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Appendix Table 1a. Transformed Data on Plant height

Treatments Replication Total Mean
T1 69.3 70.8 73.2 213.3 71.1

T2 70.3 52.8 74.7 197.8 65.9

Total 411.1

Grand Mean 68.5


Appendix Table 1b. Analysis of Variance


Source of Degree of Sum of Mean of Computed Tabular F

Variance Freedom Squares Square F 5% 1%

Replication 2 152.56 76.28

Treatment 1 40.04 40.04 .64

Error 2 123.59 61.79

Total 5 316.19

cv = 11.47%
Appendix Table 1a. Transformed Data on number of leaves

Treatments Replication Total Mean
T1 176.4 171.7 209.4 557.5 185.83

T2 175.3 116.2 213.5 505 168.33

Total 1062.5

Grand Mean 177.08


Appendix Table 1b. Analysis of Variance


Source of Degree of Sum of Mean of Computed Tabular F

Variance Freedom Squares Squares F 5% 1%

Replication 2 4560.81 2280.40

Treatment 1 459.37 459.37 .84

Error 2 1089.77 544.88

Total 5 6109.95

cv = 13.18%
Appendix Table 1a. Transformed data on stem diameter

Treatments Replication Total Mean
T1 .63 .67 .69 1.99 .66

T2 .79 .59 .73 2.11 .70

Total 4.1

Grand Mean 1.36


Appendix Table 1b. Analysis of Variance


Source of Degree of Sum of Mean of Computed Tabular F

Variance Freedom Squares Square F 5% 1%

Replication 2 .01 .005

Treatment 1 .004 .004 .23

Error 2 .034 .017

Total 5 .02

cv = 9.58%
Appendix Table 1a. Transformed data on number of stem branches

Treatments Replication Total Mean
T1 10.1 10 10.9 31 10.3

T2 9.8 8.4 10.1 28.3 9.4

Total 59.3

Grand Mean 9.85


Appendix Table 1b. Analysis of Variance


Source of Degree of Sum of Mean of Computed Tabular F

Variance Freedom Squares Square F 5% 1%

Replication 2 152.56 76.28

Treatment 1 40.04 40.04 .64

Error 2 123.59 61.79

Total 5 316.19

cv = 4.76%

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