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Katie Ingram

Collaboration Lesson
Conceptual Theme: Literature changes our perspective of how we view the
Unit: How We Express Ourselves
IB Concepts: Inquirers and Open-Minded
Learner Profile: Inquirers, Open-Minded Attitudes: Appreciation, Curiosity
Georgia Standards of Excellence:
RL1.1: Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.
RL1.2: Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their
central message or lesson.
RL1.3: Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.
RL1.7: Use illustrations and details in a story to describe its characters, setting, or
RI1.2: Identify the main topic and retell key details of a text.
RI1.7: Use illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas.
W1.3: Write narratives in which they recount two or more appropriately sequenced
events, include some details regarding what happened, use temporal words to signal
event order, and provide some sense of closure.
SS1G2: Identify and locate the student’s city, county, state, nation (country), and
continent on a simple map or a globe.
SS1G3: Locate major topographical features of the earth’s surface.
a. Locate all of the continents: North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Asia,
Antarctica, and Australia.
b. Locate the major oceans: Arctic, Atlantic, Pacific, Southern and Indian Ocean.
c. Identify and describe landforms (mountains, deserts, valleys, and coasts).

School LIbrary Standards for Learners

Work effectively with others to
broaden perspectives and work
toward common goals.

Summary: In this lesson, students come full circle as they return to the world map,
which they were first introduced to in the beginning of the year. Students begin their
exploration of Cinderella stories from around the world with the text Glass Slipper,
Gold Sandal. Before they are told the name of the fairy tale that will be the focus of
this module, students are encouraged to listen to the text and figure it out themselves.
Building on past experiences, students continue to generate questions to encourage
their engagement and support their comprehension. These questions can open the
inquiry for the whole module and can be revisited later in the module when students
return to exploring this book.

The teacher, Ms. Hudson, asked if I could collaborate with this lesson and offer
enrichment vocabulary lessons with her students. I am part of the center rotation and
will see four kids at a time for 1 week.

Collaborative Lesson with Mrs. Ingram (Media Specialist): Students will use a Web 2.0
tool to define the vocabulary terms for their Cinderella unit.
● Print dictionaries available for student use.

● app available for student use.

● Example of App Smashing available for modeling.

Vocabulary terms: slippers, anklets, sandals, robe, sarong, cloak, kimono, island


Students will be reminded about their print vocabulary journals in class.
We will discuss ways they found the information in their dictionaries.
Then I will ask if they have ever app smashed.

Essential Questions: How can I use technology to define and apply

vocabulary terms?

Lesson: Students will be able to use the ChatterPix app to give their own
definition of vocabulary words from the book that they learned. Students will
be able to search for a picture on the internet that symbolizes the word they
are describing. Students will be able to save a picture from the internet to the
camera roll to use in ChatterPix. Students will be able to record their own
definition of vocabulary words in ChatterPix.

Conclusion: After students have been given time to find the images and
saved in chatter pix, we will search for and write the definitions on the anchor
chart. After students have time to discuss the definitions, they will then use
their saved image (of the new term) and open chatterpix. After they have
their image they will complete the foll
5 Steps to Create a Chatter Pix
1. Take a picture or choose a photo from your camera roll.

2. Draw a line for a mouth.

3. Record your voice.

4. Decorate as desired and add text.

5. Save and share.

owing directions on creating a completed chatterpix.

After all 8 terms are uploaded in chatterpix, they will then upload to their

Google Drive where we can created a shared slideshow to present to the


Teaching and Learning Experiences in the classroom:

Review Learn the Continents and Major Oceans: (5 days for Continents and Oceans)
● Online matching game:
● Sing continent and ocean songs:
● Put together a World Map Jigsaw puzzle
● Play Map Drive: Each player needs a copy of a simple world map. In a group
of 4-5 students, players take turns rolling the dice. Each number rolled is
equated with part of the map. 1=South America, North America. 2=Europe,
Asia. 3= Africa, Antarctica, Australia. 4=Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean,
5=Arctic Ocean, Southern Ocean. 6=Indian Ocean. If a player rolls a 2, he
can fill in the word Europe or Asia in the correct place on the map. Play
passes to the next person. If they roll a number and they have already written
in all continents/oceans associated with that number, they miss a turn. Play
continues until one player has completed their map and shouts “MAP!”
● Read nonfiction books about the continents and oceans. Complete the
nonfiction chart for each book read listing the main topic and key ideas.
● Run the continents and oceans: Play this game outside or set it up like 4
corners and make the rule to tiptoe to the spot. Label different parts of the
room or playground with the names of the continents and oceans. Read out
clues like: Which continent is south of North America? Students run to the
South America sign. (This game might be best played after reading about the
different continents.
● Make you own map by tracing the continent cardboard cutouts. Color and
label each continent and ocean.

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