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Security Part II: Auditing Database Systems1


The most striking difference between the database
The Flat-File Approach model and the flat-file model is the pooling of
Flat files are data files that contain records with data into a common database that is shared by
no structured relationships to other files. The all organizational users.1
flat-file approach is most often associated with
so-called legacy systems. KEY ELEMENTS OF THE DATABASE
Three Significant Problems In The Flat-File
Environment:  Database management system
 Data Storage - Efficient data management Typical Features:
captures and stores data only once and makes 1. Program development. The DBMS contains
this single source available to all users who application development software. Both
need it.1 programmers and end users may employ this
 Data Updating - Organizations store a great deal feature to create applications to access the
of data on master files and reference files that database.
require periodic updating to reflect changes.1 2. Backup and recovery. During processing, the
 Currency of Information - In contrast to the DBMS periodically makes backup copies of the
problem of performing multiple updates is the physical database. In the event of a disaster
problem of failing to update all the user files (disk failure, program error, or malicious act)
that are affected by a change in status.1 that renders the database unusable, the DBMS
 Task-Data Dependency - Another problem with can recover to an earlier version that is known
the flat-file approach is the user’s inability to to be correct.
obtain additional information as his or her 3. Database usage reporting. This feature
needs change: this is known as task-data captures statistics on what data are being used,
dependency.1 when they are used, and who uses them.1
The Database Approach 4. Database access. The most important feature
Access to the data resource is controlled by a of a DBMS is to permit authorized user access,
database management system (DBMS). The both formal and informal, to the database.
DBMS is a special software system that is Data Definition Language
programmed to know which data elements each - is a programming language used to define the
user is authorized to access. 1 database to the DBMS. The DDL identifies the
 Elimination of Data Storage Problem names and the relationship of all data elements,
Each data element is stored only once, thereby records, and files that constitute the database.
eliminating data redundancy and reducing data Database Views
collection and storage costs.  Internal View/Physical View. The physical
 Elimination of Data Update Problem arrangement of records in the database is
Because each data element exists in only one place, presented through the internal view. 1
it requires only a single update procedure.1  Conceptual View/Logical View (Schema). The
 Elimination of Currency Problem schema (or conceptual view) describes the
A single change to a database attribute is entire database.1
automatically made available to all users of the  External View/User View (Subschema). The
attribute.1 subschema or user view, defines the user’s
 Elimination of Task-Data Dependency Problem section of the database—the portion that an
individual user is authorized to access.
Define data requirements
 Users Specify tests procedures
Develop data dictionary.
FORMAL ACCESS: APPLICATION INTERFACES Establish programming standards
Data manipulation language (DML) is the Design:
proprietary programming language that a Operation and Maintenance:
particular DBMS uses to retrieve, process, and Logical database (schema)
store data. 2 Evaluate database performance
The following description is generic and certain External users’ views (subschemas)
technical details are omitted. Reorganize database as user needs demand
1. A user program sends a request for data to Internal view of databases.
the DBMS Review standards and procedures
2. The DBMS analyzes the request by matching Database controls
the called data elements against the Change and Growth:
user view and the conceptual view. Plan for change and growth
3. The DBMS determines the data structure Evaluate new technology
parameters from the internal view and passes The Data Dictionary
them to the operating system, which performs -describes every data element in the
the actual data retrieval. database.
4. Using the appropriate access method (an
operating system utility program), the operating  The Physical Database
system interacts with the disk storage device to
retrieve the data from the physical database. The fourth major element of the database
5. The operating system then stores the data in approach. This is the lowest level of the
a main memory buffer area managed by the database and the only level that exists in
DBMS. physical form.
6. The DBMS transfers the data to the user’s Typical File Processing Operations
work location in main memory. 1. Retrieve a record from the file based on its
7. When processing is complete, Steps 4, 5, and primary key value.
6 are reversed to restore the processed data to 2. Insert a record into a file.
the database 3. Update a record in the file.
INFORMAL ACCESS: QUERY LANGUAGE 4. Read a complete file of records.
The second method of database access is the 5. Find the next record in a file.
informal method of queries. A query is an ad 6. Scan a file for records with common
hoc access methodology for extracting secondary keys.
information from a database.2 7. Delete a record from a file.

 The Database Administrator Data structures

The DBA is responsible for managing the -are the bricks and mortar of the
database resource. database.
Database Planning: -The organization of a file refers to the way
Implementation: records are physically arranged on the
Develop organization’s database strategy secondary storage device. This may be either
Determine access policy sequential or random.
Define database environment. Data Access Methods
Implement security controls
-The access method is the technique used to This was a popular method of data
locate records and to navigate through the representation because it reflected, more or
database. less faithfully, many aspects of an organization
that are hierarchical in relationship.
The Criteria That Influence The Selection Of The Navigational Databases
Data structure include: The hierarchical data model is called a
1. Rapid file access and data retrieval navigational database because traversing the
2. Efficient use of disk storage space files requires following a predefined path.
3. High throughput for transaction processing Limitations of the Hierarchical Model
4. Protection from data loss 1. A parent record may have one or more child
5. Ease of recovery from system failure records.
6. Accommodation of file growth 2. No child record can have more than one parent.
The Network Model
 DBMS Models In the late 1970s, an ANSI committee created
the Committee on Development of Applied
A data model is an abstract representation of Symbolic Languages (CODASYL), which formed a
the data about entities, including resources database task group to develop standards for
(assets), events (transactions), and agents database design.
(personnel or customers, etc.) and their The Relational Model
relationships in an organization. E. F. Codd originally proposed the principles of
the relational model in the late 1960s.
Data Attribute/Field.A data attribute (or field) is DATABASES IN A DISTRIBUTED ENVIRONMENT
a single item of data, such as customer’s name, The physical structure of the organization’s data
account balance, or address. is an important consideration in planning a
Entity. An entity is a database representation of
distributed system. In addressing this issue, the
an individual resource, event, or agent about
planner has two basic options: the databases
which we choose to collect data. Entities may be
physical (inventories, customers, and can be centralized or they can be distributed.
employees) or conceptual (sales, accounts Distributed databases fall into two categories:
receivable, and depreciation expense). partitioned databases and replicated databases.
Record Type (Table or File). When we group Centralized Databases
together the data attributes that logically define The first approach involves retaining the data in
an entity, they form a record type
a central location. Remote IT units send
Database. A database is the set of record types
that an organization needs to support its requests for data to the central site, which
business processes. processes the requests and transmits the data
Associations. Record types that constitute a back to the requesting IT unit. The actual
database exist in relation to other record types. processing of the data is performed at the
This is called an association. remote IT unit. The central site performs the
functions of a file manager that services the
Three basic record associations are:
data needs of the remote sites. A fundamental
 One-to-one association.
 One-to-many association. objective of the database approach is to
 Many-to-many association maintain data currency. This can be a
challenging task in a DDP environment.
The Hierarchical Model Distributed Databases
Distributed databases can be either partitioned complete processing of the other transactions in
or replicated. the deadlock. The pre-empted transactions
Partitioned Databases must then be reinitiated. In pre-empting
The partitioned database approach splits the transactions, the dead- lock resolution software
central database into segments or parti- tions attempts to minimize the total cost of breaking
that are distributed to their primary users. The the deadlock. Some of the factors that are
advantages of this approach follow: considered in this decision follow:
 Having data stored at local sites increases users’  The resources currently invested in the
control. transaction. This may be measured by the
 Transaction processing response time is number of updates that the transaction has
improved by permitting local access to data and already performed and that must be repeated if
reducing the volume of data that must be the transaction is terminated.
transmitted between IT units.  The transaction’s stage of completion. In
 Partitioned databases can reduce the potential general, deadlock resolution software will avoid
effects of a disaster. By locating data at several terminating transactions that are close to
sites, the loss of a single IT unit does not completion.
eliminate all data processing by the  The number of deadlocks associated with the
organization. transaction. Because terminating the
The partitioned approach, which is illustrated in transaction breaks all deadlock involvement, the
Figure 4.16, works best for organizations that software should attempt to terminate
require minimal data sharing among their transactions that are part of more than one
distributed IT units. The primary user manages deadlock.
data requests from other sites. To minimize data Replicated Databases
access from remote users, the organization Are effective in companies where there exists a
needs to carefully select the host location. high degree of data sharing but no primary user.
Identifying the optimum host requires an in- Since common data are replicated at each IT
depth analysis of user data needs. unit site, the data traffic between sites is
The Deadlock Phenomenon - In a distributed reduced considerably The primary justification
environment, it is possible for multiple sites to for a replicated database is to support read-only
lock out each other from the database, thus queries. With data replicated at every site, data
preventing each from processing its access for query purposes is ensured, and
transactions. lockouts and delays due to data traffic are
Deadlock - is a permanent condition that must minimized. The problem with this approach is
be resolved by special software that analyzes maintaining current versions of the database at
each deadlock – Is a condition to determine the each site. Since each IT unit processes only its
best solution. Because of the implication for transactions, common data replicated at each
transaction processing, accountants should be site are affected by different transactions and
aware of the issues pertaining to deadlock reflect different values.
resolutions. Concurrency Control
Deadlock Resolution Database concurrency is the presence of
Resolving a deadlock usually involves complete and accurate data at all user sites.
terminating one or more transactions to System designers need to employ methods to
ensure that transactions processed at each site retrieving, corrupting, or destroying the entity’s
are accurately reflected in the databases of all data. Backup controls ensure that in the event
the other sites. Because of the implication for of data loss due to unauthorized access,
the accuracy of accounting records, the equipment failure, or physical disaster the
concurrency problem is a matter of concern for organization can recover its database.
auditors. A commonly used method for Access Controls
concurrency control is to serialize transactions. Users of flat files maintain exclusive ownership
This method involves labelling each transaction of their data. In spite of the data integration
by two criteria. problems associated with this model, it creates
First, special software groups transactions into an environment in which unauthorized access to
classes to identify potential conflicts. data can be effectively controlled. When not in
The second part of the control process is to use by the owner, a flat file is closed to other
time-stamp each transaction. users and may be taken off-line and physically
Database Distribution Methods and the secured in the data library. In contrast, the need
Accountant to integrate and share data in the database
The decision to distribute databases is one that environment means that databases must
should be entered into thoughtfully. There are remain on-line and open to all potential users.
many issues and trade-offs to consider. Here are In the shared database environment, access
some of the most basic questions to be control risks include corruption, theft, misuse,
addressed: and destruction of data. These threats originate
 Should the organization’s data be centralized or from both unauthorized intruders and
distributed? authorized users who exceed their access
 If data distribution is desirable, should the privileges. Several control features are now
databases be replicated or partitioned? reviewed.
 If replicated, should the databases be totally
replicated or partially replicated? User Views
 If the database is to be partitioned, how should The user view or subschema is a subset of the
the data segments be allocated among the total database that defines the user’s data
sites? domain and provides access to the database.
The choices involved in each of these questions Database Authorization Table
impact the organization’s ability to maintain Containsrulesthatlimittheactionsausercantake.T
data integrity. The preservation of audit trails his technique is similar to the access control list
and the accuracy of accounting records are key used in the operating system. Each user is
concerns. Clearly, these are decisions that the granted certain privileges that are coded in the
modern auditor should understand and authority table, which is used to verify the
influence intelligently. user’s action requests.
MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Allows the user to create a personal security
Controls over data management systems fall program or routine to provide more positive
into two general categories: access controls and user identification than a single password. Thus,
backup controls. Access controls are designed to in addition to a password, the security
prevent unauthorized individuals from viewing, procedure asks a series of personal questions
(such as the user’s mother’s maiden name),  What is the total cost of Class II payroll for
which only the legitimate user should know. department XYZ?
Data Encryption Answers to these types of questions are needed
Database systems also use encryption routinely for resource management, facility
procedures to protect highly sensitive stored planning, and operations control decisions.
data, such as product formulas, personnel pay Legitimate queries sometimes involve access to
rates, password files, and certain financial data confidential data. Thus, individual users may be
thus making it unreadable to an intruder granted summary and statistical query access to
“browsing” the database. confidential data to which they normally are
Biometric Devices denied direct access.
The ultimate in user authentication procedures To preserve the confidentiality and integrity of
is the use of biometric devices, which measure the database, inference controls should be in
various personal characteristics, such as place to prevent users from inferring, through
fingerprints, voice prints, retina prints, or query features, specific data values that they
signature characteristics. These user otherwise are unauthorized to access. Inference
characteristics are digitized and stored controls attempt to pre- vent three types of
permanently in a database security file or on an compromises to the database.
identification card that the user carries. When 1. Positive compromise—the user determines the
an individual attempts to access the database, a specific value of a data item.
special scanning device captures his or her 2. Negative compromise—the user determines
biometric characteristics, which it compares that a data item does not have a specific value.
with the profile data stored on file or the ID 3. Approximate compromise—the user is unable
card. If the data do not match, access is denied. to determine the exact value of an item but is
Biometric technology is currently being used to able to estimate it with sufficient accuracy to
secure ATM cards and credit cards. Because of violate the confidentiality of the data.
the distributed nature of modern systems, the
degree of remote access to systems, the decline Audit Objective Relating to Database Access
in costs of biometric systems, and the increased Verify that database access authority and
effectiveness of biometric systems, biometric privileges are granted to users in accordance
de- vices have a great potential to serve as with their legitimate needs.
effective means of access control, especially Audit Procedures for Testing Database Access
from remote locations. Controls
Inference Controls Responsibility for Authority Tables and
One advantage of the database query capability Subschemas - The auditor should verify that
is that it provides users with summary and database administration (DBA) personnel retain
statistical data for decision making. For exclusive responsibility for creating authority
example, managers might ask the following tables and designing user views. Evidence may
questions: come from three sources: (1) by reviewing
 What is the total value for inventory items with company policy and job descriptions, which
monthly turnover less than three? specify these technical responsibilities; (2) by
 What is the average charge to patients with examining programmer authority tables for
hospital stays greater than 8 days? access privileges to data definition language
(DDL) commands; and (3) through personal process called destructive replacement.
interviews with programmers and DBA Therefore, once a data value is changed, the
personnel. original value is destroyed, leaving only one
Appropriate Access Authority - The auditor can version (the current version) of the file. To
select a sample of users and verify that their provide backup, direct access files must be
access privileges stored in the authority table copied before being updated. The timing of the
are consistent with their job descriptions direct access backup procedures will depend on
organizational levels. the processing method being used.
Biometric Controls - The auditor should
evaluate the costs and benefits of biometric Off-Site Storage – As an added safeguard,
controls. Generally, these would be most backup files created under both the GPC and
appropriate where highly sensitive data are direct access approaches should be stored off-
accessed by a very limited number of users. site in a secure location.
Inference Controls - The auditor should verify Audit Objective Relating to Flat-File Backup -
that database query controls exist to prevent Verify that backup controls in place are effective
unauthorized access via inference. The auditor in protecting data files from physical damage,
can test controls by simulating access by a loss, accidental erasure, and data corruption
sample of users and attempting to retrieve through system failures and program errors.
unauthorized data via inference queries. Audit Procedures for Testing Flat-File Backup
Encryption Controls - The auditor should verify Controls
that sensitive data, such as passwords, are  Sequential File (GPC) Backup. The auditor
properly encrypted. Printing the file contents to should select a sample of systems and
hard copy can do this. determine from the system documentation that
Backup Controls - Data can be corrupted and the number of GPC backup files specified for
destroyed by malicious acts from external each system is adequate. If insufficient backup
hackers, disgruntled employees, disk failure, versions exist, recovery from some types of
program errors, fires, floods, and earthquakes. failures may be impossible.
To recover from such disasters, organizations  Backup Transaction Files. The auditor should
must implement policies, procedures, and verify through physical observation that
techniques that systematically and routinely transaction files used to reconstruct the master
provide backup copies of critical files. files are also retained. Without corresponding
Backup Controls in the Flat-File Environment – transaction files, reconstruction is impossible.
The backup  Direct Access File Backup. The auditor should
techniqueemployedwilldependonthemediaandt select a sample of applications and identify the
hefilestructure.Sequential files (both tape and direct access files being updated in each system.
disk) use a backup technique called From system documentation and through
grandparent–parent–child (GPC). This backup observation, the auditor can verify that each of
technique is an integral part of the master file them was copied to tape or disk before being
update process. Direct access files, by contrast, updated.
need a separate back up procedure.  Off-Site Storage. The auditor should verify the
Direct Access File Backup - Data values in direct existence and adequacy of off-site storage. This
access files are changed in place through a audit procedure may be performed as part of
the review of the disaster recovery plan or Verify that controls over the data resource are
computer center operations controls. sufficient to preserve the integrity and physical
Backup Controls in the Database Environment security of the database.
Since data sharing is a fundamental objective of Audit Procedures for Testing Database Backup
the database approach, this environment is Controls
particularly vulnerable to damage from  The auditor should verify that backup is
individual users. One unauthorized procedure, performed routinely and frequently to facilitate
one malicious act, or one program error can the recovery of lost, destroyed, or corrupted
deprive an entire user community of its data without excessive reprocessing. Production
information resource. Also, because of data databases should be copied at regular intervals
centralization, even minor disasters such as a (perhaps several times an hour). Backup policy
disk failure can affect many or all users. When should strike a balance between the
such events occur, the organization needs to inconvenience of frequent backup activities and
reconstruct the database to pre-failure status. the business disruption caused by excessive
This can be done only if the database was repro- cessing that is needed to restore the
properly backed up in the first place. database after a failure.
Backup  The auditor should verify that automatic backup
The backup feature makes a periodic backup of procedures are in place and functioning, and
the entire database. This is an automatic that copies of the database are stored off-site
procedure that should be performed at least for further security.
once a day. The backup copy should then be
stored in a secure remote area.
Transaction Log (Journal)
The Transaction Log feature provides an audit
trail of all processed transactions. It lists
transactions in a transaction log file and records
the resulting changes to the database in a
separate database change log.
Checkpoint Feature
The checkpoint facility suspends all data
processing while the system reconciles the
transaction log and the database change log
against the database. At this point, the system is
in a quiet state. Checkpoints occur automatically
several times an hour. If a failure occurs, it is
usually possible to restart the processing from
the last checkpoint. Thus, only a few minutes of
transaction processing must be repeated.
Recovery Module
The recovery module uses the logs and backup
files to restart the system after a failure.
Audit Objective Relating to Database Backup

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