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One Week Health - Nutrition Unit Plan

Teacher: Ms. Chauhan Course: Healthy Active Living Grade: 9

Unit/Conceptual Focus: Basics of Nutrition

Focus of Learning:
Overall Expectations:
C1. demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to healthy development;
C2. demonstrate the ability to apply health knowledge and living skills to make reasoned decisions
and take appropriate actions relating to their personal health and well-being;
C3. demonstrate the ability to make connections that relate to health and well-being – how their choices
and behaviours affect both themselves and others, and how factors in the world around them affect
their own and others’ health and well-being.

Specific Expectations:
Understanding Health Concepts: C1.1 explain how active living and healthy eating contribute to a person’s
physical health and mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, and describe the benefits of a holistic approach
to health (e.g., provides more energy, helps body develop to full physical potential, increases self-esteem)

Making Healthy Choices: C2.1 apply their knowledge of basic nutrition principles and healthy eating practices
(e.g., relating food intake to activity level, ensuring their diet includes foods from all food groups in Canada’s
Food Guide, using healthy preparation methods) to develop a healthy eating plan

Making Connections for Healthy Living: C3.1 analyse the influence of social and environmental factors on food
and beverage choices (e.g., financial status, culture, religion, media influence, peer influence, family food
traditions, accessibility of different kinds of food, restaurant choices, proximity to where food was produced,
environmental impact of food production methods)

Guiding Questions:
• What is nutrition? What are the factors that impact healthy eating?
• What are the impacts of healthy/unhealthy eating?
• How can I improve my eating habits?
• How can I ensure an informed decision when making eating choices?

Lesson # 1 Focus: Know-Want to Know-Learned Chart

Learning Outcomes:
• Gain a better understanding of what students already know about nutrition
• Engage in discussions based on this information; elaborate on misconceptions or important concepts
• Generate a list of topics or questions students may have regarding nutrition
• Inform the remainder of the unit plan by the ‘Want to Learn’
Lesson # 2 Focus: What is Nutrition?
Learning Outcomes:
• Grasp and apply the terminology used within nutrition (i.e. micro/macronutrients, un/saturated, etc.)
• Gain a deeper understanding of essential nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, protein, water, vitamins,
• Provide concrete examples of all nutrients and make connections to every day meals

Lesson # 3 Focus: Factors Impacting Nutrition

Learning Outcomes:
• Gain a deeper understanding of the factors affecting nutrition (i.e. biological, physical, economic, social,
psychological, and lifestyle/knowledge)
• Analyze how and why such factors affect nutrition
• Provide concrete examples of all factors and make connections to personal experiences

Lesson # 4 Focus: Impacts of Unhealthy Eating

Learning Outcomes:
• Gain a deeper understanding of the impacts of unhealthy eating (i.e. weight gain, hypertension,
diseases, etc.)
• Provide examples of initiatives within the community that address these impacts
• Begin to develop the skills needed to create informed decisions regarding eating choices (i.e. reading
nutrition labels)

Lesson # 5 Focus: Review, review, review

Learning Outcomes:
• Practice and apply the knowledge learned and gained over the week in a low stress environment
• Receive clarification regarding any concepts that may be confusing
• Gain insight regarding concepts that may require further explanation or review
Health: Nutrition Lesson Plan

Unit/Conceptual Focus: Health

Lesson #: 1 Focus: KWL Chart
Curriculum Expectations:
Overall Expectations:
C1. demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to healthy development;
C2. demonstrate the ability to apply health knowledge and living skills to make reasoned decisions
and take appropriate actions relating to their personal health and well-being;
C3. demonstrate the ability to make connections that relate to health and well-being – how their choices
and behaviours affect both themselves and others, and how factors in the world around them affect
their own and others’ health and well-being.

Specific Expectations:
Understanding Health Concepts: C1.1 explain how active living and healthy eating contribute to a person’s
physical health and mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, and describe the benefits of a holistic approach
to health (e.g., provides more energy, helps body develop to full physical potential, increases self-esteem)

Learning Goals: (In student-friendly language)

We are learning to:
• Gain a better understanding of what I and my peers already know about nutrition
• Engage in discussions based on this information and elaborate on misconceptions or important concepts
• Generate a list of topics or questions that I and my peers may have to help further their knowledge
regarding nutrition

Guiding Questions:
1. What do I already know about nutrition? Recall information from previous grades, mediums (i.e. family,
friends, social media, etc.), and experiences.
2. What do I want to know about nutrition?

Before: Minds On Materials

Time: 5 minutes

Introduction to Nutrition
• Write agenda on the board
• Class discussion regarding why nutrition is important
• Role of nutrition within our day to day lives
During: Action! Materials
Know-Want to Know-Learned
What do we already know about nutrition?
• Prompt students to get out a sheet of paper and writing utensil
• Part One: Think, Pair, Share
o Think: Take a minute to jot down words related to nutrition
o Pair: brainstorm with your elbow partner; go around the classroom to
see what students are creating
o Share: share to the class what student and partner thought of
o Create a “mind map” with the terms that are suggested
• Suggestions: veggies, fruits, calories, carbohydrates, protein, fats, portion
sizes, polysaccharides, legumes, beans/peas/lentils, diet, eating, trends,
bread, grains, sugar, energy

What do I want to know about nutrition?

• Think about some ideas of what you would like to learn about nutrition
• Jot down as a class what we want to learn
Time: 60 minutes

• Use this to inform the following lessons for the remainder of the week

What have I learned about nutrition?

• Introduce Nutrition assignment (Find Here)
• Provide an overview and ask if students have any questions regarding it

After: Consolidation & Connection Materials

Time: 5 minutes

• Provide an overview of the things known as a class

• What the emphasis of the Nutrition Mind Map should be on
• Emphasis due date and that students are able to submit the assignment
earlier; will provide feedback to where they can improve

Assessment Opportunities
• Participation during class discussions
• Engagement with peers

Next Steps
• Overview of the week: lecture, activity based, games
Health: Nutrition Lesson Plan

Unit/Conceptual Focus: Health

Lesson #: 2 Focus: What is Nutrition?
Curriculum Expectations:
Overall Expectations:
C1. demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to healthy development;
C2. demonstrate the ability to apply health knowledge and living skills to make reasoned decisions
and take appropriate actions relating to their personal health and well-being;
C3. demonstrate the ability to make connections that relate to health and well-being – how their choices
and behaviours affect both themselves and others, and how factors in the world around them affect
their own and others’ health and well-being.

Specific Expectations:
Understanding Health Concepts: C1.1 explain how active living and healthy eating contribute to a person’s
physical health and mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, and describe the benefits of a holistic approach
to health (e.g., provides more energy, helps body develop to full physical potential, increases self-esteem)

Learning Goals:
We are learning to:
• Grasp and apply the terminology used within nutrition (i.e. micro/macronutrients, un/saturated, etc.)
• Gain a deeper understanding of essential nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, protein, water, vitamins, minerals
• Provide concrete examples of all nutrients and make connections to every day meals

Guiding Questions:
1. What are the six essential nutrients? Why are they important?
2. What are examples of the six essential nutrients?
3. What are common terms used to describe these nutrients?

Before: Minds On Materials

What’s for Breakfast?
Time: 5 minutes

• Write agenda on board

• Prompt students to take out a sheet of paper and write:
o What did you have for breakfast/lunch?
o Aim to connect this with terms from the previous lesson
During: Action! Materials
Using Near Pod: If there are technical difficulties or issues with viewing the PowerPoint
PowerPoint from where students are seated
• Software allows students to view PowerPoint onto their device
• Must upload PowerPoint ahead of time!

Introduction to Nutrition
• Find skeleton worksheet for students Here
Time: 60 minutes

• Find PowerPoint for this lesson Here

• Complete PowerPoint and explain concepts as necessary
• As slides are explained, ensure to repeat the terms needed for the blanks in
the worksheet

After: Consolidation & Connection Materials

• Explain Harris Benedict Equation, purpose, example, etc. Board
Time: 5

• Prompt students to complete the equation with their respective values for
next class

Assessment Opportunities
• Completion of worksheet
• Participation during class discussion

Next Steps
• Factors affecting healthy eating (next lesson)
Health: Nutrition Lesson Plan

Unit/Conceptual Focus: Health

Lesson #: 3 Focus: Factors affecting healthy eating
Curriculum Expectations:
Overall Expectations:
C1. demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to healthy development;
C2. demonstrate the ability to apply health knowledge and living skills to make reasoned decisions
and take appropriate actions relating to their personal health and well-being;
C3. demonstrate the ability to make connections that relate to health and well-being – how their choices
and behaviours affect both themselves and others, and how factors in the world around them affect
their own and others’ health and well-being.

Specific Expectations:
Understanding Health Concepts: C1.1 explain how active living and healthy eating contribute to a person’s
physical health and mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, and describe the benefits of a holistic approach
to health (e.g., provides more energy, helps body develop to full physical potential, increases self-esteem)

Making Connections for Healthy Living: C3.1 analyse the influence of social and environmental factors on food
and beverage choices (e.g., financial status, culture, religion, media influence, peer influence, family food
traditions, accessibility of different kinds of food, restaurant)

Learning Goals: (In student-friendly language)

We are learning to:
• Gain a deeper understanding of the factors affecting nutrition (i.e. biological, physical, economic, social,
psychological, and lifestyle/knowledge)
• Analyze how and why such factors affect nutrition
• Provide concrete examples of all factors and make connections to personal experiences

Guiding Questions:
1. What factors influence eating habits and decisions? Why do they influence eating habits?
2. What are examples of such factors?
3. How do these factors affect my daily eating habits?

Before: Minds On Materials

Brief Continuation from Previous Class
Time: 5 minutes

• Harris Benedict Equation

• Provide an example; what this equation measures
• How to calculate daily caloric need when multiplied by activity factor
(Sedentary = 1.2, Moderately Active = 1.3, Active = 1.4)
During: Action! Materials
Who Am I? (Nutrition Heads Up) Terms
• Find key terms Here
• Students are provided with a term, taped onto their back (cannot see it)
• Students are to ask their peers questions to guess the term
• Once correctly guessed, write the term on the board and receive a new term
• Purpose: good recall, visually see all the terms learned/should know

Determinants of Healthy Eating PowerPoint

• Find PowerPoint for this section Here Chart paper
• Find images for each group Here Markers
• Determinant: a fact that determines something Pictures
• 6 Determinants: Biological, Economic, Physical, Social, Psychological, Lifestyle
• Write 6 determinants on the board; briefly describe each one
• Students work in groups where each are provided with a chart paper,
markers, and a picture depicting one of the six factors
• As a group, students must:
o Determine which factor is represented by the picture
o Describe what the image is showing
o Why this factor influences eating habits at all?
o How this factor positively influences eating habits?
o How this factor negatively influences eating habits?
• Go around the class to ensure students are on task and on track
Time: 60 minutes

• Upon completion, take up each image where each group shares their insights
• Encourage class discussion where appropriate
o Suggestion: if students presenting are not on track, put it back onto
the class to figure out what the “correct” response is

After: Consolidation & Connection Materials

Time: 5 minutes

• Ongoing: as students present their findings and answers to the questions,

add any points that are necessarily, answer any relevant questions, clarify
any misconceptions
• Overview of the 6 determinants

Assessment Opportunities
• Participation as a group and during class discussions
Next Steps
• Impacts of Unhealthy Eating (next lesson)
• Ways to improve eating habits/maintaining a healthy diet
Health: Nutrition Lesson Plan

Unit/Conceptual Focus: Health

Lesson #: 4 Focus: Impacts of unhealthy eating/nutrition labels
Curriculum Expectations:
Overall Expectations:
C1. demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to healthy development;
C2. demonstrate the ability to apply health knowledge and living skills to make reasoned decisions
and take appropriate actions relating to their personal health and well-being;
C3. demonstrate the ability to make connections that relate to health and well-being – how their choices
and behaviours affect both themselves and others, and how factors in the world around them affect
their own and others’ health and well-being.

Specific Expectations:
Understanding Health Concepts: C1.1 explain how active living and healthy eating contribute to a person’s
physical health and mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, and describe the benefits of a holistic approach
to health (e.g., provides more energy, helps body develop to full physical potential, increases self-esteem)

Making Healthy Choices: C2.1 apply their knowledge of basic nutrition principles and healthy eating practices
(e.g., relating food intake to activity level, ensuring their diet includes foods from all food groups in Canada’s
Food Guide, using healthy preparation methods) to develop a healthy eating plan

Learning Goals: (In student-friendly language)

We are learning to:
• Gain a deeper understanding of the impacts of unhealthy eating (i.e. weight gain, diseases, etc.)
• Provide examples of initiatives within the community that address these impacts
• Begin to develop the skills I need to make informed decisions regarding eating choices

Guiding Questions:
1. What are the impacts of unhealthy eating? How does that influence my overall health and well-being?
2. What are some initiatives within my community that address healthy eating and living? How can I be a
part of these initiatives?
3. What are some concrete things that I can do to make better decisions regarding my eating habits?

Before: Minds On Materials

Review of Previous Class
• Write agenda on board
Time: 5 min.

• Find PowerPoint for this lesson Here (note: must download PowerPoint)
• Review the 6 determinants influencing eating habits: biological, economic,
physical, social, psychological, lifestyle; ask for examples of each
During: Action! Materials
Impacts of Unhealthy Eating Video
• Pose the question to the class first: what are the impacts of unhealthy
• Impacts: overeating, weight gain, high cholesterol, acne, shortness of breath
• Explain each impact in depth; diseases: Type II diabetes
• 5-2-1-0 Initiative in Peel Region; watch video and encourage class discussion
regarding this → What might have contributed to its need? How may it help?

Improving Our Diet

• Pose question to class: What can we do to improve our eating habits?
• Be mindful, avoid unhealthy foods, eat with others, cook, be mindful of food
marketing, read food labels!
• Overview of reading a nutrition label; point out important aspects

Food Labels Activity

Time: 60 minutes

• Students will be working in groups; each group will be given a food

item/product with a nutrition label
• As a group they must complete the table outlining key nutrition facts and
then determine whether the product is healthy or not

After: Consolidation & Connection Materials

Homework: Kajol is a moderately active 14-year-old female. She participates in gym Project/write onto
class every day and plays badminton 2-3 times a week outside of school. Calculate board
her daily caloric need based on the weight and height provided.
Time: 5 minutes

Determine 2 healthy meals Kajol could eat to consume a portion of her daily caloric
need. Make sure to include how many calories each meal would provide and their

Assessment Opportunities
• Contribution to class discussion
• Completion of activity

Next Steps
• Fun in games!
• Completion of Mind Map Assignment
Health: Nutrition Lesson Plan

Unit/Conceptual Focus: Health

Lesson #: 5 Focus: Review, review, review
Curriculum Expectations:
Overall Expectations:
C1. demonstrate an understanding of factors that contribute to healthy development;
C2. demonstrate the ability to apply health knowledge and living skills to make reasoned decisions
and take appropriate actions relating to their personal health and well-being;
C3. demonstrate the ability to make connections that relate to health and well-being – how their choices
and behaviours affect both themselves and others, and how factors in the world around them affect
their own and others’ health and well-being.

Specific Expectations:
Understanding Health Concepts: C1.1 explain how active living and healthy eating contribute to a person’s
physical health and mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, and describe the benefits of a holistic approach
to health (e.g., provides more energy, helps body develop to full physical potential, increases self-esteem)

Making Healthy Choices: C2.1 apply their knowledge of basic nutrition principles and healthy eating practices
(e.g., relating food intake to activity level, ensuring their diet includes foods from all food groups in Canada’s
Food Guide, using healthy preparation methods) to develop a healthy eating plan

Making Connections for Healthy Living: C3.1 analyse the influence of social and environmental factors on food
and beverage choices (e.g., financial status, culture, religion, media influence, peer influence, family food
traditions, accessibility of different kinds of food, restaurant)
Learning Goals: (In student-friendly language)
We are learning to:
• Practice and apply the knowledge I and my peers learned and gained over the week through gamification
• Receive clarification regarding any concepts that I may find confusing
• Gain insight regarding concepts that I may require further explanation or review

Guiding Questions:
1. What did I learn and know about nutrition? How can I apply this to my daily experiences?
2. What questions do I have about what I learned? Where might I need further clarification?
Before: Minds On Materials
Reading Nutrition Labels
• Access worksheet here
Time: 10 minutes

• Students are to complete the worksheet individually; take up as a class

• Provide in-depth explanations for all answers; especially for calculations
• Purpose: allow students to apply the knowledge and skills gained from
previous class; simple recall and application

During: Action! Materials

Family Feud Scoreboard
Score keeper
• Access Family Feud Nutrition PowerPoint Here
• Access answers to PowerPoint Here
• Divide the class in two; be mindful of which students are on which side; aim
to create fair teams
• Set up the classroom such that there is space to move in the centre of the
room, preferably in front of the projector screen
• Situate students in a line fashion with their chairs
• Have the first two students closest to the screen begin; they will be “facing
off” similarly in Family Feud
• Have an object or some form of a buzzer to decide who will answer first;
follow Family Feud game rules
• Complete the Family Feud PowerPoint; answer any questions or
Time: 60 minutes

misconceptions generally at the end of the round

• Have a student who may require some assistance with staying on task with
the job of score-keeper using the board in the front (each round is a multiple
of 10; First Round: 10, Second Round: 20, Third Round: 30, etc.)

After: Consolidation & Connection Materials

• Mainly completed while playing the game
Time: 5 minutes

• Review what they have learned; urge students to look over concepts they
may not remember/understand or missed
• Take up homework question (if time allows)
• Reminder regarding the completion and due date of Mind Map Assignment

Assessment Opportunities
• Contribution to class discussion
• Homework completion; provide written feedback by the following week

Next Steps
• Completion of Mind Map Assignment

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