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China has proven to be a partner in drurloptnrnt - Sp*krrAnoyo

groups ftom China the BFA plenary at Shangrila at The
Keynoting the frrst Boao Forum for Fort in Taguigcitla
Speaker Gloria Macapagal Arroyo Asia (BFA) Manila Confeqence, Arroyo .The
main thing to focus on now is
cited the growing and improving eco- stressed China should not be treated on the implementation side. The phitip-
nomic and trade ties between China as a competitoq but a ,partrer in de- pines has to exert maximum effort to
and Philippines and assured Chinese velopment " remove on-the-ground botfl enecks that
business leaders that the Philippines "Clearly, the economic and trade impede implementation of projects that
is exerling "maximum effort" to enswe cooperation between our two countries involve trade and investment groups
the smooth implementation of projects is as good as it has ever been, better from China," she oointed out-
that involve trade and investment than it has ever been in fact," she told Arroyo. who ii on hur.""- )11

China has proven... at ;l*1*#-e country's No' 1

During the visit of Presi-Chinese

ondyearas member of the Board ofDi- ized that all their business plans did dent Xi Jinping to the Philippines in
r€ctors ofthe BFA, encouraged Chinese not have any restrictions on foreign November last year, he and President
businessmen to continuously pour their investments. And we hope that is the Duterte agreed on a 'Comprehensive
resources and invest in tle country way your business plans will also end Strategic Cooperation", a move that
allaying concerns about the country's up. Welcome without restriction. We sent J'a strong message that our two
restrictions on foreign investments. in the Philippines want to match your countries are partners in seeking com,
"What impresses me so much is the enthusiasm and this is what this Forum mon development."
enthusiasm displayed by investors from is g l about," Arroyo said. The Manila conference participated
China. They all came wilh their busi- The former President reca ed that in by around 300 Chinese and Fllipino
ness plans and we in the Philippines when she began her career in public business leaders aims to help visiting
want to match the enthusiasm in the serTice in the 80's, the term "fuagon Chinese entrepreneurs to better un-
implementation side," she said. economy" was coined to describe the derstand the business envircnment and
"IVe want you to Imow the Philip- economic miracle starting to take shape related policies of Philippines.
pine business climate and as that lunch in Asia. The conference also seeks to intrdr
meeting clearly demonstrated. our busi "As an official in .mv counky's De- duce BFAto the Philippine govemiment
ness climate is very verywelcoming for part-rnent of ltade anfrttOuttiy, I was and bu3iness communilr and imple-
your business plans and I hope that will wondering then if China would become ment the important consensus reached
be theconclusion in this Boao Forum in Southeast Asia's chief competitor in by top leaders of the two counhies and
Manila," she noted. the wdrld market. Little did we realize strengthen the alignment of the Belt
n€gulatory policies . then that China was in a class of its and Road Initiative with the develop-
During Monday's special lunch, own. Rather ihan a competito4 China ment strategies of the Philippines and
Arroyo naffated that about 16 busi- has proven to be a partner in develop- ASEAN.
nessmen in high technologr expressed ment- it is a market for SoutheastAsia Co-sponsoring the conference were
their concern over regulatory policies and its dev€loping countries, a donol the BFA and the Federation of Filipino-
prompting her to call Information and a provider of capital and technologr," Chinese Chambers of Commerce and
Tbchnolos/ Secretary Eliseo Rio Jr. Aroyo said. Industry Inc ((FFCCID, with the Phil-
"There were three who had, spe- Bilateral ties between the Philip- ippine Chamber of Comm€rce and In-
cific questions and they presented pines and China, she said "have reached dustry (PCCD, the Philippine Exporters
their business plans to our DICT Sec. new heights in recent years," which Confederation, Inc. (PHILEXPORT)
Rio intently and enthusiastically and is evident in the increase in China's and the Chinese Embassy in the Philip-
at the end of each question, we real- investmenl in the Philippines and in pines as supporting partners..
The BFA, often referred to as the
\?Qo$r pAq; Davos ofAsia, has become a high-end
" platform for dialogue alnong leaders
, of national governments, industrial
and business circles. and academic
circles of countries in Asia and other
continents about the important issues
in dsia and the whole world.
The BFA is dedicated to Promoting
Asian countries achieve common devel-
opment through further iniegration of
regional economy.

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