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A Tetrahedral Modeling Method for Electromagnetic Scattering by

Arbitrarily Shaped Inhomogeneous Dielectric Bodies

Absmacf-A method for calculatingthe electromagnetic scatteringfrom
andinternalfielddistributionofarbitrarilyshaped, inhomogeneous,
dielectric bodies is presented. A volume integral equation is formulated
and solved by using the method of moments. Tetrahedral volume ele-
ments are used to model a scatteringbody in which the electricalparam-
eters are assumed constant in each tetrahedron. Special basis functions
are defined within the tetrahedral volume elements to insure that the
normal electric field satisfies the correct jump condition at interfaces
betweendifferentdielectricmedia. An approximate Galerkintesting
procedure is used, with special care taken to correctly treat the deriva-
tives in the scalar potential term. Calculated internal field distributions
and scattering cross sections of dielectric spheres and rods are compared
to and found in agreemeut with otber calculations. The accuracy of the
fields calculated by usingthetetrahedralcell method is found to be
comparable to that of cubical cell methods presently used for modeling
arbitrarily shaped bodies, while the modeling flexibility is considerably

HE INTERACTION of electromagnetic waves with dielectric Fig. 1. Piecewise homogeneousdielectricbodymodeledbytetrahedral
T b o d i e s has been extensively studied because of its importance volume elements.
to problems including propagationthrough rain orsnow,scat-
tering by and detection of airborne particulates,medical diagnos- However, in ordertoaccuratelymodelarbitrarily curved body
ticsand power absorption in biological bodies,couplingto surfaces, many cells may be required. Also, in these approaches
missiles with plasma plumesor dielectric-filled apertures,and pulse basis functions were used toexpandtheunknown field
performance of communicationantennas in the presenceof within the body. This can lead to a divergence of the numerical
dielectric and magneticinhomogeneities. When the size of the solutions when the cells are subdivided to obtain a better repre-
dielectric body is neither large nor small compared to the wave- sentation of the body [13, p. 591 .
length of the excitation, asymptotic methods cannot be used to An arbitrarily shaped,inhomogeneousbodywith piecewise
solve theinteractionproblem.Intheintermediate size region, constant electrical parameters is shown inFig. 1.The simplest
often called the resonanceregion,arigorous solution of Max- volume element that can be used to model each homogeneous
well’s equations is required. region of the body is the tetrahedron, which is defined by four
The work of Richmond [ l ] , [2] heralded the use of modem vertices and is boundedbyfour triangularfaces. Any volume
computational methods t o solve dielectric interaction problems. that is bounded by a polygonal surface or specified by discrete
A number of methods have been developed and applied to two- points on the boundary surfacecan be decomposed into tetra-
and three-dimensional scatteringproblems[3]-[12].Someof hedral elements. Higher order elements, such as cubes and paral-
thesemethods have been demonstratedonlyforhomogeneous lelepipeds, can be formedby combining tetrahedralelements.
bodies while others are restricted to bodiesof revolution.The The advantages of tetrahedral elements for volume modeling are
methods of [6] and [7] are based on time-domain formulations analogoustothe advantages of triangles for surface modeling
and may not be well-suited to single frequency applications. The
~ 4 1 [151.
methods of [8] -[IO] utilize cubical or rectangular cells to model Special vector basis functions are defined for use in conjunc-
the bodyandtheyare applicable to arbitrarilyshaped bodies. tion with the tetrahedral elements. These functions are analogous
totherooftopfunctionsthat are used for rectangularsurface
patches in conductor scattering [16] and are constructed to have
Manuscript received March 28,1983;revised August 26,1983.
D.H. Schaubert was with the Division of Electronic Products, Bureau continuous flux densityacross the faces of the tetrahedrons.
of Radiological Health, Rockville, MD. He is now with the Department of Inthenextsection,the volumeintegral equationforthe
Electrical and ComputerEngineering, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, scattering problem is developed and converted to a matrix equa-
MA 01003. tion by the method of moments [13]. In Section 111, numerical
D. R. i l l t o n was with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Uni- results are presented. Only results for relatively simple bodies are
versity of Mississippi, University, MS. He is now with the Department of
Engineering, University of Houston, Houston, TX 77004.
presented because the accurate numerical and experimental data
A. W . Glisson is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Uni- needed to assess the accuracyof thetetrahedral calculations is
versity of Mississippi, University, MS 38677. not presently available for complex, three-dimensional bodies.

0018-926X/84/0100-0077$01.00 0 1983 IEEE


Derivation of Volume Integral Equation
Let V denote the volume of a lossy, inhomogeneous, dielec-
tric body with complex dielectric constant &r,) = e(r) - ju(r)/w
where E and u are the medium permittivity and conductivity at
r. An electric field E', defined to be the field due to animpressed
source J' in the absence of the body,is incident on the body.
Decomposing thetotal electricfield intoanincidentanda
scattered field where the scattered field is due to avolume polari-
zation current J,
J(r) =jw[?(r) - E,] E(r) (1) 'W
Fig. 2. Pair of tetrahedronsand geometrical parameters associated with
leads t o nth face.
E(r) = E'(r) + ES(r) (2)
with respect to the free vertex of T i . Similar remarks apply to
where points in T i and the position vector p i , except that the latter
ES(r) = -jwA(r) - V@(r) is directedtowardthefreevertex of T;. Theplus or minus
designation of a tetrahedron is determined by the choice of a
positive flux reference direction, which is assumed to be from
A(r) = !
!! J(r') dv'
47i Ir-r'I to T i . The basis functions that areused for the moment method
solution of (2) are such that one basis function is associated with
@(r) = -
471e0 v

Ir-r I
, dv' (5)
each face of the tetrahedral model of Y.The basis function as-
sociated with the nthface is

and k , = w G = 27r/h0. The charge density p(r) is related to

the polarization current in(1) by
V J(r) = -jwp(r). (6)
Equation (2). taken with (1) and (3)-(6) constitutes an in-
tegro-differential equation for the polarization current J. In the
following, however, it is found convenient to express J in terms
where a, is the area of the face and P
is the volume of T,'.
(Note the convention that subscripts refer t o faces while super-
of the intermediate quantity
scripts refer to tetrahedrons.)
D = ;E (7) Theunknown electric fluxdensitythatenters (2) through
(3)-(6) can be represented throughout Y by
which has a continuous normal component at media interfaces.
From (7) and (1) it follows thatJ can be written A'
D(r) = QA(~). (1 1)
J(r) = jwK(r)D(r) (8) n= 1

where the contrast ratio The summation is over the N faces that make up the tetrahedral
model of V.
The basis functions f,(r) have several propertiesthatmake
them useful for representing D(r).
now accounts for all discontinuities in the normal component of 1) Within each tetrahedron D(r) is the sumof four linearly
independent basis functions(one associated witheach face)
J at media interfaces.
which can be combined to represent aconstantvector in any
Basis Functions direction.
The volume Y is assumed to be subdivided into a number of
2) f,(r) has n o component normal to anyface except the com-
mon face of the conjoinedpair I;: and T i .
tetrahedralelements such that an inhomogeneous dielectric
3 ) The component off, normal to the nthface is constant and
region is approximated by a number of tetrahedrons, in each of
continuous across theface because thenormalcomponent of
which the dielectric properties are approximated as constant. A
p: along face n is just the height of T,' with face n as the base
homogeneous dielectric region is boundedbya surface that is
and the heightexpressed as 3 Vila,. This latter factor normalizes
approximated by triangular faces assigned so as to fit the shape
of the surface well and also meet the modeling guidelines dis-
f, in (10) such that its flux density normal to face n is unity,
ensuring continuity of the component off, normal to the face.
cussed in Section 111.
4) The divergence of the basis function is
Once thevolume of thescatterer hasbeen appropriately ~~ ~

modeled by tetrahedral volumes, the faces of the tetrahedrons are

of primary importance for the development of the basis func-
tions. Fig. 2 showstwotetrahedrons,and T i , associated with
V fn(r) =
the nth faceof the subdivided region V modelingascatterer.
Pointsinmaybe designated eitherbytheposition vector r
defined with respect to 0, or by the position vector p ; defmed 0, otherwise

where the divergence in T,' is given by (p:)-2a[ *(pi)2fn]/api. dissimilar media, K is discontinuous and its gradient is a genera-
The charge density, which is proportional t o O a f , through (6), lized function representingasurfacecharge density psn, resid-
(8), and (1 l), is constant within each tetrahedron. ing on a,,
5) The moment off, over T i is

Aninducedvolume charge associated witheach basis function

where pi' is the vector between the free vertex and the centroid
exists in eachtetrahedronforwhichthemediumparameters
of T,' with p:- directed toward and p$+ directed away from the
differ from those of free space. Itcan be shown that the formula-
vertex. Equation (13) may be most easily derived by expressing
tion of the problem in (1)-(6) guarantees that the total volume
the integral in terms of volume coordinates 1171.
charge in a homogeneous region is zero. In the numericaI proce-
6) If face n is on the boundary of V , then only one of the
dure, the total volume charge, which is the sum of the volume
tetrahedrons, or T i , is interior to V. In this case it is assumed
charges associated with the four basis functions in each tetrahe-
that f, is defined only over the interior tetrahedron and that the
exterior tetrahedron is not defined. dron, is not explicitly constrained to be zero, but should besmall
Some of the less obvious of these properties can be verified by for any solution that is close to the true solution. An induced
surface charge exists only on faces that separate dissimilar media,
arguments similar to those in [15]. An important interpretation
of (1 1) that follows from 1) and 3) is that the expansion coeffi- andthe charge density is constant on suchfaces.Thecorrect
cient D, represents the normal component of D(r) at the nth surface charge representation is obtained at the faces because of
face. the careful construction of the representation of J.' Equations
The modeling properties of thebasis functions f, are similar to (1 l), (14), and (15) can be used in (2)-(7) to obtain an equation
those of the rooftop functions [16] that are used to model sur- involving only the unknown coefficients {D,}and known vector
face current distributions. Property 1) guarantees that the expan- functions.
sion (1 1) can provide at least a piecewise constant approximation Testing Procedure
to the flux density. Furthermore, each function varies linearly
with distance from its defining vertex. This provides some capa- The next step in applying the method of moments is t o select
bility to model linear field variations. However, like the rooftop a testing procedure that will generate N independent equations
functions, these basis functions are constantinthe transverse fortheunknownexpansioncoefficients.Theexpansionfunc-
tions f, developed in the previous section are chosen as testing
direction so they cannot accurately represent a vector field with
functions. With a symmetric product defined as
arbitrary linear variation; they can reproduce linear variations of
the field only if the variation is parallel to the direction of the
field defined by the basis function.
Inorderto solve ( 2 ) with D(r) representedby (1 l),it is
(2) is tested with f,, yielding
necessary to find expressions for J(r) and p(r) in terms of the
basis functions and expansioncoefficients. From (1 1) and (8) (D/t, f,) + j d A , f,) + (VQ, f,) = ai,f,),
J(r) = jw DnK(r)fn(r).
m = 1, 2 , .-,AT. (19)
n= 1 Thisrepresents N equationsforthe AT unknowncoefficients
In (14), the parameter K(r) is taken inside the summation to em-
{D,} and can be written in matrix form
phasize that the polarization or contrast current at each point in [Smn1 [Dn1 = [ E m1 (20)
the body is a weighted sum of the basis functions at that point
times a factor that describes the medium at that point. By sub- where [S,,] is an Ar X N matrix with dimensions of m4/F, and
stituting (1 4) into (6) and using (1 2 ) , the charge density is found [D,] and [E,] are column vectors of length AT. Since the ele-
t o be represented by ments of [S,,] and [E,] cannot be evaluatedinclosed form,
it is necessary to derive accurate and efficientnumerical approxi-
P(r) = -
n= 1
D,K(r)O - f,(r) - 2 D,f,(r)
n= 1
* OK(r). (15)
mations for these quantities. Formulas for the matrix elements
and some considerations relevant to their computation are given
in the Appendix.
The first summation is the induced volume charge densities pun
associated with the basis functions and can be evaluated with the 111. NUMERICAL RESULTS
aid of (1 2) Inorder to testtheaccuracy of thesolutionsobtainedby
using the present method, it is necessary t o apply the method to

(16) 1 The representation is achieved by expressing J intermsof D. How-

rETi ever, V.(tE) = 0 so that if D = ;E had been chosen as the unknown it
would have been possile to impose on the basis set the condition that D
is divergenceless. This would result in fewer unknowns than the present
otherwise method, which imposes the condition numerically, but it greatly compli-
where K; is the constant of K(r) in c.The second sum- catestheprocedureofgenerating the basis functions. This alternative
formulation, which apparently has not been previously explored,is worthy
mation in (15) representstheinduced surfacechargedensities of further investigation because the savinBthatresult from fewer un-
associated with the basis functions. When the nth face separates knowns may outweigh the additional complexity of the basis functions.
AND VOL. A P - 3 2 , N O . 1, JANUARY 1984

problemsfor which accuratesolutions are available. Unfortu-

nately, very few three-dimensional dielectric scattering problems
can be solved analytically.Since thehomogeneous sphere and
layered, inhomogeneous sphere are examples where the scattered
fields can be analytically determined, theseexamplesare con-
sidered below. The radar cross section of a dielectric rod is also
calculatedandcomparedtothe resultsof other numerical
methods and to available experimental data.
Modeling Considerations
Themostarduoustask required forthesolution of three-
dimensionalscattering problems by the tetrahedral cell method
is the development ofa multicell model that accurately represents
the physical body. Although someautomatic grid generation
schemes may be helpful in this task, the models for the examples
shown below were developed manually with theaid of interactive
stereo graphics. The procedure that was used for model develop-
ment consisted of three basic steps.
1) Model the surfaces of eachhomogeneous dielectric sub-
region with triangularfaces.This step ensures proper modeling
of the boundary shape of each subregion. The approximation of
the surfaces by triangularfaces is essentially the same as that
required by the method of Rao, Wilton, and Glisson [ 151 for
conducting bodies. Experienceindicatesthat usefulresults for
scattered field quantities often can be obtained when the edges of
the triangular faces are longer than 0.25 wavelengths in the dielec-
tricmedium,butaccuratedeterminationoftheinternal fields
usually requires that theedge lengths be about onehalf this value.
Best results have been obtained when the triangularfacesare
approximately equilateral.
2) Divide each dielectricsubregion intotetrahedral volume
elements. For best results, tetrahedrons should be approximately
3) Electrical parameters are assigned to each tetrahedron. For (C)
the examples shown below this was accomplished by interactively Fig. 3. Model of sphereconsisting of threeconcentriclayersoftetra-
using computer generated stereographics. hedrons. (a) Top view. @) Outersurfaceofoneeighth of sphere.
Tetrahedral models usually require fewer unknowns per volume (c) Interior subdivision of oneeighth of sphere into 27 tetrahedrons.
elementthan cubicalmodels. This is because thetetrahedral
modelsrequireoneunknown pertriangularface. Forinterior
oftheinternal field. Atlowfrequenciestheinternal electric
tetrahedrons where eachface is commontotwotetrahedrons,
this results in only two unknowns per tetrahedron compared to
field is constantand can be shown tobeequalto 3 / ( ~ , 2) +
times the incident field. The calculated field is within 10 percent
the three unknowns that are required for each cubical element.
of thisvalue.
As an example oftetrahedral modeling,consider the sphere At higher frequencies, theinternal field exhibits a standing
shown in Fig. 3. Thismodelforthesphere was developed as wave behavior. Trueand calculated electric field distributions
described above and consists of three concentric layers of tetrahe- inside a sphere ofmoderate size are shown in Fig. 4. A 512-
dral cells comprising a total of 216 cells in the entire sphere. The
tetrahedron model was used for the sphere,which has a radius of
diameter of the model is such that the total volume of the 216 0.39 wavelength relative tothe dielectric medium.The agree-
. tetrahedrons is equal to the actual volume of the sphere that is ment between the field calculated via the tetrahedral method and
being modeled. The model consistsof 468 faces,which means the Mie series solution [19] is very good. As already mentioned,
that 468 unknownsare required if the symmetry is not exploited. therepresentation (1 1) provides at least a piecewise constant
However, the number of unknowns can be reduced to 135 if one approximation to theinternal fields.2
makes use of two planes of symmetry.
Dielectric Sphere
2 All plots of internal field that are shown in this paper display the
The 216-tetrahedron sphere model has been used to calculate interpolated field values as obtained from the basis functionsthat are
the radar cross section of an electrically small sphere. The agree- used in the moment method This convention was chosen instead of plot-
ment of the results withthe Rayleigh theory [ l X ] approxima- ting the calculated field values at discrete points for two reasons: 1) the
centroids of the faces and tetrahedrons, which are the logical and conven-
tion, which is asymptoticallycorrectat lowfrequencies, is
tional points to use for numerical evaluations, do not lie along a line or in
excellent. However, the radarcross section is not sensitive to a plane and cannot be readily displayed in a two-dimensional graph, and
minor errors in the internal field distribution. Therefore, a more 2) for applications where internal field distributionis important the ability
critical check on the accuracy of the calculations is the accuracy of the basis functions to accurately represent the true field is of interest.

0-5 r
[ x cubes
(R\kspollmuang & Chen)


- 0.2


-1.0 -0.5 0 0.5 1.o
Fig. 4.
21 a
Field along z axis inside lossless dielectric sphere; .+ = 36, koa =
\-.' I


Fig. 5. Absorbed power distribution along z axis of lossy dielectric sphere;
As a further check on the results of the case shown in Fig. 4, E~ = 35, tan 6 = 0.39, k g = 0.577.
the values of the expansion coefficients D, in (1 I), whichare
equal to the electric flux density normal to the associated face of
the tetrahedral model, were compared to the true values at the
centroid of each face. The worst-case error of these coefficients
was found not to exceed 10 percent of the largest coefficient,
and for most points the error was less than 5 percent. The tet-
rahedral calculations utilized two planes of symmetry so that the
computations could be performed with304 unknowns.
The fieldsinside a lossy sphere have also beencalculated.
These fields agree well with the true fields as indicated in Fig. 5,
which is a plot of the absorbed power distribution along the z
axis. Also shown are the results obtained by Rukspollmuang and
Chen [20] who used cubical cells with pulse basis functions and
point matching.
One of the primaryadvantagesof tetrahedral cell modeling
is the ability to model arbitrarilyshaped inhomogeneities.The
tetrahedral and cubical models that were used to obtain the re-
sults in Fig. 5 are approximately equivalent in termsofthe -1 .o -0.5 0 0.5 1.0
number of unknowns that are used to represent the field, but not
in terms ofmodeling capability.The512-tetrahedronmodel ZI a
has 1088 unknowns. The 320-cube model has three unknowns
per cube, so it resultsin 960 unknowns for the entire sphere.
Stateddifferently,with only 13 percentmoreunknowns,the
r c
tetrahedralmodel has 60 percentmore volume elementswith
which torepresentinhomogeneous regions in the sphere. To
demonstrate the usefulness of this capability it would be neces-
sary to calculate the field inside a body with one or more irregu-
0.8 1 \

larly shaped inhomogeneities. However, the only such bodies for

which analytical solutions are known to the authors are spheres
with spherically symmetric inhomogeneities. Therefore, the fields
inside a two-layeredsphere have been calculated by using the
512-tetrahedron model and are compared to the analytical solu-
tion inFig. 6. Thetetrahedralsolution agrees well withthe
analytical solution except in the \lcinity of the discontinuity in
E.x at the dielectric interface along the x axis. Thetetrahedral
0 0.5 1.0 0 0.5 1.o
solution appears toviolate the boundary condition,
Xla Xla
(3) (C)

Fig. 6. Fields inside lossless, inhomogeneous sphere; = 16, k g 1 =

However, theapparent discrepancyresults fromtheparticular 0.0595, er2 = 9, koaz = 0.13. (a) Magnitude of E , along z axis. (b) Mag-
model that was used for the sphere. In the actual sphere, E, is nitude of Ex along I axis. (c) Magnitude of E , along x axis.
normal to the dielectric interface at the x axis, but in the tet-
rahedral model, the dielectric interface coincides with a triangular

facethat is notperpendiculartothe axis (see, forexample, .016 - Tetrahedrons (Triangular Rod)

Fig. 3(b)). Therefore, the x component of the electric field for -- Richmond Cirwlar Rod (Integral Eqn)
thetetrahedralsolution is notthecomponentnormaltothe A Wang & Papanlcolopulos(Square Rod)
0 Richmond (Experiment)
interface.Thetetrahedralsolutiondoes satisfy(21) exactlyat
facesbecause the basis functions(10)andthe field expansion .012
(1 1) were constructed to insure this.
Scattering Calculations
Althoughtheaccuracy of internal field values is a more 5.008 MHz
stringent test of a computational method than is the accuracy of
scattered fields, it is difficult to accurately measure the fields
inside most dielectric objects.Furthermore,manyapplications
require only scattering data and not internal field data. Conse- .004
quently,thescattering cross sectionsof dielectric objectsare
calculated and compared to published data. The comparison of
thesescatteringdata, whichare obtained by differentmethods I I I
and by measurements, serve as an indicator of the overall accu- 1.o 15 20 2.5 cm
racy of the tetrahedral method. 0.317 0.475 0.633 0.792 I\,
The radar cross section of a thin dielectric rod (radius = 0.16
cm) has been computed and compared to the results of Rich- Fig. 7. Radar cross section of a thin dielectric rod;a = 0.16 cm = 0.05 x,
= 2.54.
mond [21] and Wang and Papanicolopulos [22]. These data are
shown in Fig. 7 , where the agreement is seen to be excellent. The
results of Wang andPapanicolopulos were obtainedwiththe
cubical cell method of Livesay and Chen [ 9 ] . The thin rod was
modeled by a single column of cubeswith cross-sectional area
equal to the circular rod. The tetrahedral model was a triangular
column with the same cross-sectional area as the circular rod.
The scattering cross section of a dielectric sphere can be cal-
culated analytically from the Mie series expansion for the internal
fields. In Fig. 8, the results of the tetrahedral model calculations
are compared to those of Barber, Owen, and Chang [ 2 3 ] , who
employed the series expansion.Thecalculations used the 512-
tetrahedronmodelforthe sphere. Theresonantfrequency is
predicted within1 percent. Similar calculationswiththe216-
tetrahedronmodelpredict the resonantfrequencywithin
percent, but the scattering cross section is 35 percent below the
-_- Mie Series
Owen & Chaw 17 :\
I \
true value. A slightly lossy sphere with the index of refraction I I I I/, L-7

equal to 6j.01 was also analyzed with the two models, and the 0.1 09 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6
predicted cross sections were slightly more accurate than for the b
lossless sphere. Fig. 8. Total scattering cross section of dielectric sphere.
These calculations illustrate the improvement in the computed
solutions that results from,using smaller volumeelementsand
moreunknownstomodelthesphere. Table I showsthe edge potential contributions. Considerable savings in computation time
lengthsandtetrahedron volumes forthe above calculationsat are achieved by using the computed integrals in as many matrix
the peak of the scattering cross section. The parameters for the elements as possible (similar to the procedure described by Rao,
model that was used to obtain the results shown in Fig. 4 are Wilton, and Glisson [ 151). All volume and surface integrations
also shown. It is evident from these data that the best results are wereevaluated by using special numericalintegrationformulas
obtained when the average edge length is somewhat less than fortetrahedrons andtriangles [24] requiring five and seven
0.25 wavelengths in the dielectric medium. points, respectively. The 1/R singularity in the self-terms was
extractedandintegrated analytically [25].Thetable also con-
Computation Time tains a comparison of the tetrahedral method with a cubical cell
An important aspect of any numerical solution is the amount method (pulse basis functions and point matching) developed by
of computer time required to obtain the desired accuracy in the Hagmann, Gandhi and Durney [ 101 . The time required to fdl the
solution. The accuracies that have been achieved with the tetrahe- matrix for the tetrahedral model was about four times that re-
dralmodeling programare illustratedbythe examplesabove. quiredforthe cubical model.This difference in fdling times
Thecomputationtimes required forsome ofthese solutions would be reduced or eliminated by decreasing the order of the
arepresented in Table 11. These times are for a VAX 11/780 numerical quadrature scheme when the integrand is slowly vary-
computer running under the VMS operating system. The matrix ing. The fill time per element is greater for the problems with two
fill time is quitelong because of a large number of numerical symmetry planesbecause there are fourportionsofthebody
integrations that arerequired to evaluate the vector and scalar (one real and three images) that contribute to each matrix element.



nin. avg. max avg. .

Sphere(Fig. 8)
koa ~ 0 .0.214
5 1 7 7 0.315 0.127 1088 3 .14.916. ~
78 1
5 01
~ -01~-0~- ~

koa = 0.5207 0.175 468 O.li16 0.283 8 . ,9. 21 .~331~801~-01~-0~- ~

Sphere(Fig. 4)
kna = 0.408
0.169 0.248 0.100 1088 1 . 6 9 ~ 1 0 - ~ 8.22x10-' 4.83~10-~

*Ad i s thewavelength i n thedielectric medium

T A B L E I1


bUy -facto~ization)

3-Layer Sphere 135 2 283.67 s e e 64.87sec

ka = 0.500 (15.6rnsec/element)
(Pig. 8 )

4-Layer Sphere 304 2 1372.48 s e c 734.64 s e c

k a = 0.408 (14.8msec/element)
(Pig. 4)

Rectangular Box 200 0 179.10 s e c 209.41 s e c

Modeled by (4.5msec/elernent)

Rectangular Box 192 0 42.96 s e c 178.55 s e c

Modeled by Cubes (1.2msec/elernent)

IV. SUMMARY unknowns as the cubicalmodeling methods,butwithmuch

greater modeling flexibility. In particular, the tetrahedral models
A new method for computing the electromagnetic fields scat-
have almost 50 percentmore volume elementsforthe same
tered from and penetrating into arbitrarily shaped, three-dimen-
number of unknowns.Furthermore, arbitrarilyshaped bound-
sional, inhomogeneous dielectric bodies has been presented. The
aries of homogeneous subregions can be modeled more accurately
method is based upon the use of tetrahedral volume elements,
by the triangular faces, which are not restricted in their spatial
which are the simplest polyhedral volume elements that can be
' used to model three-dimensional bodies. Special basis functions
The new tetrahedral modeling method also overcomes the
have beendeveloped to represent the fieldwithineach tetrahe-
fundamental limitation of pulse basis functions that are used for
dron. These basis functions automatically incorporate the bound-
the existingcubicalmodeling methods. The basis functions for
ary conditions of the normal component of electric flux density,
which is related to thesurface polarization charge density. the tetrahedral elements are constructed to produce the correct
jump in the normal component of E without fictitious surface
The testing procedure that is used for the method of moments
solution is an approximate Galerkin procedure. The formulation
charges. Thisshould ensureconvergencewith no numerical
instabiiities when the model is successively subdivided to achieve
is exactlyGalerkin,butthe requiredvolume integration is ap-
greater accuracy.
proximated by recognizing that the vector potential A and the
scalar potential Q, are slowly varying and approximately constant
within each tetrahedron. APPENDIX
indicate that
method predicts the internal field distribution and scattered field
at least as accurately as existing cubical modeling methods. This The formulas that are used to fill the matrix [S,.] and the
accuracy is achieved withapproximatelythe same number of excitation vector [E,] are derived from (19) as follows. The fist
NO. 1, JANUARY 1984

term of (19) can be writtenas *

The argument (r&’ 1/3p&’) denotes that @ is evaluated at the
N centroidofface m when $ V . When theelementsof [S,,]
are calculated, the contributions t o A and @ from a single basis
n=l function are needed. Theieare given by

(Recall that f, is zero outside of T i . ) Theseintegrals can be

dv’ ]
evaluated by utilizingnormalizedvolume coordinates [17]. By
using the volume coordinate representation of the basis functions
and formulas for integationin volume coordinates [17, appendix dv’
41, the integal offi*fj over T p can be evaluated as

dv’- (” -
e- j k R
7ds.] , (28)

where K ; is taken to be zeroif T,‘ 4 V.

By expressing them in termsof normalized volumecoordi-
nates, the integrals in (27) and (28) may be readily evaluated
where rcP is the vector from 0 to the centroid of T p and rl , r 2 , numerically,Theycan, in fact, be expressed interms of four
are vectors from 0 to the vertices of T. This result can be
r 3 , r4 independent scalar integralsover eachtetrahedron.Thesefour
used t o complete the evaluation of (22). integralscontributeto 16 differentelements of [S,,] . Con-
The second term and the right side of (1 9) both involve an siderable savings in computation time is achieved by making use
integration over a vector field, and they can be treated similarly. of these multiple contributions.
In particular, A and E’ are assumed to vary slowly enough to be
approximated within each tetrahedron by their values at the cen-
J. H. Richmond, “Scattering by a dielectric cylinder of arbitrary cross
troid of the tetrahedron. Then, by (13), sectionshape,” IEEE Trans.AntennasPropagat., vol. AP-13,pp.
334-341, May 1965.
J . H. Richmond, “ E - w a v e scattering by a dielectric cylinder of
arbitrary cross-section shape,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat.,vol.
AP-14, pp. 460464, July 1966.
T. K. Wu and L. L. Tsai, “Scattering from arbitrariiy-shaped lossy
dielectric bodies of revolution,” Radio Sci. vol. 12, pp.709-718,
P. W. Barber and C. Yeh, “Scattering of EM waves by arbitrarily
shaped dielectric bodies,” Appl. Opt., vol. 14, pp. 2864-2872, Dec.
If T L or T i is not in V(T; V ) ,then the correspondin,0 term is 1975.
M. A. Morgan and K. K. Mei, “Finite element computation of scat-
absent in (24). In (24), rh’ is the vector from 0 to the centroid tering by inhomogeneous penetrable bodies of revolution,” IEEE
of T i and p&’ is the vector from the vertex opposite a, in T i Trans. Antennas Propagat.. vol. AP-27, pp. 202-214, Mar. 1979.
to the centroidof T i . A. Taflove and M. E. Brodwin, “Computation of the electromagnetic
fields and induced temperatures within a model of the microwave-
The scalar potential term of (19) can be written as irradiated human eye,” IEEE Trans.MicrowaveTheoryTech., vol.
MTT-23, pp. 888-896, NOV. 1975.
R. Holland, L. Simpson, and K. S. Kunz, “Finite-difference analysis
of EMP coupling to lossy dielectric structures,” IEEE Trans. Elecno-
magn. Compat., vol. EMC-22, pp. 203-209, Aug. 1980.
E. H. Newman and P. Tulyathan, “Wire antennas in the presence of a
where S is the boundary of V . Since the tangential component of dielectric/ferrite inhomogeneity,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat.,
f, is discontinuous at tetrahedral boundaries, verification of (25) vol. AP-26, pp. 587-593, July 1978.
requires that the contributions fromindividual tetrahedral volume D. E. Livesay and K-M Cheo, “Electromagnetic fields induced inside
arbitrarily shaped biological bodies,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory
elements and their boundaries be summed. This leads directly to Tech., vol. MTT-22, pp. 1273-1280, Dec. 1974.
the last term of (25). The surface integral follows from the fact M. J. Hagmann, 0.P. Ghandhi, and C. H. Durney, ”Numerical
that the normal component of f, is continuous or vanishes at calculation of electromagnetic energy deposition for a realistic model
of man,” IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Tech., vol. MTT-27, pp.
all boundaries internal to V . Then, with the assumption that @ is 804-809, Sept. 1979.
sufficiently slowly varying that it may be replaced by its value at J. J. H. Wang, “Numerical analysis of three-dimensional arbitrarily-
the centroid ofa tetrahedron or face,(25) becomes shaped conducting scatterers by trilateral surface cell modelling,”
Radio Sci., vol. 13, no. 6. pp. 947-952, Nov.-Dec. 1978.
J. R. Mautz and R. F. Harrington, “Electromagnetic scattering from a
homogeneous material body of revolution,” Arch.Elec.Ubertra-
gung., vol. 33, pp. 71-80, Feb. 1979.
1131 R. F. Harrington, FieldComputationby Moment Methods. New
York: Macmillan, 1968.
1141 A. Sankar and T. C. Tong, “Current computation on complexstruc-

tures by finite element method,” EIectron. Left., vol. 11, no. 20, pp. Daniel H. Sehaubert (S’68-M’7&SM‘79) re-
4 8 1 4 8 2 , Oct. 1975. ceived the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in elec-
S. M. Rao,D. R . Wilton, and A.W. Glisson, “Electromagnetic trical engineering from the University of Illinois.
scattering by surfaces of arbitrary shape,” IEEE Trans.Antennas From 1974 to 1980, Dr. Schauben was a Senior
Propagat., vol. AP-30, pp. 409-418, May 1982. Research and Development Engineer at Harry
A. W. Glisson and D. R. Wilton, “Simple and efficient numerical Diamond Laboratories, Adelphi, MD. From 1980
methods for problems of electromagnetic radiation and scattering from to 1982 he was a project engineering and program
surfaces,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. AP-28, no. 5, pp. manager at the Bureau of Radiological Health,
593-603,Sept. 1980. Rockville, MD. He is currently Associate Profes-
0 . C. Zienkiewicz, TheFiniteElementMethod in EngineeringSci- sor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the
ence. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1971. University of Massachusetts. His current research
Harrington, Time-Harmonic ElectromagneticFields. New interests include antenna design and analysis and
York: McGraw-Hill, 1961, pp. 297-298. numerical solution of electromagnetic scattering problems. He is particularly
S . M. Neuder, “Electromagnetic fields in biological media, Part II- interested in problems involving dielectric media and applications to mono-
The SCAT program, multilayered spheres, theory and applications.” lithic integrated circuits at microwave and millimeter wave frequencies, and
HEW Pub. (FDA) 79-8072, Aug. 1979. in radiation of short-duration pulses.
S. Rukspollmuang and K-M Chen, “Heating of spherical versus real- Dr. Schauben is a Past Chairman of the Washington, DC chapter of the
istic models of human and infrahuman heads by electromagnetic IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society and of the Society’s Membership
waves,” Radio Sci., vol. 14, no. 6S, pp. 51-62, Nov.-Dec. 1979. Committee. He is a member of the Society’s Administrative Committee and
J. H. Richmond, “Digital computer solutions of the rigorous equations Editor of its Newsletter. He has served on the Technical Review Committee
forscatteringproblems,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 53, pp. 796804, Aug. for the Joint ServicesElectronics Program and several ad hoc panels, and is a
1965. member of Eta Kappa Nu and Tau Beta Pi.
J. J . H. Wang and C. Pa icolopulos,“A study of the analysis and
measurements of t h r e e - g n s i o n a l arbitrarily-shaped dielectric scat-
terers,” Rome Air Development Center, Rep. RADC-TR-30-372, Dec.
P. W. Barber, J . F. Owen, and R. K. Chang, “Resonant scattering for
characterization of axisymmetric dielectric objects,” IEEE Trans. Donald R. Wilton (S’63-~1’65-M’7~SM’80), for a photograph and biog-
Anrennas Propagat., vol. AP-30, pp. 168-172, Mar. 1982. raphy please see page 4 of the January 1983 issue of this TRANSACTIONS.
P. C. Hammer, 0. P. Marlowe, and A.H. Stroud, “Numerical inte-
gration over simplexes and cones,” Math Tables Aids Comp.,vol. 10,
pp. 130-137, 1956.
Wilton, S. M. Rao, A. W. Glisson, D. H. Schaubert,
0. Al-Bundak, and C. IM.Butler, “Potential integrals of uniform and
linearsourcedistributions on polygonal and poiyhedral domains,” Allen W. Glisson (S’71-M’78), for a photograph and biography please see
to appear in IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagat., Mar. 1984. page 418 of the May 1982 issue of this TRANSACTIONS.

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