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WARNING: PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THE CONSUMER INFORMATION AND PRECAUTIONS BOOKLET INCLUDED WITH THIS PRODUCE BEFORE USING TYOURININTENDO® HARDWARE SYSTEM, GAME PAK OR ACCESSORY. THIS BOOKLET CONTAINS IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION. Thank you for selecting be Lagnd of Zale: Qctrind 6 Tire Game ok forthe Ninteodo’ 6 syst ci at fan Re oi cums Pnen cf yar nw gm, Keap sry boli were Warn ee aT ae ete RGeRbeUiraaitrte Te ~ Sele be atest ear Arn Siememaea aie 7 CONTENTS THE NINTENDO® 64 CONTROLLER STORY psvenuart STARTING THE GAME NAVIAND Z TARGETING READING THE GAME SCREEN BASIC CONTROLLER FUNCTIONS USING THE SWORD Sane wee Ren EQUIPMENT SUBSCREEN COLDS YNMU SSS etc! Rasen) SAVING WHEN YOUR GAME 1S OVER BuO Ocenia piu WARRANTY AND SERVICE INFORMATION, ace | Se Ba 29 Bi By cr cy ‘The Nintendo” 64 Controller Control Stick Function: ‘The Ninlenda 64 Contol Siek usee an analog system to read the angles and directions of is movernenk This allons precision convo that isnot Pasible usin the conventional + Conte! Pad ‘When uring the Control Deck power ON, do not move the Cantal Sick from its neutrl positon on the contro. Ifthe Control Stick is held at an angled postion (@s shown inthe picture on the lett) when tne power Is tuned ON, this postion wil be set as uta, Tis wil eause games using the Controh Stick to oporateincorocty. ‘To reset te neutral postion once the game has started, let g0 o the Control Stick so itean return {ois conter postion (as shown in te picture on ‘the let then press START while hoiing down the L and F Buttons. Holding the Nintendo 64 Controller: While playite The Legend ol zekda, Ocafina of “Time game, wo tecamimersd you use the hand postions shown on the ley holding tne ‘ontrole like this, you can operate the Control Stick freely with yourleft thumb. ‘Using your right ‘thumbs, you can easly aceess the A, Boe C Buttons, Pace your left index finger on the Z BButon on the back af tho conte. Connecting the Nintendo 64 contro Toplay this came, you must connect a contillarto Satket One, jacatod ‘nite front panel ofthe Contra} Deck Ht you'éhango the connection during the gare, you nocd a tu the pier OFF to make the now connection aaive ‘This Game designed for one player, sa only one conto is needed, [Nos Rumble Pak” This game is compaibie wth the Rumble Pak aceossoly. Betora Using i, make Sure 9 read he Fumble Pak accoseory insuction booklet carefully. Make sure that the Control Deck is OFF won inserting the Rumble Pak accessory.

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