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Dear Mrs.


In all honesty, I learned that reading a book or reading for 30 min each night will help you in all
other subjects even in math or science. Reading a book is pretty much the best thing to do and to also
read books that challenge you. Not just a kid’s book, but a novel or a college book reading level. Books
that help you improve your comprehension and also reading speed. This especially will help you with
major tests like the SAT and the ACT. But anything else was just stories created by Edgar Allen Poe and
Shakes Spear.

I believe this was a difficult beginning school year because I just transferred here without
knowing and how I knew almost no one in this school. Later on though it got better because I met
people and made friends which made this class way better and easier to focus on even if I talked a lot it
helped me focus better and gave me motivation to actually do the work. This year in language arts flew
by because I did my work and thanks you very much for giving us little to almost no homework all year.
The way you teach honestly to me is ok but a little advice from us students to you is please change the
Cask of Amontillado a different assignment because it was torture and the most boring thing ever. Just a
FYI haha sorry. Other than that this was a fun school year and hopefully senior year is a lot better and
much more fun.

This year was amazing in the end or starting from second semester because like I said before I
changed to this school and didn’t know anyone but now it’s really fun and very challenging when it
comes to math and science. Luckily for me it’s my last year for science so it’s going to be an easy year for
me. Compared to the start of the year I’ve learned much more and know more. The best thing I did in
any of my classes was in language arts where we had to read as homework and it really did improve all
my subjects and my tests if they were timed just like the SAT. This year was a bit harsh compared to last
year because I was literally thrown into this new environment and surrounded by people I don’t know in
classes. I hated everyone but now I don’t hate everyone but I don’t like anyone either, except my
friends. I have a small circle lol.

For my senior project I’ve been thinking about how playing piano from a young age help develop
or change the brains of kids to where its shaped differently from a kid who has not played piano. Plus it
also benefits kids if they play and practice piano. Just by playing piano, doors open and opportunities
appear to people who didn’t play before. I already have things to start rolling soon because I already
found someone who can be my mentor and help me make this study important and make it work out in
the end.


Esdras Guzman

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