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Journal Entry Form – Adrian Vega 

Journal Entry for the week of: ____2/24/19____ 
Person who taught the described lesson was:  
Cooperating Teacher Teacher Candidate Co-Taught by both CT/ST 

At the beginning of the lesson:   

What was the students’ response to the 
Describe what will be the teacher said and did… 
instruction? What did the students say and do? 
● Showed a visual on the steps it takes for 
a bill to become a law.  ● Followed along on the steps a bill takes to 
● Covered the main points from each step.  become a law. 
● Discussed the House of Representatives,  ● Participated on discussing the House of 
Senate, and Governor.  Representatives, Senate, and Governor. 
● Gave students a list of ideas that we  ● Analyzed example ideas for a bill. 
could propose into a law.  ● Brainstormed their own ideas for a bill. 
● Allowed students to share their  ● Shared their ideas. 
suggestions for their own bill.  ● Voted on which bill we would use for our 
● Took a vote on which idea we would use  activity. 
for our bill. 
TAP Rubric Domain(s)  
[as assigned by University Supervisor] 
Teacher candidate displays accurate content 
knowledge of all the subjects he or she 
Teacher candidate sometimes implements 
TAP Rubric Descriptor (s)  subject-specific instructional strategies to 
enhance student content knowledge. 
The teacher candidate sometimes highlights key
concepts and ideas and uses them as bases to connect
other powerful ideas. 
TAP Rubric Indicator (s)  Teacher Candidate Content Knowledge 
How does the above evidence connect to descriptors from NIET’s TAP Rubric? 
I was able to find enough visuals aid key points on how a bill becomes law. Although I was able to 
explain the concepts I wanted to cover, I would not consider myself knowledgeable beyond what I 
asked my students to know. In order to show my understanding, I relied on technology to provide the 
information more clearly. 
I borrowed a lot of my information resources my cooperating teacher had. My cooperating teacher 
gave me an objective for this lesson, but I had to create the lesson and materials.  
In the middle of the lesson:   
What was the students’ response to the 
Describe what will be the teacher said and did… 
instruction? What did the students say and do? 

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● Divided the class into 3 committees. 
● Told each group that they were members  ● Propose a bill to the class. 
of the House of Representatives, Senate,  ● Vote on the bill. 
or a revisions committee.  ● Revise a bill. 
● Kept track of time.  ● Explain revisions to the class. 
● Conducted a group vote.   ● Re-vote 
● Instructed the revisions committee.  ● Move the bill onto the next step in the 
● Moved the bill onto the next step in the  process. 
TAP Rubric Domain(s)   Instruction 
[as assigned by University Supervisor]   
Teacher candidate displays accurate content 
knowledge of all the subjects he or she 
Teacher candidate sometimes implements 
subject-specific instructional strategies to 
TAP Rubric Descriptor (s) 
enhance student content knowledge. 
The teacher candidate sometimes highlights key
concepts and ideas and uses them as bases to connect
other powerful ideas. 
TAP Rubric Indicator (s)  Teacher Candidate Content Knowledge 
How does the above evidence connect to descriptors from NIET’s TAP Rubric? 
This part of the lesson was more interactive on the students part. I feel that helped me enhance their 
understanding by letting them be more involved. I was able to correct misunderstandings and 
showcase my knowledge of the process.  
This part of the lesson was fun. Students were engaged, and they took ownership of their learning. My 
cooperating teacher enjoyed the fact that the kids were so involved in the lesson. She said my 
classroom management had gotten better, and the volume of the activity was appropriate. 
At the end of the lesson:   
What was the students’ response to the 
Describe what will be the teacher said and did… 
instruction? What did the students say and do? 
● Relate what their role was to the real 
● Had students share the steps in the 
world job of processing a bill. 
process of how a bill becomes a law. 
● Fill out a worksheet on how the process 
● Ask students to relate our role playing to 
of their bill should go. 
the steps. 
● Hand out a worksheet and allow students 
fill in their individual bills going through 
the process. 
TAP Rubric Domain(s)  
[as assigned by University Supervisor] 
Teacher candidate displays accurate content 
knowledge of all the subjects he or she 
TAP Rubric Descriptor (s) 

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Teacher candidate sometimes implements 
subject-specific instructional strategies to 
enhance student content knowledge. 
The teacher candidate sometimes highlights key
concepts and ideas and uses them as bases to connect
other powerful ideas. 
TAP Rubric Indicator (s)  Teacher Candidate Content Knowledge 
How does the above evidence connect to descriptors from NIET’s TAP Rubric? 
I feel I was able to implement multiple days content into on assessment. I feel I covered how a bill 
becomes a law, and created assessments that allowed students to show their understanding. I had to 
do a lot of research and utilize multiple resources to properly display my understanding.  
My cooperating teacher was very supportive of my lesson. She praised my ability to continue on a 
lesson for more than 1 day. She gave me resources I could use to become more familiar with 
government lessons for fourth grade. 

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