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Lesson plan

Teacher : Horgea Cristina

School : Colegiul National ,,Teodor Nes” Salonta

Date: 28th of March 2019

Grade: 3rd A

Level: Elementary

Textbook: Fairyland 3

Unit of learning: Clothes!

Topic: My new clothes!

Lesson type: Acquisition of new knowledge

Language focus

Structures: Present Continuous (affirmative)

Language in use: Your T-shirt is nice! What are you doing? You’re picking
flowers! We’re playing football; I’m wearing my new trousers! What’s the problem?

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, the Ss will be able to:

Identify the global significance of a clearly articulated oral message in a familiar context;
Improve their conversation and reading skills by watching and reading a short text;
Participate in everyday conversation about familiar topics;
Apply what they have learned to a real life situation;
participate in the communication;
Aims: - to talk about clothes;
- describing actions happening now;
Assumptions: Teacher assumes:
that most of the students may be familiar with vocabulary related to the topic;
have difficulty in using the correct form of present continuous tense;
Anticipated problems:
some of the pupils might be ashamed to talk;
students become overly dependent on the teacher;
they persistently use the first language;
at a certain point the teacher might lose control of the classroom;
have a poor pronunciation
T. may use choral drill and different games to raise their interest, to keep them awake
and encourage them to talk;
use enjoyable activities that children might accomplish without frustration;
practice the pronunciation of the words
Didactic strategy:
project work
Materials: textbook; worksheets; flashcards; posters; blackboard; laptop; CD; smiley/ sad
faces; video projector.
Teaching techniques: elicitation; total physical response; questioning; explanation;

conversation; games;

Types of interaction: whole class; individual work; pair work

Evaluation: continue, through activities, question, observation

Stages of the lesson


Aims - to get students ready for the English class by having an informal conversation;
to warm them up;
to reduce students’ inhibition and lower their affective filter ( stress) by using the total
physical response method;
Procedure: Teacher greets the students, introduces the guests and asks if anybody is
absent. She asks them how they are. Pupils respond to informal questions.

T: Good morning, children!

Ss: Good morning, teacher!

T: How are you today?

S: We’re fine, thank you!

T: Who’s on duty today?

Who is absent?

Ss answer the T’s questions.

Then, T. asks all the students to stand up and by using the total physical method she gives them
several commands:

e.g. Stand up! Sit down! Turn around! Jump! Touch your nose! Touch your ears! Touch your
eyes, etc.

Students follow the teacher’s commands.

Time: 5 minutes
Interaction: T – Ss; Ss – T
Aims: - to review the vocabulary taught in Unit 8 c
Procedure: Teacher asks students to tell her two things they can do and two things they
cannot do by throwing them a puppet.
Pupil 1: I can play the piano and I can do karate but I can’t play football or dance.
Pupil 2: I can sing and jump but I can’t dive or skate.
Teacher plays the song from unit 8 encouraging the pupils to sing along.
Time: 3 minutes
Interaction: T – Ss; Ss – T; Ss-Ss

Aims: - to get students involved in the lesson;
- to raise students’ interest;
Procedure: Teacher shows students her new dress by saying: This is my new dress! Then
she divides the blackboard into two parts: on the right part, she pins some flashcards
related to clothes and on the left side of the board she writes the names of the
corresponding clothes. Teacher points to each flashcard, tells its name in English and the
students have to repeat chorally and individually. Then, students have to come one by one
to the blackboard and match the flashcard to the corresponding word
Time: 5 minutes
Interaction: T – Ss; Ss -T



Aims: - to listen to a story about characters talking about the clothes they are wearing;
-to develop listening comprehension skills through a dialogue;

-to consolidate the language they have recently learned.

Procedure: Teacher writes a big 70 on the board and asks students to open their books at
page 70. Teacher read the title of the unit and asks pupils to repeat after her. T. plays the
lesson on the video projector. Students watch the lesson. Then she assigns roles. Students
come in front of the class and role play the lesson.
Time: 10 minutes
Interaction: whole class

Aims: - to practice the recently learned vocabulary
Procedure: Teacher writes on the blackboard the following three questions:
1. What is Emma wearing?
2. What is Mona wearing?
3. What are the boys playing?
Teacher allows students time to skim the text and after that, she asks them to come to the board
and answer the questions.
Pupil 1: Emma is wearing new trousers.
Pupil 2: Mona is wearing a new T-shirt.
Pupil 3: The boys are playing football.
Then, she underlines one sentence and explains students the way Present Continuous is formed.

Emma is wearing new trousers.

( S/Personal pronoun+Vto be+Ving)
Teacher: We use Present Tense Continuous to talk
about actions happening now, at the moment of
Time: 7 minutes
Interaction: whole class

Activity 3 – PRACTICE
Aim: - to make sentences using the Present Continuous tense
Procedure: Teacher mimes, says and write: I am singing

Teacher underlines the phrase and explains that this tense is the present continuous. Then, say
how is formed.

Teacher drills her students

T: I’m writing;
Student 1: I’m listening to the teacher;
Student 2: I’m playing football;
Teacher follows the same procedure to present all the persons of the affirmative.
Teacher drills her students again.
Teacher: I/read
Student 1: I am reading.
Teacher: George/sings
Student 2: George is singing
Suggested verbs: color, jump, play, read , walk, write, ride a bike, walk….
Time: 8’
Interaction: whole class
Procedure: Teacher asks students to read the sentences in the grammar box. She reads the
instruction and explains the task.
Teacher: What are the people in the picture doing?
1. She’s playing the guitar.
2. He’s reading a book.
3. It’s singing.
4. They’re playing football.
5. She’s picking flowers.
Time: 7 minutes
Interaction: whole class


Activity 1: GROUP COMPETITION – LET’S PLAY!!!!!!!!!!!

Aims: - writing Present Tense Continuous sentences describing a picture with lots of

Procedure: Teacher divides the class into groups of 4. Pass out copies of a picture with
many different activities to each group. Each group makes a list of sentences describing what
people are doing in the picture. The group with the most correct present tense continuous
sentences wins.

Time: 8 minutes

Interaction: group work

Activity 2: DRESS ME UP!!!!

Aims: - to loosen the lesson;

- to have fun.

Procedure: Teacher divides the class into two teams. Line up the two teams at one end of
the classroom. On the blackboard, the teacher pins 2 children and lots of clothes items around
them. Students have to listen to the teacher’s instruction and they have to came to the board ( two
students at the same time and dress the boy and the girl with the ….. asked by the teacher.
Teacher will shout out one instruction and one member from each team will race against the
other, put on the clothing item and run back to their team. The person who gets back first wins a
point for his team. At the end, the team with the most points is the winner.

Time: 8 minutes

Interaction: whole class


Aims – to consolidate the vocabulary of the unit

Procedure: Ask 1the pupils to mime an activity.

Pupil 1 ( pretending to dance)

You’re dancing

Time: 2 minutes

Interaction: Ss -Ss

Homework assignment

Assign some of the activities from unit 9a of the activity book…..

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