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Questions to revise the presentation

1. Why is there no concrete theory on the origin of language?

There's no physical evidence.

2. What are the theories of the origin of language?

The Divine Source, The Natural Sound Source, The Social Interaction Source,
The Physical Adaption Source, The Tool-Making Source and The Genetic

3. What is The Divine Source Theory?

A lot of religions believe a divine source provided humans with speech.

4. What does the Divine Source Theory believe happens if human infants never
hear language?
They will begin to speak the ''True'' language, this has never been proven.

5. What is the Natural Sound Source Theory?

The idea that early primitive words were imitations of the sounds they heard
around them.

6. What supports the Natural Sound Source Theory?

The fact that all modern languages have words that echo sounds heard in nature.

7. Why are the sounds of emotions unlikely to be the source of language?

Because those sounds are made with intakes of breath whereas we speak while
exhaling breath.

8. What is the Social Interaction Source theory?

This revolves around the idea that sounds made while working could have been
used to communicate with and organize groups.

9. Why is the Social Interaction Source theory unlikely to be the source of

Because apes live in social groups yet haven't developed the ability to speak.

10. What is the Physical Adaption Source Theory?

That the features of humans that are different to apes etc could be the reason
why they have developed the capacity for speech and the others haven't.

11. What is the Genetic Source Theory?

This is the idea that humans have a language gene.

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