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Lesson Plan: Persisting

Objective:​ Students will learn how to recognize what persistence is and how it will help them
face and conquer challenges.

Persistence - never giving up, pushing forward
Obstances: a challenge
Endurance : the ability or strength to continue
Relentless: determined, unstoppable

Today, we are going to talk about persistence. Do we know what persistence is? Persistence is
never giving up, and always pushing forward. What does persistence look like? With a partner,
create a chart of what persisting looks like and what it doesn’t look like.

Group Discussion:
How did you determined what persistence looks like and what it doesn’t look like?
How does persistence play a role in your life?

Activity 1:
Now we are going to watch two clips. The first clip features Michael Jordan. The second clip is a
commercial for Adidas.

Group Discussion:
What does Michael Jordan say about failure and success?
Do you agree that success comes from failure?
What do you think the strings, cars, and helicopters signify? What do they mean?

Activity 2:
Now you will read two poems. The first one is called “Mother to Son” by Langston Hughes. The
second one is called “Don’t Quit”. After you read the poem, answer the questions on the
worksheet. What images help you understand persistence in the face of challenges?

1. Why is it important to persist, regardless of the situation?
2. What can you do to ensure you continue to persist?

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