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VM SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO. Document Scanning Lead Sheet Jul-01-2014 03:50 pm Case Number: CGC-14-540325 Filing Date: Jul-01-2014 03:40 pm Filed by: ELIAS BUTT Juke Box: 001 Image: 04537595 COMPLAINT PAUL GALINDO et al VS. SECURITY TITLE INSURANCE CO. et al 001004537595 Instructions: Please place this sheet on top of the document to be scanned. sfRuons (CITACION JUDICIAL) (malS PR OSO BE A CORTE) NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: (AVISO AL DEMANDADO): SECURITY TITLE INSURANCE CO., CIVIC CENTER HOTEL, LLC, BALWANTSINH THAKOR, and DOES | to 10 inclusive YOU ARE BEING SUED BY PLAINTIFF: (LO ESTA DEMANDANDO EL DEMANDANTE): PAUL GALINDO, BRANDON JEREZ, JEFFREY MORRIS, LORI MORRIS, Additional Parties Attachment form is attached 'WOTICET Vou have been sued. The courl may decide against you witout your bang Reard unless you respond witin 30 days. Read the information| below. "You have 30 CALENDAR DAYS aftr tis summons and legal papers are served on you to fe a written response at tis court and havea copy served onthe paint. lettor or phone cal wil not protect you. Your wren reeponse must be In proper legal form you want the cour to hear your tase. There may be @ court form tal you can use for your sponse. You can nd hase court forms and more information atthe Calforia Courts (nine Set Halp Center (www., your county law Hoary, or the courthouse nearest you. if you cannot pay the fing fe, ask th cour cork fora foe waver form. you donot la your responeo on te, you may lose he ease by delat, and your wages, money, and property ‘may be taken witout turer warning from the cour. ‘There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. you do not know an atomey, you may want o cal an atomey ‘ofertal service. you cannot afford an attorney, you may be oll for fee logl services from a nonpoft legal srvices program. You can locate these nonproft groupe atthe Calfornia Legal Services Web ste (www, the Calfomia Courts Onno Salt Help Centr (oni gov/slnelp), o by contacting your local cout er county bar association. NOTE: The cour has a slatutry len for walved feos and oss on any settoment or arbtation award of $10,000 oF mare in acl case. The cours lan must be paid botore th court wit ckemi tho cas {AVISO! Lo han demandado. Sino responde dentro de 30 dias, la corte puede dec en su contra sin escuchar su versén. Lea la informacion @ nnuacén Tino 30 DIAS DE CALENDARIO después de que le enreguon esta ctacisn y papees legals para precentar una ragpueeta por escrito an esta corte y hacer que se entregue una copia al demandant. Una carta 0 una lamada teefénica no lo protegen. Su respuesta por esc ene que estar ‘n formato legal corecto s desea que proceson su caso on la corte. Es posto que haya un formula quo usted puoda usar para su respuesta, ‘Puede encontrar estos formularos dol corte y mds informacion on ol Coto do Ayuds do las Cortes do California (ww sucrteca.Qov, anf Didloteca do lees de su conado 0 en ia corte que lo quede mas cerca, Sino puede pagal cua de presentacin, pid al secetano dela corte {Ue le dé un formularo de exenciin de pago de cuotas. Sino presena Su respuesta & temp, puede pordar ol caso por incumplient y fa coro le Poors qutar su sues, dinero y bienes sin mas advertenca. ‘ay os requistos legals. Es recomendabe que lame a un abogado inmediatarrento, Sino conoce a un abogade, puede lamar a un sorvco de ‘remisin a abogades. Sino puede paga’ aun abogado, es posble que cup con es requisites para obtoner servicios legals gratutos do un programa de servicios legals sn nes de ucre. Puede encontrar estos grupos sin nas do luro on sito web de Cafrnia Legal Services, (srs ihetpeaiforia or), ono! Cento de Ayuda do las Cotas de Calfomia, (ww sucoreca.Goy) 0 pontndase en contacto con la core o {ologo de abogados ocles. AVISO: Por ay a core tone doves a reclama las cuotae J los castoeexantos por imponer un gravaman sobre uals rospracin co $10,000 mk de lo ida maar ut acado ona cones eae caso Ce reco Ci. Tae ue ‘aga e gravamen dela corte antes de que la cote pueda desechar al caso. ‘The name and adress of he courts casen (Elnombre y direccién de la corte es): San Francisco Superior Court psi Co: 400 McAllister Street, San Francisco, CA 94102 ‘The name, address, and telephone number of plaintiffs attorney, or plaintif without an attorney, is: (Elnombe, a cireccién y el nimero de teléfono del abogado del demandanto, o del demandante que no tiene abogado, es). ‘Mark Hooshmand, Hooshmand Law Group, 22 Battery St., #610, San Francisco, CA 94111, (415) 318-5709 CLERK OF THE COURT bare: A (Poche) JUL ~ 1.2014 (Secretar) fade) (Par oT Tsai os somone, sa PT ot Sica Sas fom POST) EnaS RIT (Para prueba de entrega de esta citatiin use el formulario Proof of Service of Summons, (POS-010)). NOTICE TO THE PERSON SERVED: You are served 1. [2 individual defendant. 2. [as the person sued under the fictitious name of (specify) 3, [J on behatt of speci): under: (_] CCP 416.10 (corporation) [CCP 416.60 (minor) coe 416.20 (defunct corporation) [=] CGP 416.70 (conservateo) coe 416.40 (association or partnership) [=] CCP 416.90 (authorized person) other (speci: 4. [1 by personal delivery on (date) ages Fa aspera me SUMMONS ‘eo Ga Peon a3 SIMEON ew or 9) “endicer ° ° SHORT TITLE: arama | Morris, et al. v. Security Title Insurance Co., et al. SUM-200(A) INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE > This form may be used as an attachment to any summons if space does not permit the listing of all parties on the summons. > Ifthis attachment is used, insert the following statement in the plainti or defendant box on the summons: “Addltional Parties ‘Attachment form is attached." List additional parties (Check only one box. Use @ separate page for each type of party): Piainitt §—] Defendant [] Cross-Complainant [] Gross-Defendant CRAIG WENNIHAN, CHRIS MILLS, KOZERA MCFADDEN, APRIL CAMPBELL, PAULA. BUCKLEY, JOHN ADAMS, JENIFER HOOPER, BARRY WILDER, JOSEPH CATONE, DAVID GEORGE, CLARENCE PERKINS, MARIA OLGUIN, BELINDA CAMPOS, and JOHN STEWART "Dao Canctorcarene ‘ADDITIONAL PARTIES ATTACHMENT sultant loca ‘Attachment to Summons

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