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Illinois State Board of Education

SLO Template
General Information
Academic Year 2018-2019

Educator Name Sue Ellen Jacobs

Tenure Status _____X_____ Tenured ____X______ On Cycle ___________ Off Cycle

_________ Non-Tenured

Off-Cycle Collaboration __________ Instructional Coach __________ Peer

Course/Subject/Grade Visual Arts


Individual/Group Goal To move 80% of the students one step up on the final culminating drawing assessment for object/ still life drawing.

Interval of Instruction: Skill Building exercises occur at the beginning of each unit and when needed throughout the unit to target specific
eg. teach skill once per deficits. At the beginning of the unit the skill building occurs on a daily basis and then in the final culminating project
day, once per week, it is demonstrated again during the artmaking.
every other week, etc

Initial Approval Date September, 10 2018

Midpoint Meeting
Check-In Date
Midpoint Meeting ​Check-In Notes:

Element 1: Learning Goal

☐ Describe the learning goal. Student will demonstrate progress in their ability to perceive, interpret and organize qualities
of visual form recorded in (a) work(s) of art as measured by a reflective artist statement using
art vocabulary that discusses how the elements of art have been used to manipulate
principles of design and create meaning.

☐ Identify the content standards VA: Cr1.1.11A-individually or collaboratively formulate new creative problems based on
associated with the learning goal. student’s existing artwork.
Include the text of the content VA: Cr1.2.11a- Choose from a range of materials and methods of traditional and
standards. contemporary artistic practices to plan works of art and design.
VA: Cr2.1.11a- Through experimentation, practice and persistence, demonstrate acquisition of
skills and knowledge in a chosen art form.

☐ Describe the student population. The Art Exploration classes are very heterogeneous and are often composed of a number of
specific demographic subgroups; IEP, Multiple grade levels, and students with varying degrees
of experience in Visual Arts. Art Exploration Demographics:
23 students
11 Males, 12 Females
9 Freshman, 4 Sophomores, 2 Juniors, 8 Seniors
3 ell students, 2 with no English language
One student with limited hearing.
☐ Summarize the instructional strategies Instructional strategies will include but not be limited to day to day interactions,
used to teach the learning goal. formative assessment, mastery learning, discovery/Inquiry-based learning, hands-on
learning, student self-assessment, learning centers, and adapting to learning
styles/multiple intelligences. There is a constant assessment of student learning
outcomes as the students’ complete skill building activities and assessments are
applied to the outcomes. Further assessment take place during the unit including the
culminating project for each unit of study which is self-reflective as well as teacher
evaluated. They will be documenting the process using the studio habits of mind.

Discussion Questions
● What “big idea” is supported by the learning goal?

Drawing is the basis of all skill building in visual art.

● How does the learning goal support students’ development of critical thinking, problem solving, and analytical skills?

Element 2: Assessment

☐ Describe the assessment and Pre-draw Assessment rubric: The students will be asked to draw an object in a fully
evaluation procedures that measure rendered form. They have two class periods to complete the drawing. Formative
students’ understanding of the learning assessment skill building assignments: Turning shape into form drawing rubric, drawing
goal. symmetrical objects and rendering them with value rubric, drawing organic shapes and
overlapping with geometric shapes drawing rubric and a final assessment still life drawing
☐ Describe how the assessment and A pre-drawing, pre-assessment is completed by each student at the beginning of the unit on
evaluation procedures will be Drawing/object drawing. The students choose a shoe and are instructed to complete a
differentiated to meet the needs of all finished, fully rendered drawing on a piece of 12 X 18 drawing Paper. Students are required
students described in the student to draw on previous drawing experience and knowledge. The drawing is evaluated with the
population. pre-drawing rubric and then formative skill building assessments are decided on depending
on the skills evaluated on the rubrics. Adjustments are made depending on the needs of the
individuals. There are several options for skill building that include, but are not limited to,
dividing the picture plane and understanding of special properties.

After the pre-drawing activity, the formative assessments are determined. For students
who are assessed on the beginner and emerging level, on the rubric, a skill building activity
is completed that breaks the still life objects down into shapes and activities that pay close
attention to the individual handling of materials. For Students who fall on the proficient
level, more sophisticated techniques are introduced.

Discussion Questions
● How often will you collect data to monitor student progress toward this learning goal?
After each skill building exercise through the use of rubrics, observation and reflection.

● How will you use this assessment information to monitor student progress and inform your instruction?
I will differentiate the skill building to allow for individual needs.

Element 3: Growth Targets

☐ Identify students’ baseline data. A pre-draw assessment is completed at the beginning of the unit. The drawings are evaluated
based on the pre-drawing rubric. The Pre-drawing activity is to complete a finished drawing of a
shoe using all of the elements and principles of design. The rubric is scored 1-5. 1-Beginner,
2-Emerging, 3/4-Proficient, 5-Advanced.

☐ Using student's baseline data identify Baseline data will be collected by completing a pre-drawing activity and in the Drawing Unit
appropriate growth targets for your which is based on drawing technique and observational drawing. I will determine where the
student population. class strengths and weaknesses are in using value to create form and manipulation of shapes to
create objects, as well as individual targets based on the student assessments on the beginner,
emerging, and proficient level. My goal is to move 80% of the students one step up on the final
culminating drawing assessment for still life drawing.

Discussion Questions
● Explain how the growth targets demonstrate ambitious, yet realistic targets, for all students described in the student population.

Element 4: Outcome

☐ Document the number or percentage

of students who achieved their The class breakdown
identified growth targets.
Pre-Assessment Post-Assessment
5 Beginner 0 Beginner

15 Emerging 4 Emerging

3 Proficient 14 Proficient

0 Advanced 5 Advanced

95% of the students (21 students) showed growth by advancing by at least one stage in the
Observational Drawing Unit 2 Students didn’t advance from the Proficient stage in the final
4. ​Advanced​ 0 students
3. ​Proficient​ 5 students
2. ​Emerging​ 14 students
1. ​Beginner ​0 students

95% of the students hit their growth target for Observational Drawing.

Required for Evaluator

☐ Explain how the number or percentage
of students who met their identified
growth targets translates into an
appropriate teacher rating.
Element 5: Teacher Rating

Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Excellent

Less than 25% of Students Met the 25% - 50% of Students Met the 51% - 75% of Students Met the 76% - 100% of Students Met the
Indicated Growth Target(s). Indicated Growth Target(s). Indicated Growth Target(s). Indicated Growth Target(s).

☐ ☐ ☐ ☐

Date: Evaluator Signature:

Date: Teacher Signature:

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