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active see sentence, active

adjective 33-34, 51, 58-60, 104

attributive 128, 130

demonstrative see determiner, demonstrative

possessive see pronoun, determiner possessive

predicate 128, 130

adjective clause see clause, relative

adverb 103-104

article 45, 46

definite 46

indefinite 46

aspect see perfect; progressive

base form see verb base

clause 207

adverbial 172, 218

dependent 73-74, 214-220, 221, 222, 229

independent see clause, main

main 214

noun 218-219

relative 220, 221-226, 228

nonrestrictive 226-228

restrictive 226-228
subordinate see clause, dependent

see also sentence

command see sentence, imperative

conjunction 69, 97, 193

coordinating 70, 193-195, 210

correlative 77

subordinating 73-74, 97, 214-215, 219

continuous see progressive

contraction 28, 246

copula 28; see also verb, linking

demonstrative 45, 48, 87; see also determiner, demonstrative; pronoun, demonstrative

determiner 45-53, 224

demonstrative 87

interrogative 95

dialect xi

function, grammatical 169-186, 203

gerund 154

hypercorrection 130

infinitive 66; see also verb base

modal see verb, helping

noun 3, 35, 113, 154

abstract 5-6

animate 12
common 18

possessive 51

concrete 5

count 14-17

human 12

human animate see noun, human

inanimate 12

mass see noun, noncount

noncount 14-17

nonhuman 12

nonhuman animate 12

proper 18-19, 117, 228

possessive 50-51

number 9

singular 9, 84

plural 9-11, 84

irregular 9, 10

regular 9, 10

object 40, 82-84, 169, 238

direct 35, 173-174, 177

indirect 177-179, 235

see also object of a preposition; pronoun, object

object of a preposition 121, 183

part of speech 1, 8, 60

particle 38, 39, 40, 123, 235

passive see sentence, passive; see also passive be; truncated passive

passive be see verb, helping

past participle 152-153, 154, 155,159, 239

perfect see perfect have; see also tense

perfect have see verb, helping

phrase 111

auxiliary 138

basic structure of 139

compound 193, 212

noun 111

basic structure of 113-118

compound 194, 209, 212

prepositional 121, 174

basic structure of 121-123

verb 111

basic structure of 126-134

compound 195

plural see number

possessive 45, 50-51; see also noun, common, possessive; noun, proper, possessive;

pronoun, possessive

possessive pronoun with determiner function see pronoun, determiner possessive

possessive pronoun with nominal function see pronoun, nominal possessive

preposition 65-66, 76, 123, 185

compound see preposition, phrasal

phrasal 67

see also object of a preposition

present participle 151, 154, 155, 161

progressive see progressive be; see also tense

progressive be see verb, helping

pronoun 81

contracted 90

demonstrative 87

determiner possessive 50, 90

functions of 183-185

interrogative 93

nominal possessive 90

object 83-84, 183

personal 84

possessive 50-51, 89-90; see also pronoun, determiner possessive; pronoun,

nominal possessive

reflexive 85

relative 96-97, 98, 223, 224, 225-226

subject 82-84; 183

quantifier 45, 53
question see sentence, interrogative

question word see pronoun, interrogative

relation, grammatical see function, grammatical

sentence 201

active 238-239, 245

complex 214-216, 218, 221

compound 210-211; 212

compound-complex 229

declarative 203

exclamation 203

functions of 203-205

imperative 186-187, 203

interrogative 203

tag question 204-205

wh- question 204

yes/no question 204

negative 246-249

passive 238-239, 241-242, 244, 245

positive 246

simple 157, 207-209, 210, 211, 212

see also clause

singular see number

Standard American English xi

subject 170-172, 184, 186-187, 207, 238-239; see also pronoun, subject

tense 156-162; 247-248

future 158

future perfect 160

future perfect progressive 162

future progressive 161

past 157

past perfect 159

past perfect progressive 162

past progressive 161

present 157

present perfect 159

present perfect progressive 162

present progressive 161

simple future see tense, future

simple past see tense, past

simple present see tense, present

truncated passive 242; see also passive; passive be

verb 23

action 27, 30-34, 128, 130, 170, 173-174

auxiliary see verb, helping

helping 138-139

modal 141-142, 148, 153-155, 157, 158

periphrastic see verb, helping, modal, phrasal

phrasal 142

perfect have 143-145, 148, 151-155, 159-160, 162

progressive be 146-147, 148, 151, 153-155, 157, 161-162

passive be 239, 242

do 247-249

intransitive 35-37

irregular 28, 157-158

linking 27-28, 30-34,128, 130, 147, 174; see also copula

main 138, 139, 144-145, 147, 157, 170-171, 207, 247-249

phrasal 38-39, 123, 142

regular 157

transitive 35-37

see also verb base

verb base 25

verb complement 174-175

voice see sentence, active; sentence, passive

word category see part of speech

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