- Students will then gather together and listen to the instructions.
- I will explain that we will be participating in a nature scavenger hunt and in pairs they will try and check
off everything they have seen on the list.
- Students will then get ready.

- The students will then participate in the nature scavenger hunt.

- Students will hand in their scavenger hunt.
- They will share the different places they found the items on the checklist.
- They will then go back inside and get ready for home.

Lakehead University, Orillia October 2017

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