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Weaving Techniques

-Tabby is the basic weave
-Go over then under, over then under, and
repeat until you reach the end
-everytime you reach one end of the
loom you don’t go the same way you
came, if you ended under you go over,
if you ended over you go under
-Take a length of string and fold in ½ twice
-Make one per peg (try to make each one the
same length)
-slip center of folded string over first warp
string, under second, and back up to the top
-pull string across center (#5)
-Gently pull to tighten knot (#6)
-pull tassel so it sits at the bottom of loom
-trim bottoms as needed

Rachel Denbrow Tutorial

Rya knot
-cut length as desired, Denbrow suggest 15”
-weave through two strands at desired
-pull center through about 2”
-grab loose ends and pull through center
-pull down gently to move to desired position

Video Tutorial Hello Chiqui

Rachel Denbrow Tutorial

How to create shapes
-Sketch your design so you can picture it,
you don’t need to go into detail just so you
can record general shapes
-start your weave and end it by tucking the
end of your weave under on the back of
your tapestry
-you can fill in the remainder shape with
desired thread by ending it where the new
color begins

How to end a color

-once you reach the end of
wherever you want the color to
end, wrap the string through to
the back of your tapestry and tuck
under other weaves. Make sure it
doesn’t show through on the
other side. The back side of a
tapestry typically looks very messy
until the end Rachel Denbrow Tutorial

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