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GRAMMAR 4 Due to the weather today, the game has been

cancelled. ________________
1 Underline the correct word(s). 5 I went to the library despite the fact that I
knew the book I wanted wasn’t there.
Example: I love my job. However / In spite of, the ________________
commute is very difficult.
1 My bicycle was stolen, so / because I had to walk
to school.
2 I didn’t study very much, and owing to /
4 Complete the words in the sentences.
consequently, I didn’t pass the test.
3 I sold my car as a result / because I couldn’t Example: I tend to keep quiet when my mum starts
afford the petrol. complaining about my room.
4 He gave up running due to / since a knee injury. 1 We always thought Danielle felt happy here, but
5 She had to break the news gently so that / so as deep d________ she was really homesick.
not to upset her father. 2 Steve won’t change his m________ – once he
6 We have a large umbrella in case / as it rains. makes a decision, there’s no going back.
7 We think the house will sell quickly. As a result / 3 Lara’s got a heart of g________; she never says
Nevertheless, we want to be sure it looks as good no when she’s asked for help.
as possible when people come to see it. 4 Ingrid says her new boss is a cold f________.
8 I read the entire book, yet / therefore I can’t Apparently he gives nothing away and rarely
remember anything about the story. smiles.
5 My fiancé’s parents are actually very down to
2 Complete the sentences with the correct form e________ and they agree with us that we
of the verb in brackets. shouldn’t spend a fortune on our wedding.
Example: Has Dana lived in Singapore since she 6 My kids know very well that I’m a bit of a soft
was a child? (live) t________ and they make sure to take advantage
of it!
1 I ________ time to watch TV tonight. (not have)
2 Luis and Maria ________ married for 15 years
5 Underline the correct word(s).
and are very happy together. (be)
3 I can’t believe Paolo isn’t here yet. I ________ Example: I’d like to get a job / profession abroad.
for two hours. (wait) 1 I don’t enjoy my job because the work is
4 ________ you ________ work late again tonight? monotonous / rewarding.
(have to) 2 My salary isn’t high, but the career / benefits are
5 We didn’t have time to do it ourselves, so we really good.
________ our lounge ________ by a 3 Leo is a great boss because he’s good at
professional. (decorate) motivating / demanding people and making
6 How many guests ________ she ________ in her them want to work hard.
house right now? (have got) 4 I recently had some qualifications / training,
7 Did my phone ring while I ________ a bath? which will help me do my work more effectively.
(have) 5 I had to hire / quit my job after just five months
for health reasons.
3 Does the bold word indicate result, reason, 6 What are you doing after you’ve clocked / laid
purpose, or contrast? Write your answer in off? Fancy going for a pint?
the gap. 7 Colleague / Staff turnover is high because the
Example: Despite her confusion, the teacher pay is too low.
continued on with the lesson. contrast 8 I would prefer a regular job to fixed-term
contracts / leave.
1 Even though I didn’t want to, I spent my
evening doing washing. ________________
2 I joined a gym so I can get into better shape.
3 He spent the night working on his thesis;
therefore, he wasn’t able to join us for dinner.
6 Complete the sentences with a A lot of people think that job satisfaction is only for
personality adjective. There are some words other people. They look with envy on people who love
which you do not need to use. their jobs and who don’t think of them as work. The
idea of earning a living from something you really like
affectionate bossy bright conscientious doing only applies to a few very lucky people, they
gentle moody reliable sarcastic think. But this isn’t so. It’s not only people in the so-
spontaneous thorough called ‘glamour professions’, for example, who can
get genuine job satisfaction. You don’t have to be in
Example: Karen’s so bossy – I’m sick of her telling
the arts or a sports person to get enjoyment from what
us what to do!
you do for a living. Even if you’re in a boring job, it’s
1 Olivia’s children are both very ________. quite possible to get some satisfaction from it.
They’re doing really well at school and getting
The key to this is your attitude. You may think it’s
top marks in everything.
unlikely that you can derive much satisfaction from a
2 I’m not surprised that he just got into his car and
dull job that doesn’t require much thought and that
drove across the country to have dinner with his
involves a lot of routine procedures. But if you
friend. He’s very ________.
approach it with the right attitude, and put some effort
3 David is a very ________ person; he’s always
in, you may be surprised at how enjoyable you can
hugging his children.
make it. Of course, if you just sit there telling yourself
4 You just never know with Sarah. One minute
how boring your job is, you’ll never get anything out
she’s fine and the next she’s not – she’s just so
of it. But if you set out to find ways of making it
enjoyable, there’s a good chance you’ll manage to.
5 Don’t worry – if Jack says he’ll be there, he’ll be
there. He’s very________. One thing you can do is to set yourself challenges.
6 I don’t like ________ people. It’s really not nice Think about what you can do for yourself to make your
to say horrible things to make people feel bad. work a little bit more interesting. If you’ve got a
repetitive job, set yourself some targets to meet and
try to beat your previous records. Or use your
initiative in other ways. Think about ways you could
develop your career into more interesting areas – see
how you could improve your skills by doing a course,
7 Match the words to the same sound.
for example, or look into new skills you could get that
employee relatives steady tedious terrible would stand you in good stead for the future.
turnover For some people, it’s not boredom that’s the problem,
it’s the fact that their jobs involve a significant amount
Example: ready steady
of unpleasantness. But if you keep telling yourself
1 nephew ________, ________ your job is horrible and there’s nothing you can do
2 respect ________, ________ about it, you’ll get stuck in a rut and you’ll never get
3 work ________ out of it. Focus on developing a positive attitude and
try to keep any negative thoughts about your job out
8 Underline the stressed syllable. of your mind. Keep a sense of perspective – if
Example: time|ta|ble something’s gone wrong on a particular day, decide
whether it really matters or not. If it isn’t actually all
1 in|tro|vert
that important, don’t dwell on it –let it go. Learn from
2 a|sser|tive
it, and take an upbeat view of what’s happened –
3 sen|si|tive
you’ll know how to avoid the problem in the future, or
4 com|pe|ti|tive
what to do about it if it happens again.
5 re|bel|lious
READING Of course, you may reach the point where you feel
totally trapped in a job. If this mind-set starts to
Read the article and tick () A, B, or C. overwhelm you, check out the options you may have
in the place where you work. Map out a plan for
improving your situation there. Are there other roles
CREATING YOUR OWN in the organization you could apply for? Could you
JOB SATISFACTION ask to be given different tasks? Could you get a
different kind of assignment or go to another 6 The writer says that people who feel ‘trapped’ in
department where your skills are required? Finding a job should consider ________.
out there are other options will give you a sense of A discussing their unhappiness with
control over your own working life. Even if you have managers
no job satisfaction right now, you’ll feel better if you B moving to a different company or
know that there is a realistic prospect of work that organization
gives you a degree of it. C changing the kind of work they do
7 The writer says that you will feel better about
Expectations are another key ingredient in job
your working life if you ________.
satisfaction. Take a long hard look at what you really
A think that some job satisfaction is possible in
are capable of. Sometimes it’s important to accept
the future
that you couldn’t really do the much more interesting
B choose a particular career option for the future
or high-powered job you aspire to. Try to be aware of
C stop aiming for job satisfaction for a while
your own strengths and weaknesses. Focus on the
8 What does the writer say about expectations of
things you really are good at, rather than on things
that, if you’re really honest with yourself, you couldn’t
A Too many people have unrealistic ones.
actually do. Make the most of your situation and feel
B They should be based on real ability.
good about what you can do, rather than feeling bad
C They may change as time passes.
about what you can’t do.
9 In the final paragraph, the writer says that
Work is a very important part of most people’s lives ________.
and it’s important to get at least some satisfaction A lack of job satisfaction has serious
from it. If you really dislike your time at work, the rest consequences for people
of your life is affected too, and you can easily get a B a negative attitude to life leads to a negative
negative outlook on life in general. It’s in your own attitude to work
hands to avoid this. Even if you can’t get the job of C there is more to life than job satisfaction
your dreams, you can take steps to create your own 10 Which of the following best sums up the writer’s
job satisfaction. view in the text as a whole?
A Some people find it easier to get job
1 The writer’s aim in the first paragraph is to satisfaction than others.
________. B Everyone can get a certain amount of job
A distinguish between different kinds of work satisfaction.
B correct a false belief C Job satisfaction is the most important issue in
C define the term ‘job satisfaction’ the workplace today.
2 In the second paragraph, the writer ________.
A warns readers against a certain attitude WRITING
B advises readers not to have unrealistic ideas You have decided to apply for the position
about work advertised below. Write approximately 250 words in
C suggests to readers that most jobs are dull a covering letter or email.
3 In the third paragraph, the writer emphasizes
A how easy it can be to progress in a career
Is this for you?
B a particular route to job satisfaction We are looking for responsible, experienced people
C the need for people to motivate themselves (individuals or couples) of any age to ‘work’ as house-
4 The writer uses the phrase ‘stuck in a rut’ to refer sitters in different European countries for varying
to ________. lengths of time. All you need to do is take care of
A a situation that won’t improve someone’s house, pets, and garden whilst they are
B the bad behaviour of others away on business or on holiday.
C the danger of being too sensitive
You won’t earn any money but your accommodation
5 What is the writer’s advice if something goes
is free. The minimum length of stay is one week so
you can move from place to place.
A Pretend that it didn’t happen.
B Use the experience to your advantage. Interested? Send an email or letter and CV to Bruce
C Don’t think about it until later. Matthews at or post it to…

1 Listen to five people talking about the Tick () A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
disadvantages of various jobs. Match the Example: It was raining, ________ I took my
speakers (1–5) to the disadvantages of the job umbrella.
that they mention (A–H). A because B so  C so that
Speaker 1 1 I enjoy good food. ________, I’m not a very
Speaker 2 good cook.
Speaker 3 A However B Owing to C Consequently
Speaker 4 2 I moved to New York ________ improve my
Speaker 5 English.
A lack of job security A as a result to B in order to C because
B the possibility of making a serious mistake 3 I lost my key. ________, I couldn’t get into my
C having to work at inconvenient times flat.
D bad treatment from employers A As a result B Nevertheless C Yet
E having to work in unpleasant physical conditions 4 The class was cancelled ________ the teacher
F other people’s low opinion of the job was ill.
G having to be dishonest A due to B so C because
H the need to cooperate with colleagues 5 ________ the rain, the concert continued.
A In spite of B In case of C Even though
2 Listen to two friends discussing an article 6 You were late for the interview. ________, you
about personality types. Tick ) A, B, or C. won’t be considered for the job.
1 The two speakers agree that ________. A Even though B However C Consequently
A the man does not react well to pressure 7 He can’t go to the conference in the USA
B other people like the man’s attitude and ________ he hasn’t got a visa.
behaviour A since B so C but
C the man should not consider himself a ‘go- 8 I ________ my hair cut tomorrow afternoon.
getter’ A ’m having B have to C had
2 The man doesn’t agree that he ________. 9 He ________ his car stolen when he left the keys
A is good at organizing other people in it.
B makes too little effort A had B ’s got C has
C annoys other people 10 I never ________ lunch in the office.
3 What do the two speakers agree on the subject of A has B have got C have
discussions? 11 You ________ an uncle in France, don’t you?
A The man often changes his view during A have to B got C have
them. 12 My parents ________ been living in Portugal for
B The man always wants to make other people six years.
agree with him. A were B have C don’t
C The man likes it when people disagree with 13 What time do you ________ be at work?
him. A got to B have to C have
4 The woman agrees that she ________. 14 How many DVDs ________? I’ve never seen so
A is regarded as unreliable by many people many.
B has a relaxed attitude to life A have you got B have you C you have
C frequently changes her plans 15 We _________ to be at work at 7.00. Do you
5 The man says that one characteristic of want to get something to eat?
‘performers’ is that they ________. A haven’t got B don’t have C haven’t
A think too much about criticism 16 _________ he’s a bad dancer, he really enjoys
B expect too much of other people going to salsa classes.
C are too loyal to other people A Even though B But C Consequently
17 _______ that she wasn’t hungry, her mother
insisted that she eat.
A Despite B Despite the fact C The fact
18 He ________ living in the same place since A spontaneous B straightforward C
before his children were born. determined
A had B has been C has to
19 He has to do his homework later, ________ he c Tick A, B, or C to complete the sentences.
can’t join us. Example: I’m in charge ________ the marketing
A so as to B so that C so department.
20 We’re going to________ the kitchen remodelled. A on B of  C to
I can’t wait.
A have B have to C have got 13 Last year, I was promoted ________ Area
14 I was out ________ work all last year, but I have
a Tick () the correct word (s) A, B, or C. a job now.
A in B to C of
Example: doing the same thing over and over 15 I ________ my own mind. I want to be a
A rewarding B repetitive  C demanding company director in five years.
1 difficult at times A have B know C am
A challenging B monotonous C motivating 16 I left my comfort ________ when I took this job.
2 a person or organization that provides jobs It’s very challenging, but I love it.
A an employer B an employee C staff A place B zone C time
3 money paid for doing a job 17 When I make a decision, I ________ with my gut
A benefits B bonus C wage feeling.
4 good pay for a job A go B feel C put
A staff turnover B a competitive salary C 18 Michael is a great manager because he ________
work-life balance problems head on.
5 to write down A plans B catches C faces
A conduct B transcribe C adhere to 19 The penny on the ground caught ____________
6 to leave out in the sunlight.
A omit B remain C require A my eye B my toes C my fingers
20 I caught my brother in a _________ lie, telling
b Tick A, B, or C to complete the sentences. my mum he was done with his homework.
Example: Don’t be so ________. There’s no need to A black B green C white
make me feel like a complete idiot!
A sarcastic  B sympathetic C spontaneous PRONUNCIATION
7 As a family, we’re quite ______ – we grow all
our own vegetables, keep chickens, and also do a Which word has a different sound? Tick
all our own baking. () A, B, or C.
A steady B spontaneous C self-sufficient Example: A five B nine C six 
8 This is a job for someone who’s ________. 1 A tedious B rewarding C death
There’s lots to remember and a lot to focus on. 2 A fired B skill C sister
A sympathetic B thorough C gentle 3 A opportunity B origin C worker
9 I’ve always been a very ______ person. Nothing 4 A colleague B consequently C company
gets in the way of me achieving my goals. 5 A unpaid B underground C launched
A determined B sarcastic C sympathetic
10 Luckily my teammates are all as ________ as I b Which is the correctly stressed syllable? Tick
am and we worked together through the night to () A, B, or C.
solve the technical problems.
A gentle B bright C conscientious Example: A I|ta|ly B I|ta|ly  C I|ta|ly
11 Jack’s new girlfriend is a very ________ girl. She 6 A de|ter|mined B de|ter|mined C de|ter|mined
never loses her temper and speaks very softly. 7 A re|source|ful B re|source|ful C re|source|ful
A bright B gentle C self-sufficient 8 A as|ser|tive B as|ser|tive C as|ser|tive
12 I’m afraid I’m not ________ at all – I seldom do 9 A cu|ri|ous B cu|ri|ous C cu|ri|ous
anything without planning it well in advance. 10 A an|ces|tor B an|ces|tor C an|ces|tor

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