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Draw a class diagram using StarUML for the scenario given below:

This is an example that models “Hospital Management”. The ward object of this

system has attributes such as name, patient-gender andcapacity. Note that patient-

gender is a gender type which is an enumeration containing enums male and female.

The system also has Patient entity with attributes such as patient_id,

admitted,sickness _history, prescriptions,special_reqs and allergies and gender

which is again a gender enumeration type. And operations such as getPatient() and

deletePatient(Patient_id).Ward is a division of a hospital object having attributes

such as name address and phone number. In hospital there are number of wards each

of which may be empty or have one or more patient. Each ward has unique name.

This ward is shared by patients who need a similar kind of care. Each patient is on a

single ward. The system also has Doctor entity which is further classified into
Consultant Doctor and Junior Doctor. The doctors in the hospital are organized

into Teams entity with attribute team_name. Each team can have two or more

doctors. Each patient is under the care of a single team of doctors. A patient may be

treated by any number of doctors but all the doctors must belong to same team that

cares for the patient. Note that team is own by the hospital.

Draw a class diagram using StarUML for the scenario given below: This is an

example that models “ORDER MANAGEMENT”. The Customer object has

properties such as CustomerId,CustomerName, Address and Phone and methods

such as AddCustomer(),DeleteCustomer() and EditCustomer(). Orderobject includes

OrderId, CustomerId, CustomerName, ProductId, Amount and OrderDate as its

property and CreateOrder() and EditOrder(OrderId) as its behavior. A customer can

place one or many orders. Further there are SpecialOrder object andNormalOrder
object which have same methods CreateOrder(), confirm(), close(), dispatch()

whereas the SpecialOrder object alsohas one property named SpecialDiscount.

Special Order and Normal Order objects are both kinds of order and are

thereforeshown to inherit from order entity. Moreover the system also has Product

entity having attributes such as ProductId, ProductPrice, ProductType and methods

such as AddProduct(), ModifyProduct() and SelectProduct(ProductId). Stock object

has properties likeProductId, Quality and ShopNo and behavior such as addStock(),

ModifyStock(ProductId) and slectStockItem(ProductId). Note that specialOrder and

NormalOrder has 1 or more product whereas stock has many products.

eate a class diagram (Use StarUML) for “library management” using the classes

with their attributes and operation given below. Also set the appropriate relationship

between the classes using the relationship tools from the toolbox following the
overview of the system given below. Overview of the system:- It has a class “Book”.

Book has authors so it has an “Author” class. In order to collect book information it

has “BookItem” class which uses some of the properties from book class. It needs an

account for reserving book by the user so it has an “Account class.” In account class

there is an attribute named state which uses an enumeration named “AccountState”.

It also has a class “Library” to manage the account, user and the books. It has a user

class to manage the user detail that has an account in the library and he can borrow

and return books to library. The system also has an interface “Search” where the user

searches the book he needed from the “Catalog” class.

Draw a class diagram using StarUML for the scenario given below.

This is an example that models University Courses. Assume three classes’ such as

course, lecturer, student and an interface person.Each course objects maintains a list
of student on that course and lecturer who has been assigned to teach that course.

The courseobject has behavior that allows adding and removing student to and from

course, assigning the teacher and getting a list of currentlyassigned student and

currently assigned teacher. A teacher may teach several courses but a course only has

a single teacher .A lecturer object maintains a list of courses that it teaches, course

isattended by 0 or more student and student may attend multiple courses. A person

interface will have getName() and getEmailAddress () methods both lecturer and

student are shown tobe the type of person.

Draw a class diagram using StarUML for the scenario given below.

This scenario is from system that models companies for a payroll or reporting system.

Company object has properties such as name and employees_list and getName and

getEmployees as its behavior. Employee object includes employee no, name, salary
and manager as its properties getName (), getEmplyoeeNo () ,getSalary()

getManager() as its methods. getManager() accepts object of manager. Company

may have one or more employees. A manager object keeps manages as list

property and add TeamMember(employee_list) and getTeamMember() as

itsbehaviors. One or more employee can be managed by manager objects. Some

employees are contractual employees who are within a lieu of a contractor object. A

contractor object may have length_of _contract as its property and getLength() as its


Draw a class diagram using StarUML for the scenario givenbelow.

This scenario shows an inheritance hierarchy of a series of classes and their

subclasses. It’s for an imaginary application that mustmodel different kinds of

vehicles such as bicycles, motor bike and cars. All Vehicles have some common
attributes (speed and color)and common behavior (turnLeft, turnRight). Bicycle and

MotorVehicle are both kinds of Vehicle and are therefore shown toinherit from

Vehicle. To put another way, Vehicle is the superclass of both Bicycle and

MotorVehicle. In our model MotorVehicleshave engines and license plates.

Attributes have been added accordingly, along with some behavior that allows us to

examinethose attributes. MotorVehicles is the base class of both MotorBike and Car;

therefore these classes not only inherit the speed and colorproperties from Vehicle,

but also the additional attributes and behavior from MotorVehicle. Both MotorBike

and Car haveadditional attributes and behavior which are specific to those kinds of



Draw an ER diagram for the given scenario of buying an article.

Entities: Article, Source, Order, Copyright Agency, Country, Buyer


Article: Title(PK),authors, pdf file, fee

Source: Title(PK), publisher,issue,date, pages

Order: Order number(PK),total payment, date, tax status

Copyright Agency: name, address

Country: copyright from, taxrate

Buyer: name, address, email(PK), billing info

Following relationships are to be set:

a. Article is published in source. Many articles can be published in many sources.

b. Buyer places order. He can place zero or more orders.

c. Orders deliver articles. One article can be delivered in many orders and one order

can deliver many articles as well.

d. Source pays fees to Copyright agency for every article published.

e. Every country has a single source of publication.

Create an ERD using the following requirements:

• An INVOICE is written by a SALESREP. Each sales representative can write

many invoices, but each invoice is written by a single sales representative.

• The INVOICE is written for a single CUSTOMER. However, each customer

can have many invoices.

• An INVOICE can include many detail lines (LINE), each of which describes

one product bought by the customer.

• The product information is stored in a PRODUCT entity.

• The product’s vendor information is found in a VENDOR entity.

A university registrar’s office maintains data about the following entities:, including number, title, credits, syllabus, and prerequisites;

2.course offerings, including course number, year, semester, section number,

instructor(s), timings, and classroom;

3.students, including student-id, name, and program;

4. Instructors, including identification number, name, department, and phone

number. Further, the enrollment of students in courses and grades awarded to

students in each course they are enrolled for must be appropriately modeled.

Construct an E-R diagram for the registrar’s office. Document all assumptions

that you make about the mapping constraints.

Suppose you are given the following requirements for a simple database for the

National Hockey League (NHL):

• The NHL has many teams, each team has a name, a city, a coach, a captain,

and a set of players,

• Each player belongs to only one team, each player has a name, a position

(such as left wing or goalie), a skill level, and a set of injury records, a team

captain is also a player,

• A game is played between two teams (referred to as host_team and

guest_team) and has a date (such as May 11th, 1999) and a score (such as 4

to 2).

Construct a clean and concise ER diagram for the NHL database.ji


Draw a component diagram for the hospital management system, which keeps the

track of hospital staff, patients, patient rooms and operations along with theirs

operation theater location.

Draw a component diagram for the Medical Management System which involves

the billing process, stock checking and maintenance of medicines. It also keeps the

track of customers.


Draw a use-case diagram using StarUML for the retail Point-of- sale system - POS

depicted below.

A retail POS system typically includes a computer, monitor, keyboard, barcode

scanners, weight scale, receipt printer, credit card processing system, etc. and POS

terminal software.

Checkout use case involves Customer, Clerk and Credit Payment Service actors and

includes scanning items, calculating total and taxes, payment use cases. Checkout

use case requires Customer actor, hence the 1 multiplicity of Customer. Clerk can
only participate in a single Checkout usecase. Credit Payment Service can participate

with many Checkout use cases at the same time. Checkout use case may not need

Credit Payment Service (for example, if payment is in cash), thus the 0..1

multiplicity. Checkout use case is an example of a large and complex use case split

into several use cases each describing some logical unit of behavior. Note, that

including use case becomes incomplete by itself and requires the included use cases

to be complete. Payment use case is represented using generalization relationship. It

means that only one specific type of payment is accepted - either by cash, or by credit,

debit, or with check. An alternative to such representation could be to use include

relationship so that not just single but several forms of payment could be accepted

from the same client during checkout.

Draw a use-case diagram using StarUML for the “Hospital Reception Subsystem”
explained below:

“Hospital Reception Subsystem” supports some of the many job duties of hospital

receptionist. Receptionist schedule patient’s appointments with the doctor and also

schedule patient hospital admission. If doctor is available and admission to the

hospital is possible then receptionist can extend the service to patient registration by

collecting the patient information on patient arrival or over the phone. Patient

registration is an integral part of patient Hospital Administration use case. Hospital

administration use case is further generalized into outpatient hospital admission and

inpatient hospital administration. Note that for the patient that will stay in the

hospital, he or she should have a bed allotted in a ward. Receptionists might also

receive patient’s payments, record the min a database and provide receipts, file

insurance claims and medical reports.

Draw a use-case diagram using staruml for the “music portal system” depicted

below. The following narration describes some of the use cases for “Music Portal

System”. This system has web user as its main actor. The web user can perform first level

uses cases namely SearchAlbum, login, logout and ViewAccount. Registration use case

extends login i.e. if the user doesn’t have a login and wishes to create a new one, he or she

can register to get a login. Moreover the ViewAlbumDetail use case is extending the

SearchAlbum use case. Further the ViewAlbumDetail use case is extended by two more

services viz. DownloadAlbum and BuyAlbum. Note that to download or to buy an

album the user must be a registered member. Moreover the buyalbum and ViewAccount is

further extended with Recharge use case.

Draw a use-case diagram using StarUML for the scenario given below.

Web Customer actor uses some web site to make purchases online. Top level use cases are
View Items, Make Purchase and Client Register. View Items use case could be used

by customer as to level use case if customer only wants to find and see some products. This

use case could also be used as a part of Make Purchase use case. Client Register use case allows

customer to register on the web site, for example to get some coupons or be invited to private

sales. Note that Checkout use case is included use case not available by itself - checkout

is part of making purchase. Except for the Web Customer actor there are several

other actors which will be described below with detailed use cases. View Items use

case is extended by several optional use cases - customer may search for items, browse

catalog, view items recommended for him/her, add items to shopping cart or wish list. All

these use cases are extending use cases because they provide some optional functions

allowing customer to find item. Customer Authentication use

Case is included in View Recommended Items and Add to Wish List because both

require customer to be authenticated. At the same time, item could be added to the
shopping cart without user authentication. Checkout use case includes several required

uses cases. Web customer should be authenticated. It could be done through user login

page, user authentication cookie ("Remember me") or Single Sign-On (SSO). Web site

authentication service is used in all these use cases, while SSO also requires participation

of external identity provider. Checkout use case also includes Payment use case which

could be done either by using credit card and external credit payment service or with



Create a high level sequence diagram for online examination. Student gets a

conformation from the admin after registration. Admin prepares question paper and

manages exam (for modification). Students give exam and can check their results.

Draw a Sequence diagram for the following scenario which shows interactions
involved in using LIBSYS for downloading and printing an article. There are four

objects of classes- Article, Form, Workspace and Printer--involved in this

interaction. Essentially, a user request for an article triggers a request for a copyright

form. Once the user has completed the form, the article is downloaded and sent to

the printer. Once printing is complete, the article is deleted from the LIBSYS


The sequence of actions when a user wishes to withdraw cash from an automated

teller machine (ATM). You should read a sequence diagram from top to bottom to

see the order of the actions that take place. there are three basic sub-sequences:

a. Validate card: The user’s card is validated by checking the card number and user’s


b. Handle request: The user s request is handled by the system. For a withdrawal,
the database must be queried to check the user's balance and to debit the amount

withdrawn. Notice the exception here if the requestor does not have enough money

in their account.

c. Complete transaction: The user’s card is returned and, when it is removed, the

cash and receipt are delivered.

Construct a high level sequence diagram for online bookshop. Online customer can

search book catalog, view description of a selected book, add book to shopping cart,

do checkout.

Draw a sequence diagram for the following scenario, the library user accesses the

catalogue to see whether the item required is available electronically; if it is, the user

requests the electronic issue of that item. For copyright reasons, this must be licensed
so there is a transaction between the item and the user where the license is agreed.

The item to be issued is then sent to a network server object for compression before

being sent to the library user.


raw a UML behavioral state machine diagram showing Bank Automated Teller

Machine (ATM) top level state machine. ATM is initially turned off. After the power

is turned on, ATM performs startup action and enters Self Test state. If the test fails,

ATM goes into Out of Service state, otherwise there is triggerless transition to the

Idle state. In this state ATM waits for customer interaction. The ATM state changes

from Idle to Serving Customer when the customer inserts banking or credit card in

the ATM's card reader. On entering the Serving Customer state, the entry action

readCard is performed. Note, that transition from Serving Customer state back to the

Idle state could be triggered by cancel event as the customer could cancel transaction
at any time. Serving Customer state is a composite state with sequential substates

Customer Authentication, Selecting Transaction and Transaction. Customer

Authentication and Transaction are composite states by themselves which is

shown with hidden decomposition indicator icon. Serving Customer state has

triggerless transition back to the Idle state after transaction is finished. The state also

has exit action ejectCard which releases customer's card on leaving the state, no

matter what caused the transition out of the state.

This is an example of water phase diagram represented as UML state machine

diagram. Water can exist in several states - liquid, vapor, solid, and plasma. Several

transitions are possible from one state to another. For example, freezing is phase

change from liquid state to ice. Condensation is phase change from vapor state to

liquid. Water vapor could turn directly into frost through deposition.
Every company having customers maintains customer accounts and supports a

complete life cycle of the account from its creation until it is closed. There are

differences in what the stages (states) are in the account's life cycle, and what are

conditions or events causing account to change its state. For the user account to be

created, it has to meet some initial requirements. For example, user id (used as a login

name) must be unique, at least for the existing accounts. After account was created,

it might need to be verified. Verification depends on the company and could include

e-mail, phone, and/or address verification. If account was not verified during some

predefined period of time, that account could be moved to the suspended accounts.

New, active, or suspended accounts could be cancelled at any time by client's request.

Note, the precondition for this usually includes payment of any outstanding balances,

and might require some separate account state or substate to handle this case. User
account might be suspended for security reasons, manually or automatically. For

example, website intrusion detection system locks user account for predefined period

of time, if there were several unsuccessful login attempts using incorrect account

password. After account lock times out, account is activated back automatically.

Some user accounts could be inactive for a long period of time. Company policy or

business rules could require moving such dormant for a year or two accounts to the

suspended state. Create a state transition diagram for the given situation.

Draw a state transition diagram for Hotel Reservation Process. The hotel

reservation management system is concern reserving the rooms for the customers for

lodging and boarding in the hotel. The customer requests for the room in the hotel

reception counter. If the room is not available the customer will be intimated about

it and he will be put on the waiting list for the room availability. If the room gets
available then it will be confirmed to the customer for use. The waiting list room

count decremented by one. Initially, after the customer request if the room is

available then it will be confirmed to the customer by decrementing the available

room count and customer can use it directly. After a stay in the hotel customer clears

the payment and the room will become available to the other customer if any, else

increment room count.

Following is an illustration for the StateChart diagram of a coffee brewing machine. Once

the machine is turned ON, it starts to heat the water. You then need to place a coffee pod in

the pod holder. We need to select the brew size and after which the water output is adjusted

and coffee is brewed. Finally the coffee brew is complete.

You need to develop a web based application in such a way that user can search other
users and after getting search complete, the user can send the friend request to other

users. If the request is accepted then both users are added to friend list of each other.

If one user does not accept the friend. The second user can send friend request. The

user can also block each other.

Draw a state transition diagram for the above application.






Use case name: submit question

Participant: lecturer

Entry conditions:
1. The question is ready and stored in a file

2. The lecturer is assigned to the module

Exit conditions:

1. The file is uploaded to the system

2. The module leader is notified of the availability of the question

3. The event is logged by the system

Flow of Events:

1. The lecturer logs into the system by entering his/her username and password;

2. The system checks the username and password;

3. The system displays the list of modules of which he/she is the lecturer, module

leader and/or internal examiner;

4. The lecturer selects a module and his/her role in the module as a lecturer;
5. The system prompts the user to enter the file name and location on his/her

computer, and Additional information if any;

Exceptional conditions and alternative flow of events:

When the username and password is not correct:

3.1: display error message, go back to step 1;

When the lecturer is not listed on the module:

4.1: quit the system;

Special requirements:

1. The file should be encrypted when transmitted from lecturer’s computer to the


2. The notification of success in uploading the file should be within 20 seconds

3. The event should be recorded in a log file to contain the following information:

a) Name of the lecturer,

b) Date and time of the event,

c) The name of the event (upload exam question).

d) The file on the server that stores the questions.

Draw an activity diagram using from the narrative text on “ticket vending machine”

The scenario provided below describes the behavior of the purchase ticket use case.

Activity is started by Commuter actor who needs to buy a ticket. Ticket vending

machine will request trip information from Commuter. The commuter will

provide trip information to the machine. Based on the provided trip information,

the ticket vending machine will process the trip information and calculate payment

due by requesting payment. Commuter will provide payment information to the

machine. The machine will process the payment on the basis of payment by cash or

credit or debit card. If payment by card was selected by Commuter, another actor,
Bank will participate in the activity by authorizing the

payment. After payment is complete, ticket is dispensed to the Commuter. And the

commuter will get the ticket. Cash payment might result in some change due, so the

change is dispensed to the Commuter in this case by the machine. Ticket vending

machine will show some "Thank You" screen at the end of all the activity.

Draw an activity diagram using StarUML from the narrative text on “Bank ATM

Machine For Withdrawing Cash”.


An automated teller machine (ATM) or the automatic banking machine (ABM) is a

banking subsystem that provides bank customers with access to financial transactions

in a public space without the need for a cashier, clerk or bank teller.

Customer uses bank ATM to check balances of his/her bank deposit funds, withdraw
cash and/or transfer funds which generalization alternative of ATM

transaction use case.


On most bank ATMs, the customer is authenticated by inserting a plastic ATM card

and entering a personal identification number (PIN). Bank will than authenticate the

customer’s pin number. Only authenticated customer can request the system for

withdrawing money while the unauthenticated customer will get back his ATM card

as the system willreject the card.

Then the system will request the authenticated customer to enter the amount be de

withdrawn. The bank will check the balance amount of the customer if it is sufficient

bank will provide the requested amount to the customer and debit the respective

amount from the balance. The customerwill collect or take the amount from the slot.
In case of insufficient amount the system will show the balance and reject the card.

At the end of all the process the customer will take back his ATM card.

Derive an activity diagram using staruml from the case given below on “order

processing subsystem“. Web Customer uses some web site to make purchases

online. Where customer can search item, View item, add item to the cart, place order

and make payment. For placing an order customer first searches the required items from

the system. As and when the customer finds the item available in the system he starts

adding item to the chart. The System provides facility to the Customer to add any

number of items to the chart. Customer can also view his shopping chart containing

items. Ones the customer finishes his shopping he can place the order by requesting system

to confirm the order. The system will then check whether the order is normal order or any

special order and according to that the system will generate the bill and request for
payment. After getting the bill the customer can make payment. The bank will validate the

credit card number. If the credit card number is valid the system will confirm the order.

Otherwise the process will get terminated.

Draw an activity diagram from the narrative text on “ONLINE PAPER

SUBMISSION SYSTEM”. The author completes an online form that requests the

user to input author name, Correspondence address, email and, title of paper. The

system validates this data and, if correct, asks the author to submit the paper. The

author then browses to find the correct paper on their system and submits it. Once

received and stored, the system returns to the author a reference number for the paper.

Authors may submit as many papers as they like to be considered for acceptance to

the conference up until the deadline date for submissions. Papers are allocated to

referees for assessment. They review each paper and submit to the system their

decision. Once the program organizer has agreed the decisions authors are informed
by email. Accepted papers are then schedule to be delivered at a conference. This

involves allocating a date, time and place for the presentation of the paper.


Draw a Data Flow Diagram for the following case: PIZZA Supreme

A large pizza business makes pizzas and sells them. The pizzas are manufactured

and kept in cold storage for not more than two weeks.

The business is split into a number of functional units. There is Production Control,

Manufacturing, Stores, Accounts, Sales, Shipping and Purchasing. Production

Control are responsible for organising which pizzas to produce in what order and in

what quantity. They need to schedule the production of the pizzas according to the

current and expected sales orders together with the number of pizzas already in

Stores. Manufacturing take the raw materials from the Stores and manufacture pizzas
returning the completed goods to the Stores. Accounts deal with the payments for the

pizzas when delivered to the customer and the payment to the suppliers of the raw

materials. Sales deal with customer orders whilst Purchasing organise the buying of

raw material from suppliers. Shipping manage the packing and delivery of the goods

to the customer with a delivery note.

When a sales order is received by sales they record what is being ordered and by

whom. They also record the details of the expected date of delivery. Production

Control access this information and make sure that, if required, pizzas are produced

by Manufacturing and are ready in Stores for when the delivery needs to be made.

After the delivery is made Accounts make sure that the customer receives an invoice

and that payment for the invoice is received at which time a receipt is issued.

Purchasing look at the current stock of raw materials and by using current stock

levels, supplier turn around times and quantity to be ordered decide what needs to be
ordered on a daily basis. Their aim is never to run out of an ingredient but to

minimise the amount of raw material kept in stock.

Draw a Data Flow Diagram for the following case:

Video-Rental LTD case study Video-Rental LTD is a small video rental store. The

store lends videos to customers for a fee, and purchases its videos from a local

supplier. A customer wishing to borrow a video provides the empty box of the video

they desire, their membership card, and payment – payment is always with the credit

card used to open the customer account. The customer then returns the video to the

store after watching it. If a loaned video is overdue by a day the customer's credit

card is charged, and a reminder letter is sent to them. Each day after that a further

card is made, and each week a reminder letter is sent. This continues until either the

customer returns the video, or the charges are equal to the cost of replacing the video.
New customers fill out a form with their personal details and credit card details, and

the counter staff give the new customer a membership card. Each new customer's

form is added to the customer file. The local video supplier sends a list of available

titles to Video-Rental LTD, who decide whether to send them an order and payment.

If an order is sent then the supplier sends the requested videos to the store. For each

new video a new stock form is completed and placed in the stock file.

Draw a Data Flow Diagram for the following case: Estate Agency

Estate Agency case study Clients wishing to put their property on the market visit

the estate agent, who will take details of their house, flat or bungalow and enter them

on a card which is filed according to the area, price range and type of property.

Potential buyers complete a similar type of card which is filed by buyer name in an

A4 binder. Weekly, the estate agent matches the potential buyer's requirements with
the available properties and sends them the details of selected properties. When a

sale is completed, the buyer confirms that the contracts have been exchanged, client

details are removed from the property file, and an invoice is sent to the client. The

client receives the top copy of a three part set, with the other two copies being filed.

On receipt of the payment the invoice copies are stamped and archived. Invoices are

checked on a monthly basis and for those accounts not settled within two months a

reminder (the third copy of the invoice) is sent to the client.

Draw a Data Flow Diagram of Correspondence courses given as:

A college offers correspondence courses to students. Each course lasts 20 weeks and

is based on a weekly study module and progress test. At the end of the course students

sit an invigilated examination.

The college Registrar deals with enquiries and applications, and students applying
who have sufficient qualifications are asked to register by completing and submitting

an application form.

After approval by the Academic Director, the application form is returned to the

Registrar who creates a student file. The Accounts department receive the application

form and using information from the student file creates an invoice that is sent to the

student. Payments made are registered on the invoice file. The first batch of student

material and tests is issued from the library only to students who have paid fees (this

information is taken from the invoice file).

Progress tests are marked by academic staff and the results, together with comments,

are sent out with next week’s study block. The library will only issue study

material/progress tests when a student has returned test answers from the previous

A DFD for the ATM system has two major streams of input data. The first is the

account number and the code, and the second is the amount to be debited. The

transform "validate," which verifies if the account number and code are valid, needs

not only the account number and code, but also information from the system database

to do the validation. And the transform debit account has two outputs, one used for

recording the transaction and the other to update the account.

In the following DFD there is one basic input data flow, the weekly timesheet, which

originates from the source worker. The basic output is the paycheck, the sink for

which is also the worker. In this system, first the employee's record is retrieved, using

the employee ID, which is contained in the timesheet. From the employee record, the

rate of payment and overtime are obtained. These rates and the regular and overtime

hours (from the timesheet) are used to compute the pay. After the total pay is

determined, taxes are deducted. To compute the tax deduction, information from the
tax-rate file is used. The amount of tax deducted is recorded in the employee and

company records. Finally, the paycheck is issued for the net pay. The amount paid is

also recorded in company records.

Create a DFD for library system. A client request is first analyzed in a process labeled

‘preliminary processing’. As a result, one of ‘borrow title’ or ‘return title’ is

activated. Both these processes update a data store labeled ‘catalog administration’.

Client requests are logged in a data store ‘log file’. This data store is used to produce

management reports.

Draw a DFD for order processing system conforming to following scenario. Buyer

initially fills order details in a blank form and completes it. After validating, the order

is recorded and signed order form is sent to the supplier and also the available budget
is adjusted as per the order. A budget file is maintained to store order amount and

account details, also order details are stored in orders file.

Draw a DFD for depicting the working on an insulin pump. Blood is given as the

input, blood sugar sensor senses it and provides the blood parameters for blood sugar

analysis. This process checks the blood sugar level and passes in to the insulin

requirement computation process. This calculates the required insulin and sends it to

delivery controller who then fires some pump control commands and finally the

insulin is outputted via the insulin pump.



The local city youth league needs a database system to help track children who sign

up to play soccer. Data needs to be kept on each team, the children who will play on
each team, and their parents. Also, data needs to be kept on the coaches for each

team. Draw a data model with the entities and attributes described here.

Entities required: Team, Player, Coach, and Parent

Attributes required:

Team: Team ID number, Team name, and Team colors

Player: Player ID number, Player first name, Player last name, and Player age

Coach: Coach ID number, Coach first name, Coach last name, and Coach home

phone number

Parent: Parent ID number, Parent last name, Parent first name, Home phone number,

and Home address (Street, City, State, and Zip code)

The following relationships must be defined:

1. Team is related to Player.

2. Team is related to Coach.

3. Player is related to Parent.

Connectivity and participations are defined as follows:

• A Team may or may not have a Player.

• A Player must have a Team.

• A Team may have many Players.

• A Player has only one Team.

• A Team may or may not have a Coach.

• A Coach must have a Team.

• A Team may have many Coaches.

• A Coach has only one Team.

• A Player must have a Parent.

• A Parent must have a Player.

• A Player may have many Parents.

• A Parent may have many Players.

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