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Chapter 10.
Water Quality
George F. Czapar F. William Simmons
Springfield Extension Center Department of Natural Resources and Environ- mental Sciences

Water quality in Illinois has improved significantly exceeded, water customers are notified by local media
over the past 30 years. The most recent report from and subsequently on their water bills. If a water source
the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency rated is in violation, no additional water permit extensions
65 percent of the state’s streams as good, 34 percent as can be issued until the problem is addressed. Solutions
fair, and only 1 percent as poor. Agriculture, however, might include blending with an uncontaminated sup-
continues to be identified as a primary source of ply, extensive decontamination treatment, or finding
water-quality impairment. Strategies for protecting an alternative supply. The additional water-treatment
water quality range from strictly voluntary approaches expense can be prohibitive to small communities, un-
to increased regulations. derling the importance of agriculture management
Pesticides and fertilizers are often cited as examples practices that reduce the entry of herbicides and nutri-
of agricultural contaminants, but soil erosion is prob- ents into the aquatic system.
ably the largest single cause of water-quality prob- Results from surface- and well-water samples sug-
lems. It is estimated that 675 million to 1 billion tons of gest that atrazine is the most likely herbicide to appear
eroded agricultural soils are deposited in in surface water, but it does not appear to be widely
waterways each year. In addition to controlling agri- found in well water at levels above drinking-water
cultural runoff, sediment reduction should be a major standards. For the past 2 years, no public water supply
component of water-protection efforts. in Illinois has been out of compliance for atrazine vio-
Illinois farmers have a great stake in protecting lations. Some of this is attributed to increased steward-
drinking-water quality because they often consume ship, but the decrease in violations results primarily
the water that lies directly under their farming opera- from communities taking expensive measures, such as
tion. Their domestic water wells are often near agricul- carbon filtration, to meet water-quality standards.
tural operations or fields and thus must be safe- Nitrate–nitrogen contamination is often associated
guarded against contamination. In Illinois, favorable with shallow wells and surface water and may be an
soil and geologic conditions help degrade or retard indication of movement of fertilizers, manures, and
movement of pesticides to groundwater. Surface wa- other wastes into these water supplies. The greatest
ter, however, is more likely to become contaminated. challenge facing Illinois producers may be to keep her-
As a result, appropriate chemical selection and crop- bicides and nutrients out of surface-water supplies.
management decisions need to be made to ensure Management practices that reduce runoff may help.
good water quality.

Consumer Confidence Reports

Drinking-Water Standards Beginning in 1999, all public water supplies have been
All public water supplies are required to sample quar- required to provide their customers with an annual
terly for regulated contaminants, including several drinking water–quality report. These “consumer confi-
pesticides. Maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) have dence” reports were developed by the U.S. Environ-
been established for over 30 pesticides and pesticide mental Protection Agency in consultation with water
metabolites. For example, the current MCL for atrazine suppliers, environmental groups, and individual
is 3 parts per billion. Eventually, MCLs will be estab- states. They are intended to provide consumers with
lished for all pesticides. important information about the quality of their drink-
Compliance with the federal standards is based on ing water.
an average of four quarterly samples. If standards are

The report includes information about the source of If tests show that nitrate–nitrogen levels exceed 10
drinking water (for example, lake, river, or aquifer) parts per million, water should not be consumed by
and whether it meets federal drinking-water require- pregnant women or infants under the age of 6 months.
ments. It indicates how susceptible this local drinking- Use an alternate water source, such as bottled water.
water source is to contamination and identifies poten- Two publications about water testing are available
tial sources of contamination. It lists the contaminants from your local University of Illinois Extension office.
detected in the water supply and outlines the potential Planning Your Well: Guidelines for Safe, Dependable Drink-
health effects of any contaminant found in violation of ing Water (Land and Water Publication #14) provides in-
an EPA health standard. Finally, the report tells con- formation about water quality, planning and installing a
sumers where they can go for more information on well, and understanding geologic conditions that affect
water quality and how to get a copy of the water groundwater.
system’s complete source water assessment. More in- Safe Drinking Water: Testing and Treating Home Drink-
formation is available on the EPA’s drinking-water ing Water (Land and Water Publication #17) contains in-
Web site at: or from the formation about water testing, types of contaminants,
Safe Drinking Water hotline, 800-426-4791. and treatment devices that are available. This publica-
tion also includes a list of labs that are certified by the
Illinois EPA to test home drinking water.
Private Well Testing Water testing is only part of a well owner’s responsi-
Although public water supplies are closely regulated bility. Reducing risk from potential contaminants is also
and must meet EPA standards, private wells are not re- important. Septic systems, for example, should be prop-
quired to be tested. If the main source of your drinking erly maintained to minimize the chance of groundwater
water is a private well, it is your responsibility to test contamination.
the water on a regular basis. Water testing can be done In some studies, the highest levels of contamination
by the Illinois Department of Public Health or by pri- are often from wells near chemical handling sites or
vate labs. A basic test analyzes water for two common from wells known to have been contaminated directly
contaminants, coliform bacteria and nitrate. The best by an accidental point-source introduction of the chemi-
time to test for these contaminants is during spring or cal, such as backsiphoning.
summer following a period of heavy rainfall. These Protection of groundwater drinking sources is a criti-
tests also should be conducted after repairing or re- cal and achievable task that can be accomplished by (1)
placing an old well and after installing a new well or preventing point-source contamination of the well, (2)
pump. evaluating the groundwater contamination susceptibil-
Coliform bacteria are an indicator of overall water ity as determined by soil and geologic conditions and
quality. If coliform bacteria are detected in a water the water-management system, (3) selecting appropriate
sample, there is some degree of contamination, and chemicals and chemical application strategies, and (4)
other organisms may also be present. A survey of pri- practicing sound agronomy that uses integrated pest
vate drinking-water wells in Illinois found that 44 per- management principles and appropriate yield goals.
cent of the wells tested positive for coliform bacteria.
Although chemical disinfectants such as chloride Point-Source Prevention
tablets or bleach can be used to treat wells, it is impor-
tant to identify potential sources of contamination. Control of point-source contamination is one of the most
Contamination may come from soil or surface water, important actions for protecting a groundwater supply.
or there may be problems with well construction or lo- A point source is a well-defined and traceable source of
cation. Occasionally, public water supplies may issue a contamination such as a leaking pesticide container, a
“boil order” if bacterial contamination is suspected. pesticide spill, or backsiphoning from spray tanks di-
Five minutes of vigorous boiling is an effective way to rectly into a well. Because point sources involve high
kill most pathogens. concentrations or direct movement of contaminants to
High nitrate levels in water are a concern for preg- the water source, the filtering ability of the soil is by-
nant women and infants under 6 months of age. The passed. The following handling practices, based largely
standard for nitrate–nitrogen in drinking water is on common sense, minimize the potential for ground-
10 parts per million. Boiling the water does not reduce water contamination:
nitrate levels and actually makes the problem worse.
• Never mix chemicals near (within 200 feet of) wells,
Because some of the water evaporates during boiling,
ditches, streams, or other water sources.
nitrate concentration in the remaining water increases.

• Prevent backsiphoning of mixed pesticides from Information on well sealing is also contained in
the spray tank to the well by always keeping the Sealing an Abandoned Well, a University of Illinois Ex-
fill hose above the overflow of the spray tank. tension fact sheet.
• Store pesticides in a secure location a safe distance
from both wells and surface waters. Groundwater Vulnerability
• Triple-rinse pesticide containers and put rinsate Site characteristics, including the soil and geologic
back into the spray tank to make up the final spray properties, water-table depth, and depth of the well,
mixture. determine the potential of nonpoint contamination of
• Identify vulnerable areas and avoid applying pesti- the groundwater. Nonpoint sources of contamination
cides or fertilizers near sinkholes. are difficult to pinpoint, originate from a variety of
sources, and are affected by many processes. Contami-
nants moving into groundwater from routine agricul-
Sealing Abandoned Wells tural use are an example of a nonpoint source. Pro-
ducers applying pesticides in vulnerable areas should
Although the total number of abandoned wells in Illi-
pay strict attention to chemical selection and manage-
nois is unknown, estimates range from 50,000 to
ment practices.
150,000. Every year, many wells are abandoned when
they are replaced with new wells or when homes are
connected to community water systems. Abandoned Soil Characteristics
wells pose an immediate threat to human safety and Water-holding capacity, permeability, and organic
provide a direct route for contaminants to pollute a matter content are important soil properties that de-
water supply. termine a soil’s ability to detain surface-applied pesti-
The risk of accidents for humans or domestic ani- cides in the crop root zone. Fine-textured, dark prairie
mals is greatest with large-diameter or dug wells, but soils have large water-holding capacities and large or-
any abandoned or unused well poses a threat to ganic matter contents, which reduce the likelihood of
groundwater quality. The upper layers of soil nor- pesticide leaching due to reduced water flow or in-
mally act as a filter that effectively removes contami- creased binding of pesticides. The forest soils that
nants. Abandoned wells allow pollutants to bypass dominate the landscape in western and southern Illi-
this filtering process and provide a direct path from nois are slightly lower in organic matter and thus may
land surface to groundwater. be less effective at binding pesticides.
What if there is an abandoned well on your land, The most vulnerable soils for groundwater con-
but you are not sure of the exact location? Because tamination are the sandy soils that lie along the major
abandoned wells are not always clearly visible, it may river valleys of Illinois. Sandy soils are highly perme-
be necessary to contact former property owners or able, have low organic matter contents, and often are
neighbors who might remember well locations. In ad- irrigated. All of these factors represent increased risks
dition, local well drillers often have site records of to groundwater quality. Extra precautions in chemical
previous installations. If old photos are available, they selection and application methods should be taken in
may show windmills, houses, barns, or other build- these vulnerable soils. Irrigators, in particular, should
ings that have since been torn down, where wells pay attention to groundwater advisory warnings that
might be located. Finally, the Illinois State Water Sur- restrict the use of some herbicides on sandy soils.
vey maintains a database of well records.
Sealing an abandoned well is generally not an ex- Geology
pensive process, but it must be done correctly, prefer-
The geologic strata beneath a farming operation may
ably by a licensed groundwater professional. Farmers
be important in determining the risk of nonpoint con-
have the right to seal their own wells, as long as they
tamination. In Illinois, the most hazardous geology for
accept all responsibility for sealing the well in compli-
groundwater pollution is the karst or limestone region
ance with the Illinois Well Construction Code and all
that occurs along the margins of the Mississippi River
pertinent county codes.
and in the northwestern part of the state. Sinkholes
Before beginning any work, you must report the
and fractures that occur in the bedrock in these areas
project to the local public health department and have
may extend to the soil surface, providing access for
a well-sealing plan approved. The Illinois Department
runoff directly to the groundwater. Water moving into
of Public Health has a list of well-sealing require-
these access points bypasses the natural treatment
ments and approved fill materials. After the work is
provided by percolation through soil. Karst areas
done, you must complete a sealing report and submit
should be farmed carefully with due attention to
it within 30 days.

buffer zones around sinkholes to prevent runoff entry flumetsulam, simazine, metribuzin, and clopyralid
to the groundwater. Agronomic practices that minimize (Table 10.01). These products are labeled with ground-
runoff are effective ways to reduce the potential for water advisories.
pesticide movement to the groundwater. Of all the herbicides used commercially on corn and
soybean, over 60 percent carry a groundwater advisory
Groundwater and Well Depths because they contain one or more of the components
listed previously. Within this large group of theoreti-
Deep aquifers that lie under impermeable geologic for-
cally easily leached herbicides, some contain only small
mations are the sites most protected from contamina-
quantities of a component that has a groundwater advi-
tion by surface activities. Shallow water-table aquifers
sory. For the vast majority of dark-colored prairie soils
are more vulnerable to contamination because of their
in Illinois, leaching to potable groundwater is less com-
proximity to the surface. Shallow dug wells in water-
mon than on either sandy soils or over karst topogra-
table or shallow aquifers are also more vulnerable due
phy. For many of these vulnerable areas, herbicides
to typically inadequate wellhead protection.
with groundwater advisories are not labeled for use. Of
the herbicides that have groundwater advisories, only
Precautions for Irrigators atrazine has been detected in groundwater with any
appreciable frequency.
Chemigation refers to the application of fertilizers and
pesticides through an irrigation system. As a manage-
ment tool, it has benefits and potential drawbacks for Surface-Water Contamination
groundwater protection. The greatest benefit of
Although groundwater protection is an important pri-
chemigation is for fertigation, which is the application
ority, surface-water quality is generally at greater risk.
of fertilizers, particularly nitrogen, through the irriga-
Monitoring efforts have documented the temporary
tion system. Nitrogen application can be more carefully
occurrence of high pesticide concentrations in surface
disseminated in the vegetative growth period of grain
water. Numerous studies have shown that chemical
crops, thereby minimizing the susceptibility to leach-
losses are often greatest when heavy rainstorms closely
follow pesticide applications.
Chemigation systems should be equipped with
Similarly, state, regional, and national water-
backflow-prevention devices. These devices greatly re-
monitoring efforts have identified elevated concentra-
duce the threat of backsiphoning undiluted chemicals
tions of nitrogen and phosphorus during periods of
into the irrigation well. Backflow-prevention devices
high rainfall in the spring. Addressing the impacts of
are mandatory on irrigation systems that inject fertiliz-
agriculture on surface water continues to be one of the
ers and pesticides.
biggest challenges facing the industry.

Chemical Properties and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs)

Selection A total maximum daily load (TMDL) is the allowable
amount of a single pollutant that a water body can
The selection of agricultural chemicals is most critical
receive from all contributing sources and still meet
for producers on vulnerable soils and geologic sites.
water-quality standards or designated uses. Although
Herbicide selection is a complex task that must take
this definition seems fairly simple, determination of
into account the crop, the tillage system, the target spe-
“allowable amounts” and the steps needed to achieve
cies, and a host of other variables. Chemical properties
“designated uses” are less clear. In addition, implemen-
of the herbicide are important to consider when evalu-
tation plans, recommended practices, and the cost of es-
ating their potential to leach to the groundwater.
tablishing these TMDLs are still being examined.
The three most important pesticide characteristics
More than 20,000 bodies of water across America
that influence leaching potential are solubility in water,
have been identified as impaired. These waters include
ability to bind with the soil (adsorption), and the rate at
more than 300,000 river and shoreline miles and 5 mil-
which the pesticide breaks down in the soil. High solu-
lion acres of lakes. The U.S. EPA estimates that more
bility (a pesticide that dissolves readily), low binding
than 40,000 TMDLs must be established.
ability, and slow breakdown all increase a pesticide’s
In 2002, the Illinois EPA identified 7,280 stream miles
ability to move to the groundwater. Among the fre-
and 127,300 lake acres that are considered to be im-
quently used herbicides that have a greater potential to
paired. Currently, TMDL development is scheduled for
leach are those that contain acetochlor, atrazine, sul-
more than 330 watersheds in Illinois. For a current map
fentrazone, acifluorfen, dimethenamid, chloransulam,

Table 10.01. Herbicide and Herbicide Premixes with Groundwater Advisories

Trade name(s) Common (generic) name(s) Trade name(s) Common (generic) name(s)

AAtrex, Atrazine Atrazine FieldMaster Glyphosate + acetochlor +

Accent Gold Nicosulfuron + rimsulfuron + atrazine + safener
flumetsulam + clopyralid FirstRate, Amplify Cloransulam
Authority Sulfentrazone FulTime, Keystone Acetochlor + atrazine + safener
Axiom flufenacet + metribuzin Gauntlet Sulfentrazone + chloransulam
Balance Pro Isoxaflutole Guardsman Max, Dimethenamid-P + atrazine
Banvel, Clarity Dicamba G-MaxLite
Basagran Bentazon Hornet WDG Flumetsulam + clopyralid
Basis Gold Rimsulfuron + nicosulfuron + Laddok S-12 Bentazon + atrazine
atrazine Lasso, Micro-Tech Alachlor
Bicep II Magnum S-metolachlor + atrazine + safener Liberty ATZ Glufosinate + atrazine
Bicep Lite II Magnum S-metolachlor + atrazine + safener Lightning Imazethapyr + imazapyr
Boundary S-metolachlor + metribuzin Lumax S-metolachlor + atrazine +
Buctril + Atrazine Bromoxynil + atrazine mesotrione
Bullet Alachlor + atrazine Marksman Dicamba + atrazine
Canopy Metribuzin + chlorimuron NorthStar Primisulfuron + dicamba
Canopy XL Sulfentrazone + chlorimuron Outlook Dimethenamid-P
Celebrity Plus Nicosulfuron + dicamba + Princep, Simazine Simazine
diflufenzopyr Python Flumetsulam
Command Xtra Clomazone + sulfentrazone ReadyMaster ATZ Glyphosate + atrazine
Degree, Harness acetochlor Sencor Metribuzin
Degree Xtra, Shotgun Atrazine + 2,4-D
Harness Xtra acetochlor + atrazine Spirit Primisulfuron + prosulfuron
Distinct Dicamba + diflufenzopyr Stinger Clopyralid
Domain Flufenacet + metribuzin Storm Bentazon + acifluorfen
DoublePlay Acetochlor + EPTC + safener Surpass, TopNotch Acetochlor + safener
Dual II Magnum S-metolachlor + safener Ultra Blazer Acifluorfen
Epic Isoxaflutole + flufenacet Yukon Halosulfuron + dicamba

of the watersheds and expected completion dates, refer Soil testing is a basic foundation for fertilizer recom-
to the Illinois EPA Web site at http://www.epa.state. mendations. Testing manures for nutrient content al- lows accurate crediting for fertilizer replacement. A
Although the final TMDL rules may change, it sound nitrogen-management program for grain crops
seems very likely that any implementation strategies that emphasizes appropriate yield goals and credit for
for improving water quality will include the use of Best prior legumes optimizes the amount of nitrogen fertil-
Management Practices (BMPs). Voluntary programs izer introduced to the field. Splitting nitrogen applica-
that adopt BMPs can be implemented today, without tions on sandy irrigated soils is wise because it reduces
waiting for the final wording of a federal document. the chances for excessive leaching that might occur if a
single nitrogen application were used.
Use of a nitrification inhibitor on fine-textured soils
Best Management Practices where nitrogen is fall applied may reduce leaching of
Best Management Practices (BMPs) are designed to nitrate–nitrogen. Adding nitrapyrin (N-Serve) to fall-
minimize adverse effects of pesticide use on surface- applied nitrogen reduced nitrate leaching an average
water and groundwater quality. In addition to protect- of 10 to 15 percent in a Minnesota study. Even less
ing the environment, these practices must be economi- nitrate leaching occurred when nitrogen was spring
cally sound. In most cases, a combination of BMPs is applied.
required to achieve water-quality goals, and the sug- Integrated pest management (IPM) plays a vital role
gested practices may vary depending on soils, topogra- in protecting water resources. Regular monitoring of
phy, and the individual farm operation. crop conditions and pest populations helps a producer

make the most informed production decision about Match herbicide application rate to field character-
pesticide applications. Applications based on economic istics and weed populations. Carefully review prod-
thresholds optimize grower profits while reducing en- uct labels and follow setback requirements for peren-
vironmental hazards. When possible, select the pesti- nial streams, intermittent streams, and around tile
cide that is least likely to run off into surface water or inlets.
leach to groundwater. Consider a split application of soil-applied prod-
Proper handling and disposal of pesticides can re- ucts to reduce the risk of a heavy rainfall event caus-
duce the potential for point-source contamination of ing extensive runoff. Select postemergence herbicides
water resources. Spills or improper disposal of excess with physical and chemical characteristics that have
spray can overload the soil’s ability to hold and de- less potential for surface runoff. Band-apply herbi-
grade pesticides, with resulting water contamination. cides and use mechanical control when appropriate.
If sprayers are dumped or washed out in the same Rotate crops and use a combination of weed man-
place over the years, concentrated sources of herbi- agement practices. In addition to helping achieve
cides may be created. water-quality goals, these practices will reduce the
Conservation tillage practices reduce sediment load- chance for developing herbicide-resistant weeds.
ing and also reduce or slow water runoff. Because Consider delaying herbicide application if heavy
many herbicides can move from treated fields dis- rains are forecast for the next few days. Research has
solved in runoff water, conservation tillage practices shown that heavy rainfall shortly after herbicide ap-
that increase water infiltration into the soil profile plication can cause significant chemical loss.
should help control herbicide runoff into surface water. Finally, some individual BMPs may not be appro-
Establish grass waterways in areas of concentrated priate as part of an overall cropping system. Incorpo-
water flow. These waterways will trap sediment and ration of herbicides, for example, has been shown to
reduce the velocity of runoff flow, allowing greater in- decrease the amount of chemical runoff in surface
filtration of dissolved chemicals. Similarly, grass filter water. Obviously, this practice is not compatible with
strips have been shown to effectively reduce the a no-till system, and the balance between controlling
amount of herbicide runoff. soil erosion and reducing pesticide movement must
A cover crop such as a small grain or legume may be considered.
provide water-quality benefits from several stand- Local involvement at the watershed level is a part
points. The effectiveness of cover crops in controlling of any successful program. Some of the most effective
erosion is well documented, and controlling erosion is water-protection efforts have been developed locally.
an important component of surface water–quality pro- Best Management Practices that are specific to a wa-
tection. Small-grain cover crops have shown some effi- tershed appear to be more effective than treating ev-
ciency at retrieving residual nitrogen from the soil fol- ery acre in a uniform way. Because most management
lowing fertilized corn or vegetable crops. This feature practices need to be cost-effective before they are
may be important on sandy irrigated soils where win- widely adopted, dealers and growers should be in-
ter rainfall leaches much of the residual nitrogen. volved early in the planning process.

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