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*f (ltudlll",Dewlapme,nt & ftesenrch 2044


G.N.Purohitr, Arvincl Shtrmar, M.Garrrr and Srrnita Ranio

rt of Anirnal Reproducrion' Gynaecology and Obstctrics
\ttcrirrary and Animal Science, Bikanet (Rqi')- 314 001


ol ltacntot'rllagic vagirtlll disclr;rlge ittld ot gt o$ llt

pcs rvlticlt rverc diagnosrrd to be trarrsrtrissiblc venereal
lvith TVT u'cre treatcd with vincristirre sullatq 0'03i tug
wilh an tlne$enlfill recovery. Fibromns were rernovcd

K ey wo rds : Bi tc h. libro ura. trnDsrn iss ib lc r.encrea l t tlluor. !'agi tl:r.

ph1'siological cvcnt for

is an includcd Cerntan Slrcplrcrd' Pomcranian'
\ /aginal bleeding
V bitches itt procstrtts ltorvct'cr, lllalU'owllcrs Dobcrtunu. Grcat Darrc. l.abrador and Non-
nray bc fii-uhtenecl and prcscllt thcir bitchcs to Dcscript Bitchcs rvsrtc- c.ratnincd by spcctrlunt
thc clinician. for examitlfltion and thcrap,v. A and thosc shou'ing gl'owth cxtcrnally wcrc
prolonged bleeding hou'et'er. warran(s a visually irrspccted. Swatrs were madc fl-om
thorough eNamination as it mhy occru bccause anterior vagina fi:om bitches thar had no growths
of growths, uterine pl'ohlems, problcms of and cytologicalcxamination was donc to givc
vestibulum or ut'inary bladdcr and grouoths' atJvicc on brecding attd,'or to kccp thc bitchcs
\raginal tumors at'c dctccrcd in tlrc bitch incloors to o\\'ncrs that did llol intcnd blccding
si-urrificanll;- tlorc clticlt lhan trvarian or ttlt-t-itrc arrtJ ltacl blt-rtrght tritclrcs <.rrrl,r' hccattsc ol'f'car of

tunrors rvith nrost of thcni bcing Lrcnign likc i'agrnal blccding. J'rattsrrissiblc Vcncrcal Tttmor
lciorrryomas, t'itrrornas and othcrs (Drcicr' was diagnoscd by tvpicalcauliflowcr likc
1998). Bitchcs investigatcd during thc pre scnt or nodular appeal'ancq arrd imprcssion stncars
study had Browths s.hich were treated by revealing typical round cells'(Fig. I ).
chcnrotherapy or su rgcry. Clrcnotherapy of TVT comptised of
adminisn'ation ofvincdstirre strlfatc @' 0.0?5 mE
Mnteri'als and methods kg B rvt. l\z or S(, rvcckly for 3-4 wccks
Srrlgrcal rcrnoval o{- ttrt'nors u'as dortc bv
Bitchcs prcsctttcd u'ith cornplaint ol' rrpisioto$t,v urlder gencral anacsthcsia Ltsillg
hacmorhagic vaginal discharge (n= I 8) bctwecn kctantrnc and xylazirr cnlploying standald
January 2003 to r\pril 2005 ro thc vctcrinat'y tcchniques (Dreict, 1998)- Fibromas werc
olrsteuics arrd g1'naecology outdoor wete d,iagnosod by histo-pathological cxamination
included in tlris study. Thc breeds of bitchcs and appearancc of fibrous bands (Fig' 2).

Assisl aut Pt'o lcs-sol
Vetcri rut lr' (.)ll icer \1adl r I r Flrtr lts. (-'hottrtr
tAr.,s,',',' [)tolL'ssor L)cptt ol'\ctr Plttlrolo-lr
istan r C i'tt:tccoloilrst. L RS- \{r || rbl I I tltglr t Lidll i ptrr
.!ottrtxtI t,| ('ttttirre I)ctttIttltnt<'ttt <I llt"ttur<'It ]t)04

1- \'1 lCr ()1,)l lL)l t)!tf;rl tlt tr I lt r' 1 1g;11 | t Ot t t :l (-:l\t' t) |

T\,'T slro* ittg trrtrrrti ccllr

Fic -5: PhotrrurilL)h o1'Potlrcrllttrlttl bilcll shL)\\'inS I librotttlt

Jourrurl o/ (lmirc f)evelopment tt Rewarch 2004

Ree.ult* **d discuss iom Fibrornas r,spsrredin this study responded woll
Eight oftbe l8 bitches had somc orothervaginal to srrr:gical gxcision. Studies bi, Thachei.and
tumor. Bitchcs with proestral blccdinc tr,crc Bradlcy, 198_t havc prcviously shown thar
advised for rnating. 'f V f was pr.cscnr in .i cxccpt tbr I'V I most run.rr)r.s in brtchcs arc of
Cerman Shcpherd bitchcs (Fig.3 ), I pomcr4nian snrooth musclc or. librous tissuc or.i-uirr
(Fig.a) and I non-dcscripr birch r,r,hcrcas. (lciom.yonta. tibrr:nra) r,vhich rcspond u,cll to
tibromas wcre seenin I pomcranian, (Fig 5) | sulgical cxcisiorr.
non-descripf and I German Shepherd bitch. lt r.vas conclu.ded tlrar lritches with prolonged
TV f disappeared_in f bitches after Z-3 weeks i,aginal bleeding or dischar_ec ntust be'cxaurined
of therapy. Onc bitdfr u,as trcated for I rlorc thoroughly for thc likcly prcscnce of rumors.
weck but it dicd duc ro cxtrcnc rvcakncss.
Surgical rcmoval offibr ornas showcd urrcvcntltrl Refere n ces
recovcty Boscos. CM and Vcrvcridis. llN.(2004). CanirrcTVT:
Cliniccl lindings. diagnosis rld rreaitncnr
Vhgpnal and v.estibularltrasses harc bcen known Sci.Proc WSVA-FECAVA-HVMS Wortrl
clit or:al cnl arg6/sent, Clongrcsq, Rtrorles" Grese, (?):7jtt-76 t.
tiofl. aridh.aeffiatoma Brode1,. R:S and Rssr-ol. J.Fr( tg6?).Neoplasrns of tlle
(Maryrthaiudom ard Johnston, l gg l The nr.osr
cariinqntsrus, vagina aild.wlva, A clinieo-
common clinical sign with vagjnal or vsty61.
pathologic sufve!' of ;,!)0 cases
J.Amer.Ver.l\,ted..{ssoc. | 5I:I21)4
neoplasia is vulvar dischar_ee or.sudtlcrr Culver CA. LeiJ'er CE. \4cF-u,err ECj t lgrt? l. \iirrclisrinc
appcarancc of a mass rhc vulva and occurs I
lbr t lrc I rc:rt rr riir r er l'Tr ;trrstr r issibltr \jurrcroa I
commonly in old'agc scxuall.y.. inracr dogs Tutnor irr tlrc dog. J Arner Vbt. i!,lccl Assoc.
(Thaclrer ancl Bradlqy, 1983). Ncoplasia of I tt l(2): 163-164.
Chaudlmry,.f nncl Rao, M.R.K( l9tt2). Certliu canirre
vagina aod vulva r:epreseflt 2.5 to J percent of
rrcoplasrrrs cncourrtered in Andhra pr.adcsh,
alleanin,e ttmdrs (Brodey nnd Roszel, lg67)- lndian.Vet.J. 59: t 00-102.
TVT is known to be thc mo,sr fi'equently l)reicr. H. K.( | 99ft )\irgina I discharge. Irr : (iornrarr.N.T
repofted tumor in clogs ranuing fi'om ?-l-q39zo Ed. ('anine Medicinc and Thcrirpcurics
olt thc- totarl nunttrc.r of tuntols irr canirrc Bl;rckrrcll Scicrrce L K
(-r:trtdalllr.\ l.' . ( lrltrrlrlrr I,\ lrrrrl Sllrr rllr.R l)i l (J,) i j
poprrfatiort (Garrdorla t't ul , l{)t)_1. ('haucllrar.r
()ccrrr rcttcc ol L-lnnnc tr-itrtstrrrssrblc \
and Rao. 1982). 1'\zT wcr.c diagrroscd b;. ttrcir.
ttttnor attd r-r,alttirticrrt ol' l\vo tt.clttlucllts
typical cauliflower likc. peduncularccl qrowrh and I ndian Vct J. 70: tt.5.-t-.,i -S
cyt o logical appearan cc as su ggesred prcvio u sl.v iVlanothaiudonr.K and Joltnsron. S. D( ll)9 | ). Clinrcit I
(Tctrfa er nl..200.1). lvJost erf'rhe bitohes approach to v.ilEli na livesti bular rrr a s ses i r r th e
re voulrbly ro the tf,eatment although bitqh. V'et. Clirr. Nonh Arner. Sllall Arrinr.
Prac.2l(3): 509-2 t.
th valying degrccs of gasrrointestinal Tella.iv1.A.. A.iala, O.O and Taiu,o, V O(2fi)4t.Conrgrlere
problenu inc I uding vorni rin_u, sirnilar. to prcvio us re-{rcssiou ol' transnrissiblc vcrrcreal
rcports( Boscos and Vervcridis. 2004: Calvct trrnror(l-\'T) irr Nigcriarr rrrorrglcl rlogs u,irlr
et al., 1982r. Subcutaneous injccrions of vincristine sul['ate cheruotlrcrap-v.
Afr.J. Bio.Med"Res. t(.1): | .13. | g.
vincrisrine were given to bitches rvitl small sizcd "1
Tlracher C and Bradley. R.L.( lgli3). Vulvru and vagirnl
TVT bnt due to intense local roaction, trulots irr the dog: a felrospec[iye stud1.. J
intravenous rou,te u'fls opterl in subsoquent Arn. Ver, Med, Assoc. 183(6): 690.9?.

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