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Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.

ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol 3, No 12, 2012

Study Habits of Higher Secondary School Students of Working

and Non-working Mothers
Mehraj Ud Din Sheikh1* Qamar Jahan2
1. Research Scholar, Department of Education, Aligarh Muslim University, UP, 202002, India.
2. Associate Professor, Department of Education, Aligarh Muslim University, UP, 202002, India.
* E-mail of the corresponding author:

The present study aims at to find out whether the study habits of higher secondary school students of working
mothers (WM) differ significantly from those of non-working mothers (NWM). The study further compared the
study habits of higher secondary school students of working and non-working mothers on the basis of gender.
The sample of the study consisted of 100 secondary school students (25 male students of working mothers, 25
female students of working mothers, 25 male students of non-working mothers & 25 female students of
non-working mothers)of the age group 16 to 18 years belonging to different localities selected randomly from
different educational institutions of district Pulwama, Jammu & Kashmir. Study Habit Inventory constructed by
Mukhopadhyaya, M & Sansanwal, D.N was administered to the selected sample to assess their study habits and
Self constructed General Information Questionnaire was used to elicit information regarding the subjects age,
sex, family type, single parent or both parent, mother whether working or non-working, kind of work, number of
working hours, educated/uneducated etc. The data so collected was analyzed statistically by employing mean,
SD and t-test. The study revealed there were insignificant differences between the adolescent students of WM
and NWM on the measure of comprehension, study sets, interaction, drilling, recording and language dimensions
of study habits but significant differences were found between the students of working and non-working mothers
on the measures of concentration, task orientation and supports. Regarding the total study habits the higher
secondary school students of working mothers had significantly better study habits than those having
non-working mothers. Further the study revealed that female students of WM had significantly better study
habits fallowed by male students of WM, female students of NWM and male students of NWM.
Key Words: Study Habits, Working and Non-working mothers, Higher Secondary School Students

1. Introduction
Women employment rate has increased very rapidly over the last several years. Entry of women in the field of
salaried jobs was a result of number of factor such as economic needs, spread of education among women, social
and national reform movements attracted the attention of the people towards women empowerment, search of
identity, freedom to women all over the world by recognizing equality as a fundamental right irrespective of sex,
race etc. The education of women is not imperative for the benefit for the women only but uplift of the society
also. Today women from all corners started working in government, semi government or private salaried jobs.
The entry of women in the workforce brings changes in the structure and function of family. Every member of
the family occupies a vital position in the interaction map of the child but among them the role of mother is
important and varied. Mother plays important role in the personality development of the children by shaping
their intellectual and social behavour. Study conducted by Hoffman (1961) found that children of working
mothers had lower intellectual performance than a matched group of children whose mother does not work.
Some studies revealed that while the lack of mothers presence can impact a child negatively this impact is not as
serve as what occurs if the mother does not work. Such factors include poverty, parental education and quality
childcare (Booth, 2000). Children of non-working parent get higher grades in high schools, but at the same time
feel less pressure about doing so (Essortment, 2002). Children of working mothers do not suffer any differently
from anxiety, antisocial behavior or stress related problems than those of non-working mothers, had fever
stereotyped gender-role attitudes and felt their mothers are more competent. Children of working mothers were
also found to have a feeling of that they had control over their environment (Gershaw, 1988). Work usually adds
meaning to life this is especially true for women who enjoy their work. If a working mother is happy with her
job to provide her child daily needs they may perform as a parent as well or better than a non-working mother.
The working mother encouraged their children to be more independent, self-sufficient and self-independent from
an early age (Hock, 1980). Researchers got interested in the field of education of children of working and
non-working mothers, to find out the problems and benefits. Because, maternal employment is very imperative

Journal of Education and Practice
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol 3, No 12, 2012

factor related to the psycho-physical development of the children. Therefore, the importance of maternal
employment inspired the investigator to conduct a study on study habits.
Study habits are usually defined as student’s ability to manage time and other resources to complete an academic
task successfully. ‘Study habit’ is the amount and kind of studying routines which the student is used during a
regular period of study occurred in a conducive environment. Crede & Kuneel (2008) defines study habit as
study routines, including, but not restricted to, frequency of studying sessions, review of material, self testing,
rehearsal of learned material and studying in a conducive environment. Study habits are commonly referred to as
regular patterns in approaching study tasks. These patterns are made up of a combination of one or more
individual tactics or techniques such as note taking (Wade, Trathen & Schraw 1990). When these techniques are
used deliberately in particular study situations, they are called study strategies. A study strategy and in turn study
habit, is a direct sequence of activities applied by the learner to a set of information rather than a single random
event (Kail & bisanz, 1982). Study habits typically denotes degree to which students engages in regular acts of
studying that are characterized by appropriate studying retains (review or material) occurring in an environment
that is conducive to studying. Study habits refer to the activities carried out by learners during the learning
process of improving learning. Study habits are intended to elicit and guide one's cognitive processes during
learning. Study habits are learning tendencies that enable students work privately. Azikiwe (1998) describes
study habits as “the adopted way and manner a student plans his private reading, after classroom learning so as
to attain mastery of the subject”. According to her, “good study habits are good asset to learners because habits
helps students to attain mastery in areas of specialization and ensuing excellent performance, while the opposite
becomes constraint to learning & achievement leading to failure”. In recent years study skills and study habits or
behaviors has been distinctly differentiated. Bliss & Mueller (1987) were among the first to note that the
difference lies in distinguishing between potential and actual behavior. This distinction is elaborated as:-
Study skills: study skills are usually steps or procedures such as highlighting, outlining, note-taking,
summarizing etc. that may be taught through explicit instruction (Gettinger & Seibert, 2002). Study skills are the
specific techniques that make up the study plan.
Study habits/ behaviors: A study behavior by contrast constitutes the overall approach itself, representing the
student’s concept of how to accomplish learning goals and the specific actions taken (Jones, Slate, Perez &
Marini, 1996). A good example might be, a student first deciding to study every night and then employing a
combination of mnemonics for memorizing key terms, skimming text material to ascertain organizational
patterns and jotting down answers to possible exam questions (Woolfolk, 2004); an optimum strategic
combination of skills and violations. The elements of study behaviors include, for examples study time planning,
frequency of studying, duration of studying and choice and application of appropriate study skills.
Study habits of the children play very important role in reflecting the standards of education. Those Students
who have good study habits are able to make effective study decisions, have the ability to differentiate the level
of difficulity to learn the items, have high achievement motivation, socialized personality traits and problem
solving appraisal. Kaur & Lekhi, 1995 revealed that Intelligence, achievement motivation and study habits were
positively and significantly correlated with academic achievement. Study habits treatment alone did not
contribute significantly to the student’s performance in English; achievement motivation seems to account for
the greater proportion of the observed difference in the English language performance (Jegede et al., 1997).
Oluwatimilehin & Owoyele (2012) investigated the relationship between study habits and students’ academic
achievement in core subjects at the junior secondary school level. Findings reveal that of all the study habits’
sub-scales, ‘teacher consultation’ was most influential while the ‘time allocation’ exercise, concentration, note
taking reading and assignments were regarded as less integral to students’ academic performances. Ozsoy et al.
(2009) investigated the relationship between matacognition knowledge & skills and study habits & attitudes of
fifth grade students. The result revealed that there is a significant relation between the metacognition scores and
SSHA scores of students in medium level. Metacognition scores are significantly related to both study habits and
study attitudes. Ch. Abid (2006) revealed that guidance services have significant effect on the student’s study
attitudes, study habits and academic achievement. Significant differences were obtained in the academic
achievement of students due to low and high level of goal orientation, study skills, scholarly study skills and
over all study efficiency (Gakhar, 2005). Raiz et al. (2002) revealed that there existed a significant and positive
relationship between achievement of the students and the said factors like schedule of study, habit of note taking
and writing book. Franklin (2006) conducted a study to describe the study habits of undergraduate students who
were enrolled in the initial phase of a teacher education programme at a large urban university. The findings of
the study indicate that a significant number of students study at home, cram the night before an examination,
depends on other classmates to answer their questions, and feel that they spend an adequate amount of time
preparing for academic classes. Sud and Sujata (2006) conducted a study on academic performance in relation to
self-handicapping, test anxity and study habits of high school children (n=200) from government senior
secondary school of Himachal Pradesh. The results revealed that boys were poorer in study habits than girls.

Journal of Education and Practice
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol 3, No 12, 2012

Lakshminarayanan et al. (2006) have made an attempt to compare achievers and non-achievers in study skills.
Result in general indicates that achievers use higher level of study skills than non-achievers. Stella &
Purushothaman (1993) examined the study habits of underachievers. The mean value showed that urban students
had better study habits than rural students. But no significant difference was found between boys and girls. The
various studies have been conducted on psychology of the children e,g. intelligence, personality, adjustment,
study habits etc of students but hardly any study has been undertaken on study habits of working and
non-working mother’s children of the age group 16 to 18 years.
2. Objectives
• To compare the study habits of adolescent students of working and non-working mothers.
• To compare the study habits of male students of working and non-working mothers.
• To compare the study habits of female students of working and non-working mothers.
• To compare the study habits of male and female students of working mothers.
• To compare the study habits of male and female students of non-working mothers.
• To compare the study habits of male students of working and female students of non-working mothers.
• To compare the study habits of male students of non-working and female students of working mothers.

3. Hypotheses
• There is no significant difference in study habits between adolescent students of working and
non-working mothers.
• There is no significant difference in study habits between male students of working and non-working
• There is no significant difference in study habits between female students of working and non-working
• There is no significant difference in study habits between male and female students of working mothers.
• There is no significant difference in study habits between male and female students of non-working
• There is no significant difference in study habits between male students of working and female students
of non-working mothers.
• There is no significant difference in study habits between male students of non-working and female
students of working mothers.

4. Operational Definitions of Terms

4.1 Working Mothers: refers to women, having children, who works outside the home as an employee for 6
or more than 6 hours per day, where as
4.2 Non-working mothers: refer to women having children who are not in workforce and works only as a
4.3 Study habits: are usually defined as student’s ability to manage time and other resources to complete an
academic task successfully. Study habits are, “learned patterns of studying that may occur with or without
conscious awareness or deliberate efforts” (Flippo & Caverly, 2000).

5. Methodology
Sample of the present study consisted of male and female respondents of working and nonworking mothers of
the age group 16 to 18 years, studying in XI class of Higher Secondary Schools of District Pulwama, Jammu and
Kashmir, which were affiliated to Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education (JKSBOSE), all the
elements in the population were included irrespective of their cast, creed, religion and family type. The selective
sample of male and female students of working and non working mothers from the total cluster of students
studying in XI class at Higher Secondary Schools between 16 to 18 years of age were selected by using
stratified random sampling.

The following tools were used to measure the variables of the study.
• Study Habit Inventory developed by Mukhopadhyay, M and Sansanwal, D.N (1985) was used. For the
present inventory, the study habits have been considered to be constituted of nine different kinds of
study behaviours. These are: Comprehension, Concentration, Task orientation, Study Sets, Interaction,
Drilling, Supports, Recording and Language. There were 52 items on a five point scale (always,
frequently, sometimes, rarely and never). The reliability of the inventory on the basis of split-half
method was 0.89 and test-retest method 0.92.

Journal of Education and Practice
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol 3, No 12, 2012

• The self constructed General Information Questionnaire, comprises of twenty items helped in eliciting
information regarding the subjects age, sex, family type, single parent or both parent, mother whether
working or non-working, kind of work, number of working hours, educated/uneducated.

5.2 Procedure
Descriptive survey method of research was employed for the present study. The tools employed in the study
were administered on the secondary school students of the age group 16 to 18 years. The data for the present
research was collected personally by the investigator from different schools included in the sample. The
principles of the respective schools were requested for permission to collect data. The tests were administered
within a week in each school.
5.3 Analysis of Data
Data was by analyzed using statistical techniques like mean, SD and t-ratio.

6. Results and Discussion

The table 6.1 depicts the comparison of mean scores of the higher secondary school students having working
mothers (WM) and non-working mothers (NWM) on the measure study habits and its components. The mean
scores of working mothers (WM) group on the measure of comprehension, study sets, interaction, drilling,
recording and language are found to be 32.40, 15.60, 7.60, 8.80, 5.24 & 2.20 and of non-working mothers (WM)
group on the measure of comprehension, study sets, interaction, drilling, recording and language are found to be
31.04, 15.34, 7.44, 9.78, 5.04 & 1.94 respectively. When the means are put to ‘t’ test for knowing the
significance of difference between them. The values of ‘t’ are found to be 1.15, 0.31, 1.75, 0.52 & 0.99 for
these dimensions as shown in table 6.1, which is insignificant even at 0.05 level of confidence. The results, thus,
clearly shows that there are insignificant differences between students of WM and NWM group on the measure
of comprehension, study sets, interaction, drilling, recording and language dimensions of study habits.

Table 6.1: Showing the difference in Study Habits between adolescent students of Working and
Non-working Mothers
Dimensions Groups No. Mean SD t-values Level of

Comprehension Adolescents of Working Mothers 50 32.40 5.45

1.150 N.S
Adolescents of Non- Working 50 31.04 6.33
Concentration Adolescents of Working Mothers 50 23.18 5.59
3.020 Sig. at 0.01
Adolescents of Non- Working 50 19.88 5.33 level
Task Adolescents of Working Mothers 50 22.00 4.51
Orientation 3.901 Sig. at 0.01
Adolescents of Non- Working 50 18.50 4.45
Study Sets Adolescents of Working Mothers 50 15.60 4.26
0.316 N.S
Adolescents of Non- Working 50 15.34 3.96
Interaction Adolescents of Working Mothers 50 7.60 2.53
0.312 N.S
Adolescents of Non- Working 50 7.44 2.59
Drilling Adolescents of Working Mothers 50 8.80 2.35
Adolescents of Non- Working 50 9.78 3.18 1.750 N.S
Supports Adolescents of Working Mothers 50 9.58 2.04
Adolescents of Non- Working 50 7.90 2.71 3.499 Sig. at 0.01
Mothers level

Journal of Education and Practice
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol 3, No 12, 2012

Recording Adolescents of Working Mothers 50 5.24 1.68

Adolescents of Non- Working 50 5.04 2.11 0.522 N.S
Language Adolescents of Working Mothers 50 2.20 1.35
Adolescents of Non- Working 50 1.94 1.25 0.996 N.S
Total Adolescents of Working Mothers 50 126.60 15.74
Study Habits Adolescents of Non- Working 50 116.86 17.63 2.913 Sig. at 0.01
Mothers level

Table 6.1 shows that there are significant differences between the students of working and non-working mothers
on the measures of concentration, task orientation and supports as the obtained t-values (3.02, 3.90 & 3.49) are
significant at 0.01 level of confidence. The mean values of the students of working mothers on the dimensions of
concentration, task orientation and supports of study habits are 23.18, 22.00 & 9.58 and the mean values of the
students of non-working mothers on the dimensions of concentration, task orientation and supports of study
habits are 19.88, 18.50 & 7.90 respectively. It reveals that the difference between the mean scores is large and
thus, it may be safely concluded that adolescent students of working mothers group is better in concentration,
task orientation and supports than adolescent students of non-working mothers group.
Regarding the total study habits the mean scores of adolescent students of working and non-working mothers
group shown in table 6.1 are found to be 126.60 and 116.86 respectively, whereas, their corresponding SDs are
15.74 and 17.63. When the ‘t’ value are calculated to find out significant difference between the means of two
groups it is found to be 2.91, which is significant at 0.01 level of confidence. On the basis of above findings it
is quite evident that significant difference is found between the adolescent students of working and non-working
mothers on the measure of study habits. Hence the hypotheses first, i.e., “There is no significant difference in
study habits between the adolescent students of working and non-working mothers” is rejected. The findings of
present study corroborates with the earlier findings of Sharma (1986), Harwod & Feruson (2000) and Akhani et
al (1999) who reported that some areas of study habits are effected by maternal employment and some areas are
not. The reason may be that the students of working mothers have the ability to manage time and other resources,
are able to make effective study decisions, study with the primary intention of understanding and the working
mothers may provide proper guidance service to their children.
Table-6.2: Comparison of various groups of adolescent students of working and non-working mothers on
the variable of Study Habits
Level of
Variable Groups No. Mean SD t-value Significance

Male Students of Working Mothers 25 121.56 15.59

Male Students of Non- Working 25 113.24 18.20 1.73 N.S
Female Students of Working 25 131.64 14.49
Mothers 2.53 Sig. at 0.05
Female Students of Non-Working 25 120.48 16.61 Level
Male Students of Working Mothers 25 121.56 15.59
2.36 Sig. at 0.05
Study Habits

Female Students of Working 25 131.64 14.49 Level

Male Students of Non-Working 25 113.24 18.20
Mothers 1.46 N.S
Female Students of Non-Working 25 120.48 16.61
Male Students of Working Mothers 25 121.56 15.59
Female Students of Non-Working 25 120.48 16.61 0.23 N.S
Male Students of Non-Working 25 113.24 18.20 Sig. at 0.01
Mothers 3.95 Level
Female Students of Working 25 131.64 14.49

Journal of Education and Practice
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol 3, No 12, 2012

A glance of the above table 6.2 depicts that there is insignificant difference between the male students of
working and non-working mothers on the measure of study habit, as the obtained t-value (1.73) is insignificant
even at 0.05 level of confidence. It is therefore, concluded that male students of working and non-working
mothers are similar on the measure study habits. Hence, the hypothesis second, i.e., There is no significant
difference in study habits between male students of working and non-working mothers” is accepted.
To make the comparison between female students of working and non-working mothers on the measure of study
habits, the investigator calculated the mean and SD scores of the both group as shown in table 6.2.When the ‘t’
value was measured on these two means, it was found to be 2.53 which is significant at 0.05 level of confidence.
Thus, it can be briefed that there is a significant difference between female students of working and non-working
mothers in respect to study habits. The female students of working mothers are found to perform better than the
female students of non-working mothers. Thus the hypothesis third, i.e., “There is no significant difference in
study habits between female students of working and non-working mothers” is rejected.
As can be seen from the table 6.2 the mean scores of male and female students of working mothers on the
measure of study habits are 121.56 and 131.64 and obtained SD values are 15.59 and 14.49 respectively. When
the mean scores of these groups were put to ‘t’ test for knowing the significance of difference, the obtained ‘t’
value is found to be 2.36, which is significant at 0.05 level of confidence. It is therefore, concluded that
female students of working mothers performs better than male students of working mothers on the measure of
study habits. Hence the hypothesis forth, i.e., “There is no significant difference in study habits between male
and female students of working mothers” is rejected.
To make the comparison between male students of working and non-working mothers with that of female
students of non-working mothers on the measure of study habits, the investigator calculated the mean and SD
scores of the these group as shown in table 6.2. When the mean scores of male and female students of
non-working mothers, and male students of working mothers and female students of non-working mothers were
put to ‘t’ test for knowing the significance of difference, the obtained ‘t’ value are found to be 1.46 and 0.23,
which are insignificant even at 0.05 level of confidence. It depicts there exists an insignificant differences
between male students of working and female students of non-working mothers & male and female students of
non-working on the variable study habits. Therefore, the hypothesis fifth, i.e., “There is no significant difference
in study habits between male and female students of non-working mothers” and hypothesis sixth, i.e., “There is
no significant difference in study habits between male students of working and female students of non-working
mothers” are accepted.
Table 6.2 reveals that there is a significant difference between male students of non-working mothers and female
students of working mothers on the variable of study habits. The obtained t-value (3.95) is found significant at
0.01 level of confidence. The mean value of female students of working mothers (131.64) is higher than the
mean value of male students of non-working mothers (113.24). Hence the hypothesis seventh, i.e., “There is no
significant difference in study habits between male students of non-working and female students of working
mothers” is rejected.
Having a glance at table 6.2 reveals that female students of working mothers (WM) has significantly better study
habits, followed by male students of working mothers (WM), female students of non-working mothers (NWM)
and male students of non-working mothers NWM. The findings of the present study (revealed from table 6.2)
are in corroboration with that of Sundararajan & Lilly (1991); Sud & Sujata (2006) who reported that girls have
better study habits than boys. Suneetha & Mayuri (2001) also reported that boys and girls differ significantly in
study habits. The findings seems to be quite logical because female students of working mothers may are more
prompt in doing their studies than their counterparts and avoid wasteful delay, distraction and procrastination
more than their counterparts.

7. Findings
• Significant difference is found between the adolescent students of working and non-working mothers on
the measure of study habits.
• Male students of working and non-working mothers are found similar on the measure of study habits.
• On the measure of study habits female students of working mothers are found to perform better than the
female students of non-working mothers.
• Significant difference is found between the male and female students of working mothers on the
measure of study habits.
• Male and female students of non-working are also found similar in respect to study habits.
• There is no significant difference in study habits between the male students of working mothers and
female students of non-working mothers

Journal of Education and Practice
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol 3, No 12, 2012

• Female students of working mothers perform significantly better on the measure of study habits than
male students of non-working mothers.
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Journal of Education and Practice
ISSN 2222-1735 (Paper) ISSN 2222-288X (Online)
Vol 3, No 12, 2012

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