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Assignment of Name : Nabilatun Sholikha

System Analysis and NIM : F34160067

Decision Making (TIN316) Lecturer : Prof. Dr. Ir. Marimin, MSc.



The economic development of Kabupaten Cianjur is closely related to the development of
the agricultural sector. One of the efforts of the regional government in improving the agricultural
sector is through the agro-industry approach. Agroindustry is an alternative choice that must be
developed in conjunction with economic and trade developments in the era of globalization that
strongly demands the existence of efficiency and business effectiveness. Therefore, the role of the
regional government to develop 2 superior commodity agroindustry products in Kabupaten Cianjur
is needed to improve the economy of Kabupaten Cianjur and also increase farmers' income by
providing added value to the crop.
Agricultural commodities that will be used as agro-industry products are very diverse, so
that the right criteria are needed in terms of determining the superior commodities and agro-
industry products from these superior commodities in Kabupaten Cianjur and used the Analytical
Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. The main commodities in Kabupaten Cianjur are 49 types. The
selection of superior commodities is used as an alternative in the AHP hierarchical structure based
on the highest production data value of each superior commodity. Then 4 selected commodities in
Kabupaten Cianjur were selected, namely rice, tilapia, carp, and local cows.
Criteria in selecting superior commodities are determined through literature studies and
then analyzed by experts through filling in questionnaires. Based on the results of expert analysis,
there are 10 criteria in determining superior commodities in Kabupaten Cianjur, namely market
prospects, economic value of raw materials, linkages between people's income, business
feasibility, product diversification opportunities, employment, supporting facilities and
infrastructure, supporting policies, availability and supply of raw materials, and availability of
superior commodity land. Respondents used in the determination of superior commodities in
Kabupaten Cianjur using the AHP method are based on criteria that must be fulfilled, namely
professional, minimum D3 education, integrity, and experienced government in dealing with the
Istiqomah K.2015. Penentuan produk agroindustri unggulan di Kabupaten Cianjur. [skripsi].
Bogor (ID): Institut Pertanian Bogor.

The Use of Analytical Hierarchy Process

Determination of Superior Commodity in Kabupaten Cianjur

Filling Date :
Name of Respondent :
Occupation :
Signature :


Filling out this questionnaire aims to determine the superior commodity alternatives in
Kabupaten Cianjur. The main foundation of this filling is Hierarchy (AHP structure) with
components that have been compiled based on the opinions of experts. The hierarchy can be seen
in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Hierarchy of Determination of Superior Commodity in Kabupaten Cianjur
Information :
PP = market prospects
NEBB = Economic value of raw materials
KU = Business feasibility
KLKU = Availability of superior commodity land
AKDP = There is an opportunity to diversify products
PTK = Absorption of labor
KPBB = Availability of raw material supply
KPM = Government policy supports
SPP = Supporting facilities and infrastructure
KPR = Linkage of people's income

1. Fill in the identity column found on the front page of the questionnaire.
2. Give an assessment of the hierarchy of determination of superior commodity in
Kabupaten Cianjur by filling in the filling sheet.
3. Assessment is carried out by comparing the level of importance or the role of
components in one level of the hierarchy related to the components of the previous
level using the rating scale contained in the instructions section II.
4. Assessment is carried out by filling in the points in the available column.


Score Definition

1 A is equally important with B

3 A is less more important (Moderate) than B

5 A is obviously more important (Strong) than B

7 A is very important (Very Strong) than B

9 A is absolutely more important (Extreme) than B

2,4,6,8 When in doubt between 2 adjacent values

1/(1-9) Reverse the value of importance on a scale of 1-9


Table 1. Comparing the level of importance of the factor elements below based on the
Goal Determination of Superior Commodity in Kabupaten Cianjur

Elements of B
of A

PP 1


KU 1








Table 2. Comparing the level of importance of the factor elements below based on the
Criteria Market Prospect (PP)

Elements of B
Elements of A
Ikan Mas Ikan Nila Sapi Lokal Padi
Ikan Mas 1
Ikan Nila 1
Sapi Lokal 1
Padi 1

Table 3. Comparing the level of importance of the factor elements below based on the
Criteria Economic Value of Raw Materials (NEBB)
Elements of B
Elements of A
Ikan Mas Ikan Nila Sapi Lokal Padi
Ikan Mas 1
Ikan Nila 1
Sapi Lokal 1
Padi 1

Table 4. Comparing the level of importance of the factor elements below based on the
Criteria Business Feasibility (KU)

Elements of B
Elements of A
Ikan Mas Ikan Nila Sapi Lokal Padi
Ikan Mas 1
Ikan Nila 1
Sapi Lokal 1
Padi 1

Table 5. Comparing the level of importance of the factor elements below based on the
Criteria Availability of Superior Commodity Land (KLKU)

Elements of B
Elements of A
Ikan Mas Ikan Nila Sapi Lokal Padi
Ikan Mas 1
Ikan Nila 1
Sapi Lokal 1
Padi 1

Table 6. Comparing the level of importance of the factor elements below based on the
Criteria There is an Opportunity to Diversify Products (AKDP)

Elements of B
Elements of A
Ikan Mas Ikan Nila Sapi Lokal Padi
Ikan Mas 1
Ikan Nila 1
Sapi Lokal 1
Padi 1

Table 7. Comparing the level of importance of the factor elements below based on the
Criteria Absorption of Labor (PTK)

Elements of B
Elements of A
Ikan Mas Ikan Nila Sapi Lokal Padi
Ikan Mas 1
Ikan Nila 1
Sapi Lokal 1
Padi 1

Table 8. Comparing the level of importance of the factor elements below based on the
Criteria Availability of Raw Material Supply (KPBB)

Elements of B
Elements of A
Ikan Mas Ikan Nila Sapi Lokal Padi
Ikan Mas 1
Ikan Nila 1
Sapi Lokal 1
Padi 1

Table 9. Comparing the level of importance of the factor elements below based on the
Criteria Government Policy Supports (KPM)

Elements of B
Elements of A
Ikan Mas Ikan Nila Sapi Lokal Padi
Ikan Mas 1
Ikan Nila 1
Sapi Lokal 1
Padi 1

Table 10. Comparing the level of importance of the factor elements below based on
the Criteria Supporting Facilities and Infrastructure (SPP)

Elements of B
Elements of A
Ikan Mas Ikan Nila Sapi Lokal Padi
Ikan Mas 1
Ikan Nila 1
Sapi Lokal 1
Padi 1

Table 11. Comparing the level of importance of the factor elements below based on
the Criteria Linkage of People's Income (KPR)

Elements of B
Elements of A
Ikan Mas Ikan Nila Sapi Lokal Padi
Ikan Mas 1
Ikan Nila 1
Sapi Lokal 1
Padi 1
The Report in Super Decision

Main menu for

 Outline
 Main Structures
 Report

Outline for
 Model

alternatives follow:

o Ikan emas
o Ikan nila
o Sapi lokal
o Padi

Main structure of toplevel network

What follows a brief recap of this network.

If you would like to, you can return to the main menu.

Alternative(s) in it:  Ikan emas

 Ikan nila
 Sapi lokal
 Padi

Network Type: Bottom level

Formula: Not applicable
Clusters/Nodes  Alternative: description
o Ikan emas: description
o Ikan nila: description
o Padi: description
o Sapi lokal: description
 Criteria: description
o AKDP: description
o KLKU: description
o KPBB: description
o KPM: description
o KPR: description
o KU: description
o NEBB: description
o PP: description
o PTK: description
o SPP: description
 Goal: description
o Pemilihan Komoditas Unggulan di Cianjur: description

Report for top level

This is a report for how alternatives fed up through the system to give us our
synthesized values. Return to main menu.

Alternative Rankings
Graphic Alternatives Total Normal Ideal Ranking
Ikan emas 0.0976 0.1953 0.5240 4
Ikan nila 0.1127 0.2254 0.6050 2
Padi 0.1863 0.3726 1.0000 1
Sapi lokal 0.1034 0.2067 0.5548 3

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