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Quality Control and Assurance

Since CDO Foodsphere Inc. Is known to their high quality but low price
products, they make sure that every process is perfectly done and their quality
control and quality assurance is based on what products they are producing.
Good quality control and assurance department and standards can make the
products become high quality compared to their rivals. Example: In terms of
the physical feature of the product. If the shape of the meat is not the same as
what is in their standard, it is considered as a reject.

Given the information we gathered, CDO employees, especially the quality

control and assurance department, are doing their job in a great manner since
they are producing quality products that can compete internationally.

Time of Production/Work

Achieving the proposed or expected amount of products have a lot of factors,

one of which is the time of production or work. Strict implementation of time is
necessary. Wasting time means wasted profit, wasted cost of labor since their
time is being paid, and wasted opportunities to serve their customers’
demands to their products. CDO makes sure that their set time of production or
work is being complied with by their employees. Noncompliance will result to
penalties such as reducing the time of late to their compensation.

The answer given by the CDO employee that we have interviewed is that CDO
has a strict policy of compliance to the time of work/production set by the
management. There is a grace period of 5 minutes, after that, every minute
that you are late is being minus to your compensation. Also, for those who are
not regular employee, perfect attendance and no record of being late is one of
the things that the management is considering for you to become a regular

Giving of information from the top and middle management to their employees.

Proper dissemination of information is one of the key factors for the company
to become successful. A good system of communication is a must especially
to a big company like CDO Foodsphere Inc. This lessens the confusion on
their part because information is easily disseminated.

Based on the answer of one of the employees we have interviewed is that

there is a designated person to become their head/leader. That person is the
one who is responsible for the meetings that has been set by the top


Fair compensation and a bunch of great incentives is one of the factors on why
the employees work great or bad. CDO Foodsphere Inc. has a lot of
employees that work inside the factory and inside the office. But there are
cases that there is a salary envy between one department to another
department because of different levels of difficulty of work that they are doing .
CDO must also consider their workers’ feelings towards their compensation.

CDO employee told us that there is fixed compensation on a daily basis and
the quota basis. He also stated that those who work on quota basis earn more
than those who work on daily basis. He is satisfied on the way the CDO
compensate them but he also said that sometimes they envy those whose
work are minimal compared to their work.

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