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Inguanzo 1

Class Period:____________

Guided Notes for “Identity and Folklore” in ​Their Eyes

Were Watching God

Before we begin…
What are some details that make a person who they are?
(Answer in 2-3 sentences)

About Zora Neale Hurston

Zora Neale Hurston was born on ____________.

Hurston grew up in the town of ______________, Florida, which was one of America’s first
_______________ communities.

Hurston attended __________ University and __________ College at Columbia University,

where she was the only ________ student.

Hurston was an ______________, novelist, and folklorist.

Inguanzo 2

Hurston published research about _________________.

She wrote more than _____ short stories, plays, and essays.

About ​Their Eyes Were Watching God

Their Eyes Were Watching God ​was published in the year ______.

Hurston wrote the book in only ___ weeks while doing anthropological research in ________.

This was the first ________ and feminist text written by an __________________ woman.

This was Hurston’s most __________ novel.

The novel follows ____________________’s life as a black woman living in the black town of
_____________, Florida.

___________ dialect is conveyed throughout the novel.

Inguanzo 3

About the Harlem Renaissance

The Harlem Renaissance took place during the _______ and lasted until 1937.
It ended after the _______________.
The movement consisted of ______ music, dance, theatre, and ________________ artists.

What were the 3 goals of the Harlem Renaissance?

1. 2. 3.
Inguanzo 4

Quote Analysis

“If you are silent about your pain, they’ll kill you and say you enjoyed it.” ― Zora Neale Hurston

How does this quote portray the goals of the Harlem Renaissance? Name one goal of the
Harlem Renaissance that this quote relates to.

(Hint: look at the chart you filled out above)

Checking for Understanding…

What important issues of the Harlem Renaissance does the novel, ​Their Eyes Were Watching
​ iscuss? Please name one specific instance.
God, d

What did Harlem Renaissance writers want to express through their writing?

What is the importance of setting in ​Their Eyes Were Watching God?
Inguanzo 5

Now you try…

This graph shows the percentage of all races in Eatonville, Florida in 2010.

Which race is most dominant in the graph? Which race is least dominant in the graph?

How does this graph give us information about our family history?
Inguanzo 6

What is Folklore?
Folklore consists of legends, music, oral history, proverbs, jokes, popular ______, fairytales,
_________, tall tales, and customs that are __________ of a culture.
The term folklore was first coined in ________ by William John Thoms, a ________ antiquarian.
Folklore is lore shared by a particular ________.
The things that a folk group shares in common are often ___________,
Which help to create a shared _________ for the group and its member and which also help the
group endure over _______.

What is an example of a folk group tradition?

Draw an example of a folk group you belong to.

Inguanzo 7

Discussion Questions:

After watching Salgado’s poetry piece, please reflect and answer these three questions:

1. What are some sayings or phrases that your family has taught you?

2. What are some food dishes that your family eats on certain holidays?

3. What places has your family lived in? How did your family end up in this area?

1. 2. 3.

Exit Slip:

What is significant about traditions and folklore in relation to literature? How do

traditions affect the meaning of a story?

Answer in 2-3 sentences and turn in before you leave!

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