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Department of Telecommunication Engg

Bangalore Institute of Technology

K.R.Road, V.V.Pura, Bangalore-04

VI Semester Microwave Theory and Antennas (15TE63)


Topic: Radiation Effects of Microwaves: Date 25.02.19: Max. Marks; 05

Criteria 8-10 5-7 2-4 0-1 weightage

I. Organization Presentation Presentation has Presentation Presentation
has a well- a logical covers most does not cover
defined sequence. Figures aspects of the most aspects of
logical / charts / tables project. the project.
sequence. are informative Presentation has Presentation has
Figures / and presented. a satisfactory a poor structure.
charts / tables Aspects of the logical sequence Visual aids are
are project are which audience not used well.
informative presented well. can understand. Audience can
and Audience is able Visual aids are barely
presented to understand not well used. understand the
well. Visual the information There is scope for aspects of the
aids are clear, presented improvement. project.
attractive and
interactive for
the audience
II.Impact on Describes in- Describes Describes some Fails to address
Society / depth possible possible possible any
Environment societal needs societal needs societal needs and societal needs and
and the and the few potential there is no social
social impact social impact of environmental impact for the
of the the work issues / how the project work
Radiation project overcomes 1(20%)
Effects. Describes some it Fails to describe
Provides in- potential any
depth environmental potential
description of issues / how the environmental
numerous project issues
potential overcomes it
issues / how
the project
overcomes it
III.Literature Literature Literature review Literature review is Literature review
Survey review is is consistent with not comprehensive is not consistent
systematic and the given topic. and loosely with the given
consistent Major points are consistent with the topic and is
with the given presented. given topic inadequate. 1(20%)
topic. All Relevant points are Relevant points
relevant points not conveyed well are not conveyed
are highlighted
in a clear
IV.Presentation Student is Student is clear Student is not Student is not
Skills clear, and has good clear sometimes. clear, stutters
confident and body language. Low confidence, and misses out
has good Information is bad body points. No
body conveyed well. language. confidence. Bad
language. Language is Information body language
Information simple and could have been Information is
conveyed is effective. articulated not conveyed.
structured, better. Language Language is
logical and is good but points unintelligible
well-paced. could be framed
Language is better
eloquent and
Answers are Answers to all Some answers Answers are not
V.Viva Voce well thought- questions are are not clear/satisfactory 1(20%)
out, cogent. clear/satisfactory clear/satisfactory

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