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Investigations in Science 7 – April 5, 2019


MAP testing is just around the corner. Please make sure your child gets a
good night’s rest, comes to school on time, and eats a good breakfast prior to
taking the MAP test. Students need to bring headphones or earbuds for
testing. Dates for MAP-M testing are April 8 and MAP-R testing are April 10.

Coming Up:

 Artificial Selection


 April 5 – Career Day

 April 5 – Spring Fling
 April 8 – MAP-M Testing
 April 9 – Town Hall Meetings
 April 10 – MAP-R Testing
 April 12-13 – Band Trip
 April 14-16 – Bay Trip
 April 16 – Report Card Distribution
 April 17-22 – Spring Break

What we did this week:

Monday, students learned about DNA and the different bases that make it
up. We discussed DNA structure and function, watched a video about the
components of DNA, and took notes.

Tuesday we completed a lab where we extracted DNA from a strawberry.

Some students mentioned that they had done this lab before and had some
experience with how to complete it. When students saw the DNA, many students
said it looked like mucus.

Wednesday and Thursday, we read about 4 different mutations that animals

have. They filled out a graphic organizer on the mutations Then, they explained
how sexual production increases variation in offspring and how this variation may
be beneficial, harmful, or neutral for the organism.

Thursday we went over answers for the review sheet (these answers were
also posted on Google Classroom).

Tomorrow we will complete an assessment on Punnett Squares and genetics.

Have a great weekend!

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