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Gimaana caranya menyambaikan poin yang akan kita ajarkan sementara mereka masih awam
dengan yang akan kita sampaikan?
Games,google translate
2. Gimana caranya mereka biar ga pasif?
give them some extra attention
3. Gimana kamu menghadapi culture shock?
When I was in highschool, my school is far from my home and I live in dormitory with “batak”
people in there. And so that I must to adapt to this condition for good living in there and get
some friend. And in my oipinon, I can adapt quickly since I have going through in that condition
4. Kenapa koe milih Negara itu?
Because I think Vietnam hase more concern in east Asian culture. And that’s different with
another country in south east asia. And I want to learn something different,something new. And
the main reason is Vietnam especially in HTCT is the cheapest cost spent in any project in global
volunteer region asia

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