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HE “ample adherents of the Path of Lilith, oth- cerwise known as the Lilin, Lilies, o Bahari, revere the progenitor vampire as primal femi- ninity. They believe Lili vampire, he moth is che first, usurped and thac all, who births the eee sacrifice Bahar believe bot ‘© Dangerous Reputation: Esha interdate vampires not of ther order ‘Vampire believers inthe Cainte mythos | sacrifice. Faithful 8 feel uncomfortable in your presence (Once per story you may add two dice to Inimidation pools in tests against again three extra di CCaine-vorshipers assuring they know cof your allegance, absorb Disepines (© © Ritual Scarificatior pain leads cally the Lita preach that bringing one’s physical shell to the ecremes of tion grants greater insight. Once per of stengt ‘session, you may sear yourself with on point of Aggravated darmage to recover a level of Wilpower damage superficial or Aggravated Stamina or Resolve dawn, Lore rate sacrifice isthe murder of their ow hike. ifyou dablerze your ch Jumarity + Blood Potency cice pool to ‘The Womb's Blood: Bahari consider fertility and sex sources with come factions plaeng taken from the wor ater drinking blood from the uterus. you eal or Wilpower by twa) uni the BAHARI Kindred are her children, Stagnant, patriarchal vampire society perpetuates the lc of Caine as progenitor he Bahari seek enlightenment through pain and conilics, wsrning this masochistic wige into the strength to endure and overcome. As Lilith rebelled against Gods commands 3 st her curse, her flows defeat the wesleneses and curses upon them xo become something cle, Some Bahar lead other Kindced to ightenment, others become perfecved predators. Bahari eprecate compassion in favor of fleshy pleasure, sran- sient love, and strict parenthood over lesser Kindted Asa Bahari, you fulfill the role of student, teacher, or lover to other Kindzed, All evidence you have «usurped vampire. Or per seen points eo Lilith as th h Church of Caine and gnaw ps you secreely adhere from inside ou the Children: The First-Cursed: Lith: wor thin sing ehlder and shipers maintain that she was the fst Ting being cursed by God, before Adam, "oF Caine, The Bahar strive to emu han know the you | late Lith lesser curse, ane in so doing ie in yourResoke + | find their Canite weaknesses lessened Yu retain your clan bane,bul you can (Gee Diablerep.224). | now wale in the fist hour of caplight and final hour of dusk you can abo engage in incercourse without Rows he Blood However you radi lent ofthe Obvious Predator (@ @) Fl eonblood or vitae | All Soda tests to ostracze or sander sory, | you have their Dficuky reduced by one Finally any varnpte assessing you with ‘Auspex immediately suffers migrine-Hke heacaches:their Resolve and Willpower nal twa dots in ether 1 (Os increasing crop by all your Resolve (rounded up) 382 THEO BELL fong-seen as the Camarilas loyal lapdog, ‘Thea's recent defection ‘out Camarilla domains. Ie was Theo Bell who serv. of the Venere Hardestade and Jan Pieter2oon for years, even the Anazch Movement triggeted shockwaves stil felt ehrough: 1 the whims begrudgingly ealking wp arms for the Lasombra Marcus Vitel in recent years Ie was also Theo Bell who fired che frst shor at the Convention of Prague, sltimately eausing Hardestadt's and Pieterzoon's des Kindred gossip these nights positions Theo Bell as an unwilling mess sno position of leadership, he just gor sick of ions compelled hundreds among the Anarchs, He des bending over for be sped TT ‘of Braj eo follow suit, taking oue the Princes who long lorded over them and forming Anarch bastions alongside the Gangre! Despite his notoriety, Theo sil act as liaison between high status Camaila sole reason that he brooks no shit at mectings. He short= and Anarchs, for Sabbat ambushes, ques any Anazch rots, and shuts down, Camas ul or, Theo’ judgerne jon and coercion, Asa med Lore (© Rebel Cell: You command a pack of | @@@ Contact Information: rebelious mortals and fuel ther fire with | Whether by dead drop, mesvenger or something that keeps thar fighting Per» | arcane means you can get word to haps you feed them vite or maybe you | Theo,Whether he responds or even ‘embody ther ideals Ether way. these re- | Istens, depends on the message and bel (a three Ally group equivalent) | your earl interactions, but if he thes perform a single dangerous task for you | whal you have lo say he might be able ‘vthout your presence. before csbanc- | to move mountains The precise game ing untl the next story. eflcts ofa message toTheo are up to (© © True Anareh: You were an An- arch before Ball led an army of Cararila Bell's Circle: Theo trusts Bruja into the Ararch Movernentand— | you, perhaps because of your earlier ‘these tagalongs joining the | revolutionary setions of eranjpulst ‘Anarchs just as they grow popularYou | ing your vay into his good graces. Bel hve records rarnes plies anc dates | is equivalent toa fivedot Maw but about who the rebels were and are. fed | your association with him ako has many lo you by the Man or gathered person- | drawbacks, ally Ether way you get two automat ‘successes on any Investigation test cor- coming vampires who defected tothe ‘Anarch Movement Sect Neutrality: fo! lowing Theo Bells lead, you have a srl contingent of afew Bruja loyal to your vision, and you can influence them in any direction: the Camarila the Anarchs or even to form a salle subsectneviral amidst the Jyhad.You may resent their existence or take pride in your folowing yese Kindred ranted, Bu unt Not mindless disciples, keop trac of favor they rebel against you. you have five dots to spend among Contacts, Haven (safe houses), Mala and Re 383 CAINITE HERESY the be ity, Gnostic hereties and Kindred ianings of Christian- exchanged information and Blood,

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