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Basic Photo Composition Assignment 

Description​: ​This first assignment will allow you to try out basic ways to create a strong photograph 
by experimenting with the techniques we talked about during the lesson. You will submit 10 
photographs exhibiting the following techniques.  
All photos that you use MUST be your own originals that you took for this assignment. 
___ 1
​ ​ photograph using S ​ implicity 
___ 2​ ​ photographs using the R ​ ule of Thirds​ (1 horizontal and 1 vertical) 
___ 1 ​ ​ photograph using S ​ ymmetrical Balance 
___ 1 ​ ​ photograph using L ​ eading Lines 
___ 2 ​ ​ photographs using ​Odd Viewpoints 
___ 1 p ​ hotograph using F ​ raming 
___ 1 ​ ​ photograph using F ​ ill the Frame 
___ 1 ​ ​open​ ​photograph using a technique of ​Your Choice 
You will be allotted class time to take these photographs with a Digital SLR Camera. If you are unable 
to complete the assignment during the class periods provided, you may complete the assignment 
with your phone on your own time after class.  
1. Take the photographs pertaining to the checklist provided above. 
2. Photos must be digitally edited in Lightroom (​only 2 of your photos may be changed to black 
and white, the rest must remain in colour​).  
3. Submit your final 10 photos for grading.  

Total:​ /10 = / 100% 
Basic Photo Composition Assignment - Rubric 
Name:​ ________________________________ 
Level 1 - Limited   Level 2 - Satisfactory  Level 3 - Good  Level 4 - Excellent 
Shows understanding  Shows understanding of  Shows understanding  Shows understanding 
of few concepts. Work  some of the concepts.  of most of the  of all of the concepts. 
is inconsistent and  Work requires more  concepts. Work  Exceptional use of 
incomplete.   refinement and  reflects learning and is  learning reflected in the 
completion.  complete.   work. 
Success Criteria  1  2  3  4 

Students has met the requirements of the assignment (proper 
number of images and proper execution of concepts).  

Students has demonstrated effective use of the basic 
photographic composition techniques learned in class.  

Editing Techniques         
Work displays proper use of editing techniques and tools in 
Lightroom. Photographs display proper level adjustments and 

Creativity and Originality         

Students has challenged themselves to be creative. Interest and 
unique approach to assignment. 

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