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Question Booklet Series Question Booklet

s' No' 10r.14

Roll No.

Ph. D. Entrance Test, Nov, 2013
First Paper
(Objective Type Questions)

Maximum Marks : 1OO Time : 60 Minutes

ilOTE :

(i) This question booklet comprises of 50 questions.

1ii) Write your Roll No. on Ouestion Booklet as well as OMR sheet.
correct. The candidate is required to darken completely the correct option

in the OMR Answer Sheet supplied separately

(iv) Eabh correct answer carries 2 marks. ,

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\ .i
Ph. D. (Englishl Entrance Test, Nov. 2013
First Paper
(Objective Type Ouestionsl

Time : 60 Minutes Maximum Marks : 100

1. Rasa theory was first propounded by :

(a) Mammat (b) Bharat Muni

(c) Vishwanath (d) Rajshekhar

2. Ferdinand Saussure's concept of parole refers to :

(a) sign and synbols slctems'

(b) the actual *uy propie use language
(c) what prisoners get for good befaviour
(d) slmchronic elements in langudge
3. The tenn se,miotics refedl. to the study of :

(a) robots that drive

(b) signs in linguistics

(c) language used on traffrc signs i,l
(d) all sign and symbol systems .fl

4. A sudden understanding or insight is known in literary theory as a(n) :

(a) epiphany ,(b) incaniJescent moment

(c) revelatory glance (d) connection
L-ETO.1311 (11 P.T.O.

. i{,

became a rallying cry
for :
5. "Art for Art's sake"
aesthetes (b) the imagists
(a) the
(d) the Art Noveau School
(c) the symbolists

6. Who edited the Tatler :

(a) Steele and John Locke (b) Addison and Dryden

(c) Addison and Blackmore (d) Addision and Steele

in the void his
.a and ineffectual angel beating
j. who called shelley as beautiful
luminous wings in a vain' ?

Walter Pater
(b) A'C' Swinburne
(c) Mathew Arnold (d) T'S' Eliot

judiciary is an example of :
i s. Using "the Bench" for the

(a) metaPhor 0) ironY

(d) metonYtrlY
(c) sYrecdoche
9. The last book of Gulliver's Trav-els

(a) "VoYage to HouYhnhnms" i


(b) "VoYage to LaPuta" i

(c) "VoYage to Brobdingna€'

(d) "VoYage to I-illiPut"

L-ETO-131 1
10. The quotation "a repetition in the finite mind of the eternal act of creation in the

infinite I Am" appears in :

(a) Lyrical Ballads (b) Biographia Literaria

(c) "In Defense of Poetry" (d) Letters of Keats

11. "Fearful Symmetry" appears in the poem :

(a) "Introduction (b) "Chimney Sweeper"

(c) "The Tyger' (d) "London"

12. The term "gothic", x category of fiction, also applies to :

(a) architecture (b) painting

(c) music (d) theater


'ltl 13. In which European Country does Fielding in A Passage to India stop and admire
the architecture on the way back to England ?

(a) France (b) Spain

l (c) Italy (d) Greece


14. Essay of Elia are :

(a) full of didactic sermonizing

I (b) practically autobiographical fragments


(c) remarkable for their aphoristic style
(d) satirical and critical

L-ETO-131 1 (3) P.T.O.

expression first used
by :
is an
15. 'Victorian Compromise'
(b) GK. Chesterton
(a) David Cecil
(d) Vincerrt BuckleY
(c) LYtton StracheY

about :
Miller's The Death of a Salesman is mainly
16. Arthur

(a) American dream

(b) American imPerilism

(c) American Pragmatism
(d) American transcendentalism
Absalom and Achitophel

17. The subtitle of Dryden's

(a) There was no subtitle

(b) A Satire
(c) A Satire on the Tnre Blue Protegtart
(d) A Poem
Kanthapura is based on
of Raja Rao's
18. The narrative

(a) Puranas O) Shasfras

(d) The Mahabharata

(c) The RamaYana
of the "Abyssinian maid" appears in :
19. The figure

(a) "Frost at midnight'' 0) 'Christabef'

Khan" (d) "Dejection : an'Ode"
(c) "Kubla
20. Coleridge's statement that imagination diffirses, dissipates in order to

Tecreate" relates to :

(a) fancy (b) Primary imagination

(c) secondary imagination (d) esemplastic imagination
21. Which of the following thinker.conLept pairs is rightly matched ?

(a) Vaman - DhwaRyaloka

(b) Bharata - Natya Shastra
(c) Mamata - Vakrokti
(d) Abhinava Gupta - KavYa Alankar
22. Who attacked T.S- Eliot saylng that The Waste Land betrays in its "Limp" rhythms

his own "spirifual limpness" ?

(a) Ransom (b) Empson

(c) Tate (d) Winters

23. The phrase 'disassociation of sensitiblity' was first used by :

(a) Philip Sydney (b) T.S. Eliot

(c) Joh Dryden (d) Mathew Arnold

24. Congrcve's The Way of the World ends with :

(a) a dance party

" (b) punishment of Lady Wishfort
(c) sending of Mr. Fainall to prison
(d) reconciliation of Petulant Whitrvood

L-ETO-131 1 (51 P.T.O. f




one's own the spirit
that has to convey in a ranguage that is not
25. The statement
is one's own" aPPears in :

(b) The Guide

(a) Ice-CandY Man
(d) KanthaPura
(c) Nagamandala
is regarded as a manifesto
of :
to Lyrical Ballads
26. Preface
(b) Romantic PoetrY
(a) Neo-classical PoetrY
(d) Modernist Literature
(c) Postmodernism
epitaph are thre words engfaved :
27. On which Poet's
narne was writ in watef'
'oHere lies one whose

(a) P.B. ShelleY O) Lord BYron

(d) John Keats
(c) William Wordsworth

(a) Samuel Johnson O) T.S. Eliot
(d) F.R. Leavis
(c) John Dryden
is from :
29. The term 'bildungsroman'
(b) Italian
(a) Latin
(d) Greek
(c) German
30. Identify tltt speaker of these lines :

(b) Edmund
(a) Gloucester
(d) King Lear
(c) Edgar

I L-ETO-131 1

31. Who introduced the Petrarchan sonnet form (Octave and Sestef) into English ?

(a) Philip sidney (b) william shakespeare

(c) Wyatt and Surrey (d) Edmund Spenser

32. ln terms of importance, Aristotle places plot :

(a) Above character

(b) Below character
(c) At Par with the character
(d) At Par with the sPectacle

33. Who is Umbriel in The Rape of the Lock ?

(a) Nymph (b) SYIPh

(c) Salamandor (d) Gnome

34. Who wrote Orpheus Descending, the Rose Tattoo, The Glass Menagerie and
Camino Real ?

(a) Arffrur Miller (b) Tennessee Williams

(c) Clifford Odets (d) Eugene O'Neill

35. In which po€tn Donne compares the loves to a pair of compasses :

(a) The Canonization

(b) A Valediction : Forbidding Mourning
(c) The Sun Rising
(d) The Anniversary

L-ETO-131 1 t7l P.T.O. f




36. FancY deals with :

(a) "Fixities and definites"

(b) "Imagination and Reasono'
(c) 'Judgement and Memolry"
(d) "stnrcture and Superstructure"

37. Heroic CouPlet is a Pair

of :

(a) Rhyming iarnbic pentameter lines

(b) Unrhyming iambic pentameter lines
(c) Rhyming iambic hexameter lines
(d) Unrhyming iambic hexameter lines

38. Who of the following

is not an university wit ?

(a) Thomas KYd G) Robert Greene

Peele (d) John Webster
(c) George

so ?
and embaseth it'' Who said

(a) Socrates O) Bacon


The Old Testament

(c) Shakespeare

sudden turn :

terms as used by Aristotle means

40. which of the following !

(a) PeriPeteia O) Anagnorisis

(c) Nemesis (d) Megethos

L-ETO-131 1

41. Which of the following critical work is not by Dr. Johnson :

r (a) Rasselas

(b) Preface to Shakespeare

(c) Life of CowleY
(d) None of the above

42. Who said that Shakespeare in his comedies has only heroines and no heroes ?

(a) Jonson
Ben (b) John Ruskin

(c) Thomas Carlyle (d) William l{azlitt

43. Sir John Falstaff is one of Shakespeare's greatest :

(a) comic figures (b) historical figures

(") romantic figures (d) tragic figures

44. Why does Mildred in The Hairy Ape go down into the Stokehole ?

(a) She has a fetish for aPeJike man

(b) She is doing a sociology project on firemen

(c) She wants to see how the 'oother half' lives

(d) Her Aunt tells her she should see what real work is like

45. Which of the folllowing does Thoreau value most ?

(a) Fame (b) Love

(c) Money (d) Truth

L-ETO-131 1 (e) P.T.O.

46. What does Isabel see in The Portrait of a Lady by her bed just before she
discovered that Ra$h has died ?

(a) A barelY visible ghost

(b) The ghost of Mr' Touchett
(c) A Vision of RalPh
(d) The ghost of a weePing child
47. ..Stopping by woods on a Snowy Evening"
is wriuen in what meter ?

(a) Iambic tetrameter G) Iambic pentameter

(c) Varied meter (d) RhYme roYal

48" Which previous American writer was a gfeat influence on Whitrnan ?

(a) Henry David Thoreau
(b) James Fenimore CooPer
(c) Nathaniel Hawthorne '

(d) RalPh Waldo Emerson

makes Tess swear ?
49. What is the stone monument called on which Alec
(a) Stonehenge O) Poor Man's Pass

(c) Cross-in-Hand (d) The Rosetta Stone

50. Identify the figure of speech in the following

line :

"It is a precious bane"

(a) Paradox O) Bathos

(c) Oxymoron (d) Pun

li (101

(For Rough Work OnlY)
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