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Why Recycle

8. Tick (/) to the phrase which uses the passive form.

Recycling is one way in which we can contribute towards sustainability

Waste is created when people throw things away because they no longer need or want

9. Why is the passive form used



10. Give three connectives being used in the text

11. Write a newspaper report for a local newspaper about an event about recycling. It could be

 the products from recycled items

 a serious issue of recycling
 an event about recycling
 the shortage of recycling material

Tales of King Arthur

7. Whose point of view this story is in?

8. Explain your answer in (7).

9. Write a story to continue the story of The Tales of King Arthur.

Now continue the story to explain what happens next.

Characters Kay, Arthur, Sir Ector, the people of England

Setting  England
 Castle
Plot  What happened after Arthur became the king
 How did the people respond?
 What happen to the kingdom
Tracking Basking Sharks

8. Write an informational leaflet about shark. It could be about

 The sharks being endangered

 The beauty of shark
 Importance of shark in the ecosystem
 Anything in the sky

A Letter from E.B White

8. Whose point of view this letter is in?

9. Explain your answer in (8).

Hiding Out

7. Whose point of view this letter is in?

8. Explain your answer in (7).

9. Write a story continuing the story of “Hiding Out”.

Now continue the story to explain what happens next.

Characters Peter

Setting 
Plot 

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