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Floirendo ffiSi".ssInsight ,I

Wednesday, APril 10, 2019


FORMER speaker Pantaleon

Alvarez yesterday taunted Rep.
Antdnio "Tonyboy" Floirendo
(?DP-Laban, Davao del Notte),
saying he should 6tst focus onwin-
ning in his re-election bid before
was not only over politics but also and the Floitendo-family owned
thinking about joining the mce for ALVAREZ repotedly over dreit clashing busi- Tagum Agricultural Development
speaker in the l8th Congress.
gress &rat resultedinhis abruPt ness interests. Company Inc. (Iadeco) in 2003.
'fie bas to win dre elections 6rs('
Alruez chuclded, teacting to Floi- Alvarez was noncommittal vrhen Alvarez was ousted as sPeake! The then speaker even filed
if he is teady p Floirendo in July last yeat and was replaced House Resolution No 867 direct-
rendo who eadier said he was joining asked face
in the nce for dre top House post by Gloria Artoyo in a "coup" that ing dre House committee on good .
tre race to blockmoves to re-install Al-
no't Congress "ft will be presurryrtuous for us to happened on the same day that the govefirmeflt and accountabfity to
varez as speaker in t}le
Floirendo, who was President ' declare out intentions without win- President deliveted his thtd state investigate tlle allegedly gtossly dis-
Duterte's biggest campaign contribu- ning the elections 6rs(' said Alwtez, of the nation address. admntageous 25-year lease conttacL
tor in the 2016 presidential campaigrl who is facing Davao del Norte Gov FloLendo has said Ahatez vras Vith Floirendo's entry, the race
is being challenged by Vice Gov AJan Aathony del Rosatio for the 6rst aftet him because of suspicions for speaket appears to be a 6ve-
Dulali for the second congressional distrids congressional post. that he was t}le one who plotted way fight among him, Alvarez and
district of the prcvince Alvarez is dre candi&te of dre rul- to oust Ahzrez as speaker, .: : former foteign affaits secretary '

Floirendo on Monday said part ing PDP-Laban while Del Rosario is lt 2017, Alvarcz filed a-graft Alan Petgr Cayetanq former Lelte
of the reason he is joining the rururing undet the Hugpong ng PaC- complaint against Floirendo befote Rep. Ferdinand Martin Romualdez,
race for speaker is "to corect a babago Party (FINP), the regional the Office of the Ombudsman and Rep. I-ord Allan Jay Velasco
big mistake I committed when I party of Davao City Mayor Saia itr. connection with an alleged (PDP-Laban, Marindulue) who I

emphatically endorsed Aftatez as Duterte, dre Presidentt daughter. anbmalous land lease contiact be- isknown for his closeness to both
speake! to Piesideot Dutelte." I
Alvarez' row vrith Floirendo tweeir &re Buteau of Corections the Ptesident and Duterte-Carpio.
He said Ahzrez wx a "dictatorirl
vindictive and divisive leader in Con-
t *poplr pA,G€l
See ALVAREZ ) Page 83

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