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Student's Book Liz and John Soars Headway Beginner Student's Book Liz and John Soars OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS CONTENTS Ci » 1 Hello! .. CO amiarelis ‘myyour Tin Sandra, My nares Hiro, What's your name? p6 Thisis This i John Mason. p7 How are you? p8 » 2 Your world ,:: ‘anvareiis hejsheithey — hisher What's his mame? Where's she from? pl3 They are in New York. p16 Questions where, what p13 » 3 Personal information ;. Tar SE > 4 Family and friends ,.. SE Negatives, questions, and short answers ‘She fn’ nurse. p18 Tm not from England. p20 We aren't married. p22 Are you from the United States? p20 Yes. she i6/No, she ist. pS Possessive adjectives ‘our, their p24 Possessive ‘all's sand Kirst's school p24 hhashhave Tam has a very good jb. Thave a small farm. p27 Questions and answers how old, who p28 » 5 Its my life! .. Present Simple Uyou'they Thke tennis. p33 I dn’ speak Spanish p34 Where do you five? p33 and an fan actor p34 » 6 Every day pw re) ‘Stop and check 2 > 7 Places I like The time Is mine oclock es two thirty: pao Present Simple heishefit He ges up at ix. pa She lives the country. pA Questions and negat What rime does he get up? pa3 She doesnt work in an office, p44 ‘Object pronouns tty them pas Tlove them! p49 thivthat What’ thar? p50 this jacket p33 Questions and answers how; what, who, where, why, how much, when, how ‘many: because p51

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