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Written Assessment Checklist

Assessment Coversheet Version 15 as at 15.12.2017
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Unit code/s & name/s: AURHTE001 Remove and install heavy vehicle engine assemblies
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Assessment Type: ☐ Theory Exam ☐ Assignment ☐ Other
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Written Assessment Checklist

General Instructions

1. Ensure your details are completed on the first page.

2. Please read thoroughly all questions prior to commencing. Allow yourself sufficient time to address each question.
3. If you have a question about the examination, please raise your hand.
4. Students must provide a satisfactory response to all questions to gain a satisfactory result towards this unit of competency
5. When answering multiple choice questions, select the one (1) answer that most correctly completes the statement, or answers
the question. Answer by circling the letter/number that best matches the answer. Should you change your answer, place a line
through your original response and circle the correct answer.
6. Please use only a black or blue pen.
7. Mobile phones must be switched off

Additional Information
Total Number of Time Permitted
25 to Complete
120 minutes

Total Number of Reading Time

6 10 minutes
Pages Allocated
8. This examination includes the following sections:
 Multiple Choice: Questions
 Short Answer: Questions
9. Battery operated calculators are permitted. Before the examination commences, all memories must be fully cleared and programs
10. Textbooks or notes are not permitted.
11. CQU to retain the assessment paper as training and assessment evidence.
1st Attempt - 100% = Satisfactory.
75% to 99% Incorrect questions assessed verbally.
50% to 74% = Partial retest 2nd attempt

2nd Attempt - 100% = Satisfactory

75% to 99% Incorrect questions assessed verbally

<<75% = NC result recorded - Competency not achieved

While this assessment is intended as a written examination, it may be conducted orally

as part of reasonable adjustment for students with low literacy. If this option is used,
Note to Assessors1: please ensure the students answers are recorded, and complete the details of the
person who wrote the student’s answers and/or read the assessment questions to the
Was this assessment conducted orally 
If box is ticked then the person assisting must complete the section below:
I verify that I helped the student to read and/or write the answers for this test, but did not interpret any
information, and did not provide any answers for the questions.



Position / Organisation:_______________________


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Written Assessment Checklist

All answer questions must be answered correctly to achieve a satisfactory result.

No Record the applicable performance criteria no applicable to each question. Score Satisfactory
1. Reason why engine was lacking power,except
Alasan mengapa engine kehilangan tenaga,kecuali
a. Intake restriction
b. Fuel restriction 3  
c. Noise restriction
d. Exhaust restriction

2. Observations that need to done during the engine removal process,except

Pengamatan yang dibutuhkan selama proses pembongkaran engine,kecuali,
a. Chasis disconnected
b. Electrically disconnected 3  
c. All hose disconnected
d. All engine mounting disconnected

3. Things that must be considered when installing the engine,except

Hal yang harus diperhatikan ketika melakukan pemasangan engine, kecuali
a. Be carefully not to damage components
Berhati hati terhadap kerusakan komponen
b. Use excessive force
Mengunakan kekerasan yang berlebihan 3  
c. Make sure nothing is caught between components
Memastikan tidak ada komponen yang tersangkut
d. Reconnect hoses and electrical wires to the correct
Sambung kembali selang dan elektrik kabel dengan tepat

4. The purpose of bleeding fuel is

Tujuan dari bleeding fuel adalah
a. To release fuel from lubrication system
Untuk membuang bahan bakar di system pelumasan
b. To release oil from fuel system
Untuk membuang oli di sisem bahan bakar 3  
c. To indicate air in fuel system
Untuk mengindikasikan bahwa ada udara di sistem bahan bakar
d. To reléase air from fuel system
Untuk membuang udara pada sistem bahan bakar

5. The following components must be removed before lifting the radiator, except
Berikut komponen yang harus dilepas sebelum mengangkat radiator, kecuali
a. Remove fan belt
b. Remove fan radiator 3  
c. Remove fan shroud
d. Remove engine hood

6. To prevent contamination of the fuel system that must be done is

Untuk mencegah kontaminasi terhadap sistem bahan bakar yang harus
dilakukan adalah
a. Let the fuel system connection open
Membiarkan koneksi sistem bahan bakar terbuka
b. Close all fuel system connection with plug
Menutup semua koneksi sistem bahan bakar tertutup dengan 3  
c. Let fuel spill on the ground
Membiarkan bahan bakar tumpah ke tanah
d. All answer wrong
Jawaban semua salah

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Written Assessment Checklist

7. Things to consider when removing hydraulic components, except

Hal yang perlu diperhatikan ketika melakukan pelepasan komponen hidrolik,
a. Pressurized on the system
Tekanan yang terjebak disystem
b. Weight of component
Berat dari component 3  
c. Oil spil on the ground
Tumpahan oli dilantai
d. Viscosity of oil
Viscositas oli

8. The following is the process removing transmission on the unit, except

Berikut adalah proses pelepasan transmissi pada unit, kecuali
a. Remove Final drive
b. Disconnect drive shaft 3  
c. Disconect Axle shaft
d. Drain oil

9. The following are things that must be ensured before the unit returns to
operation, except
Berikut adalah hal yang harus dipastikan sebelum unit kembali beroperasi,
a. Make sure the problem completely done
Pastikan permasalahan telah terselesaikan
b. Condition of operator good and clean 3  
Operator dalam kondisi baik dan bersih
c. Condition of unit according to factory specification
Kondisi unit sesuai dengan spesifikasi pabrik
d. Make sure there are no other problem in the unit
Pastikan tidak ada masalah lain di unit tersebut

10. Things to consider when removing steering components, except

Hal yang perlu diperhatikan ketika melakukan pelepasan komponen steering,
a. Pressurized on the system
Tekanan yang terjebak disystem
b. Weight of component 3  
Berat dari component
c. Oil spil on the ground
Tumpahan oli dilantai
d. Viscosity of oil
Viscositas oli
11. Positive isolation must be carried out after the removal work and engine
installation have been completed
Positif isolasi harus dilakukan setelah pekerjaan pelepasan dan pemasangan
engine telah selesai 4  

Benar (TRUE) / Salah (FALSE)

12. The engine is easily turned on after disassembly is a faulty in the fuel bleeding
Engine mudah dihidupkan setelah dilakukan pembongkaran merupakan
kesalahan dalam bleeding system bahan bakar 4  

Benar (TRUE) / Salah (FALSE)

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Written Assessment Checklist

13. When engine RPM increase, then oli pressure increase too
Ketika RPM engine di naikkan, maka tekanan oli akan juga ikut naik
4  
Benar (TRUE) / Salah (FALSE)

14. Oil leaks on components are a failure in the repair process

Kebocoran oli pada komponen merupakan salah satu kegagalan dalam
proses perbaikan
4  
Benar (TRUE) / Salah (FALSE)

15. Rework is something that is allowed by the company

Pekerjaan ulang adalah hal yang diperbolehkan oleh perusahaan
4  
Benar (TRUE) / Salah (FALSE)

16. When parking a machine prior to engine replacement ,any flat surface will
suffice so not necessary use wheelchok
Saat memarkir mesin sebelum pergantian engine, permukaan datar apa pun
sudah cukup sehingga tidak perlu ganjal 4  

Benar (TRUE) / Salah (FALSE)

17. The service manual book must be referred to before attemping to lift machine
Buku service manual harus menjadi referensi sebelum mengangkat mesin
4  
Benar (TRUE) / Salah (FALSE)

18. The specifications /procedures in regard to engine disassembly and assembly

found in machine operation book
Spesifikasi / prosedur dalam hal pembongkaran dan perakitan engine dapat di
temukan pada buku pengoperasian mesin 4  

Benar (TRUE) / Salah (FALSE)

19. Continous discoloration exhaust smoke indicate the engine in best

Perubahan asap yang terus menerus mengindikasikan engine pada performa
terbaik 4  

Benar (TRUE) / Salah (FALSE)

20. Government regulations state that exhaust emissions should not exceed the
prescribed specifications
Aturan pemerintah menyatakan bahwa emisi gas buang tidak boleh melebihi
spesifikasi yang telah ditetapkan 4  

Benar (TRUE) / Salah (FALSE)

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Written Assessment Checklist

21. Sort the process of engine removal

Urutkan proses pelepasan engine berikut

No Steps
6 Remove bolt mounting engine
3 Draine coolant and oil
1 Prepare tools and JSEA 6  
2 Place LOTO
4 Disconnect all hose and wiring harnes
5 Install lifting bracket and lifting tools
7 Remove engine group

22. Mention potential hazards when doing engine replacement work (min3)
Sebutkan potensial bahaya ketika melakukan pekerjaan mengganti engine

 Pinch point (Titik Jepit)

6  
 Sharp point (Titik Tajam)
 Working at height ( Bekerja di ketinggian)
 Weight of component ( Berat dari komponen)
 Oil spill (Tumpahan oli)

23. WLL on the lifting bracket stands for

WLL pada lifting bracket adalah singkatan dari
6  
Working Load Limit

24. Mention 3 what pressure tests are performed when the engine performance
Sebutkan 3 pengetesan tekanan apa saja yang dilakukan pada saat tes
performa engine

 Engine oil pressure 6  

 Engine boost pressure
 Engine fuel pressure
 Engine blow by pressure
 Engine compression test

25. Mention 3 damage that might occur in the engine

Sebutkan 3 kerusakan yang kemungkinan terjadi pada engine

 Engine overheat
 Engine oil pressure low
 Engine low power 6  
 Engine oil mixed with coolant
 Engine oil and coolant leaks
 Discoloration of exhaust gas

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