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Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

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Sugar crystallization in food products

a a
Richard W. Hartel & Arun V. Shastry
Department of Food Science, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, 53706

Version of record first published: 29 Sep 2009.

To cite this article: Richard W. Hartel & Arun V. Shastry (1991): Sugar crystallization in food products, Critical Reviews in Food
Science and Nutrition, 30:1, 49-112

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Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 1(1):49—112 (1991)

Sugar Crystallization in Food Products

Richard W. Hartel and Arun V. Shastry
Department of Food Science, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wl 53706

ABSTRACT: A review of the recent literature on crystallization of the commercial sugars (fructose, glucose,
lactose, and sucrose) is presented. Topics include:

Nucleation — The formation of the crystalline phase from supersaturated solutions can occur by either a
spontaneous or a forced nucleation mechanism. Recent work on the mechanisms, kinetics, and impact of both
heterogeneous and secondary (contact) nucleation is discussed.
Growth — Recent studies on the mechanisms and kinetics of crystal growth will be reviewed. This discussion
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includes work on the growth rate dispersion exhibited by these sugars.

Effects of impurities and additives — The presence of impurities and additives (including mixed sugar systems)
affects both the nucleation and growth steps. A discussion of the recent work in this area is included.
Emphasis is placed on the relationship between these crystallization phenomena and the solution structure
for comparison purposes.

KEY WORDS: crystallization, sugars, nucleation, crystal growth.

I. INTRODUCTION phenomena while discussing the present state of

knowledge of sugar crystallization as pertains to
The formation of the solid crystalline phase food products. While sucrose and lactose will
of sugars plays an important role in many food dominate the discussion due to the relative abun-
products. While providing a sweet sensation to dance of basic work on these sugars, other sug-
the food products, the sugars also act to provide ars, including glucose and fructose, will be
certain characteristic textural properties desirable reviewed as well.
in the foods. Crystallization of the sugars is con- The sugars of main importance to the food
trolled in such a way that either the sugar is industry come from a variety of sources. Sucrose,
maintained in the solution phase or the formation probably still the sugar used most frequently in
of the solid crystalline phase is controlled to give food products, is manufactured from either the
the desired textural properties. Many food prod- sugar cane or the sugar beet. In the U.S., sugar
ucts containing sugars are formulated in such a cane is grown in the warmer states (such as Flor-
way that the formation of sugar crystals is re- ida, Louisiana, and Hawaii), while sugar beets
tarded. For example, the graining of hard candies are grown in the cooler, northern states (such as
is considered a defect and is avoided by the candy Colorado, Minnesota, and Michigan). The sugar
maker by appropriate formulation and processing refining process, while slightly different for the
procedures. On the other hand, some food prod- two plant sources, employs several functional
ucts rely on the presence of a crystalline phase steps for removing the sucrose from the plant and
to impart the desired texture. For example, the converting it to a pure substance. An extraction
fine crystals present in a fondant icing determine, step removes the sucrose from the plant to gen-
to a large extent, the ability of the icing to retain erate a dilute liquid with many impurities. These
its shape in a baked good or in center-type candy. impurities, typically dissolved minerals and or-
An understanding of the principles that control ganic matter, differ between beet and cane and,
the prevention or formation of the crytalline sugar thus, the resulting clarification steps differ
phase is thus quite important in developing sat- slightly. For example, one step in cane sugar
isfactory food products. This review will attempt processing involves addition of lime and phos-
to present the basic principles of crystallization phoric acid to floculate the organic matter re-

© 1991 by CRC Press, Inc. 49
maining after the extraction step.1 Once clarified curd. The whey contains the majority of the lac-
juice is made, a concentration step is necessary. tose present in the initial milk. Lactose is then
This is usually done by evaporation to generate refined by a crystallization process from the whey.
a concentrated sucrose syrup. A controlled crys- Some clarification processes may be utilized prior
tallization process in a vacuum evaporator pan is to concentration. For example, whey proteins may
then used to separate the sucrose from the so- be removed by some method (ultrafiltration, ad-
lution. Several crystallization steps are usually sorption, etc.) and some of the minerals may also
necessary to fully exhaust the solution, since the be removed (ion exchange, dialysis, etc.). The
solubility of sucrose in water is quite high. Cen- clarified whey is then concentrated in evaporators
trifuges are then used to separate the crystals from prior to the crystallization step. The crystalliza-
the mother liquor, after which the crystals are tion is usually performed by a slow batch-cooling
dried to make a powder. The solution remaining process to form lactose crystals, which are then
from the last crystallization step contains a small centrifuged and dried to generate a dried powder
amount of sucrose and is highly concentrated in product similar to refined sucrose. Several var-
the impurities present in the beet or cane source. iations of refined lactose can be obtained, mostly
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This is molasses and will be significantly differ- dependent on the level of purity of the dried prod-
ent between the cane and beet processes. uct. Edible-grade lactose contains a significant
A wide variety of crystalline sucrose products level of nonlactose materials, as opposed to the
are available from the refiners, with differences purer pharmaceutical grade.
based mainly on particle size. These range from Glucose and fructose occur naturally in many
fondant icing sugar up to the large-particle-size plant products; however, they are not present in
granulated sugar. Liquid sugar is also available any one product at a high enough level to warrant
for those products that do not require the crys- refining the sugar directly from the source. In-
talline form. Pure crystalline sucrose should al- stead, these sugars are generally manufactured
ways be the same regardless of plant source, since through some starch-processing procedures. In
the molecular structure of the sucrose crystal is general, refined glucose and fructose are manu-
determined by physical constraints. The sucrose factured through the corn syrup process. That is,
obtained from the normal refining process, how- the corn syrup process is modified to create a
ever, is never totally pure since some of the mother high level of glucose or fructose in the syrup.
liquor remains on the crystals during centrifu- The sugar is then crystallized from this high-
gation and, thus, some of the impurities of the concentration syrup in some refining process.
solution are present in the dried sucrose product. Dean and Gottfried5 detail the historical per-
In addition, trace amounts of impurities are in- spective on the manufacture of purified glucose
corporated into the crystal lattice to differing de- (dextrose) from a variety of sources.
grees, depending on the crystallization process.2 There are a wide number of food products
The small amount of impurities in the dried prod- that rely on the presence of sugars for organo-
uct will be different, depending on the plant leptic and textural characteristics. As mentioned
source. Therefore, some small differences be- above, the presence of sugar crystals may be
tween beet and cane sugar may be noticed in either desirable or impart a negative characteristic
processes that are sensitive to small levels of to the product: An understanding of the phenom-
impurities present during processing. Since these ena involved in sugar crystal formation and growth
impurities may play a large role in the crystal- is important to the optimal development of these
lization processes, these differences may become products and the processes through which they
quite important in controlling the formation of are manufactured. Sugars are present in countless
sugar crystals in a food product. food products, ranging from naturally occurring
The milk sugar, lactose, is generally refined , products, such as honey and maple syrup, to for-
in a similar manner, although other techniques mulated foods, including jams and jellies as well
are available.3-4 During the cheese-making pro- as most confectionery products. Everyone is fa-
cess, the proteins and fats in milk are separated miliar with the formation of sugar crystals in
from most of the sugars, minerals, and water. honey or maple syrup caused by prolonged stor-
This is the whey that is separated from the cheese age under conditions that permit crystallization

processes. In these products, the syrups can sim- will not be covered in this review. This topic
ply be heated to redissolve the sugars and yield merits a separate review.
the original product. In other products, such as
hard candies or ice cream, the formation of the
crystalline phase causes a defect that cannot be II. SUGAR SOLUTIONS
remedied once the product leaves the manufac-
turing plant. In a hard candy, the sugars are pres- In order to understand the principles of crys-
ent in a noncrystalline solid phase (the amorphous tallization processes, it is necessary to develop
state), which has a tendency to crystallize or grain some basic principles regarding solution structure
under certain conditions of high moisture and and phase equilibrium. It is the physicochemical
temperature. Proper product formulation as well nature of the solution that drives the crystalli-
as proper handling and storage are required to zation processes; thus, these properties must be
prevent the unwanted crystalline phase from understood in order to fully understand the for-
forming. The crystalline phase has significantly mation and growth of crystals. The following
different textural properties in addition to being section reviews the present knowledge of sugar
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unable to adequately disperse any coloring dyes solutions and their structure, behavior, and re-
used in the candy. Therefore, graining of the lationships to crystallization processes. This re-
candy is to be prevented. Ice cream contains a mains an active area of research due to the
supersaturated solution of lactose under freezer difficulties in defining such complex molecular
conditions that, given the chance, will crystal- interactions that occur in sugar solutions. An un-
lize, yielding a "sandy" defect in the ice cream. derstanding of how these molecular interactions
Proper product formulation and processing con- affect the crystallization processes is just begin-
ditons, again, have helped to reduce the occur- ning to be developed.
rence of this defect.
The purpose of this review is to present the
basic principles of crystallization processes of A. Solution Structure
importance to food products containing sugars.
Previous work on sugar crystallization will be The interaction between sugar and water
reviewed, with special emphasis on how this un- molecules in a sugar solution is quite complex
derstanding can be used to assist in food product and the understanding of this structure is far from
and process development. This review is not in- complete. As the solutions become more con-
tended to be a complete summary of every piece centrated in sugars, the interactions between in-
of work on sugar crystallization; rather, it is in- dividual sugar molecules become more
tended to compile the major works on each of significant. A recent study on sucrose solutions
the topics of crystallization. Previous work on ranging from 5 to 80% (w/w) using nuclear mag-
sucrose and lactose will be emphasized, although netic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy demon-
data on glucose and fructose will be included strates the changes that occur to the relative
where available. Much of the work on crystal- mobility of the sucrose molecules.6 NMR spec-
lization of these sugars has been by industrial troscopy allows observation of the relaxation rates
concerns and, thus, is not available through the of the water molecules in the sugar solution. These
open literature. The review will be broken down rates are directly related to the mobility of the
into the major classifications of crystallization water molecule in solution. In general, the higher
phenomena. These include (1) solution structure, the relaxation rate, the less mobile the molecule.
solubility, and metastability, (2) nucleation pro- Figure 1 shows the change of this relaxation time
cesses, and (3) growth and ripening processes. with sucrose concentration. The linear portion up
Since sugars are seldom, if ever, used alone in to about 40% (w/w) was attributed to the effects
food products, the interactions of other compo- of the viscosity increase on the relaxation rate.
nents (other sugars, proteins, starches, salts, etc.) Above this concentration, a nonlinear curve was
will be emphasized. The related, and quite im- seen, suggesting that increased hydrogen bond-
portant, topic of the amorphous phase transitions ing and/or sucrose-sucrose interactions were oc-


o 10
o Relaxation rate of
T- dissolved
X 8 sucrose solution
c 6
o Relaxation rate for
a dissolved sucrose
x solution in the
o 4 presence of crystals

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w 2-

z i
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Total Solids of sucrose dissolved in D2 0 (%)

FIGURE 1. Effect of dissolved and crystalline sucrose content in D 2 0 on the
O NMR transfer relaxation rate. (Adapted from Richardson, S. J., Baianu, I. C ,
and Steinberg, M. P., J. Food Sci., 52(3), 806, 1987.)

curring, so that the relaxation rate was increased. used for studying these molecular interactions
At very high concentrations, above 67% (w/w) have included X-ray diffraction of the sugar so-
sucrose at 25°C, these interactions are seen to lution,13 infrared spectroscopy,914-15 differential
increase further. After crystallization of the sugar thermal analysis, 9 - 16 - 17 Raman spectros-
has been completed, the relaxation rate of the copy,1415-18 and dielectric measurements.17-19 De-
solution phase has decreased to the equilibrium spite this wide array of experimental techniques
value for the saturation concentration, indicating and measurements, confusion remains as to the
that equilibrium between phases has been exact nature of the molecular interactions in sugar
reached. 17O NMR mobilities of lactose solutions solutions. At very high concentrations, in partic-
and various sugar mixtures of lactose, fructose, ular, the sucrose molecule interactions that lead
and sucrose have recently been reported.7 to the nucleation phenomenon are quite poorly
These measurements provide an indirect in- understood. Much additional work will be re-
dication of the solution structure and molecular quired to fully understand these molecular as-
interactions. The specific interactions between sociations that lead to the nucleation event.
molecules (both inter- and intramolecular) must Molecular modeling presents another alter-
be inferred from these spectroscopic measure- native for developing an understanding of the
ments. Various experimental techniques have molecular nature of sugar solutions. The ad-
been applied to the study of sugar solution struc- vancement of high-speed supercomputers has al-
ture. A comprehensive review of the molecular lowed mathematical modeling of the physical
associations occurring in the sucrose-water sys- behavior of molecular systems by numerically
tem has been presented by Allen and co-workers.8 integrating the equations of motion of each atom
As noted above, NMR spectroscopy has been in the molecular system. In this molecular dy-
used to investigate solution structure in sugar- namics modeling scheme, a system energy equa-
water systems.6-7-912 Other analytical techniques tion must be developed that accounts for the forces

acting upon each of these atoms. A simulation number of interactions, with both water mole-
involves following the molecular changes that cules and other sugar molecules. They may take
result from the net effect of these atomic forces a variety of forms in a solution, depending on
over time. Molecular dynamics simulations have the type of sugar and the conditions of temper-
been used to investigate the solution structure of ature, concentration, and pH. These variations
several sugars, including glucose20 and mal- may include the transformation between the a-
tose.21 These studies can assist in developing an and (3-anomers of reducing sugars as well as be-
understanding of the molecular structure and hy- tween the various ring-shaped tautomers. Each
dration of sugar molecules in aqueous solutions of the anomeric forms has its own inherent optical
and as supercomputers become larger and faster rotation (or the ability to rotate polarized light),
allow the complex nature of these molecular in- so that differences in the optical rotation of the
teractions to be completely delineated. solution may be observed under different con-
From a more physical standpoint, evidence ditions. For example, when a-lactose monohy-
for the clustering of sugar molecules into nu- drate crystals are dissolved in water, the fresh
cleation centers in concentrated solutions would solution has the optical rotation for this anomer,
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

be extremely important to observe. Density dif- a specific optical rotation of 89.40.23 When 0-
ferences arising from gravitational forces in a lactose crystals are dissolved, the solution has a
long vertical column may provide this evidence, specific optical rotation of 35.0°. Each of these
although questions still remain. Researchers22 solutions, however, will change with time as the
have demonstrated that the density of the sucrose mutarotation reaction proceeds, until an equilib-
solution at the bottom of the column is greater rium between the a- and 3-forms is attained. At
than the density at the top of the column under this point, the specific optical rotation will be
certain pH conditions (either <4.2 or >9). These between the two anomeric forms and will depend
density variations did not appear under normal on the final concentrations of the two forms in
pH conditions in sucrose solutions made with solution. For lactose at 20°C, the final equilib-
distilled water (pH of 5 to 6). Density variations rium optical rotation is 55.3°. This value corre-
also were not observed in undersaturated solu- sponds to relative percentages of a- and fi-lactose
tions. The observed density differences in con- of 37.3 and 62.7%, respectively.23 Therefore, the
centrated solutions were attributed to clusters in equilibrium optical rotation of a sugar solution
solution that had a bulk density less than the is determined by the equilibrium ratio of the ex-
liquid phase (flotation rather than sedimentation). isting molecular forms. Pigman and Isbell24 give
These clusters may be either sucrose molecule the equilibrium composition of several reducing
clusters surrounded by a higher number of water sugars. For D-glucose at 20°C, the equilibrium
molecules than the bulk or simply a higher con- composition is nearly the same as that for lactose
centration of water molecules in a local region. (36.2% a- and 63.8% 0-glucose). These equi-
Considerable controversy remains as to the phys- librium values depend on the conditions in so-
ical importance of these clusters and whether or lution, including the temperature, concentration,
not they represent the precursors to crystal nuclei. pH, and presence of foreign substances. An
expression relating the optical rotation of lactose,
In summary, increased molecular interac-
a, in solution in the range of 0.5 to 95°C and 5
tions are observed as the concentration of sugar
to 35 g anhydrous lactose per 100 ml solution is
molecules in solution increases. However, the
given as25
exact nature of these interactions has not been
clearly defined. In addition, the relationship be-
tween these molecular interactions and the crys- a D = 55.23 - (0.01688)
tallization of sugars (particularly in terms of nuclei
formation) has not been studied in sufficient detail. C - (0.07283)(T-25) (1)
Here, a D is the specific optical rotation observed
using a sodium lamp (5893 A), C is the concen-
B. Mutarotation
tration of lactose (grams of anhydrous lactose per
Sugars in an aqueous solution undergo a 100 ml of solution), and T is the temperature

(°C). A similar expression, applicable when a erson.25 Their results verified previous studies in
mercury lamp (5461 A) is used for measuring that salts were seen to increase the rate of mu-
optical rotation, is given as23 tarotation. A temperature effect was also ob-
served, where the activation energy for
aHg = 61.77 - (0.007)C - (0.076)(T-20) (2) mutarotation was found to be 16 to 17 kcal/mol.
Salts increased the rate, but did not affect the
where C is the concentration in grams of lactose activation energy of mutarotation. Patel and
monohydrate per 100 ml of solution. In general, Nickerson33 outlined the effects of sucrose on the
the effects of temperature and concentration are mutarotation rate in the presence of various salts.
quite small on the equilibrium mutarotation. Sucrose alone significantly decreased the rate
However, pH and the presence of foreign con- constant for mutarotation. Whey salts were found
stituents may have a significant effect on the to catalyze the mutarotation velocity; however,
equilibrium solution structure in sugar whey salts in the presence of sucrose resulted in
solutions.24-26-27 mutarotation velocities similar to those in dis-
Lactose and glucose show relatively simple tilled water.
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mutarotation behavior, since the pyranose form

of the sugar predominates in solution. More com-
plicated mutarotations exist for other sugars,24 C. Phase Diagrams
including fructose, due to the presence of sub-
stantial amounts of the furanose form in solution. Phase diagrams delineate the different solid
The tautomeric equilibria of fructose and glucose and liquid phases that occur in equilibrium sugar
have been delineated using polarimetry, gas-liquid solutions. Sucrose, being a nonreducing sugar
chromatography, and NMR spectroscopy. 2830 that shows a relatively simple solution structure,
Optical rotations and mutarotation constants for takes only one form in solution, and the phase
a wide range of reducing sugars has been com- diagram shows a simple distinction between the
piled by Pigman and Isbell.24 solid and liquid phases. The phase diagram for
The mutarotation rate is dependent on the sucrose-water34 is shown in Figure 2. The ap-
solution conditions (concentration, temperature, proach to the eutectic point (the temperature and
pH, etc.) and the presence of additional com- concentration at which a solid water-sucrose so-
ponents. The velocity constant for mutarotation lution is formed) is somewhat misleading in these
of lactose was determined as a function of pH data. Although sucrose should hypothetically
by Troy and Sharp.31 Their results show a rela- show a eutectic point, crystallization of sucrose
tively constant rate between pH 2 and 7, with is dramatically hindered at the viscosities asso-
dramatically increasing rates either above or be- ciated with these low temperatures and the so-
low these values. Herrington26 determined that lution becomes amorphous. Therefore, the actual
the mutarotation rate of lactose in solution was eutectic point has not been well defined.
enhanced by the presence of weak acids and bases Slightly more complicated is the lactose sys-
as well as lactate ions, but that the effects of salts tem, which can crystallize in either the a-mono-
were not as clear. KCl was found to have a slight hydrate or 3-anhydrous form and exists in solution
retarding effect on the rate of mutarotation, al- as an equilibrium mixture of the anomeric forms.
though other salts (such as ammonium chloride, The equilibrium solid phase depends on the tem-
potassium acetate, and ammonium acetate) had perature and concentration of the solution. Below
a catalytic effect. Herrington32 also showed that 93°C, lactose crystallizes in the a-lactose mono-
several additives affected the equilibrium con- hydrate form, meaning that the crystal lattice
centrations of the lactose forms in solution, re- structure incorporates one water molecule with
sulting in different equilibrium optical rotations. every lactose molecule. Above this temperature,
Specifically, the effects of glycerol and various the 3-lactose (anhydrous) form is crystallized un-
salts on the equilibrium optical rotation in lactose der equilibrium conditions. Under other condi-
solutions were detailed. Mutarotation rates in salt tions, an anhydrous form of a-lactose can be
solutions were also studied by Haase and Nick- created that can exist as either an unstable or a


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Composition (% sucrose by weight)

FIGURE 2. Sucrose-water phase diagram. (Adapted from Young, F. E.

and Jones, F. T., J. Phys. Chem., 53, 1334, 1949; Pancoast, H. M. and
Junk, W. R., Handbook of Sugars, Vol. 2, AVI Publishing, Westport, CT,
1980, 264.)

stable form, depending on the conditions of under controlled relative humidity conditions so
formation. that moisture equilibration may take place. This
The phase diagrams for glucose 35 and stable anhydrous form is not hygroscopic and will
fructose36 are even more complicated. These are remain in the anhydrous form under normal air
shown in Figures 3 and 4, respectively. Several conditions. When this stable anhydrous form is
hydrated forms of a-D-glucose and a-D-fructose redissolved in water, a concentrated a-lactose
crystals exist as well as the p-anhydrous form. solution is created with very little P-lactose pres-
Oftentimes, other forms of sugars may be ent, at least initially. This stable anhydrous form
crystallized under unusual operating conditions. has a higher solubility than a-lactose monohy-
For example, anhydrous forms of lactose, which drate, but is still lower than that of p-lactose.
do not crystallize directly out of solution, can be Solutions made from the anhydrous form are very
made by special processing of the monohydrate.23 Unstable and a-lactose monohydrate readily crys-
If a-lactose monohydrate crystals are heated above tallizes. Van Kreveld37 has used this unique prop-
100°C under controlled pressures to drive off the erty to study the growth of a-lactose monohydrate
water of hydration, this anhydrous form can be from solutions with very low levels of p-lactose.
produced in one of two varieties. If the heating The anhydrous forms can also be made using
occurs under vacuum, an unstable form is created alcohol to dry the monohydrate.23
that has the same crystalline properties as the
monohydrate without the water. This unstable
form is quite hygroscopic and will pick up mois- D. Solubility
ture readily from normal, ambient air and return
to the hydrate crystalline form. A stable form of The chemical potential difference between a
anhydrous cx-lactose may be made by heating sugar solution (liquid phase) and a large sugar


Anhydrous /I I
40 a-D-Glucose. / I /

o a-D-Glucose
3 Monohydrate
0) 0 / / /

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Anhydrous ^ s .
p-D-Glucose N.

' 1 ' 1 ' l
20 40 60 80

Composition (% D-glucose by weight)

FIGURE 3. D-Glucose-water phase diagram. (Adapted from Young, F. E. and

Jones, F. T., J. Phys. Chem., 53, 1334, 1949.)

crystal (solid phase) is zero when the two phases and fructose as well as invert sugar (an equimolar
are in equilibrium. This point is defined as the mix of glucose and fructose) over a wide range
solubility point, and the concentration of the sugar of temperatures of interest to the food proces-
in solution at this point is defined as the solubility sor.38 One can see that fructose has an extremely
concentration. Solutions with sugar contents be- high solubility, in excess of 80% (w/w), while
low this concentration are undersaturated and will lactose exhibits the lowest solubility of these sug-
allow further dissolution of sugar crystals. So- ars. The discontinuities in the solubility curves
lutions with sugar contents higher than the sol- for the nonreducing sugars arise due to the oc-
ubility concentration are called supersaturated currence of various forms of the sugars occurring
solutions. Any crystals present in a supersatur- at different conditions. For example, below 93°C,
ated solution will not dissolve, but, rather, will a-lactose is the least soluble component and the
grow larger as the solution attempts to approach solubility curve gives the a-lactose concentration
its equilibrium condition. Supersaturated solu- at equilibrium. Above 93°C, however, 3-lactose
tions are necessary for the crystallization pro- is the least soluble and the solubility curve re-
cesses of nucleation and growth. flects the concentration of this different
The solubility concentration varies as the component.
temperature of the solution varies. Sugars gen- The curves in Figure 5 show the total solu-
erally demonstrate a normal solubility curve, that bility of the least soluble component. However,
is, the solubility concentration increases with in- each of the individual constituent anomers in so-
creasing temperature. Figure 5 shows the solu- lution also has its own solubility. For example,
bility curves for pure sucrose, lactose, glucose, at 15°C a-lactose has a solubility concentration



p Anhydrous
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20 40 60 80 100

Composition ( % D-fructose by weight)

FIGURE 4. D-Fructose-water phase diagram. (Adapted from Young, F. E.,
Jones, F. T., and Lewis, H. J., J. Phys. Chem., 56,1093,1952.)

of about 7%, while B-lactose has a solubility in methanolic calcium chloride. Different crystal
concentration of about 50%. 39 The final total sol- forms can be obtained through crystallization from
ubility of lactose is about 15%, between the two alcoholic media. These can range from the an-
solubility values of the different anomers. Visser hydrous form of a-lactose to crystalline mixtures
et al.4 give an expression that relates the solubility with varying a:P ratios.44
of total lactose to the temperature and show a
graph of the solubility of both a- and B-lactose E. Metastability
with changing temperature up to 90°C. This is
shown in Figure 6.40 This type of information When a supersaturated sugar solution is cre-
can also be obtained from the phase diagrams ated, a driving force exists for the formation of
shown previously. the crystalline phase. However, even though a
Sugars are only very slightly soluble in sugar solution is supersaturated, it generally will
alcohols41 and some work has been done in crys- not crystallize until the driving force exceeds some
tallizing sugars out of aqueous solutions through critical value. This critical supersaturation is re-
the addition of alcohols.42 Domovs and Freund43 lated to the energy requirements for formation of
discuss the solubility of lactose in methanolic the solid phase, or the energy barrier to nuclea-
calcium chloride solutions. Lactose is insoluble tion. The region of concentrations between the
in pure methanol.41 However, with the addition saturation concentration and this critical concen-
of calcium chloride, a soluble complex is formed tration is called the metastable region of super-
such that the solubility levels can become sig- saturation. This region varies with such
nificant. Domovs and Freund43 also discuss the parameters as temperature, agitation rate, and,
solubilities of other sugars (glucose, fructose, etc.) of course, level of additives or impurities. Each


80 -


i 60 -
" / /
\ / \
\S Glucose /
40 •
' Invert /
u \
sugar /
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

CO Lactose
20 -

i i i i i i i
i • i
25 50 75 100 125 150

Temperature ( ° C )

FIGURE 5. Solubility of fructose, glucose, invert sugar, lactose, and su-

crose in water. (Adapted from Pancoast, H. M. and Junk, W. R., Handbook
of Sugars, Vol. 2, AVI Publishing, Westport, CT, 1980, 264.)

of these parameters influences the energy barrier gions are not clearly defined and will vary with
to the formation of the solid phase. changes in such parameters as agitation rate and
A supersolubility diagram is generally em- additives. For this reason, the values for the met-
ployed to demonstrate the region of metastable astable range reported in the literature are quite
supersaturations. Typical curves for sucrose and variable. The typical curve for sucrose metasta-
lactose are shown in Figures 7 and 8, respec- bility shown in Figure 7 was developed for stag-
tively.45-46 These figures show several curves that nant solutions. Under agitated conditions, the
are related to the types of nucleation mechanisms critical supersaturation for nucleation may be
that can occur. The supersolubility curve, at higher lowered.47 This will be discussed further in a
supersaturations, represents the boundary at which subsequent section.
spontaneous nucleation will occur. That is, above •The metastability of sucrose, glucose, and
this value of supersaturation, nuclei will form fructose solutions has been studied in detail by
spontaneously by some heterogeneous mecha- Vasatko and Smelik.48 Their experimental tech-
nism. In a narrower region of supersaturation nique involved the visual determination of the
conditions at lower concentrations, nucleation will occurrence of nucleation as an unstirred sugar
only occur when existing seed crystals are pres- solution was concentrated by evaporation at con-
ent. This is commonly called secondary, or stant temperature. The concentration at the point
forced, nucleation. At even lower supersatura- of first observation of nuclei was measured as
tions, nucleation will not occur under any con- the metastable limit. Figure 9 for sucrose shows
ditions; however, existing seed crystals will still that a constant concentration limit for the meta-
grow. stable region existed for temperatures less than
The concentration boundaries for these re- 40°C. Above 40°C, the metastable concentration


Initial solubility
c 40
o of p-forrn^«--
2 30
C Final solubility ./
c 20 - at equilibrium/*^
o _
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

o 10 Initial solubility
o ^ of a-form
20 40 60 80 100

Temperature ( ° C )
FIGURE 6. Solubility of individual and combined anomers of lactose in
water. (Adapted from Jenness, R. and Patton, S., Principles of Dairy Chem-
istry, Robert E. Krieger, New York, 1967, 77.)

increased with temperature to maintain a rela- metastable conditions was measured for fructose
tively constant supersaturation limit for metast- between 0 and 60°C, as shown in Figure 11.
ability. Vasatko and Smelik48 attributed this The exact metastable boundary for supersa-
behavior to a change in sucrose molecule hydra- turated sugar solutions remains an open question
tion at about 40°C. due to the complexity of the nucleation process
While the metastable region for commercial and interactive effects of the numerous parame-
glucose has been reported to be extremely small ters that impact the metastable condition. Future
by Dean and Gottfried,5 metastable zones for pure research in this area is warranted to define the
glucose solutions that are significantly larger than effects of various parameters of commercial sig-
sucrose have been demonstrated experimentally nificance on the nucleation event. The effects of
by Vasatako and Smelik48 and Horn.49 The de- such parameters as agitation or energy input, tem-
tailed experiments of Vastako and Smelik48 show perature, and types and concentrations of addi-
a significant metastable zone. Their results (Fig- tives and impurities on the metastable limit would
ure 10) for glucose show that the region of me- be of great significance to the food processor with
tastability depended on the equilibrium form of strict requirements for crystallization control.
the glucose crystal that was present at a particular
temperature and concentration. At lower tem-
peratures and concentrations, a relatively wide F. Supersaturation
metastable region was observed for the glucose
hydrate forms. At higher temperatures and con- A solution that contains more sugar mole-
centrations, the anhydrous glucose had a slightly cules than is thermodynamically allowed is said
reduced zone of metastability. However, in gen- to be supersaturated. Several methods are avail-
eral, the metastable zone for glucose was similar able for generating a supersaturated solution. The
to that observed for sucrose. A narrow range of first is by cooling an undersaturated solution. A

Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

Temperature ( ° C )
FIGURE 7. Approximate supersolubility curves for sucrose. (Adapted from
Van Hook, A., Principles of Sugar Technology. Crystallization, Honig, P.,
Ed., Elsevier, New York, 1959, 2,113.)

simple example of this is making rock candy on vents for sugars due to their low solubility values.
a home stove. Sugar is added to a volume of The solution mixture, following addition of sol-
water that has been heated to some elevated tem- vent, has a lower solubility for sugar than the
perature. The amount of sugar added is less than initial solution. Thus, the concentration, even
the saturation value at that temperature. Once all though diluted slightly by the solvent addition,
the sugar has been dissolved, the solution is re- becomes supersaturated with respect to the sol-
moved from the heat and allowed to cool. As it vent mixture. This is shown in Figure 12 by the
cools, the total amount of sugar that the solution line AD in combination with the new solubility
can hold decreases. If cooled far enough, the curve (dashed line). This last method of super-
concentration of the solution will pass over the saturating is not commonly used in the food in-
solubility line and the solution will be supersa- dustry, although some liqueurs and liqueur-type
turated. This is shown by line AB on Figure 12. confections may be prone to crystallization from
The degree of supersaturation depends on the this mechanism.
initial concentration and the extent of cooling. Supersaturation levels may be expressed in
Another means of generating supersaturation is many ways. Thermodynamically, the driving
by removing some of the water to increase the force for crystallization is the difference in chem-
relative content of sugar molecules in solution. ical potential between the solution phase and the
This is done by evaporation and is shown as line solid (crystalline) phase.50 At the equilibrium sol-
AC in Figure 12. This method is utilized by the ubility concentration, these chemical potentials
sugar refiners when making pure sugar. A third are the same and the driving force (supersatur-
method is to add a second solvent in which the ation) is zero. The chemical potential can be re-
sugar is not soluble. Alcohols are convenient sol- lated directly to the solution activity. The

Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

20 40 60 80 100

Composition (% lactose by weight)

FIGURE 8. Metastable and solubility regions for lactose solution.
(Adapted from Hunziker, O. F. and Nissen, B. H., J. Dairy Sci., 10,
139, 1927.)

supersaturation driving force for growth of crys- However, neither the activities nor the activity
tals in a concentrated solution can then be ex- coefficients are generally known or measured for
pressed thermodynamically as sugar solutions, particularly those of commercial
importance at high concentrations. Van Hook51
<p = RT ln(a/aeq) (3) reviews the data for activity coefficients of con-
centrated sucrose solutions and applies these lim-
where <$> is the chemical potential difference (or ited data to crystal growth kinetics. His
"affinity of reaction"), R is the ideal gas con- conclusions emphasize the need for extending
stant, T is the absolute temperature, and a and these activity coefficient measurements into the
a^, are the activities of the supersaturated and supersaturated region. Since detailed measure-
saturated solutions at that temperature, respec- ments are unavailable, simplifying assumptions
tively. The activity can be expressed in terms of are generally made that allow the use of measured
mole fraction or molar (moles per liter of solu- concentrations as an indication of supersaturation
tion) or molal (moles per kilogram of water) con- values. The errors associated with these assump-
centration of solute in solution through the use tions may be large enough that conclusions re-
of activity coefficients for nonideal solutions. garding the mechanisms of crystallization
Thus, the thermodynamic driving force can be processes cannot be accurately made with con-
related to measured solution concentrations centration values. These errors are discussed in
through the use of activity coefficients. Alter- general terms by Mullin and Sohnel.50 Dunning52
natively, the driving force can be expressed di- reviews the errors associated with using concen-
rectly in terms of the activity of the solution. trations to replace activity coefficients to define


Labile region
5 80 -\ Metastable

o Undersaturated
70 - Metastable
o region
a> region
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

Solubility limit

60 I i I
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Temperature ( ° C )

FIGURE 9. Metastable and solubility limit for sucrose solution. (Adapted

from Vasatko, J. and Smelik, A., Zucker, 21(6), 144, 1968.)

Anhydrous form
metastable limit

80 Type II hydrate
metastable limit

"55 70- e I hydrate

metastable limit Anhydrous form
solubility limit
Type II hydrate
u solubility limit
_3 40.
Typee I hy
30 solubility
bilit limit

0 10 20 3Q 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Temperature ( ° C )

FIGURE 10. Metastable and solubility curves for o-glucose solution.

(Adapted from Vasatko, J. and Smelik, A., Zucker, 21(6), 144,1968.)


I 90-
Metastabie region

u 80
« Saturation
o limit
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

70 i i
10 20 30 40 50 60 70

Temperature (°C)

FIGURE 1 1 . Metastabie and solubility curves for D-fructose

solution. (Adapted from Vasatko, J. and Smelik, A., Zucker, 21 (6),
144, 1968.)

Supersaturated solution
for pure solvent system

o B
—— A
c Undersaturated
a> solution in pure
o i
c solvent and D1
o supersaturated
soiution in solvent
m mixture system

W Under saturated
in pure solvent
and solvent
mixture system


FIGURE 12. Supersaturation of sugar solution by evaporation, solution cool-

ing, and solvent addition. AB: supersaturation by solution cooling, AC: super-
saturation by evaporation of solvent, AD: supersaturation by addition of a second

Sucrose Supersaturations Expressed in Different Units

a. T = 20°C, TS = 70%

Solution composition C C. AC

g Sucrose/kg water 2333.3000 2039.0000 294.3000 1.1443 0.1443

g Sucrose/kg solution 700.0000 670.9000 29.1000 1.0434 0.0434
g Sucrose/I solution 943.1000 891.7000 51.4000 1.0576 0.0576
Mol sucrose/I solution 2.7550 2.6073 0.1477 1.0566 0.0566
Mol fraction sucrose 0.1093 0.0969 0.0124 1.1277 0.1277

b. T = 20°C, TS = 80%

Solution composition C C. AC
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

g Sucrose/kg water 4000.0000 2039.0000 1961.0000 1.9617 0.9617

g Sucrose/kg solution 800.0000 670.9000 129.1000 1.1924 0.1924
g Sucrose/solution 1129.4000 891.7000 237.7000 1.2666 0.2666
Mol sucrose/I solution 3.2990 2.6073 0.6917 1.2653 0.2653
Mol fraction sucrose 0.1738 0.0969 0.0769 1.7932 0.7932

c. T = 40°C, TS = 80%

Solution composition C C. AC

g Sucrose/kg water 4000.0000 2381.0000 1619.0000 1.6800 0.6800

g Sucrose/kg solution 800.0000 704.2000 95.8000 1.1360 0.1360
g Sucrose/I solution 1120.2400 963.5429 156.6971 1.1626 0.1626
Mol sucrose/I solution 3.2727 2.8174 0.4553 1.1616 0.1616
Mol fraction sucrose 0.1738 0.1114 0.0624 1.5607 0.5607

supersaturations of sucrose solutions. He rec- grams of sugar per 100 g solution or on grams
ommends that mole fractions be used to represent of sugar per 100 g water. When specifying a
sucrose concentrations in order to minimize the supersaturation, it should be clear as to which
errors associated with the use of the nonther- units are used as a basis. Table 1 compares these
modynamic measure of concentration. supersaturation values at several concentrations
Despite the above concerns, the use of con- and temperatures of sucrose solutions. Any of
centrations to calculate supersaturation is widely these forms will give a measure of the extent of
practiced due to the relative simplicity of mea- supersaturation, and the use of one over another
surement. While mechanistic understandings may is dependent on the end use of the desired in-
not be obtainable with these values, the use of formation as well as the available techniques for
concentrations allows comparison of crystalli- concentration measurement.
zation phenomena under varying conditions. In solutions of reducing sugars (lactose, glu-
Several methods of comparing supersaturations cose, and fructose), the presence of the various
based on concentrations are used. These are (1) anomers may have some effect on the solubility
the concentration difference, AC = C — Cs, (2) of each of the other anomers. For example, in
the supersaturation ratio, S = C/Cs, and (3) the lactose, it has been determined that the presence
relative supersaturation ratio, o- = AC/CS = S of p-lactose in solution has a negative effect on
— 1. Differences in these values are observed the solubility of a-lactose.53 In order to accu-
when using different units for the solution con- rately express a supersaturation as the driving
centration. That is, supersaturation values may force for a-lactose crystallization, the effects of
be expressed relative to concentrations based on p-lactose on the solubility of a-lactose must be

taken into account. Visser53 derived an expres- mixed system to that of pure sucrose at the same
sion for supersaturation of a-lactose that accounts conditions. It can be seen that the sugars gen-
for this effect over a range of temperatures. This erally cause a decrease in solubility, while some
was given as salts may cause an initial increase in solubility.
In addition, food components such as proteins
S = C o (C p ,T)/C al (C p ,T) and starches have been observed to decrease the
solubility of sucrose similarly to the other sugars.
= C/{CS - FKm (C - Cs)} (4) These solubility changes are related to the mo-
lecular interactions between the solutes and the
where C a and C p are the concentrations of a- and water. It is thought that, in general, solutes that
3-lactose, respectively, C as is the equilibrium form a hydrate in solution tend to lower the sol-
concentration of a-lactose, T is the temperature, ubility of sucrose, whereas solutes that do not
C is the total lactose concentration in solution, form hydrates tend to increase the sucrose
Cs is the total equilibrium concentration of lactose solubility.
in solution at that temperature, Km is the ratio of Figure 13 shows the change in sucrose sol-
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

p/a in mutarotation equilibrium, and F is a tem- ubility as the concentration of invert sugar in the
perature-dependent factor relating the depression solution increases.38 It can be seen that the equi-
of the solubility of a-lactose by fj-lactose. Visser53 librium level of sucrose in solution decreases dra-
developed a table giving values of F at various matically at all temperatures as the level of invert
temperatures based on the depression of lactose sugar goes up (also see Reference 55). Fructose,
solubility by sucrose, since the depression caused glucose, and corn syrup have a similar effect.
by P-lactose could not be directly measured. This The solubility of glucose/sucrose mixtures is given
correction was found to be fairly small over a by Horn49 as a function of temperature. Raffi-
range of temperatures and supersaturations, so nose, a natural impurity present in sugar beets,
that inaccuracies in F resulted in negligible (or plays an important role in the refining of beet
at least more tolerable) errors in determining su- sugar, since it has a large effect on sucrose crys-
persaturation. This analysis points out the diffi- tallization. The change in equilibrium solubility
culties in determining the actual driving force for of sucrose in the presence of raffinose has been
crystallization processes due to the confounding studied in some detail.55 Recently, Liang et al.56
effects of anomeric forms in solution. have delineated this solubility depression effect
over a wide range of temperatures and concen-
trations. This solubility decrease might suggest
G. Effects of Additives/Impurities on that the sucrose would nucleate more readily in
Solubility the presence of additives for a constant level of
sucrose in solution since the supersaturations are
The presence of many additives of impor- higher under similar conditions. However, this
tance in foods will significantly alter the equilib- is not the case since there is an inhibition effect
rium solution conditions. In particular, the on the formation of nuclei from these additives.
solubility concentration may be dramatically This will be discussed in greater detail in a later
changed. Most components of foods have been section.
observed to have a negative effect on the equi- Smythe55 showed the effects of some salts
librium solubility concentration of sugars. Using on the solubility of sucrose. Salts such as KC1
sucrose as an example, the presence of such ma- and urea were seen to increase the solubility of
terials as corn syrup, invert sugar, gelatin, pro- sucrose at lower concentrations (<30 g salt per
teins, starches, etc. generally causes a decrease 100 g water). Na2HPO4 was seen to have no
in the saturation concentration. Mullin54 sum- effect, while CaCl2 initially decreased the solu-
marizes data showing how the saturation con- bility at low concentrations (<20 g salt per 100
centration of sucrose is altered in the presence of g water). At higher CaCl2 concentrations (>20
various additives where the solubility coefficient g salt per 100 g water), the sucrose solubility
is the ratio of the saturation concentration of the increased again. The solubility of lactose in salt


220 -
Temperature = 50°C

3 180 -
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

200 300 400

Invert sugar (g/100 g water)

FIGURE 13. Influence of invert sugar on the solubility of sucrose.

(Adapted from Pancoast, H. M. and Junk, W. Ft., Handbook of Sugars,
Vol. 2, AVI Publishing, Westport, CT, 1980, 264.)

solutions has been studied by Herrington.57 His the solubility of mixtures of lactose and its hy-
results show that lactose becomes more soluble drolysis products (glucose and galactose) over the
in the presence of calcium chloride and calcium range of 45 to 95°C and demonstrated that the
nitrate. The formation of a more soluble molec- hydrolysis products decreased the amount of lac-
ular compound with calcium chloride (a-lactose- tose that could be solubilized.
calcium chloride-heptahydrate) was thought to be For solutions that were saturated with lac-
responsible for this increased solubility. tose, the following equation was derived for re-
As mentioned previously, anomeric forms of lating the effects of temperature and hydrolysis
reducing sugars may have a negative effect on product content on lactose solubility.60
the solubility of another anomeric species in so-
lution. This has been demonstrated in the lactose Cs>La = (0.7)T-(0.311 +0.013T)CGa (5)
system by Visser,53 where P-lactose has been
shown to decrease the solubility of a-lactose in Here, concentrations are in weight percent, T is
solution. Other sugars have also been found to in °C, and it is understood that glucose and gal-
decrease the solubility of lactose in solution. actose concentrations are equal in the hydrolyzed
Nickerson and Moore58 give solubility values for solution.
lactose in the presence of sucrose between 25 and One final point to be made concerning sugar
85°C. These results are shown in Figure 14. mixtures is the maximum total solids level that
Talley and Hunter59 developed an expression re- can be attained from solution mixtures. Figure
lating the solubility of lactose to the presence of 15 shows the total solids level for the most sol-
glucose and galactose at 25°C. Both sugars were uble mixture of sucrose and invert sugar.38 The
shown to significantly decrease the total solubil- concentration of this mixture exceeds the indi-
ity of lactose in solution. Bourne et al.60 studied vidual concentrations of either sucrose or invert

Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

20 40 60
Sucrose ( g / 1 0 0 g w a t e r )

FIGURE 14. Influence of sucrose on the solubility of lactose. (Adapted

from Nickerson, T. A. and Moore, E. E., J. Food Sci., 37, 60, 1972.)


— 80 -

70 -

60 -

10 20 30

Temperature (°C)
FIGURE 15. Total solids of most soluble mixtures of sucrose-invert
mixtures. (Adapted from Pancoast, H. M. and Junk, W. R., Handbook of
Sugars, Vol. 2, AVI Publishing, Westport, CT, 1980, 264.)

sugar at these conditions, with a total solids level nisms are those in which nuclei are formed in
greater than 76% under normal operating tem- systems that do not contain crystalline centers of
peratures. This high level of sugar in solution the crystallizing material. The primary nucleation
may lower the water activity enough to stabilize processes require an energy barrier associated with
the solution to microbial growth. This is critical the formation of the new nucleus to be overcome.
to the stable storage of many food products and This is the energy required to form the crystal
contributes to the importance of sugar mixtures surface and the crystal mass. Thermal fluctua-
in the food industry. tions or mechanical agitation can cause local en-
The solubility of sugars in solvents other than ergy levels of sufficient energy to promote
water has been studied in some detail. Sucrose nucleation. The phenomenon of secondary nu-
is only slightly soluble in alcohol.41 Thus, when cleation is different in that the presence of an
alcohols are added to aqueous sucrose solutions, existing crystal surface is required for generation
the mixture has an overall solubility much lower of nuclei.
than the original aqueous solution and the solu-
tion is easily supersaturated. Numerous studies
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

have investigated the effects of alcohols on the 1. Primary Nucleation

crystallization parameters for sugars.42-44-61-63
Homogeneous nucleation is the classic pro-
cess of particle formation described by a molec-
III. NUCLEATION ular accretion mechanism. That is, molecular
collisions lead to the creation of clusters of mol-
Nucleation is the formation of a solid crys- ecules that become large enough to exceed the
talline phase from a supersaturated sugar solu- energy barrier to nucleation and become stable.
tion. Crystal nuclei are formed when sufficient It is thought that individual molecules continually
energy is available for formation of the solid phase collide with each other and with other clusters in
from the solution structure at a given concentra- the solution. At high solution energy levels (su-
tion and temperature. In food products containing persaturations), accretion of molecules is favored
high concentrations of sugars, this energy barrier over dissociation (caused by convective forces
to nucleation may be easily overcome and the and molecular motion) and the clusters build to
formation of sugar crystals may occur. Under- a sufficient size to become stable at the existing
standing the mechanisms of this phenomenon and supersaturation. There is a certain probability,
the parameters that influence the nucleation step depending on solute molecule concentration and
is crucial to the control of the texture of the final solution energy, that some of the clusters will
product. In some cases, crystal formation is de- reach a size greater than the critical nucleus size.
sired, while in other food products, the product A cluster with a size less than the critical size is
is considered defective when crystal nucleation more likely to break up, whereas, a cluster of
takes place. This section will review the basic greater size is more likely to grow and remain a
mechanisms of sugar nucleation and discuss the stable nucleus. The energy barrier required for
effects of the important parameters on this event. the nucleation process has been estimated by clas-
sic nucleation theories developed by accounting
for the surface and volume energy terms. Mul-
A. General Nucleation Theory lin,54 Van Hook,64 and Zettlemoyer65 give ex-
cellent reviews of this topic, including the
A typical classification of crystal nucleation historical developments of the theories.
mechanisms is shown in Figure 16. These mech- The following theoretical development for
anisms are described in great detail in reference homogeneous nucleation is based on the conden-
books on crystallization processes. 546466 A brief sation of droplets from the vapor phase. This
description of these processes will be given here. theory is generally extrapolated to apply to the
Nucleation mechanisms may be divided into two nucleation of crystals from solutions. The free
broad categories. Primary nucleation mecha- energy for formation of the crystal surface is po-





Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012



FIGURE 16. Classification of crystal nucleation mechanisms.

sitive.and proportional to the surface area (size turation ratio based on the appropriate concen-
squared) and interfacial tension of the nuclei, tration units. The critical free energy, AGcrit,
while the free energy associated with the volume required for nuclei formation at a given temper-
formation is negative (latent heat generation) and ature and concentration is found as
proportional to the volume (size cubed). The net
free-energy change during the nucleation process , = 16TTo^v2/{3[kT(ln S)]2} (7)
is the sum of these terms where the surface term
dominates at small size and the volume term From this expression, the rate of homogeneous
dominates at larger nuclei sizes. This yields a nucleation, J, can be found using a simple Ar-
critical nucleus size at which the free-energy bar- rhenius form of the rate equation. This is given
rier is a maximum (as shown in Figure 17). Nu- as
clei above this critical size are more likely to
grow and become stable, while clusters below J = Aexp{-AG crit /kT}
this size are unstable and are more likely to dis-
sociate. Classical homogeneous nucleation the- = A e x p { - 16mxsV/[3k3T3(ln S)2]} (8)
ory allows the calculation of this critical size for
spherical nuclei.54-64 It is given as where A is a frequency factor for nucleation. This
expression demonstrates that the temperature, su-
persaturation, and interfacial tension are the main
rc = 2asv/[kT(ln S)] (6) variables that influence the rate of homogeneous
nucleation in a given system. As the temperature
where crs is the interfacial energy, v is the mo- goes up, for a given supersaturation, the nuclea-
lecular volume, k is Boltzman's constant, T is tion rate will also go up. The effect of supersa-
the absolute temperature, and S is the supersa- turation on the rate of nucleation is quite dramatic,

/Surface excess
/ free energy, A G s

+ ve r
o ' Free energy of

A yS^ formation, A G

I 0 j <

Volume excess
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

free energy, A C^
- ve

0 Critical nucleus radius, r.

Size of nucleus, r

FIGURE 17. Gibbs free energy as a function of the nucleus size.

as represented by Figure 18. The rate of nuclea- and represents the energy barrier to nucleation
tion is quite low until some critical value of nu- based on molecular motion or viscosity limita-
cleation is attained, at which time it becomes tions. Nucleation is inhibited due to viscosity
quite rapid and nucleation occurs almost spon- limitations at high concentrations in sugar solu-
taneously. Mullin54 has calculated the time re- tions. These high concentrations and low nu-
quired for spontaneous homogeneous nucleation cleation rates lead to the formation of the
of liquid droplets in supercooled water vapor. A amorphous phase.
time of 1000 years is required for nucleation at The applicability of the theoretical devel-
S = 3.0, while a time of 0.1 s is calculated when opment leading to Equation 9 may be questioned
S = 4.0. The critical nucleation point, thus, is due to the large number of assumptions and ex-
slightly less than S = 4.0, although there is a trapolations that must be made to apply the theory
finite probability that nucleation will take place to crystallization from solution. In particular, what
at lower supersaturations. is the definition of an interfacial tension for a
For viscous systems, such as sugar syrups, small cluster of molecules may be questioned.
organic acids, or melts, Equation 8 has been em- That is, how does one define the interfacial ten-
pirically modified to account for mass transfer sion of a cluster of molecules that may or may
effects.67 A modification of the classic homo- not have a crystal lattice structure? At what point
geneous nucleation equation of the form given in the molecular accretion process does the clus-
below is normally employed. ter transform into a crystal lattice structure? Fur-
thermore, how does one define the molecular
J = A'exp accretion process for a system of molecules that
{ - 16iTo^v2/[3k3T3(ln S)2] + AGv/kT} (9) exhibits significant molecular interactions in the
fluid phase, as evidenced by the solution structure
Here, AGV' is the activation energy for molecular work discussed previously? These questions and
motion between the cluster and the bulk solution others cause the classic homogeneous nucleation


Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

Supersaturation, C / Cs
FIGURE 18. Primary nucleation rate as a function of solution supersaturation.

theory to be of limited value when investigating or pitted container surfaces, etc., may catalyze
crystal nucleation from solution. Modifications the formation of the crystal nucleus and allow
of the basic theory to account for some of these nucleation at much lower supersaturations than
questions are discussed in Reference 65. are required for homogeneous nucleation. It is
An empirical approach to nucleation theory nearly impossible to remove sufficient numbers
involves the use of an induction time period to of these nuclei sites, even in careful laboratory
predict the onset of nucleation. Christiansen and experiments, in order to study homogeneous nu-
Nielsen68 related the time required for homoge- cleation. Certainly, in any practical application
neous nucleation, Th, to the solution concentra- relating to sugar syrups, heterogeneous nuclea-
tion, C, as tion will be the main source of nuclei. Since
heterogeneous nucleation is the most important
xh = kC1 (10) mechanism of nucleation on many occasions in
sugar syrups, the number of nucleation centers
where p was considered to be the number of present will determine, to a large extent, the onset
molecules in a critical nucleus or "germ". The of spontaneous nucleation. Syrups that have been
lag time represents the time required for the for- filtered to remove some of these impurities may
mation of stable nuclei. This model was used by undergo nucleation at higher supersaturations than
Christiansen and Nielsen68 to relate the incidence less clean solutions.
of nucleation to the operating parameters, such A detailed understanding of what makes an
as concentration and temperature for the precip- impurity active as a nucleation site for a particular
itation of sparingly soluble salts. system is still quantitatively lacking. Some sub-
Nucleation by a strict homogeneous mech- stances may act as nucleation promoters in one
anism as described above rarely occurs in su- crystal system and nucleation inhibitors in a dif-
persaturated sugar solutions due to the presence ferent system. Qualitatively, the degree of lattice
of impurities that act as nucleation sites. Certain similarity between the impurity and the crystal
impurities, such as dirt or dust particles, rough system is thought to be important in determining

the effectiveness of a nucleator. For example, the geneous nucleation sites, whether insoluble for-
match in lattice structure between ice and silver eign matter or the surfaces of the holding vessel,
iodide makes this an effective nucleator for water is the main cause of nucleation in most instances.
vapor (as used for cloud seeding to induce rain- The variability of the nucleation event may be
fall). The interfacial energies between the crystal related to the nucleating activity of the hetero-
and solution, crcl, between the foreign solid and geneous nucleation sites present during process-
solution, CTS1, and between the crystal and the ing. It is probably safe to say that conditions
foreign solid, o-cs, can be used to develop an under which nucleation is promoted sponta-
expression for modifying the critical energy for neously include either high supersaturations or a
nucleation based on the homogeneous nucleation high number of active sites, or both. Control of
theory. That is, these sites is important to the control of the nu-
cleation event. The exact relationship between
crit = 9AG c r i t (11) the nucleation process and the solution structure
at the point of nucleation is also poorly under-
stood. Much additional fundamental research in
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

where AG'crit is the critical energy for hetero-

geneous nucleation and this area will be necessary to fully understand
the molecular concepts underlying the nucleation
<p = (2 + cos 0)(1 - cos 6)2/4 (12) event.

cos 8 = (CTS1 - o j / i p c (I 3 )
a. Sucrose
The closer the degree of matching between the
surface tension of the crystal and foreign solid, Of all the sugars, sucrose has been the most
the lower the energy barrier for nucleation. The extensively studied with respect to primary nu-
two extreme cases are (1) when 6 = 180°, there cleation. However, questions still remain as to
is no wetting of the solid surface (2) when 0 = the exact mechanism of the nucleation step as
0°, there is complete wetting. Case 1 indicates well as to the kinetics of the formation process
no affinity between the foreign surface and the under a variety of conditions.69 In addition, the
crystalline structure, so that no nucleation occurs. nucleation mechanisms and kinetics in commer-
At the other extreme, case 2 indicates a complete cially applicable situations for food products are
match, which occurs when the solution is seeded still only poorly understood.
with the crystals of the solute itself. The affinity The studies on primary nucleation processes
of any particular foreign surface lies somewhere in sucrose have generally involved either deter-
between these two extremes and determines the minations of the time required for the appearance
ability of the foreign surface to promote heter- of nuclei under certain conditions or the visual
ogeneous nucleation. counting of the number of nuclei appearing after
Catalysis of nucleation by foreign solids has a certain period of time at supersaturated con-
also been related to the lattice matching at the ditions. Typical nucleation experiments involv-
crystal-solid interface.54 The extent of this match- ing the formation of nuclei in increasingly small-
ing is related to the strain that would be induced diameter droplets have allowed the observation
in a crystal formed with the same structure as the of homogeneous nucleation of sucrose solu-
nucleation site of the foreign object. The interface tions.70 These experiments operate on the prin-
is considered coherent when the crystal lattice ciple that if a solution is divided finely enough
can accomodate this strain, and is considered in- by separation into many small droplets, then a
coherent when the strain is excessive to the point number of droplets will be free of contaminant
that the crystal lattice cannot propogate due to nucleating particles and, thus, homogeneous nu-
the lattice mismatch. cleation will be observed. From these studies as
While the exact mechanisms of primary nu- well as from studies involving well-filtered or
cleation in food products are generally unknown, cured sucrose solutions,45'71-72 it has been found
it is apparent that the presence of these hetero- that homogeneous nucleation occurs at supersa-

turation ratios (based on concentrations in grams found the number to be in the range of 50 to 80
of sucrose per grams of water) in excess of 1.5 molecules, depending on the initial supersatur-
to 1.6. Below this value, supersaturated sucrose ation. The number of molecules in the critical
solutions with no active nucleation centers are nucleus was higher at lower initial super-
relatively stable for long periods of time and no saturations.
nucleation will occur. Van Hook73 also discusses heterogeneous nu-
Under normal conditions in the laboratory or cleation of sucrose solutions. His work, dis-
plant, spontaneous nucleation of sucrose solu- cussed previously, on homogeneous nucleation
tions occurs at a supersaturation ratio (based on of sucrose solutions was based on careful prep-
grams of sucrose per grams of water) of between aration of the solutions to minimize potential for-
1.2 and 1.3.45>7° This was seen in the superso- eign nucleators. This was done by either careful
lubility diagram shown in Figure 7. However, filtering or centrifuging of the solutions to phys-
kinetic theory69 as well as data presented by Dun- ically remove foreign material or by curing of
ning and Shipman72 and Van Hook and Bruno71 the solution prior to experimental observation of
demonstrate that this metastable limit is time de- nucleation behavior. Curing the solution in-
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

pendent, since supersaturated solutions of down volved heating to a temperature at least 20°C
to 1.1 supersaturation ratio have been observed above the saturation temperature for 20 to 30
to nucleate, given sufficient time (over 150 h). min. This process performs several functions,
Solutions prepared at a supersaturation ratio of including the dissolution of any fine crystalline
1.3 were seen to nucleate quite rapidly (on the sucrose particles, the destruction of any ordering
order of minutes rather than hours). An expo- of sucrose molecules within the solution, and the
nential decrease in induction period prior to the possible thermal deactivation of any foreign par-
onset of nucleation was observed between these ticle nucleators. Without such careful solution
supersaturation ratios. These results demonstrate preparation, only heterogeneous nucleation could
that the kinetic nature of the nucleation process be studied. In further experimental work, careful
must be considered as well as the equilibrium studies on the nucleating ability of various for-
condition. eign substances added to supersaturated sucrose
The results of Van Hook and co-workers, as solutions, including mannite, lactose, glucose,
well as a number of Russian investigators,73 in- fructose, tartaric acid, calcium carbonate, and
dicate that the classic model of nucleation (Equa- lithium sulfate monohydrate crystals, resulted in
tion 8) describes the nature of the formation of no enhancement of nucleation.73 That is, none of
sucrose crystals by a primary nucleation process the above-mentioned substances in their pure state
at least qualitatively,73 and that the mechanism were capable of nucleating sucrose solutions from
is essentially a diffusion-controlled process. This the metastable supersaturation zone. Van Hook's
contention is supported by the apparent activation comments regarding nucleation of sucrose re-
energy for the nucleation process being approx- main appropriate to this date: "These topics —
imately the same as that for the viscosity and the structure of the crystal nucleus and hetero-
diffusion of sucrose molecules as well as from geneous nucleation of sucrose syrups — remain
the profound influence of the solution viscosity virtually untouched domains for both theoretical
on the nucleation process. Equation 8 has been and practical investigation and are extremely
used to estimate the number of sucrose molecules promising since heterogeneous theory avoids most
in a critical nucleus as 80 to 100, with a critical of the statistical difficulties encountered in ho-
radius of 20 A.64 That is, the critical nucleus size mogeneous nucleation theory, and macroscopic
is reached (at 25°C) when between 80 and 100 concepts may be employed since the particles
sucrose molecules have accumulated (for a ho- generally contain many, many crystals."73
mogeneous nucleation mechanism). The inter- The induction time for the onset of nucleation
facial tension value can also be approximated as of pure sucrose solutions has been correlated to
6 erg/cm2 for this process.70 Kharin et al.74 were supersaturation by a number of researchers.
able to calculate the number of molecules in the Kuijvenhoven75 found the following relationship
critical nucleus from their experimental data and to apply

Th = 170(S - I)-113 (14) in a decrease in nucleation rate at higher con-
centrations and lower temperatures, as predicted
over the supersaturation ratio (based on grams by Equation 9. These results are plotted in Figure
per 100 g water) range 1.1 < S < 1.6 for the 19. This effect can be seen at higher lactose lev-
spontaneous formation of sucrose conglomerates. els, 50 and 60 g lactose per 100 g water. At
Experimental data of Kharin et al., 74 evaluated higher temperatures (40 to 50°C), the time re-
by Kuijvenhoven,75 resulted in the following quired for the onset of nucleation is long, indi-
expression for the induction time for nucleation cating the lower supersaturation and the presence
as a function of the initial supersaturation of the metastable region. At intermediate tem-
peratures (20 to 30°C), the induction time reaches
Th = 11.9(S - I)- 1 - 25 (15) a minimum, while at lower temperatures (0 to
10°C), the induction time begins to increase again.
over the range 1 . 0 7 < S < 1 . 1 6 . These induction Therefore, at lower temperatures, mass transfer
times were based on visual observations of nuclei is beginning to limit the onset of nucleation, as
formation and not corrected for the rate of growth predicted by Equation 9. At the lower lactose
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

of the nuclei to visible sizes. Kuijvenhoven75 pro- concentrations (30 to 40 g lactose per 100 g water),
vides an excellent comparison of these equations. the solutions are metastable at all temperatures
The exponent of the supersaturation may be re- if an induction time of 1 h is used to define
lated to the number of molecules necessary to metastability. Even within the metastable zone,
form a stable nucleus, as mentioned previously. however, significant differences in induction time
However, this cannot be a direct relation as sug- exist. This emphasizes the kinetic equilibrium
gested by Christiansen and Nielsen68 and de- aspects of the metastability concept.
scribed above. Based on their theory (Equation
10), the number of molecules in a critical nucleus
would only be 2 to 3 rather than the 80 to 100 c. Glucose
predicted by classic nucleation theory.64 Further
work is necessary to relate the induction time The spontaneous nucleation behavior of glu-
required for nucleation to the theories presented cose monohydrate from solutions has been dis-
previously. Ideally, the effects of crystal growth cussed by Horn.49 The supersolubility diagram
times on any nucleation induction time must also for glucose monohydrate was developed with su-
be taken into account when deriving these persaturation units given as grams of glucose per
relationships. 100 g water. Here, the boundary for metastability
is given as somewhere between S = 1.7 and 2.6
over the temperature range from 0 to 90°F. These
b. Lactose results are in agreement with those of Vasatako
and Smelik,48 as shown in the previous section.
Herrington76 studied the time for supersatur- At supersaturations in this metastable range, nu-
ated lactose solutions to crystallize at various cleation can only occur by a secondary nucleation
temperatures and concentrations. These results mechanism, whereas supersaturations of 4.0 are
show that lactose can exist in the metastable state required for spontaneous nucleation. This com-
over a wide range of conditions and that this pares to the value of supersaturation for spon-
metastable state, again, represents a dynamic taneous nucleation of sucrose based on these units
equilibrium. That is, the time required for the of 1.4. Obviously, glucose monohydrate can
onset of nucleation was seen to decrease with withstand considerably higher supersaturations
increasing concentration. However, as a solution before undergoing nucleation. Unpublished data
of lactose was supercooled, the rate of nuclei cited by Horn49 also demonstrate qualitatively the
formation was seen to pass through a maximum dependence of nucleation on temperature (0 to
(time required for nucleation passed through a 90°F) and supersaturation (up to S = 14.7 at
minimum). The effects of mass transfer or vis- 0°F). These results are shown graphically in Fig-
cosity limitations on molecular motion resulted ure 20. As supersaturation increases, the extent


40 50

Temperature ( °C )
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

IH Lactose = 30g/100g water E2 Lactose = 50g/100g water

W Lactose = 40g/100g water S Lactose = 80g/100g water

FIGURE 19. Mass transfer limitation effects on the induction periods for nudeation
of lactose solutions. Note: Induction times over 1000 h indicate cases where no
crystals were observed after 3000 h. (Adapted from Herrington, B. L , J. Dairy Sci.,

Temp= 0°F Temp=45°F

Temp=32°F Temp=70°F
• Temp=90°F

c Moderate
.2 crystallization

£ Slight
° crystallization


63.1 74.5 76.7 82.7 89.3

Glucose concentration (% by weight)

FIGURE 20. Extent of glucose solution nudeation rate with change in total
solids. (Adapted from Horn, H. E., Manuf. Confecl, June, 79,1977.)

of nucleation initially increases. As supersatur- structures on the surface, followed by subsequent
ation is further increased, the effects of viscosity shearing off of these dendrites by fluid forces.
(mass transfer) slow down the extent of nuclea- The dendrites will grow into nuclei if their size
tion until, at extremely high supersaturations, nu- is greater than the critical size for stable nuclei
cleation is totally inhibited. This condition leads under the bulk conditions. Alternatively, sec-
to the formation of a glucose glass. The super- ondary nuclei can be generated due to collisions
saturation boundaries for these different mecha- between existing crystals and the other compo-
nisms of nucleation depend on the temperature nents within the crystallizer (other crystals, walls
at which nucleation occurs. of the vessel, or any agitation device). The col-
lision energy causes either a small piece of the
crystal to be chipped away and distributed into
d. Fructose solution (a microattrition mechanism) or some
ordered layer associated with the growing crystal
No specific data on the kinetics of fructose to disperse an embryo of stable size into the so-
primary nucleation are available in the literature. lution (adsorbtion layer disruption mechanism).
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

The specific boundaries for the metastable region Generally, the above mechanisms only apply in
have been presented previously in Figure 11, 48 stirred suspension crystallizers, where a signifi-
While it is apparent that considerable effort cant contact energy or shear force may be im-
has gone into the study of sugar crystal nuclea- parted to the crystal. Secondary nucleation in
tion, particularly for sucrose, many questions re- stagnant syrups has not been reported, nor would
main as to the exact mechanism of nucleation it be expected. This mechanism of nucleation
under a variety of conditions. For example, the generally becomes important when a suspension
exact role of active heterogeneous nucleation of crystals is being agitated in a vessel or exten-
centers has not been completely detailed, al- sive beating of a crystalline product occurs. The
though this may help in understanding the spo- formation of "false grain" in a sugar refiner's
radic nucleation behavior of commercial syrup pan is an excellent example of nucleation by a
formulations. The exact mechanism by which contact mechanism. In this case, the refiner tries
these nucleation centers act to promote crystal to avoid secondary nucleation in order to main-
formation remains in question. More impor- tain the integrity of the product crystal size dis-
tantly, the kinetics of these processes have only tribution by maintaining a sufficiently low
been qualitatively understood under most con- supersaturation. Larson77 provides a review of
ditions and more sophisticated experimental tech- the secondary nucleation phenomenon.
niques for studying this complex phenomenon • The kinetics of secondary nucleation are often
must be developed. The effects of the isomers of correlated with the important processing condi-
reducing sugars on the nucleation process has tions using an empirical power-law model, due
also not been addressed in sufficient detail. In to the lack of any theoretical understanding.66
summary, significant gaps in understanding exist This model, for the nucleation rate, B°, given as
with respect to primary nucleation processes. the number of particles produced per unit volume
per unit time (#/ml/min), is written as

2. Secondary Nucleation B° = AsN exp{-E sN /RT}' (16)

The process of nuclei formation due to the where AsN is a frequency factor for secondary
presence of existing crystals is called secondary nucleation, EsN is the activation energy for sec-
nucleation. This may occur by several mecha- ondary nucleation, e is the power input into the
nisms; however, these mechanisms are generally suspension (sometimes related by stirrer RPM),
related to the removal of some component of the M T is the suspension density (mass of crystals
crystal or its associated structure by physical present in suspension), and S is the supersatur-
means. For example, new nuclei may form from ation ratio. The parameters AsN, EsN, 1, j , and q
existing crystals due to the growth of dendritic are determined for a particular system by fitting

the above equation to the experimental nucleation straight line on a semilogarithmic plot of popu-
rate data. lation density vs. crystal size. The nucleation rate
for the suspension under the experimental con-
ditions is then found as
a. Sucrose
B° = n°G (18)
The occurrence of secondary nucleation or
"false grain" in the refining industry has been The nucleation rate at a variety of conditions is
known for many years. Powers78 gives a brief found in this way to determine the nucleation
review of the study of fluid movement around a kinetics, which are then determined as given in
sugar crystal, which results in the formation of Equation 16. At times, a modified nucleation rate
secondary nuclei. A significant amount of work expression is used where the nucleation rates are
on the secondary nucleation of sucrose has been correlated with the growth rate rather than with
performed in recent years.4247-7989 This work has the supersaturation. This expression is given as
involved studies of both suspension crystallizers
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

and single crystal contact experiments. B° = AsN (19)

Secondary nucleation in suspension crystal-
lizers can potentially arise from the collisions Kuijvenhoven75 summarizes the kinetic work
between sugar crystals and each other, the crys- available to date for secondary nucleation of su-
tallizer walls, or the stirring impeller. In addition, crose using this technique. From these results, it
fluid shear around a growing crystal has been is apparent that significant differences exist be-
found to generate secondary nuclei. For sucrose, tween experimental observations. Variations in
these suspension studies have generally involved agitation rate or energy input may cause some of
determination of nucleation rates from experi- these inconsistencies. The extent of nonlinearity
mental crystal size distributions using the pop- in the semilogarithmic population balance plot
ulation balance technique. 66 This technique may also contribute to these variations. Liang and
requires experimental size-distribution measure- Hartel87 have recently addressed this problem and
ment followed by theoretical analysis of the con- concluded that disagreement with the exponential
tinuity equation for particle size to determine the distribution at the small sizes (less than 80 (un)
nucleation rate representative for the average may cause differences in the kinetic expressions
product crystals. Further details of this technique obtained. Their final conclusion was that the pop-
may be found in Randolph and Larson.66 In brief, ulation balance technique may not be sensitive
the theory predicts a semilogarithmic size distri- enough to determine the true kinetics and that
bution when nucleation at zero size is considered alternative experimental techniques must be
for an ideally mixed continuous crystallizer. That brought to bear on the problem of determining
is, the predicted exponential size distribution is secondary nucleation kinetics.
given as Secondary nucleation of sucrose crystals has
also been studied by observation of contacts be-
n = n°exp(-L/GT) (17) tween a large parent crystal and another surface.
Gwynn88 observed the nuclei generated from con-
where n is the population density function and is tact of a large sucrose crystal with a brass rod
found from the experimental distribution, n° is dropped from a height above the crystal. The
the population density function extrapolated to crystal was growing in a supersaturated solution
zero size, L is the crystal size, G is the linear at a controlled temperature. The number of nuclei
crystal growth rate (|xm/min), and T is the av- formed for each contact was determined by
erage residence time within the crystallizer (min). counting, using an automatic particle counter. A
If the experimental size distribution fits this ex- piezoelectric crystal mounted beneath the sucrose
ponential model, the growth rate is determined crystal was used to measure the energy of con-
from the slope and the population density func- tact. These results demonstrate that the number
tion at zero size is found from the intercept of a of nuclei generated increased with increasing su-

persaturation above some critical point and in- nucleation compared to sucrose, particularly on
creased with increasing contact energy. The the mechanism of secondary nucleation. Griffiths
contact energies between sucrose crystals and the et al.90 and Shi et al.91 have studied the contin-
stirring impeller in a suspension crystallizer were uous crystallization of lactose in a cooling crys-
determined in a similar way using a piezoelectric tallizer using the population balance technique to
element built into the impeller.75 The energies determine the nucleation kinetics. Again, there
determined in this way suggest that the actual are significant differences in these kinetic expres-
contacts in suspensions between crystals and im- sions, although the bases for comparison for su-
peller had very low energy levels and would not persaturation are slightly different. Shi et al.91
be expected to generate large numbers of crystals. incorporate a dependence of supersaturation on
Kuijvenhoven75 attributed the shearing as crystals the presence of p-lactose, so that some differ-
passed through a small gap between the impeller ences in kinetics may be expected. Liang et al.92
and the crystal wall to be the main source of evaluate the effectiveness of using the population
nuclei from a secondary contact mechanism in balance technique for determining the secondary
stirred tanks. Pot et al.89 concluded that attrition, nucleation kinetics of lactose and conclude that
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

abrasion, or breakage of crystals were not im- this technique is not sensitive enough to deter-
portant sources of contact nuclei in stirred sus- mine the actual kinetics for this system. While
pensions unless the clearance between the impeller these expressions for secondary nucleation ki-
tip and the wall was small compared to the av- netics may be useful for process modeling and
erage crystal size. Their results also indicated that design of continuous crystallizers, very little
secondary nuclei are formed predominately at the meaningful kinetic mechanism information is ob-
surface of small crystals. tained.
Single crystal contacts performed in a pho- Shi et al.93 have also studied the formation
tomicroscopic cell under controlled temperature of contact nuclei of lactose in the photomicros-
conditions have shown that a simple sliding con- copic experiments described previously. Their
tact between a large parent sucrose crystal and a results demonstrate an abundance of nuclei being
glass cover slip results in the generation of a large generated by a low-energy sliding contact, re-
number (hundreds) of contact nuclei.84-85 Al- sulting in the formation of hundreds, sometimes
though the actual energy of this type of contact thousands, of secondary nuclei. In addition, the
has not been measured, it is likely to be quite critical supersaturation for the onset of secondary
low compared to the contact energy of a direct nucleation was found to be quite low, in contrast
collision. That is, a low-energy sliding contact to existing information on the metastable region
results in a large number of contact nuclei being of lactose supersaturation. In fact, conditions of
generated. This may be attributed to the shearing low supersaturations were found where contact
of a surface layer on the growing crystal resulting nuclei were generated, yet growth of these nuclei
in the dispersion of a large number of molecular was not observed. It is apparent that lactose be-
clusters into the bulk solution. At some critical haves differently from sucrose with respect to
supersaturation, these clusters are stable and sur- secondary nucleation behavior, although further
vive in the bulk solution. It is possible that this research will be necessary to clearly define the
type of contact exists in a suspension crystallizer secondary nucleation processes in both systems.
where the existing sucrose crystals slide along
the vessel walls for a period of time and generate
a number of contact nuclei. Further studies in c. Glucose
this area are necessary to verify the mechanism
for the generation of secondary nuclei under a The occurrence of secondary nucleation is
variety of conditions. readily observed in glucose crystallization.49 A
recent patent94 involves the crystallization of a-
b. Lactose glucose monohydrate by continuous-cooling
crystallization, where nucleation and growth of
Much less work has been done on lactose glucose crystals are maintained in the same ves-

sel. According to data presented in the patent, count for the presence of the monohydrate needle-
nucleation occurs by a secondary nucleation shaped nuclei. Disruption of a semiordered sur-
mechanism, although no kinetic results are pre- face growth layer is the most likely mechanism,
sented. Dean95 discusses the formation of an un- although Elankovan and Berglund96 do not dis-
usual form of glucose during secondary nucleation count the possibility of epitaxial growth of the
under certain conditions. From this analysis, it monohydrate phase on the anhydrous nuclei. The
is postulated that an unstable form, thought to be mechanism of contact nucleation is, therefore,
a hydrated form of p-glucose, results from sec- still in question.
ondary nucleation. This unstable form then is
transformed into small, thin crystals of the com-
mon form. Definitive X-ray diffraction experi- d. Fructose
ments were not performed.
Photomicroscopic observation of contact nu- Shiau and Berglund97 studied contact nu-
clei generated from a sliding contact of a parent cleation of fructose using the photomicroscopic
glucose crystal (a-anhydrous) has been per- observation technique described above. Similar
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

formed by Elankovan and Berglund.96 Their re- results were obtained in that fructose nuclei were
sults are similar to those found for sucrose and generated following a sliding contact between
lactose in that a gentle sliding contact resulted in parent crystal and a glass cover slip in a con-
generation of significant numbers of contact nu- trolled microscopic environment. A distribution
clei. In these.experiments, contact nucleation was of sizes for these contact nuclei was observed
studied over the range of 41 to 50°C with sub- ranging from 1 to 2 |xm up to 25 to 30 ujtn. No
coolings ranging from 2 to 4°C. No results on kinetic data for nucleation were determined in
the kinetics of the nucleation process were ob- these experiments.
tained from this study. Some interesting results
were obtained when the anhydrous parent crystal B. Operating Parameter Effects on
was contacted at 41°C and a subcooling of 4°C. Nucleation
Under these conditions, the presence of two dis-
tinct crystal forms was detected. These appeared There are many parameters that affect the rate
as prisms and needles. The nuclei formed from of nucleation in sugar syrups. These include the
this contact were analyzed using Raman spec- supersaturation, temperature, rate of cooling,
troscopy, which determines the vibrational activ- viscosity, agitation rate or energy input, pH, and
ity of the molecular structure. The prisms were the presence of additives of impurities. Control
identified as pure a-glucose anhydrous, while the of the factors that influence the rate and extent
needles were found to be primarily made up of of nucleation determine whether or not a given
a-glucose monohydrate. Some other phase may syrup formulation nucleates as well as determin-
also have been present in these needles due to ing, to a large extent, the form of the product
the appearance of an additional vibration in the crystal size distribution following a nucleation
Raman spectra. Elankovan and Berglund96 sug- event. Since the shape, average size, and distri-
gest that this additional phase may be similar in bution of crystal sizes plays an important role in
nature to the unstable form of glucose found by food texture, controlling the rate and extent of
Dean95 and described above. Further analysis of nucleation is quite important to the final product
this phenomenon is warranted. These contact nu- quality.
cleation results provide an interesting basis for
determining the mechanism of contact nucleation
under these conditions. Since two different forms 1. Supersaturation
of glucose crystal nuclei were created by con-
tacting an anhydrous glucose parent crystal, it is The effect of superannuation on nucleation
unlikely that simple microattrition is the mech- rate is defined in Equations 9 and 16 for primary
anism of contact nucleation. That is, breaking off and secondary nucleation, respectively. For pri-
of small pieces of the parent crystal cannot ac- mary nucleation, as the supersaturation is in-

creased due to concentration increases, the ture, water content, and presence of other addi-
nucleation rate initially increases sharply once the tives or impurities.
critical supersaturation has been exceeded. This
critical supersaturation may be defined function-
ally as the boundary between the metastable and 2. Temperature
labile zones. Below this critical supersaturation,
the solution is metastable and nucleation does not The temperature of a sugar solution may af-
occur. If the supersaturation is increased suffi- fect the rate of primary nucleation in several ways.
ciently by increasing the concentration, eventu- If a sugar solution of a certain concentration is
ally the viscous barrier to nucleation, in Equation cooled to various temperatures and allowed to
9, becomes dominant and the rate of nucleation equilibrate, nucleation will occur by a hetero-
begins to decrease. This dependence on super- geneous mechanism and the rate will be defined
saturation can be seen in Figures 19 and 20 for by Equations 9 and 11, based on the existing
lactose and glucose, respectively. supersaturation. As the temperature is lowered,
For secondary nucleation of sucrose, the de- the nucleation rate will increase since the super-
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

pendence of nucleation rate on supersaturation saturation has been increased (solubility value is
has been studied by Hartel47 and Kuijvenhoven,75 lowered). Lowering the temperature too far,
among others. Their results show that the sec- however, will result in a decrease in nucleation
ondary nucleation rate increases with increasing due to the importance of the mass transfer term
supersaturation, although the exact dependence in Equation 9. That is, the viscosity of the so-
differs between studies. Since the exact mecha- lution will become large enough to significantly
nism of the formation of secondary nuclei is still impede the onset of nucleation and the rate will
unclear, the dependence of the nucleation rate on decrease. Again, this can be seen from Figures
supersaturation must also remain empirical. In 19 and 20 for lactose and glucose, respectively.
similar experiments on the continuous crystalli- No consistent data of this sort are available in
zation of lactose, Shi et al.91 and Griffith et al.90 the literature for sucrose.
have found a corresponding dependence of sec- If the effect of temperature on nucleation is
ondary nucleation rate on supersaturation. separated from the supersaturation effect, a
In the processing of foods containing high slightly different picture emerges. For a constant
levels of sugars, supersaturation plays a dominant level of supersaturation, Equation 9 would pre-
role in determining the extent of crystal forma- dict that the nucleation rate would increase as the
tion. In general, as the supersaturation of sugar temperature was increased. Of course, this is lim-
in the product is increased, the greater the like- ited in a practical sense by the level of super-
lihood of nucleation occurring. This increased saturations that can be obtained at higher
extent and rate of nucleation occurs as the su- temperatures. Nevertheless, the nucleation rate
persaturation is increased up to the optimal point will be increased at elevated temperatures for a
for nucleation at a given set of conditions. Once constant level of supersaturation. In heteroge-
this optimal nucleation point has been exceeded, neous nucleation of sucrose solutions, the effect
by too high a concentration or too low a tem- of temperature on nucleation over the range from
perature, the nucleation rate will begin to de- — 10 to 40°C yields an activation energy on the
crease. This nucleation inhibition is due to the order of 4.4 kcal/mol.70 Since this is on the same
increased resistance to mass transfer of sugar order of magnitude as the activation energy for
molecules in the solution, resulting in a decreased the temperature dependence of the viscosity and
ability for the molecules to form into a crystal diffusion of molecules in these solutions, it has
lattice structure. As the supersaturation is in- been suggested that mass transfer processes play
creased above these levels, nucleation will de- an important role in the primary nucleation
crease to the point where, eventually, no mechanism.
nucleation can occur. At this point, the sugar From this analysis on temperature effects, it
product will form an amorphous solid structure is apparent that a balance exists between the rate
of varying stability dependent on the tempera- of primary nucleation expected and the level of

supersaturation attained. In the manufacture of a point are attained prior to the onset of nucleation,
product in which sugar nucleation (by a primary then a stable amorphous solid will be formed.
mechanism) is desired at a high level (as in fon- The supersaturation, final temperature, and types
dant), the temperature at which nucleation occurs and concentrations of additives contribute to the
must be balanced by the level of supersaturation determination of the extent of nucleation inhi-
attainable at that temperature. This is most often bition and the occurrence of the amorphous tran-
done empirically due to the lack of quantitative sition. Due to the complex interactions between
data on the effects of temperature and supersa- these parameters, there has been very little quan-
turation on nucleation in product formulations. titative data published on the boundaries between
That is, the optimum temperature for nucleating the formation of the amorphous solid and crystal
is most often found by experimentation with a nucleation.
specific product and formulation.
The temperature effect on secondary nuclea-
tion in stirred suspensions of sucrose crystals has 4. Energy Input or Agitation Rate
been studied by Randolph and Ziebold,42 Har-
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

tel,47 and Liang and Hartel.87 Randolph and The amount of energy input into a sugar so-
Ziebold42 found an activation energy for second- lution can also have a marked influence on the
ary nucleation of — 4.3 kcal/mol for sucrose nu- rate of nucleation. The story of a stable super-
cleated by mixture with alcohol, indicating that saturated solution that can be caused to nucleate
the nucleation rate decreased with increasing by a mere tap on the side of the vessel is an
temperature. On the other hand, Hartel47 and example of the result of an external energy input
Liang and Hartel87 found the activation energy causing the onset of nucleation. In general, it is
in a continuous cooling crystallizer to be ap- thought that, as the energy input increases (i.e.,
proximately 18.4 kcal/mol. Here, the nucleation the rate of agitation into a stirred tank), the rate
rate increased with increasing temperature in the of nucleation increases and the supersaturation
range of 30 to 60°C. Since the activation energies required for the onset of nucleation decreases.
determined in these studies were apparent acti- This is most likely attributable to the random
vation energies for the secondary nucleation pro- energy fluctuations imparted to the solution by
cess, it is difficult to find any mechanistic meaning the degree of energy input causing local concen-
for these values. However, these values may be trations of sugar to exceed the critical value for
useful for modeling purposes, given equivalent nucleation. In addition, any limitations due to
crystallization conditions. Shi et al.91 have also mass transfer may be reduced by the agitation of
determined the rate of secondary nucleation of the solution. One aspect of this effect of energy
lactose in a continuous cooling crystallizer and input on nucleation can be seen in the superso-
found an activation energy of 17.0 kcal/mol be- lubility curve. The supersolubility line is affected
tween 30 and 60°C. by the rate of energy input, as shown in Figure
21. Here, the line of demarcation between the
metastable and labile zones of supersaturation is
3. Rate of Cooling seen to occur at lower supersaturations in the
presence of agitation.
When a highly concentrated sugar solution Van Hook and Bruno,71 however, observed
is made by evaporation to remove water, and then a slightly different dependence of nucleation rate
the temperature of that solution is quickly re- on agitation. Their results indicate that there was
duced, no nucleation will take place due to the no dependence on agitation rate or energy input
lack of sufficient mobility of sugar molecules to up to a specific stirrer speed and below a specific
form into a crystal lattice. Since nucleation is a supersaturation ratio (1.4). Above these limits,
kinetic event, a certain time scale is required for their results do indicate that the onset of primary
the reorientation of sugar molecules into the crys- nucleation occurs more rapidly as the agitation
tal lattice structure. If cooling of the syrup is so level is increased. Van Hook and Frulla70 have
rapid that temperatures below the glass transition also observed the increase in rate of nucleation



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FIGURE 21. Effects of agitation rate on the nucleation rate.

under the influence of ultrasonic energy input. ical supersaturation necessary for nucleation to
Pulsed irradiation of low-frequency (8 kHz) ul- occur.
trasonic waves at supersaturation ratios of 1.1
showed significantly increased seed densities,
compared with the nonirradiated samples. 5. Suspension Density
For secondary nucleation, the rate of nu-
cleation is directly proportional to the energy in- For secondary nucleation, the presence of
put into the solution, as shown in Equation 16. existing crystals is required for the further gen-
The energy associated with crystal collisions is eration of new nuclei. The greater the number of
increased as the energy input due to agitation is crystals, the greater the likelihood of collisions
increased. Controlled crystal contact experiments due to the energy input or agitation. This is ac-
on large single crystals demonstrate the effects counted for in the kinetic model for secondary
of contact energies on the numbers of nuclei gen- nucleation (Equation 16) via the suspension den-
erated. Gwynn88 has demonstrated the depen- sity (or the third moment of the crystal size dis-
dence of number of nuclei generated on contact tribution) term. Correlation of secondary
energy between a brass rod and a large parent nucleation with the specific number of crystals
sucrose crystal. Increasing numbers of nuclei were present (zeroth moment of the size distribution),
generated at higher contact energies. In addition, the specific surface area of the existing crystals
Kuijvenhoven and de Jong83 demonstrated that (second moment of the size distribution), or even
the rate of secondary nucleation in a suspension the fourth moment of the size distribution79 can
crystallizer increased with increasing stirrer speed also be used in this model. However, most of
to the 0.5 power, while Petri and Bennett79 pre- the recent work in this area has utilized the third
dict an exponent of 1.6 for the energy input term. moment of the distribution (i.e., the suspension
In summary, the rate of nucleation, either density) due to the ease of measurement and the
from a primary or secondary mechanism, gen- success in modeling experimental results. There-
erally increases with increasing energy input or fore, it is generally acknowledged that the greater
agitation. The onset of nucleation is also en- the mass of crystals in suspension, the greater
hanced by agitation and certain types of energy the rate of formation of additional nuclei by a
input can cause significant reductions in the crit- secondary nucleation mechanism.

C. Effects of Additives/Impurities on tion of the properties of each sugar is generally
Nucleation obtained from the mixture. This allows some con-
trol over the textural and functional properties of
In most food products, the sugar does not the food. For example, humectancy properties of
exist as a pure solution, but, rather, as some a food product will also be affected by variation
complex mixture of a variety of ingredients. These of the sugar mixtures in a formulation. Different
ingredients fall into the following categories: other mixtures of sugars will also affect the extent and
sugars, proteins, starches, salts, and other minor rate of nucleation.
additives (color, flavor, surfactants, etc.). Each
of these categories causes certain effects on the 2. Surfactants
nucleation rate of the sugars in the food product.
These influences arise partly due to the effects The addition of surfactants to the solution
on the sugar solubilities, but may also be partly has long been thought to reduce the energy re-
due to inherent effects on the mechanisms of quirements for nucleation (primary) due to the
nucleation. An understanding of these effects is dependence of the nucleation rate on the inter-
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

critical to understanding whether or not nuclea- facial tension. However, carefully performed
tion of sugar occurs in a certain formulation, as experiments64 demonstrate that addition of many
well as how to control the rate of nucleation to surfactants does not affect the rate of nucleation
yield the desired textural properties of the final as expected, despite the decrease in surface ten-
product. sion of the solution. This is most likely due to
In general, the rate of nucleation of sugars the fact that the interfacial tension is not strongly
is inhibited by the majority of food ingredients affected by the solution surface tension during
used in sugar-containing products. This inhibi- the dynamic process of formation and growth of
tion can be seen by the change in metastability nuclei. On the other hand, Van Hook98 states that
of a sugar solution in the presence of impurities surfactants may have some effect on the rate of
and additives.49-64 Typically, the critical super- secondary nucleation. This would potentially be
saturation for spontaneous nucleation increases caused by changes in the structure of the adsorbed
with increasing impurity level. For example, Van surface layer, which may be responsible for the
Hook64 reports that 0.5% added invert suppresses formation of secondary nuclei. Further work in
nucleation of sucrose solutions in excess of S = this area is necessary to verify these effects.
1.8 (at 70°C). In comparison, the effects of im-
purities on glucose crystallization, whether as 3. Salts
monohydrate or anhydrous, have been shown to
be relatively small.49 The addition of 40% im- Salts may be an important component in a
purity (maltose) results in an increase in the crit- food product and will have a significant effect
ical supersaturation for secondary nucleation (or on the rate of nucleation of the sugars. For ex-
false grain) of only 3.5 to 5%, whereas sucrose ample, the presence of milk salts, such as calcium
shows an increase of 30 to 40%. However, mal- and phosphate, have a large effect on the crys-
tose at 20% addition was found to effectively tallization of lactose from whey. However, the
inhibit the growth of glucose crystals. Several effects of these salts on the nucleation rate have
mechanisms may be operative in determining the not been quantitatively studied in sufficient detail.
inhibition of nucleation by impurities or addi-
tives. These include mass transfer limitations to
4. Macromolecules
bulk molecular motion, molecular charge effects,
or steric hindrance effects.
The presence of macromolecules, such as
proteins, starches, pectin, etc., is quite common
1. Other Sugars in food formulations. These macromolecules, due
to their large size, tend to impose a significant
Mixtures of sugars are quite common in the effect on the mass transfer of the sugar molecules
formulation of food products, since a combina- through the solution. Therefore, incorporation of

these large molecules in a sugar syrup will ef- be accomplished. These generally include some
fectively reduce the occurrence of nucleation. or all of the following:
The effects of organic colorant material on
sucrose crystallization has been reported by Nicol 1. Diffusion of the sugar molecules from the
and Farmer." Their results on a "lysine color" bulk solution to the solid interface
(2% glucose solution boiled for 5 h at pH 9.5 in 2. Mutarotation of sugar molecules to appro-
the presence of lysine) demonstrate the enhance- priate anomeric growth form
ment to nucleation of sucrose crystals due to the 3. Removal of all or some of the waters of
presence of this impurity. This study observed hydration associated with the solution form
the change in crystal size distribution in a steady- of the sugar molecule
state continuous-cooling crystallizer due to the 4. Counterdiffusion of the water molecules
presence of the lysine colorant. Nucleation rates away from the crystal surface
were enhanced by a factor of 4 when the lysine 5. Orientation of the sugar molecule with other
colorant was present at a level of 2% (v/v). Since molecules in the adsorbed layer between the
the conditions studied represented secondary nu- solution and crystalline phases
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

cleation conditions, a specific conclusion on the 6. Surface diffusion of the sugar molecules to
mechanism for this increase in nucleation rate : an appropriate lattice incorporation site
was not elucidated. One possible effect was that 7. Incorporation of the growth unit into the
the lysine colorant was acting as a nuclei site for crystal lattice (surface incorporation)
heterogeneous nucleation, which then out- 8. Removal of any heat generated during the
weighed the effects of secondary nucleation. More above phase change
likely, the lysine colorant may have had some
influence on the surface of the growing crystals In any particular situation, some or all of the
such that greater numbers of clusters were dis- above processes may occur during growth, with
persed into the solution and the rate of secondary one or two generally being the rate-limiting
nucleation was enhanced. This is an area where step(s). Determination of the rate-limiting step
further research is necessary to define the mech- enables one to understand the mechanism gov-
anisms of impurity effect on nucleation. erning the crystal growth process and is the goal
In summary, the effects of various additives of much experimental work on crystal growth.
and impurities on the nucleation step has not been
adequately detailed, particularly for complex food
formulations. The specific effects of several im- A. General Growth Theory
portant additives have been outlined to some ex-
tent; however, the interactive effects of each of Growth theories tend to be categorized into
the important additives in food formulations have two main groups based on two of the above steps,
not been studied. At this time, nucleation is a which are most often rate limiting. First are the
phenomenon that is controlled essentially by ex- adsorption layer theories, sometimes referred to
perience and trial-and-error-type procedures. A as surface integration theories. These theories de-
significant amount of experimental work will be scribe the incorporation of growth units into the
required before a full understanding of this phe- crystal lattice. Second, the mass transfer-limiting
nomenon in food products is achieved. theories account for the movement of molecules
through the bulk solution to the crystal interface,
where incorporation into the crystal lattice is con-
IV. CRYSTAL GROWTH sidered to occur instantaneously. Heat transfer
may be of importance in controlling crystal
growth, as in the ice-water system. However, the
After a stable crystal nucleus has been formed, latent heat of fusion for sugar crystallization is
further growth of that nucleus depends on the generally low enough (the enthalpy of sucrose
conditions existing in the solution. In order for crystallization is given as —2.5 kcal/mol at 30°C
that nucleus to grow, several processes need to and - 7 . 8 kcal/mol at 57°C)100 that heat transfer

effects are largely ignored. The concentration dif- solution. The rate of growth under mass transfer-
ferences around a growing crystal distinguishing controlled conditions is given as
the adsorption layer from the diffusion layer are
shown in Figure 22. ih = k, A(Cb - Q) (20)

where rh is the rate of mass deposition onto a

1. Diffusion Theory crystal surface area, A. In terms of linear growth
rate, G, this expression can be rewritten as66
Molecular diffusion due to concentration dif-
ferences may become the rate-limiting step for G = k.k.CQ - Q) (21)
crystal growth under conditions of either rapid
surface incorporation or limited mass transfer. where kj involves terms of importance in con-
The driving force for this diffusional step is the verting crystal volume to crystal size. The mass
difference in concentration between the bulk, Cb, transfer coefficient, k,,, can be found from mass
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

and the interfacial, Q , concentrations, as shown transfer correlation equations that take the gen-
in Figure 22. The rate of mass transfer by dif- eral form
fusion also depends on the mass transfer coef-
ficient, kj, under the specific operating conditions. Sh = 2 + dRebScc (22)
This mass transfer coefficient depends on such
parameters as the level of agitation between bulk where Sh is the Sherwood number (kd L/Dv), L
and interface, the viscosity of the bulk solution, is the characteristic crystal dimension, Dv is the
and the diffusivity of the molecule through the diffusivity of the solute in the solvent, Re is the


Adsorption Layer
Bulk solution
concentration, C b

- tt
- *y

Interfacial solution
concentration, Cj

concentration, C s

Boundary layer

FIGURE 22. Concentration differences around a growing crystal surface.

Reynolds number (u L p/fji), u is the velocity coming the basis for future growth of that surface.
between crystal and solution, p is the solution Several aspects of the two-dimensional nuclea-
density, JJL is the solution viscosity, and Sc is the tion theory may be considered, depending on the
Schmidt number (|x/p Dv). The parameters b, c, relative rate of two-dimensional nucleation and
and d are determined based on the range of op- the rate of subsequent growth based on surface
erating conditions and are generally correlated diffusion of growth units in the adsorption layer
for various conditions. Correlations of the form to that site. The growth of the surface may be
given in equation 22 can generally be found in based entirely on the formation of these nuclei
literature references.41>54-101 Mass transfer corre- at each lattice site on the growing surface. In this
lations for sucrose crystal dissolution are given extreme case, growth does not occur at all by
by Heffels et al.102 surface diffusion of growth units in the adsorption
layer. At the other extreme for this model, growth
of a step on a crystal face can be initiated by
2. Adsorption Layer Theory formation of a single two-dimensional nucleus
and then the step is filled out by instantaneous
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

Surface incorporation or adsorption layer the- surface diffusion of sufficient growth units around
ories require the integration of the growth unit the two-dimensional nucleation site. Any com-
into the crystal lattice to be the rate-limiting step bination of two-dimensional nucleation and sur-
for growth (bulk mass transfer is rapid). This face diffusion processes may also be postulated,
generally involves formation of the growth unit depending on the growth environment.
in the adsorption layer, diffusion of the growth These two-dimensional nucleation theories
unit across the surface to some appropriate lattice suffer from the disadvantage that a relatively high
site, and then incorporation of the unit into the supersaturation level is still required for the for-
lattice structure at that site. Alternatively, the mation of the two-dimensional nuclei. This would
growth unit may be thought of as a two-dimen- suggest that the rate of growth would be quite
sional nucleus that must be formed on the surface small at very low levels of supersaturation. How-
of the growing crystal, which then diffuses to an ever, many crystal systems exhibit significantly
incorporation site and is then finally integrated higher growth rates at low supersaturations than
into the lattice structure. These different aspects can be predicted by the two-dimensional models.54
of adsorption layer theories can result in different
growth dependencies. More detailed descriptions
of these theories can be found in Mullin54 and
b. Surface Diffusion Theory
The most common theory of surface diffu-
a. Two-Dimensional Nucleation sion-based growth depends on the existence of
regenerating spiral dislocations on the crystal sur-
The formation of two-dimensional nuclei can face.104 These spiral dislocations act as incor-
be thought of in the same manner as the classic poration sites for growth units diffusing across
nucleation mechanisms mentioned previously. In the surface in the adsorption layer. The regener-
this case, however, one side of the nucleus is ative nature of the spiral dislocation results in a
bounded by the crystal surface, resulting in a continuous source of incorporation sites that do
decreased energy requirement, when compared not depend on the two-dimensional nucleation
with the three-dimensional nucleation process. mechanism. This theory predicts more significant
That is, the balance between energy requirements growth rates at lower supersaturations dependent
for forming the nuclei surface vs. the energy lib- mainly on the activity of the spiral dislocations.
erated in forming the nuclei volume is affected The growth rate kinetics can be expressed by the
by the influence of the crystal surface itself. following equation:54
Physically, one can think of a molecular asso-
ciation forming on the crystal surface and be- G = A, (S - I) 2 tanh(A2/S - 1) (23)

where S is the supersaturation ratio (C/Cs) and a different rate than large ones. Several of the
A, and A2 are constants that depend on temper- above growth mechanisms predict a size-depen-
ature and the spiral dislocation properties (step dent growth, including the mass diffusion-limited
height, activity, etc.). At low supersaturations, case under certain conditions (in particular, when
Equation 23 can be simplified so that growth is the mass transfer boundary layer is larger than
proportional to the supersaturation squared, while the crystal size). In addition, extremely small
at higher supersaturations, the dependence of crystals may be influenced by a solubility (Gibbs-
growth rate on supersaturation is linear. Crystals Thomson) effect that would result in lower growth
that grow by this mechanism typically demon- rates for smaller crystals.54 Verification of these
strate a parabolic depression in the plot of growth mechanisms in the cases where size-dependent
rate vs. supersaturation, demonstrating the tran- growth has been observed has not been ade-
sition from second-order to first-order depen- quately proven in many instances. At times, ap-
dence on supersaturation. parent size-dependent growth has actually been
In general, the growth kinetics for adsorption shown to be due to another phenomenon called
layer theories can be expressed empirically as growth rate dispersion. Here, crystals grow at
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

some inherent rate based on the surface energetics

G = - Csy (24) (surface incorporation step), but each crystal may
have a different inherent rate of growth. Some
where k, is the rate constant for the surface in- experimental evidence for this mechanism84"86-106
tegration step and z is some empirical exponent has been presented, although this area remains a
for supersaturation dependence. Equations 21 and current topic of research. Crystals that grow pre-
24 are not very useful for practical purposes, dominantly by a diffusional mechanism might not
since the interfacial concentrations are generally be expected to demonstrate significant growth
not known. Therefore, most researchers in this rate dispersion, although it appears that this may
area either use a specific growth model, such as not always be the case.85-102 These results suggest
the Burton, Cabrera, and Frank (BCF) model, or that the surface incorporation effect can never be
they use a combined empirical expression of the completely ignored during crystal growth, even
form under the most diffusion-limited growth condi-
tions. Further experimental and theoretical work
G = - Cs)n (25) is necessary to verify this hypothesis for the
mechanism of growth rate dispersion.
where Equations 21 and 24 have been combined
through elimination of the unknown Q. Equation
25 is suitable for a general growth condition in 4. Dissolution
which both volume diffusion and surface incor-
poration mechanisms are important in the overall Many researchers in the past have considered
crystal growth process. Kinetic determinations that crystal growth and dissolution were inverses
for crystal growth then involve determination of of the same process, particularly when growth
the exponent of supersaturation and the rate con- was controlled by a mass transfer process. How-
stant for growth, ko, which generally is a function ever, current research shows that the dissolution
of temperature, agitation rate, and levels of ad- process occurs much more rapidly than the cor-
ditives or impurities. responding growth process, with the relative ratio
of dissolution rate to growth rate being anywhere
between 2 and 5. 54 Van Hook107 has studied the
3. Growth Rate Dispersion and Size- dissolution of sucrose and demonstrated that this
Dependent Growth process is essentially a mass transfer-limited pro-
cess. The activation energy for mass transfer (as
Some researchers in the past have found evi- found from diffusivity or viscosity data) is the
dence for the size dependence of growth.102'105 same as the activation energy for dissolution,
That is, it was found that small crystals grew at while this is not always true for sucrose crystal

growth. In addition, the process was found to be temperature range of 0 to 70°C was investigated.
diffusion controlled over the range of tempera- A relationship between crystal surface area, Ac
tures from 0 to 80°C and demonstrated a signif- in square centimeters, and mass, W, in grams,
icant viscosity effect. The relative rate of was derived and is given as
dissolution to growth ranged from 1.1 to 11, de-
pending on temperature and roughness of the Ac = 4.12 W2* (26)
crystal surface. In another work, Van Hook108
determined that diffusion of sucrose molecules Kelly and Mak119 reviewed Kucharenko's data
to or from a crystal surface was kinetically im- by constructing cardboard models of the growing
portant at all temperatures for dissolution, but crystals based on Kucharenko's measurements.
only important at higher temperatures during Their results suggest that Kucharenko's data were
growth. quite accurate and that individual face growth
rates could be determined by analysis of the
B. Growth of Sugars changes in crystal size with time.
Smythe55 developed a technique for measur-
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

1. Sucrose ing the change in crystal mass with time during

growth under controlled conditions where the fluid
Significant effort has gone into quantifying velocity across the crystal surface could also
the rate of sucrose crystal growth and to under- be investigated. A single crystal was suspended
standing the mechanisms that govern that growth in a supersaturated solution while fluid motion
under a variety of conditions. Nevertheless, su- was controlled by the speed of an agitator. Com-
crose crystal growth studies remain an active topic prehensive crystal growth rates were deter-
for current research due to its molecular com- mined at high agitation rates (3000 rpm) over a
plexity and assymetric crystal nature.109 The im- wide range of temperatures (21.0 to 70.5°C) and
portant studies on sucrose crystal growth will be supersaturations (AC = Cb - Cs from 0 to 84.3
reviewed here, with emphasis on determining the g/100 g H2O). In addition, stirring rates from 0
mechanism of growth as well as quantifying the to 3000 rpm were investigated. A slight increase
effects of various operating parameters on the in growth rate was found as stirring rate in-
growth kinetics. Several excellent reviews of su- creased, although a maximum level of growth
crose crystal growth can be found in Dunning,52 was reached when agitation was between 1000
Van Hook,110-111 and Smythe.112 Powers113 gives and 2000 rpm, depending on the temperature and
a quite readable summary of sucrose crystal supersaturation. Slightly higher overall growth
growth, with a variety of pictures of the various rates were found, when compared with Kuchar-
forms that sucrose crystals can take when grown enko,118 due to the differences in agitation levels
under different conditions. Aquilano and Rubbo114 between the two studies (Kucharenko studies at
and Aquilano et al.115 give the growth rates of free-fall relative velocity conditions and Smythe
individual faces of sucrose crystals grown under at 3000 rpm55). Smythe's results indicate a linear
various conditions. These growth rates are related dependence of growth on supersaturation (AC)
to the morphology or habit of the crystal. The at higher supersaturation values, but a higher-
morphology of sugar crystals is described in many order dependence at lower supersaturations, in
references, including Kelly,116 while Vavrinecz117 accordance with the surface diffusion model of
has cataloged the variety of forms that sucrose growth of Burton et al.104 A complicated tem-
crystals may take. perature dependence of growth rate was found
with the activation energy, as shown by the Ar-
One of the earliest reported studies on su- rhenius relation changing with temperature. The
crose crystallization, and perhaps one of the most Arrhenius relation based on the growth constant,
thorough, was that of Kucharenko.118 Large, sin- kc, in Equation 25 can be written as
gle crystals were grown under free-fall condi-
tions, with growth rates determined by weight
measurements of many individual crystals. A (27)

where ko0 is a frequency factor, E a is the acti- quately describes this step.124-125 The existence
vation energy for the growth process, R is the of spiral and other dislocations on the surface of
gas constant, and T is the absolute temperature. growing crystals has been visually documented
A changing value of the activation energy is con- microscopically by Albon and Dunning. 126
strued as a changing mechanism for the reaction Valcic127 has identified crystals with differing
being described. Thus, Smythe's results55 indi- dislocation activities and demonstrated the dif-
cate that the mechanism for sucrose crystal growth ferences in growth kinetics. Van Hook128 shows
changes over the range from 0 to 70°C. Below similar results using crystals classified as either
40°C, the activation energy corresponds to a value ' 'good'' o r ' 'poor''. The good crystals were quite
of 15 kcal/mol while above this temperature, the clear, with prominent faces, while the poor crys-
activation energy was determined to be about 8 tals were cloudy and showed unusual facets and
kcal/mol. truncations. The poor crystals were seen to grow
The above results, as well as the results of faster and to demonstrate a parabolic depression
other researchers,109 lead to the conclusion, clearly (change from second to first order) in the growth
stated by Van Hook,110 that the mechanism of vs. supersaturation curves, suggesting that spiral
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

sucrose crystal growth is comprised of more than or dislocation growth is more important in the
one step. Based on the relative activation energies poor crystals. Dunning52 describes the different
and the influence of the agitation level, both mass forms of dislocations arising on a sucrose crystal
transfer effects and the surface incorporation step surface and discusses their effects on crystal
must be accounted for in sucrose crystal growth. growth.
At elevated temperatures, mass transfer effects However, the work of Aquilano and Rubbo114
tend to dominate and this becomes the rate-lim- suggests that a simple one-step mechanism for
iting step for growth. However, below 40°C or the surface incorporation mechanism does not
so, the surface incorporation step becomes more adequately explain the growth kinetic data, par-
important and the effects of mass transfer on the ticularly when the growth of an individual face
overall crystal growth rate are reduced is studied. Their growth isotherms (growth vs.
significantly. supersaturation) for individual faces, as deter-
Mass transfer rates to sucrose crystals grow- mined by following the advancement of a crystal
ing under a variety of conditions have been stud- face under microscopic examination, show some
ied by Heffels et al.102 Correlation equations reproducible deviations from either a first- or sec-
similar to Equation 22 are given for crystals of ond-order process. These growth isotherms did
different sizes growing under different agitation not fit the BCF growth rate equation for surface
conditions. The influence of mass transfer of su- diffusion. Additional studies, both experimental
crose molecules to a growing crystal surface has and theoretical, are suggested to further quantify
also been studied by Schliephake and co-work- these deviations and to outline the operating
ers,120"123 with an emphasis on the practical con- growth mechanisms.
ditions of importance in commercial sucrose- In addition, several investigators have at-
refining operations. Their results show that mass tempted to delineate the surface incorporation
transfer of sucrose molecules through the bulk mechanism by operating under growth conditions
solution becomes more important in determining where mass transfer was rapid relative to the rate
growth kinetics as the temperature is increased. of surface integration. Van Hook129 performed
The effects of this increased resistance to growth growth experiments at very low temperature
due to mass transfer at higher temperatures can (0°C), where mass transfer was shown to have
be minimized by increasing the relative velocity negligible effect. His results show that a linear
between crystal and solution. relationship between growth rate and supersatur-
A significant amount of effort has gone into ation exists at all supersaturations down to very
studying the mechanism of the surface incorpo- low levels. In other words, no parabolic depres-
ration step. Most recent work has concluded that sion or change to second-order dependency oc-
the surface diffusion model of Burton et al.104 curred. This suggests that a surface incorporation
(BCF) based on spiral dislocation growth ade- mechanism other than the BCF model was dom-

inant. Maurandi109 discusses this nonagreement crystals with varying dislocation activities. The
with the BCF model at various conditions and combination of growth theories with growth rate
concludes that further investigations in this area dispersion has not received sufficient study to this
are required. point.
Van Hook130 suggests that the above dis- The majority of the previous studies on su-
crepancies can be reconciled by considering the crose follow the growth of a single crystal or an
manner in which sucrose crystals grow. It was individual face on a single crystal. Several studies
observed that sucrose crystals became more im- have also investigated the average growth prop-
perfect as they grew under normal conditions, so erties of a distribution of crystals growing in either
that larger crystals were generally more imperfect a batch or a continuous crystallizer.42-47-79-83-102-132
than smaller crystals. When the dislocation den- In general, these studies corroborate the above
sity was large, the dependence of growth on su- single crystal results, showing a linear relation
persaturation was linear. This occurred for larger between growth and supersaturation at higher
crystals due to the high level of dislocations. supersaturations4779 and a second-order depen-
However, when the number of dislocations was dence at lower supersaturations.132
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smaller, the kinetic order changed from second These studies also demonstrate the existence
order at lower supersaturations to first order at of growth rate dispersion as an important phe-
higher supersaturations, as predicted by the BCF nomenon in sucrose crystal growth. That is, each
model. This hypothesis has some basis in the crystal has been seen to grow at a different rate
literature127 but has not been adequately verified to yield a growth rate distribution for an initially
experimentally. No consensus has yet been similar population of seed crystals. One of the
reached as to when the BCF model strictly applies earliest works on size or growth dispersion in
and when some other mechanism of surface in- sucrose crystals is attributed to White and
corporation is active. Wright,133 although qualitative evidence for this
Heffels and de Jong131 suggest that, at high phenomenon existed for many years. White and
temperatures, sucrose crystal growth can be de- Wright133 demonstrated that a uniform seed dis-
scribed by a combination of volume diffusion and tribution of sucrose crystals growing in a super-
surface incorporation based on the BCF model saturated solution tends to widen in its size
of spiral dislocation growth. Their results suggest distribution. That is, an initially narrow seed-size
that both supersaturation and crystal size influ- distribution will grow ever wider as crystal growth
ence the dependence of growth rate on supersa- proceeds, since some of the seeds grow faster
turation. Larger crystals, which are faster than others. Their results show that this disper-
growing, demonstrate a linear dependence on su- sion was independent of temperature and crystal
persaturation at all concentration values. How- size (initial seed size), but dependent on the av-
ever, smaller crystals, which have inherently erage growth rate. From these experiments, it
lower growth rates, demonstrate the second-order was unclear whether this phenomenon was at-
dependence at lower supersaturations, as pre- tributable to some basic growth mechanism or
dicted by the BCF model. Their conclusion is was simply due to fluctuations in supersaturation
that small crystals grow differently than larger in the growth vessel. Subsequent work has dem-
crystals, although one might also suggest that onstrated that, under certain conditions, the phe-
small crystals are small because they grow dif- nomenon of growth rate dispersion is indeed
ferently (slower) than large crystals (faster grow- related to the basic mechanism of crystal growth.
ers). This connects the dependence between Berglund132 continued these experiments and fur-
growth and supersaturation with the concept of ther quantified the extent of growth rate disper-
growth rate dispersion. The change in growth sion during sucrose crystal growth in a batch
characteristics may be due to inherent differences crystallizer.
in dislocation activities between crystals resulting Shanks and Berglund84 performed a series of
in different growth rates. Alternatively, it may experiments in a photomicroscopic cell that al-
be due to the effect of low-level impurities that lowed the study of the change in the size of grow-
essentially have the same effect in producing ing sucrose crystals. These crystals were actually

formed by a sliding contact mechanism, but their obtained from the supplier. After considerable
growth showed significant differences attribut- effort to purify these lactose solutions, Visser137
able to growth rate dispersion. It was found that concluded that an ionic impurity existed in these
each individual nucleus grew at some inherent lactose samples that resulted in the observed ac-
rate, but that a distribution of growth rates was idity of the lactose solutions (3.5 to 4.5) and had
evident. That is, some crystals grew faster than an inhibitory effect on the rate of lactose crystal
others. Liang et al.86 extended this work by look- growth. The extent or type of this impurity de-
ing at the growth of large (>100 |xm) seed crys- pended on the source of the lactose (which sup-
tals using a similar experimental technique. Their plier the lactose came from). When this impurity
results also demonstrate the existence of growth was removed from the lactose solution by ion
rate dispersion for larger crystals and that the exchange, a neutral solution was obtained (pH
extent of this dispersion increases as the average 6) with low conductivity. Growth studies per-
growth conditions (temperature and supersatur- formed in this deionized lactose ranged from three
ation) increase. Hartel et al.134 summarize the to six times higher than those in the correspond-
effects of growth environment (static vs. dy- ing pharmaceutical-grade lactose solutions. His
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

namic), crystal origin (secondary nuclei vs. conclusion was that all previous work on lactose
seeds), and impurity content (raffinose level) on crystallization actually involved the effects of this
growth rate dispersion in sucrose crystals. ionic impurity and, thus, were not indicative of
pure lactose crystallization rates. In a subsequent
study, Visser138 isolated and identified this nat-
2. Lactose urally occurring substance as dilactose phosphate
complexes that are incorporated into the crystal
Other than sucrose, the study of lactose crys- lattice. Recrystallization and washing for up to
tallization has received the most attention from 14 times was necessary to purify the pharma-
researchers, particularly in the dairy industry. ceutical-grade lactose, taking the pH from 3.1 to
Several excellent reviews on lactose crystalliza- 6.1. However, it was found that ion exchange of
tion exist, including Nickerson23 and Nickerson the lactose solution removed nearly all of this
and Moore.135-136 Much experimental work has impurity.137 Further studies4 have clarified that
been done on lactose crystallization from com- the anions of the dilactose phosphate impurities
mercial cheese whey, since this is the primary in the a-form adsorb onto several of the lactose
source of refined lactose. These studies generally crystal faces, thereby inhibiting the incorporation
include some or all of the impurities present in of a-lactose molecules into the crystal lattice.
the initial whey and, thus, experimental work on Various aspects of a-lactose crystallization
pure lactose is somewhat limited. Visser53 has have been studied by Whittier and Gould,139 van
recently studied the rate of lactose crystallization Kreveld and Michaels,140 Haase and Nickerson,25
from deionized lactose and derived significantly Michaels and van Kreveld,141 Jelen and Coul-
different growth rates from these pure solutions ter,142-143 Nickerson and Moore,135 Thurlby and
than have been obtained even from pharmaceut- Sitnai,144 Valle-Vega and Nickerson,145 and Vis-
ical grade (USP, 99.85% pure) lactose. The spe- s e r 4,53.138 jjjg a _i ac tose monohydrate crystal
cific effects of these impurities remain in question. grows in a wedge or tomahawk shape when grown
Visser137 studied the growth of lactose crys- under low supersaturation conditions.23 At higher
tals from pharmaceutical-grade lactose supplied supersaturations, different shapes are observed,
from various sources using a single-crystal pho- with the habit changing to a more prism-shaped
tomicroscopic technique. Here, the advance of characteristic at very high supersaturations.146
various faces of the lactose crystals were mea- These habit modifications arise due to differ-
sured and converted to a linear growth rate. Sev- ences in the growth rates of the individual faces
eral sources of lactose were tested, with and the changes in these relative growth rates
significantly different results in growth rate. These with supersaturation. 140141 Van Kreveld and
differences stemmed from marked differences in Michaels140 also showed that the tomahawk-
pH and conductivity of the lactose samples as shaped crystal grows only in one direction —

from the apex of the tomahawk. This apex is the way in the author's laboratory suggests that, even
site of the original nucleus. Growth has been during growth of seed populations with low sur-
found to increase with increasing supersaturation face areas, some change in the ratio of a/p-lac-
with an exponent greater than one, dependent on tose in solution occurs, as evidenced by changes
the particular face. Average growth rates for lac- in the optical rotation. Constant optical rotation,
tose crystals as determined from the population indicating that equilibrium solution conditions
balance approach in a continuous-cooling crys- were being maintained, was found only when
tallizer increased with supersaturation (expressed extremely small amounts of seeds were used.
as concentration difference) to the 3.55 power.90 Under most growth conditions, the optical rota-
Whittier and Gould139 followed the decreas- tion was found to decrease as the crystal mass
ing concentration of lactose in solution during developed during growth, followed by an in-
batch growth of seed crystals. This desupersa- crease in the optical rotation until the equilibrium
turation curve varied in shape with the temper- was attained after crystallization had been com-
ature of crystallization between —5 to 30°C. The pleted. Further work is underway to quantify the
initial rates of desupersaturation increased with conditions under which mutarotation limits the
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

decreasing temperature due to the increased con- rate of crystal growth.

centration. However, higher temperatures showed Increasing temperature has also been seen to
greater decreases in concentration at longer times, increase the rate of lactose crystal growth. Jelen
due to the effects of mutarotation on growth. The and Coulter143 demonstrated this temperature de-
rate of mutarotation decreases significantly with pendence for growth between 30 and 70°C. When
decreasing temperature, resulting in lower con- the supersaturation ratio (C/Cs) was used to show
version to the a-form at these lower tempera- the growth kinetics, growth increased continually
tures. These changes in concentration were between 30 and 70°C. However, when the con-
converted into a rate over a narrow range of con- centration excess (AC = C — Cs) was used to
centrations during the middle of the experiment define the supersaturation, it was found that
at each temperature. The resulting rate constants growth increased from 30 to 50°C, and that no
increased linearly with temperature; however, this further increases in growth were observed be-
dependence would most likely depend on the con- tween 50 and 70°C. No conclusion regarding this
centration region used in the calculation. temperature dependence was drawn by Jelen and
The mechanism of growth of a-lactose Coulter,143 although this is an excellent example
monohydrate crystals has been stated to be sur- of the manner in which the expression of super-
face incorporation controlled since diffusion is saturation can affect the definition of growth ki-
unimportant.140 The relative effects of mutaro- netics. The effect of supersaturation on growth
tation on the rate of crystal growth depends on was found to vary with temperature over this
several parameters, including the temperature, range. At 30cC, the supersaturation dependence
pH, and presence of impurities or additives. Twieg was 2.5 (using AC), while at higher tempera-
and Nickerson147 state that the rate of mutarota- tures, the dependence became second order. An
tion is quite rapid compared with the rate of crys- activation energy for growth has been determined
tal growth, and thus should not influence the rate by Shi et al.91 using the population balance method
of growth unless the available surface area is to analyze lactose crystallization in a continuous-
exceedingly large. Brinkman,148 however, states cooling crystallizer. This activation energy was
that at temperatures (>75°C) mutarotation is so determined to be 22.1 kcal/mol over the range
rapid that no effect on growth should be ob- of 30 to 60°C. No change in mechanism was
served, while at temperatures less than 30°C observed, since the activation energy was con-
the mutarotation rate is slow enough to affect the stant over this temperature range. These results
rate of growth. A more appropriate comparison suggest a growth mechanism based on the surface
would be between the rate of mass deposition incorporation step. That is, diffusion is most likely
onto the available surface area and the rate of negligible under these growth conditions, veri-
mutarotation at the specific conditions under fying previous results. The dependence of growth
study. Some unpublished work currently under- on supersaturation, where supersaturation was

defined by Visser53 using Equation 4, was also increase slowly with increasing temperature over
found to result in an exponent of 2.5 over this this range. Whittier and Gould139 also studied the
temperature range. growth of sucrose, lactose, and galactose in the
Thurlby and Sitnai144 studied the crystalli- same way. Their results demonstrate the relative
zation of a-lactose monohydrate by following the speed for growth of the nonreducing sugar, su-
change in mass of a seed distribution during crose, compared to the reducing sugars. These
growth at various supersaturations and temper- differences in growth rates were attributed to the
atures (15 to 50°C). Growth was found to in- presence of anomeric forms of the reducing sug-
crease with increasing temperature and ars in solution and their inhibition on growth.
supersaturation. No activation energies for the Van Hook64 shows growth rate data for a-
temperature dependence of growth were calcu- glucose monohydrate over the temperature range
lated. The growth rate was found to depend on of 25 to 43CC and at varying supersaturations
the relative a-lactose supersaturation to a power (expressed as concentration difference). These
between 3 and 4, depending on the temperature. results demonstrate that the growth of glucose
In general, the power was seen to increase with monohydrate is essentially independent of tem-
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

increasing temperature. perature and increases approximately linearly with

The inhibitory effects of (3-lactose on the increasing supersaturation. From these results,
growth of a-lactose monohydrate have been dem- Van Hook64 concluded that diffusion of glucose
onstrated from a molecular standpoint by Visser molecules is the rate-limiting step for crystal
and Bennema.149 Their molecular approach to growth under these conditions. This result was
lactose crystal morphology leads to the correct also confirmed by Edwards,94 who showed that
prediction of the equilibrium shape of a-mono- increasing the stirring speed in suspension crys-
hydrate lactose crystals only when fj-lactose is tallization increased the rate of growth up to some
considered to block part of the intermolecular critical agitation rate. Above this rate, crystal
bonds during crystal growth. growth was constant, indicating that diffusion
In recent years, the interest in developing was no longer the limiting mechanism.
forms of lactose other than the a-monohydrate
has increased due to the different properties that
may be obtained. These forms impart different 4. Fructose
textural or sensory properties in foods, resulting
in new products. The crystallization of (3-lactose The growth kinetics of fructose crystals gen-
has been reviewed recently by Olano et al.15° The erated from sliding contact were determined by
formation of P-lactose from both aqueous and Shiau and Berglund97 over the range of 30 to
alcohol solutions is detailed. Itoh et al.151 discuss 50°C and subcoolings from 1 to 9°C. These con-
a technique of crystallizing p-lactose based on tact nuclei were seen to exhibit growth rate dis-
heating a supersaturated solution of lactose under persion. The average growth rates of nuclei
reflux conditions. Very little information regard- created at any given temperature and subcooling
ing the fundamental mechanisms of P-lactose were calculated and growth kinetics developed.
crystal growth is available. These kinetics showed that the average growth
rate increased with both temperature and super-
saturation. Growth increased with the relative su-
3. Glucose persaturation to the 1.25 power and an activation
energy for growth of 6.1 kcal/mol was found.
The desupersaturation curves for batch growth These results suggest that mass transfer plays an
of a-anhydride glucose crystals were studied by important role in the growth process for these
Whittier and Gould.139 Temperatures between 0 nuclei grown in a stagnant environment on a pho-
and 30°C were studied. The growth of these crys- tomicroscope stage. However, surface incorpor-
tals was exceedingly slow, compared to sucrose, tation of fructose molecules must also be important
but was on the same order of magnitude as the in determining the overall rate of fructose crystal
growth of lactose crystals. The rate was seen to growth, as demonstrated by the occurrence of

growth rate dispersion. Watanabe152 claims that ing the growth mechanism; however, caution must
the viscosity of fructose solutions at high con- be used since other parameters also affect the rate
centrations inhibits the rate of fructose crystal of crystal growth. For example, sucrose crystal
growth. Both Watanabe152 and Chu et al.153 dem- growth has been found to exhibit a linear depen-
onstrated the effects of heat treatment in reducing dence on supersaturation at higher levels, of su-
the rate of fructose crystal growth due to the persaturation. At lower supersaturations, the
formation of fructose polymers. The polymeri- dependence has been found by many researchers
zation of fructose was enhanced by low pH con- to be nearly second order. This suggests that the
ditions and high-temperature treatment, as may growth mechanism proposed by Burton et al.104
occur during the evaporation of syrups.152 based on surface diffusion to spiral dislocations
may adequately describe the growth of sucrose
crystals. This has been found to be true for larger
C. Operating Parameter Effects on crystals that are dominated by imperfections, but
Crystal Growth perhaps does not hold true for small crystals that
may have many fewer dislocations present on the
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

An understanding of the parameters that in- crystal surfaces.127 For lactose, the dependence
fluence the rate of crystal growth in a sugar sys- of crystal growth on supersaturation ranges be-
tem is important in controlling the process to tween 2 and 3, depending on the temperature and
maintain optimal results. That is, since the tex- other conditions.143
tural quality of a food product depends on the In a food product, the supersaturation value
crystal size distribution, the rate of growth of the is dependent on both the level of sugar in the
sugar crystals is critical to the final product char- syrup phase and the types and levels of additional
acteristics. Of utmost importance to crystal growth additives, such as other sugars, starches, and pro-
is the supersaturation in the syrup phase of the teins. These other components alter the saturation
product. However, a number of other factors also concentration of sugar (generally lowered), thus
play an important role in the final growth prop- affecting the supersaturation value. These com-
erties. These include the agitation rate in the syrup ponents may also affect the inherent rate of crys-
phase, the temperature at which growth occurs, tal growth. Predicting the rate of crystal growth
the viscosity of the solution (dependent on the in a food product is very difficult due to the many
concentration and temperature), pH, the source parameters that impact the growth of sugar crys-
of nuclei, and the types and concentrations of tals. Further experimental work is generally re-
impurities or additives. This last parameter plays quired to determine the specific effects on crystal
a critical role in the formulation of a food product growth in complex food products.
and the resulting textural properties.
2. Temperature

1. Supersaturation Raising the temperature generally increases

the rate of crystal growth, as shown by the po-
The driving force for sugar crystal growth is sitive value of the Arrhenius activation energy.
the excess concentration in solution over the sat- However, different mechanisms of growth may
uration concentration at that temperature (Cb - dominate, depending on the temperature at which
Cs). The greater this driving force, the higher the growth is occurring. In sucrose, for example, the
rate of crystal growth, all other conditions being mechanism of crystal growth changes as the tem-
equivalent. The dependence of growth rate on perature changes. At lower temperatures, less than
supersaturation depends on the underlying mech- about 40°C, the crystals grow predominantly by
anism for the growth process, as described in a surface incorporation mechanism, while at
Section IV. 1. For sucrose, this dependence ranges higher temperatures the mass transfer or volume
from a first-order to a second-order power of diffusion effects become the dominating mech-
supersaturation. Experiments in which these anism. This temperature dependence is interest-
growth kinetics are determined can aid in defin- ing when one considers the effects of temperature

on the viscosity of sugar solutions. As the tem- under normal conditions), then an increase in
perature goes up, at a constant concentration, the agitation will not influence the rate of growth.
viscosity decreases.45 The viscosity increases On the other hand, agitation rate is important
dramatically as the temperature decreases, yet when mass transfer influences the rate of crystal
mass transfer effects are most dominant at the growth. As the relative velocity between crystal
lower viscosity conditions of higher temperature. surface and solution is increased, the hindrance
This is attributable to the temperature dependence to growth caused by mass transfer limitations will
of the surface incorporation step (activation en- be reduced and the rate of growth will be in-
ergy of 16 to 18 kcal/mol) vs. that for diffusion creased. This will continue up to the point where
(activation energy of 6 to 8 kcal/mol). At lower mass transfer again does not impact the rate of
temperatures, the rate of surface incorporation is growth. This influence is seen quite clearly by
considerably depressed, causing this step to be the work of Smythe55 and Van Hook154 on sucrose
the rate-limiting step. At higher temperatures, the crystal growth. An increasing growth rate was
surface incorporation step occurs more rapidly seen when low agitation rates were used, with
than mass transfer (due to the increased temper- that increase tapering off at high agitation rates
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

ature dependence) and, thus, the volume diffu- until a constant growth rate was reached at very
sion step becomes rate limiting. These results high agitation rates. This effect will be most no-
apply for a well-mixed growth environment where ticed under higher-temperature growth conditions
agitation effects are negligible. A stagnant syrup (>40 to 50°C), where mass transfer is the more
environment will cause considerably more de- important growth mechanism.
pendence on mass transfer conditions at lower Another phenomenon related to agitation is
temperatures. the final average size of a crystalline product
grown in a batch system. Apart from the above
effects on the crystal growth mechanism, agita-
3. Viscosity of Solution tion can influence the final product size through
its influence on the nucleation rate. The rate of
In past years, people have considered the secondary nucleation is dependent on the rate of
viscosity of the syrup phase to be a primary pa- agitation, as described previously. Thus, if a
rameter in the determination of crystal growth crystal suspension is grown under agitated con-
rates. However, viscosity effects can generally ditions, additional nuclei will continually be added
be accounted for by considering the changes in to the crystal size distribution. Since the nuclea-
concentration and temperature, which directly tion step also depletes the available supersatur-
determine the viscosity in most instances. Studies ation, in direct competition with the growth
in which the viscosity of solution was changed process, each of the crystals will grow to a slightly
by the addition of additives that had no effect on lower extent. This results in smaller crystals when
the inherent rate of crystal growth, yet altered nucleation takes place. This has been verified
the solution viscosity, have verified this conten- experimentally on lactose crystals by Valle-Vega
tion.64 That is, a viscosity change alone does not and Nickerson,145 among others.
necessarily alter the rate of crystal growth. This
viscosity change is usually related to a change in S.pH
some other growth-dependent parameter (con-
centration or temperature). The effect of pH on the rate of sucrose crystal
growth is tied intimately to the process of inver-
sion and formation of invert sugar. Invert sugar
4. Agitation Rate has a marked effect on the rate of crystal growth,
to be discussed in a subsequent section on ad-
The effects of agitation rate on growth de- ditives. From a molecular viewpoint, changing
pend on the mechanism of growth under the con- the hydrogen ion concentration in a sugar solution
ditions being studied. If surface incorporation is may cause changes in the hydrogen bonding char-
the rate-limiting step for growth (as with lactose acteristics of the sucrose molecule, which may

have some effect on the rate of crystal growth. on the lactose crystal growth mechanism remains
For reducing sugars, pH changes also result in question.
in mutarotation equilibrium changes, which may
further affect the rate of crystallization. Twieg
and Nickerson147 demonstrate the different rates 6. Source of Nuclei
of desupersaturation of lactose from pharma-
ceutical-grade lactose solutions at pH 1 and 4 In general, it has been understood that, the
during seed growth in a batch crystallizer. Then- smoother the crystal surface, the slower the crys-
results show a more rapid decrease in concentra- tal growth. Conversely, crystals that have a sig-
tion at the lower pH, indicating a more rapid rate nificant surface roughness, from a grinding
of growth. However, different results were found process, for example, will grow more rapidly, at
by Visser,137 who studied the growth rate of dif- least initially. This has been shown by Van
ferent faces of a single lactose crystal from phar- Hook,106 where the difference in growth rates and
maceutical-grade lactose solutions as a function kinetics for "good" and "poor" crystals was
of the pH. The growth of all faces was seen to demonstrated. The poor crystal, which was cloudy
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

decrease to near zero at pH values below 2, and and had faceted and truncated faces, grew at a
a maximum growth rate was found at a pH value higher rate than a good crystal of high quality.
of about 7. These changes are dependent on the A difference in kinetic dependencies on super-
form of the disaccharide phosphate impurity in saturation between these classifications of crys-
the pharmaceutical-grade lactose solution. When tals was also found. The poor crystal showed a
similar pH studies were done using nonionized linear dependence of growth on supersaturation,
lactose (passed through an ion exchange col- while the good crystal showed a dependence that
umn), quite different results were obtained. Here, changed from second order at low supersatura-
the growth rate at pH 1.5 was only slightly lower tions to first order at higher supersaturations.
for most of the faces studied than the correspond- Whether a crystal grows out of its inherent im-
ing growth rate at pH 3.5 or 7.5. The exception perfections depends on many factors, including
to this was the large basal face (010), which the supersaturation level and the nature of these
showed a slight increase in growth rate at pH imperfections. If the imperfections can be ov-
1.5. From this, it appears that pure lactose ex- ergrown, then the growth of the crystal will grad-
hibits only a small dependence of growth on pH, ually decrease until only the inherent dislocations
while impurity effects may play a significant role control the rate of growth. For this reason, one
for impure solutions. One factor that needs to be sometimes can observe an initially rapid rate of
considered when making comparisons regarding growth followed by a levelling off of the growth
the effects of pH on lactose crystal growth is the rate at some inherent value.102-156
effect on the equilibrium mutarotation conditions The manner by which a crystal nucleus is
for a-lactose. That is, any effects of pH on the formed may have important consequences on how
a-lactose supersaturation and the subsequent ef- that particular crystal grows. Some interesting
fects of (3-lactose on growth must also be experimental results93 have shown that lactose
determined. nuclei can be formed under contact nucleation
Commercial aspects of pH change in whey conditions and that a high proportion of these
on the lactose crystal product, including com- nuclei do not grow. These contact nuclei seem
position, crystal size, and yield, were studied by to require some activation, perhaps by a thermal
Modler and Lefkovitch.155 Many of the observed shock, in order to grow at any substantial rate.
effects arose due to changes in protein denatur- This type of behavior has also been observed for
ation and salt solubility in whey with pH. Whether sucrose crystals formed by a secondary nuclea-
or not these pH effects on lactose crystallization tion mechanism.78102 The mechanism for this
can be directly related to the direct effect of pH growth anomaly is probably related to the effects

of surface dislocations and internal stresses within transport phenomena through the bulk solution.
the crystal that do not allow molecular deposi- One can find many references in the crys-
tion. More experimental and theoretical work is tallization literature about the effects of ultrasonic
required in this area. irradiation on nucleation and growth rates.64159160
Many of these references claim a significant ef-
fect due to the input of ultrasonic energy; how-
7. Suspension Density ever, the specific effects are not clear, due to
several apparent effects that may cause erroneous
The higher the number of crystals in a so- results. The increase in temperature associated
lution, the greater the competition for available with an ultrasonic field, for example, can cause
supersaturation. This can result in decreased an apparent increase in the rate of crystal growth.
growth due to mass transfer effects. This has been An apparent effect of ultrasonic energy on mass
studied in sugar refining, where very high crystal transfer rates has led researchers to suggest that
densities are attained.157 Zagrodski157 developed growth rates of crystals growing under diffusion-
a correlation expression relating the crystal con- controlled conditions will also increase. This has
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

tent to a mass transfer coefficient correction fac- been verified in some cases,160 although ques-
tor that was used to modify some unaffected tions still remain about the validity of this hy-
growth rate obtained at low crystal densities at pothesis for all situations.
the same conditions. The effects of high crystal
numbers on the growth mechanisms of sugar
crystals in food products has not been investigated. D. Effects of Additives/Impurities on
Another result of high numbers of crystals, Growth
or a large surface area available for growth, is A complex mixture of ingredients in a food
that the final product size is generally decreased. product causes a complex pattern of growth of
The available excess concentration (supersatur- sugar crystals due to the many interactions. Some
ation) is divided equally among all the crystals of the ingredients (other sugars, etc.) added to a
present, resulting in less growth for an individual sugar syrup formulation may influence the sol-
crystal when there are large numbers of crystals. ubility of the sugar at the processing conditions,
Thus, a distribution with few crystals will grow resulting in changing supersaturations. At the
to a larger average size than a distribution with same time, many added ingredients or impurities
many crystals. This difference, of course, de- present (other sugars, proteins, starches, etc.) may
pends on the total surface area, the total number directly affect the rate of crystal growth by in-
of particles, the difference in initial seed size, fluencing the mechanism of growth. This may
and the supersaturation. occur due to mass transfer limitations or from
inherent influences on the surface incorporation
step. A complete understanding of the effects of
8. Electric/Magnetic/Sonic Fields a particular ingredient on the rate of crystal growth
requires an understanding of the effects on both
Some work in the past has demonstrated the solubility and inherent growth rate. In addition,
effects of external field applications on sugar many ingredients show synergistic effects with
crystal growth. For example, Gonzalez and other ingredients. Therefore, detailing the exact
Ramirez158 studied the effects of electrical fields effect of an ingredient in a food formulation may
and found that sucrose crystal growth rates in- be quite complex. The end result is that empirical
creased by almost 70% when a constant field of or experimental investigations are generally nec-
125 V/cm was applied. The growth rate was found essary. However, some general understanding can
to increase linearly as electric field increased to be developed by looking at the individual effects
this level. The mechanism for this increase was of each ingredient. In general, most of the im-
not determined, although their conclusion was purities or additives of importance in food prod-
that the mechanism involved phenomena that take ucts will cause a decrease in the rate of sugar
place at the solid-liquid interface rather than in crystal growth.

1. Other Sugars as the glucose content in solution was increased
up to 9%.
Perhaps most important of all combinations Nickerson and Patel164 studied crystallization
for sugar-based food products are mixtures of of sucrose and lactose from mixed sugar solu-
various sugars. Sugars are generally mixed to tions. They followed the decrease in concentra-
take advantage of the properties of each of the tion of both lactose and sucrose in solution during
sugars involved, to increase the total level of batch-seeded crystallization, studying a range of
solids in solution for microbiological concerns or mixtures from 100% sucrose to a 50:50 mixture
to control the rate of sugar crystallization. of sucrose and lactose. Their results show that
Smythe55 studied the effects of a variety of different proportions of lactose and sucrose crys-
sugars on sucrose crystal growth, including invert tallized out of solution based on the initial sugar
sugar, raffinose, and other oligosaccharides concentrations, the altered solubility levels of the
(stachyose, neo-kestose, gentianose, melezitose, two sugars, and whether lactose, sucrose, or
and kestose). Invert sugar between 17 and 220 mixed seed crystals were used to initiate growth.
g/100 g water addition level decreased sucrose The crystal habit, solution viscosity, proportion
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crystal growth significantly over a range of su- of lactose to sucrose in the crystal product, and
persaturations. The decrease in growth rate in- hardness of the crystalline mass were studied as
creased as the invert sugar level increased. At a a function of the starting sugar composition. No
concentration of 100 g invert per 100 g water, quantitative data on crystal growth kinetics were
the growth rate was decreased to merely 25% of obtained from these studies.
the pure sucrose growth rate at a given super- The effects of lactose hydrolysis (into glu-
saturation. The inhibitory effect of raffinose was cose and galactose) on the crystallization of lac-
found to be even stronger. When invert sugar and tose from solutions that had undergone various
raffinose were studied in combination, it was extents of hydrolysis was studied by Shah and
found that a small concentration of raffinose (2.8g/ Nickerson.165 In fully hydrolized solutions, gal-
100 g water) in a larger concentration of invert actose was the sugar found to crystallize out of
sugar (100 g/100 g water) produced a further solution. At 70 or 90% hydrolysis, lactose crys-
decrease in growth rate over the invert sugar alone. tallized with increasing yield at lower tempera-
The effects of these sugars was additive, but not tures and higher dissolved solids. The glucose
in the same proportions at different temperatures, and galactose acted as nucleation and growth in-
with a greater inhibition effect demonstrated at hibitors. Similar results were found by Bourne
higher temperatures. et al.60
Vaccari et al.161 reviewed the effects of raf- Van Kreveld37 studied the effects of various
finose on the growth of sucrose crystals from a sugars on the growth of a-lactose monohydrate
face-by-face analysis. Their results confirm that from purified solutions made from the stable an-
the trisaccharide raffinose (galactose-fructose- hydrous form. These solutions had low levels of
glucose) affects the rate of sucrose crystal growth P-lactose (<2%). The effects of P-lactose on a-
by a selective adsorption to the crystal surface, lactose monohydrate crystal growth were studied
thereby preventing further motion of the spiral in this way. It was found that p-lactose did indeed
dislocations on which growth depends. This have major inhibiting effect on the growth of
slowing of the advancement of spiral steps has lactose crystals, decreasing the rate of growth of
been observed microscopically by Albon and seed crystals by over an order of magnitude. The
Dunning.162 effects of other sugars, including glucose, su-
The effects of various additives (salts, glu- crose, fructose, maltose, and raffinose, were also
cose, raffinose, and amino acids) on growth of studied. These sugars had varying inhibition ef-
sucrose have been studied by Moritsugu.163 his fects, but not nearly to the extent of p-lactose.
results show that glucose enhanced the rate of Further study on the effects of P-lactose on the
sucrose growth when the effects of solubility were growth of a-lactose monohydrate136 showed that
not accounted for. This effect increased slightly P-lactose did not have a major effect on crystal

growth rate under normal conditions yielding to- have a significant effect on the rate of crystal
mahawk morphology. Their work suggest that growth. In addition, these macromolecules may
the previous results of van Kreveld37 had not adsorb to the crystal surface and influence the
accounted for varying levels of a-lactose in so- manner by which sugar molecules attach to the
lution. From these results, it appears that (i-lac- crystal lattice. The mechanism of action of each
tose has an inhibitory effect at higher particular impurity must be studied individually,
supersaturations, where needle-shaped crystals and rarely will an additive act by solely one
grow. However, at normal supersaturations, re- mechanism of growth inhibition.
sulting in tomahawk morphology, the {3-lactose Smythe55 shows data on the growth inhibition
has very little effect. This is indicative of an of sucrose in the presence of several macromol-
effect of (3-lactose on only some crystal faces, ecules, including dextrin, pectin, and dextran.
resulting in different results at different super- His results demonstrate the magnitude of growth
saturations. Definitive experiments on the effects inhibition resulting from the presence of these
of 3-lactose on the individual face growth rates additives during sucrose crystal growth at 41°C.
have not been performed to date and some ques- Pectin at 5 g/g water and dextrin at 10 g/g water
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tion still remains on the exact nature of the effect were found to reduce the growth rate of sucrose
of p-lactose on a-lactose growth. crystals by about 16% over the range of AC from
The effects of other sugars on lactose crystal 10 to 60 g sucrose per 100 g water. Dextran, at
growth have also been investigated.136 These re- a level of 7.4 g/g water, had a larger effect,
sults show that, at least at relatively low con- slowing down the rate of growth by over 30%.
centrations (5%), sugars such as glucose and Parrisch and Clarke166 summarize results on dex-
maltose have only a slight effect on the overall trans and other oligo- and polysaccharides of im-
growth of a-lactose monohydrate. In fact, Nick- portance in sugar refining. They discuss the
erson and Moore136 found glucose and maltose changes in crystal growth rate as well as changes
to increase slightly the rate of lactose crystal in crystal habit resulting from these impurities.
growth. On the other hand, Michaels and van The mutual effects of these polysaccharides and
Kreveld141 found no effect from these sugars on salts are also discussed in some detail.
lactose crystal growth. However, it is not clear Michaels and van Kreveld141 demonstrate the
whether the solubility effects of these sugars were inhibition effect of various surface-adsorbing
accounted for in these studies. agents on the growth of lactose. For example,
Some work has been done recently on the the addition of 10 ppm gelatin reduced the growth
effects of added sugars and natural polymeriza- rate by 25 to 66%, depending on the face ob-
tion products on the growth of fructose crystals. served. They conclude that the effect of gelatin
Chu et al.153 studied the effects of glucose ad- is nonselective with respect to individual faces
dition on fructose crystal growth and found a and that a general adsorption of the gelatin onto
slight inhibition, although the effects of glucose the lactose crystal surfaces causes the growth
on fructose solubility were not taken into ac- inhibition.
count. The presence of difructose dianhydrides
in solution was seen to markedly decrease the
growth rates due, most likely, to incorporation 3. Salts
into the crystal lattice. Similar results were re-
ported by Watanabe.152 Several salts have been shown to decrease
the rate of sucrose crystal growth. These include
CaCl2, KC1, and disodium hydrogen phosphate.55
2. Macromolecules Inhibition was seen to increase with increasing
salt concentration and was generally similar in
The presence of large macromolecules, such magnitude to equivalent levels of invert sugar
as proteins, starches, dextrans, etc., can cause addition. CaCl2 addition, however, showed no
significant influences on the rate of mass transfer effect on growth at a level of 15 g/g water. Ad-
of sugar molecules through the solution and, thus, dition of 32 and 52 g CaCl2 per g water showed

an inhibition on growth that was significantly Jelen and Coulter142 studied the effects of calcium
larger than the equivalent level of invert sugar. chloride, sodium phosphate, and potassium chlo-
Mak167 studied the effects of a wide variety ride on the relative rates of growth of a-lactose
of salts on sucrose growth in order to determine monohydrate crystals from cheese whey (protein
the effects of ionic impurities on crystal growth removed) at 50°C. Under these conditions, it was
processes. Included in the list of salts studied found that each of the salts caused a significant
were LiCl, RbCl, CsCl, SrCl2, BaCl2, NaCl, KC1, initial increase in the rate of lactose crystal growth,
and KI. Each of these salts was found to decrease as measured by the weight change of single crys-
the rate of growth of several individual faces of tals. For calcium chloride and potassium chlo-
the sucrose crystal. The magnitude of the inhi- ride, higher salt concentrations (>5 to 10% TS
bition was dependent on the specific salt and the addition) resulted in subsequent decreases in
face under observation. Since each salt affected growth rate. That is, the growth rate effect was
different faces to different extents, the shape of dependent on the salt concentration, with a max-
the crystals grown in the presence of these ad- imum rate of growth occurring between a 5 to
ditives was quite different from the normal su- 10% addition of these salts. Sodium phosphate,
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

crose crystal habit. The mechanism of this growth on the other hand, showed a continually increas-
inhibition was related to the effect of these ionic ing function of relative growth rate on salt con-
impurities on the hydrogen bonding sites of the centration, up to 20% addition. In this work, the
sucrose molecules, thereby preventing incorpo- effects of these salts on lactose solubility was not
ration of sucrose molecules into the crystal lattice. considered.
The effects of KC1 on growth of sucrose were
also studied by Moritsugu.163 Concentrations of
up to 5% KC1 in sucrose solution were shown to 4. Surfactants
cause a 25% decrease in the rate of growth, when
compared with a pure solution at the same su-
persaturation. Moritsugu163 also shows the effects Van Hook168 summarizes past work on the
of a variety of additives on sucrose growth from effects of surfactants on sucrose crystallization.
solutions with constant sucrose content. Here, the He concludes that surfactants have no effect on
supersaturation changes due to the changing sol- the rate of growth, as shown by single crystal
ubility concentration with additive addition. The growth experiments, but may have some effect
salts KC1, Na2CO3, and K2CO3 gave a decreasing on the overall crystal population due to the effects
rate of growth as the addition level was increased. on secondary nucleation. These effects have not
However, CaCl2, MgCl2, K2SO4, and, to a lesser been clearly defined.
extent, NaCl gave an initial increase in growth Surfactants have been found to have some
rate before falling off to levels below those of effect on lactose crystal growth when the solu-
the initial pure solution. The actual effect of these bility effects were not considered. Michaels and
salts must be separated from the solubility effects van Kreveld141 studied several surface-active
to determine mechanism changes; however, some agents for their effects on lactose crystal growth
interesting practical results are obtained in this at 30°C and lactose concentrations of 41.5 and
way. Similar studies on combination of salts in 60 g lactose monohydrate/100 g water. One sub-
solution resulted in varying degrees of growth stance (trimethyl octa decyl ammonium chloride)
enhancement or inhibition. Their conclusion was was found to nearly halt the lactose growth, while
that the effects of individual salts in combinations another (sodium dodecyl (tetrapropylene) ben-
were not additive, although the effects of solu- zene sulfonate) was found to enhance the rate at
bility were not separated. lower addition levels, but then to decrease the
The effects of various salts on lactose crystal rate of growth at higher addition levels. These
growth have been studied in some detail,142 par- results were slightly dependent on the supersa-
ticularly those salts that are present in cheese turation level. The effects of these additives on
whey from which commercial lactose is refined. solubility were not investigated.

5. Others fer of the sucrose molecule through the solution
to the crystal surface and thereby slows down the
The effects of organic compounds, such as volume diffusion rate. The latter group inhibits
urea, aconitic acid, mannitol, sorbic acid, iso- growth by disrupting the incorporation of sucrose
butyric acid, and mixed amino acids, on the rate molecules into the lattice. They may either adsorb
of sucrose crystal growth at various supersatur- to the crystal surface or become incorporated into
ations was studied by Smythe.55 His conclusions the lattice kink sites themselves, thereby pre-
were that these compounds inhibit growth on the venting any further incorporation of sucrose mol-
same order of magnitude as similar concentra- ecules due to the mismatch caused by the
tions of invert sugar. Organic coloring agents, nonsucrose portion of the molecule (the galactose
naturally present in cane and beet juice, have also moiety in raffinose). Alternatively, they may act
been shown to inhibit the rate of sucrose crystal to modify the sucrose molecule in such a way as
growth,169 although solubility effects were not to prevent incorporation, i.e., the salt ionic ef-
taken into account. In this study, sucrose crystal fect. The magnitude and overall effect of an ad-
growth was seen to decrease by about 25% upon ditive may change, depending on the conditions
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

increasing the coloring matter content by 400% of growth. That is, additives that affect the rate
over that normally found in refiner's syrups. of mass transfer may be expected to have a greater
Naturally occurring constituents of whey also influence at higher temperatures where volume
have an important impact on the crystallization diffusion plays an important role in the growth
process for refining lactose. Riboflavin has been mechanism of pure sucrose.
found to affect both growth rate and product mor- Smythe55 quantified the influence of addi-
phology.170 The riboflavin adsorbs to the lactose tives on the rate of mass transfer by accounting
crystal surface and thereby slows down specific for the change in viscosity. He was able to derive
faces in such a way that thin plate-like crystals an expression that related the rate of growth to
are formed. Michaels and van Kreveld141 also the viscosity of the solution at a given supersa-
observed a decrease in the growth rate of specific turation. The expression resulted in the rate of
faces in the presence of riboflavin. At 10 ppm growth being inversely proportional to the vis-
addition of riboflavin, no growth inhibition effect cosity raised to the 1.4 power. This exponent
was observed. However, addition of 50 or 100 may be dependent on the agitation rate during
ppm riboflavin to lactose solution was seen to growth, as other researchers have found slightly
decrease the growth rate of the individual faces different results. Some compounds, such as dex-
to varying extents. This resulted in the formation tran and CaCl2, gave exceptions to this viscosity
of the plate-like crystals observed previously due rule. This is because mass transfer is affected by
to the addition of riboflavin.170 both viscosity and the diffusion coefficient. Dex-
tran and CaCl2 were seen to have less of an effect
on the diffusion coefficient than invert sugar for
6. Summary of Effects of Additives/ conditions giving similar viscosities. Therefore,
Impurities on Crystal Growth the effects of a given impurity on both viscosity
and the diffusion coefficient must be considered
The effects of additives and impurities may in determining the overall effect on sucrose crys-
be broadly categorized into those compounds that tal growth. For the class of additives that mainly
affect the viscosity or mass transfer conditions in affects the incorporation of sucrose molecules
the solution and those compounds that inhibit the into the lattice structure, the rate of growth could
incorporation of sucrose molecules into the lattice be related to the inverse of the additive/water
structure. The former compounds include invert ratio (I/W in grams of additive per 100 grams of
sugar, dextrans, and pectin, while the latter group water) raised to the 0.67 power at 41°C. Raffi-
is represented by salts, raffinose, and other oli- nose is a primary example of this class of com-
gosaccharides with a structure comparable to that pound, although many additives may affect the
of sucrose. The former group inhibits mass trans- rate of growth from both mechanisms.

V. APPLICATIONS OF mixtures of sucrose and 42 DE corn syrup. Table
CRYSTALLIZATION THEORIES TO 2 shows the solid- and liquid-phase percentages,
FOOD PRODUCTS along with total dissolved solids remaining in the
liquid phase, as functions of the ratio of sucrose
The crystallization of sugars in foods may to nonsucrose components at 80 and 90% initial
play an important role in determining the quality total solids. The extent of solids in the product
of the product.171 The presence or absence of increases with an increasing sucrose-to-nonsuc-
crystals as well as their number, average size, rose ratio, as one would expect, since there is
and size distribution are critical to the develop- more sucrose in the formulation at higher ratios
ment of the desired textural properties. Due to for a given initial total solids content. This results
the many complexities that influence the crys- in higher supersaturations and, thus, greater crys-
tallization of sugars in food products, much of tallization rates. In addition, at higher ratios of
the available information is either qualitative or sucrose to nonsucrose, the inhibitive effects of
not directly applicable to specific food products. the additives are less, resulting in greater crys-
More information probably exists on this impor- tallization. The combination of lower supersa-
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

tant topic; however, many companies with ex- turation and increased inhibition results in lower
pertise in this area choose not to publish results solids in the product as more nonsucrose addi-
in order to maintain a competitive edge. tives are added to the fondant formulation. When
the total solids of the initial formulation is in-
creased at a constant sucrose-to-nonsucrose ratio,
A. Confectionery Products the relative percentage of the solid phase also
increases. This is, again, due to the higher
1. Grained Confections supersaturations.
The supersaturation ratios found in typical
172 175
Cakebread " presents a series of articles confectionery formulations may be exceedingly
on candy chemistry specifically related to grained high. Cakebread174 states that the supersaturation
confections. In this series, he discusses the prac- ratio (S = C/Cs in weight percent) for a 10:1
tical aspects of sugar crystallization in grained sucrose:corn syrup fondant with 10% moisture at
confections as it relates to the development of 20°C can be calculated as 1.67. Most sucrose
the texture. His discussion deals mostly with fon- refining occurs at a supersaturation ratio of about
dants and creams, the simplest of grained con- 1.1 to 1.2, so the value of 1.67 is exceedingly
fections; however, the principles can generally high. Very little published data exist on the nu-
be extended to cover more complicated formu- cleation and growth rates of sucrose crystals at
lations. Other summaries of note on sugar crys- these high supersaturations, and the effects of
tallization processes in confectionery products normal confectionery components (corn syrup,
may be found in Lees,176 Mullineaux,177 and invert sugar, etc.) are essentially only known
Hartel.178 qualitatively.
Since the texture of a confection is dependent
on the size of the crystals formed as well as the
a. Fondants and Creams amount of solid phase, the nucleation and growth
kinetics during candy manufacture will play a
In the first paper of the series, Cakebread172 critical role in the development of the final tex-
discusses the solubility and viscosity parameters tural properties and quality of the product. As
for the individual sugars and their mixtures. These Cakebread174 notes, supersaturation alone does
parameters play an important role in determining not determine the crystallization kinetics, since
the crystallization phenomena in a confection, as several other factors can influence the final crys-
well as the final texture from both a solid-phase talline product. These other parameters include
and liquid-phase" standpoint. The second paper173 the viscosity of the liquid phase (which itself is
discusses the relative extent of solid vs. liquid a function of the concentration, temperature, and
phase for a given fondant formulation made with additive contents), the agitation or beating rate,

Effects of Nonsucrose Additives on Solid- and Liquid-Phase Contents in Fondants

Total solids ou/o

(%) Sucrose: TS in liquid TS in Liquid

Nonsucrose Solid (%) Liquid (%) (%) Solid (%) Liquid (%) (%)

2:1 28.1 71.9 72.7 53.3 46.7 78.6

5:1 31.0 69.0 71.0 59.3 40.7 75.4
7:1 33.3 66.7 70.0 62.2 37.8 73.6
9:1 34.7 65.3 69.4 63.8 36.2 72.4
11:1 35.6 64.4 68.9 64.9 35.1 71.5
13:1 36.3 63.7 68.6 65.7 34.3 70.9

Adapted from Cakebread, S. H., Manuf. Confect, December, 38,1970.

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Relationship between Fondant Composition, Beating Temperature, and Crystal Size for 90%
Initial Total Solids

Percentage of total crystal

Total numbers*
Confectioners temperature solids 0—10 10—20 20—30 >30
glucose (%) CO Solid* (%) Liquid* (%) (liquid, %) fim (Jim \xm |im

10 40 60.2 42.0 76.2 92.3 7.4 1.1

10 55 54.9 45.1 77.6 89.1 9.7 1.1 1.1
10 70 53.6 46.4 78.5 83.2 12.2 3.6 1.1
25 40 50.9 49.1 79.6 99.9 0.2 — —
25 55 50.1 49.9 80.0 96.2 3.5 0.3 —
25 70 44.6 56.0 82.2 89.5 7.7 1.8 0.4

• Percentages may not total 100% due to inaccuracies in original work.

Adapted from Lees, R., Factors Affecting Crystallization in Boiled Sweets, Fondants and other Con-
fectionery, BFMIRA Scientific and Technical Survey 42,1965.

the temperature at which beating takes place, and these elevated temperatures allowing more sub-
the formulation of the sugar syrup (since many stantial growth of the nuclei that are formed and
additives are crystallization inhibitors). A full un- partially due to the phenomena of nucleation being
derstanding of the effects of each of these pa- inhibited by higher viscosities.176 In addition, the
rameters has not been developed as yet, although intensity of beating influences the crystal size
some qualitative understanding exists. An ex- distribution. Rapid beating generally results in
ample of the above influences can be seen in smaller crystals, while slow beating gives a
some data presented by Cakebread174 and Lees,176 coarser fondant. Previous authors174-176 have at-
as taken from a Russian source. The effects of tributed this to the effects of depletion of the
beating temperature on the crystal size distribu- syrup phase around a growing crystal, which re-
tion in fondant was determined. These results are sults in cessation of growth. The effects of energy
summarized in Table 3. In general, as the beating input on nucleation may also play a direct role
temperature is increased, the percentage of larger in this as well, since the number of nuclei formed
crystals (>20 |xm) is seen to increase. Desmarais is directly related to the amount of energy put
and Ganz179 show the same effect of increased into the solution. If a great many nuclei are
crystal size with increased beating temperature. formed, the overall extent of growth of any one
This is partially due to the lowered viscosities at crystal will be less than if there were lower num-

bers of crystals. This is the result, again, of com- crystallization processes in fondants has been
petition between nucleation and growth for studied in detail by Mullineaux.177 The average
available supersaturation. size of the fondant sugar crystals and the per-
Another factor observed to affect the crystal centage of solid in the product was seen to de-
size distribution in fondants is the syrup formu- crease as the fructose content was increased (for
lation. Previous work, as reported by Cake- a constant initial total solids level). These results
bread,174 Lees,176 and Mullineaux,177 shows that are similar to those described above. Addition of
the higher the level of corn syrup in the fondant cellulose gum (CMC) on the crystallization of
formulation, the smaller the crystals in the prod- fondants has been studied by Desmarais and
uct (see Table 3). This work also shows that Ganz.179 Addition of CMC resulted in smaller
smaller crystals are formed when the total solids sucrose crystals and slower growth since the CMC
content in the confection is higher. Additives, acted as a crystallization inhibitor. DuRoss and
such as corn syrup and invert sugar, will tend to Knightly180 demonstrate the effects of added sor-
reduce both the rate of nucleation and the sub- bitol on the average size of sucrose crystals in
sequent rate of growth of these nuclei at condi- fondants made with sucrose, corn syrup solids,
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

tions of identical supersaturation. Since these and sorbitol. Since these studies have varied com-
components also reduce the solubility of sucrose position of these ingredients, it is impossible to
in solution, the supersaturation of various for- determine, from a mechanistic standpoint, which
mulations with varying compositions will also be components have the greatest effect on the size
different, and exact comparison of the crystalli- and exactly how this effect is accomplished. These
zation effects is not possible with the available results clearly show, however, that varying the
data. However, some general trends can be ingredient composition can have a significant ef-
understood from the basic information given in fect on the crystallization properties, as well as
the previous sections on crystallization phenom- on the overall textural characteristics of the fon-
ena. When the total solids content is increased dant, since sorbitol is an effective humectant.
for a given ratio of sucrose to corn syrup, the More controlled studies with ingredient addition
supersaturation of the sucrose will increase due at levels appropriate for comparison at constant
to the additional sucrose in solution. Thus, higher supersaturation levels must be performed in order
nucleation rates will occur at these higher total to determine the crystallization mechanisms im-
solids levels, resulting in the formation of greater portant for each individual ingredient.
numbers of particles. This is demonstrated by the Cakebread174 and Lees176 also discuss changes
increase in the percentage of solids in the fon- in crystal size during storage of fondants. Lees176
dant, which also increases with increasing total references earlier data that show an increase in
solids in the formulation. The larger number of the mean size of a fondant from 2.7 |xm after 1
particles formed will result in less growth onto h to 5.2 \xm after 22 d of storage. The results of
each crystal (although the total mass deposited Desmarais and Ganz179 and Woodruff and Van
must be the same in order to reach equilibrium) Gilder181 also demonstrate the increases in av-
and, therefore, the average size of the crystals erage crystal size in fondants of different for-
will be lower. When the percentage of corn syrup mulations during storage for up to 1 month. These
is increased in the formulation, the solubility of authors also suggest that the width of the distri-
sucrose is further decreased, but the total amount bution (spread of crystal sizes) decreases during
of sucrose is also decreased. The net effect is this storage period. That is, the difference be-
that the supersaturation of sucrose is lowered. tween the largest and smallest crystals gets rel-
The rates of nucleation and growth are also low- atively smaller as the fondant matures. These
ered due to the inhibitive effect of the corn syrup. changes in storage have been related to the con-
Therefore, the number of crystals that are formed tinued growth of the seeds present in the fondant
is lower at high corn syrup additions; however, after manufacture, and the subsequent decrease
these crystals do not grow very large due to the in the concentration of the liquid phase results in
lower supersaturations. softening of the fondant. Whether these changes
The effects of added fructose (0 to 10%) on in crystal size are due to growth caused

by normal depletion of the supersaturation or by will cause the fondant to become more and more
some other effect, particularly crystal ripening, coarse. Addition of a sugar syrup (bob-syrup) for
remains a subject for further study. the processing of fondants or creams will result
Cakebread174-175 considers the idea that the so- in similar coarsening due to the elevated tem-
lution around each growing crystal may become peratures required for mixing and blending of the
depleted and thereby reduce any further imme- fondant with the syrup.
diate crystal growth. On storage, however, suf- Moisture considerations also play an impor-
ficient time is allowed for sucrose molecules in tant role in the stability of the sugar crystals in
the solution at further distances from the crystals a fondant, particularly on storage. If a fondant
to diffuse or migrate to the crystal surface. Slow is stored in a dry place, where the relative hu-
growth, dependent on the rate of mass diffusivity midity is lower than the equilibrium relative hu-
of sucrose molecules through the solution, will midity of the solution phase, the fondant will dry
result. Lees176 discusses the possibility of the ma- out. This moisture loss will cause the concentra-
turing of fondants being due to insufficient crys- tion in the liquid phase to increase, resulting in
tallization time (insufficient beating, excessive higher supersaturations. The crystals will then
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

beating, or high invert sugar content). That is, grow to equilibrate with this new solution con-
only fondants that have not been properly crys- dition. In practice, however, a crust of high crys-
tallized undergo further changes on storage. On talline content will be formed where the drying
the other hand, these crystal size changes may takes place and further drying will be reduced.
be due to Ostwald ripening effects due to the On the other hand, if the fondant is stored in high
small sizes of the sugar crystals.178 In the ther- relative humidity conditions, it will pick moisture
modynamic process of ripening, small crystals up from the air. This added moisture may cause
dissolve due to their enhanced solubility, while dissolution of some crystals if the solution con-
the larger crystals grow. In practice, the effects centration is decreased sufficiently. The presence
of ripening appear to be the growth of larger of other sugars in the fondant may play an im-
crystals along with the disappearance of smaller portant role in determining the effects of storage
ones. Further details of Ostwald ripening theory moisture on the fondant characteristics.
may be found in Mullin.54 The exact mechanism Mullineaux177 investigated the effects of fructose
of crystal size changes in maturing fondants is on the keeping properties of fondants. The results
not clear from the data available in the literature. showed that fructose has a stabilizing effect on
Some combination of each of the above ideas the fondant when stored under conditions that
may actually occur within a maturing fondant. would normally dry out the fondant. The fructose
Detailed investigations on the number and size acted as a humectant in this case to maintain
distribution of sucrose crystals during storage of product moisture. However, very little effect on
a fondant will be necessary to specify the exact storage stability under moist storage conditions
mechanism. was observed.
Heating of fondants after manufacture and Studies on other grained confections (fudge,
storage will also have a significant impact on the grained nougats, etc.) are summarized by Lees.176
final product crystal size distribution.174-175 If the Although there is very little quantitative data on
fondant is heated to a high enough temperature these products, behavior similar to fondants and
(dependent on formulation), some of the small creams would be expected. The addition of other
crystals will begin to dissolve and eventually dis- additives, such as gelatin and pectin, will have
appear until the solid and liquid phases approach specific inhibiting activity on the nucleation and
the equilibrium condition for that temperature. growth of sucrose crystals. Due to the complexity
When the fondant is cooled again to storage tem- of these formulations, the effects of specific con-
perature, the solution returns to the supersatur- stituents have generally not been delineated.
ated state and the remaining crystals will grow
(no new crystals will form). Thus, the remaining
crystals will be larger and the fondant will be b. Panned Products
coarser. Continued fluctuations in temperature Although the development of panned sugar

coatings, either hard coatings (as in jawbreakers) B. Dairy Products
or soft coatings (as in jellybeans), depends to a
great extent on the control of sugar crystalliza- 1. Spray-Dried Powders
tion, very little work has gone into understanding
how sugar crystals form during the panning pro- Spray drying of fluid dairy products results
cess. This situation leaves the processor of panned in the formation of amorphous lactose powders.
goods with a process that is more of an art than Upon storage or conditioning under moist air con-
a science. There is a definite need for developing ditions, the amorphous lactose will devitrify and
an understanding of the influences of product and crystalline lactose will form. If a crystalline lac-
processing parameters on the rate of heat and tose product is required in the final powder, the
mass transfer during the coating and drying steps lactose may be precrystallized in the liquid phase
of the panning process. The relative rates of these prior to drying. Crystallization before and after
transport processes when compared with the crys- drying results in different properties of the pow-
tallization kinetics is crucial in determining the ders since the course of lactose crystallization is
formation of the sugar shell during panning. quite different. Roetman182 examined the micro-
Downloaded by [North Carolina State University] at 15:00 13 October 2012

scopic structure of spray-dried powders and dra-

matic differences in lactose crystal structure were
2. Ungrained Confections observed between "precrystallized" and "po-
stcrystallized" powders. Scanning electron mi-
In the case of hard candies, nougat, toffee, crographs showed that the tomahawk-shaped a-
jellies, etc., the formation of sugar crystals is lactose monohydrate crystal was formed in the
considered a defect to be avoided. Here, infor- powder when the lactose was allowed to crys-
mation pertinent to the prevention of sucrose tallize in the liquid prior to spray drying. In con-
crystallization becomes important. In hard can- trast, needle-shaped crystals of lactose were
dies and toffees, high-concentration syrups are formed when the amorphous powders were al-
made by boiling to high temperatures to drive off lowed to crystallize after spray drying. These
moisture. These syrups are then cooled rapidly differences may be attributed to the different su-
below the point where nucleation of the sucrose persaturation values at which crystallization takes
will occur. Nucleation is further inhibited by ad- place. Exceedingly high supersaturations must
dition of invert sugar or corn syrup to result in exist during the devitrification of the amorphous
a stable hard candy in the amorphous state (glass). structure due to the high lactose concentrations.
The critical parameters for forming this sugar From the pictures presented by Roetman,182 it
glass are moisture content (or total solids), rate was not clear whether the needles were crystals
of cooling, temperature to which it is cooled, and of a- or p-lactose. Herrington76 stated that lactose
presence of nucleation-inhibiting additives. When glasses are supersaturated with respect to both a-
the proper conditions are met, a stable amorphous and p-lactose. Therefore, either crystal structure
solid can be formed. may form from the devitrified powders, although
no experimental evidence was given for this state-
Under certain conditions, particularly if these
ment and no conditions were given that favor one
products are stored improperly, the glassy struc-
form over the other. Furthermore, work by Bush-
ture may devitrify or crystallize. In the devitri-
ill et al.183 using X-ray diffraction has demon-
fication process, sugar crystals form directly from
strated that a crystal of combined forms may be
the amorphous phase. This may occur when the
crystallized from spray- or freeze-dried milk
product is stored at relatively high temperatures
powders. These crystals had a molar ratio of a-
and high relative humidities. The candy picks up
monohydrate to |3-anydride lactose of 5:3.
moisture from the environment, allowing the sugar
molecules to rearrange and form into a crystal Further work on the crystallization of lactose
lattice.176178 Proper packaging has essentially from dairy powders has been undertaken by
eliminated this problem in most commercial Saito184-185 and Wursch et al.186 Their results sug-
applications. gest that p-lactose was crystallized from whole

milk powders, but not from skim milk or whey sweetened condensed milk due to the growth of
powders. This was attributed to the effect of the large (>25 p.m) lactose crystals if proper pro-
fat on the movement of moisture within the pow- cessing conditions are not followed. The high
der, although this has not been experimentally concentrations of lactose combined with the low
verified. All crystals formed in these studies were solubility level due to sucrose addition result in
of the typical a-monohydrate or 3-anhydrous form high supersaturations for lactose. If careful ad-
and no evidence for the 5:3 mixture of Bushill dition of a large quantity of fine lactose seed
et al.183 was observed. These studies are impor- crystals is not accomplished during the process,
tant in that the state of lactose (amorphous or growth of large lactose crystals will occur. Under
crystalline) determines the flow and physical normal conditions, sufficient seeds are added such
properties of the powder,187 yet no clear under- that the growth of any one crystal is small, yet
standing of the crystal formation process in dairy enough total mass deposition occurs to decrease
powders has been presented to date. the supersaturation to safe levels.39
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2. Ice Cream VI. SUMMARY

The crystallization of lactose in ice cream The crystallization of sugars plays an im-
has been a problem in the past, since the growth portant role in determining overall product qual-
of large lactose crystals imparts a sandy texture ity and textural characteristics. Control of the
to the ice cream. Lactose crystallization in ice crystallization process is critical to the formation
cream should be avoided for the highest-quality or prevention of sugar crystals. In many food
product. Yet, when ice cream is hardened, the products, however, the complex interactions of
solubility of lactose in the fluid phase of the prod- ingredients in terms of enhancing or preventing
uct is exceeded by a large extent, resulting in crystal nucleation and growth result in a lack of
high supersaturations. Nickerson188'190 reviewed quantitative understanding of the specific effects.
the factors affecting lactose crystallization in ice In addition, the nucleation process is somewhat
cream and the factors responsible for the reduced spurious in nature due to the statistical variations
incidence of sandiness in ice creams. Seeding of necessary to create nuclei centers. This results in
ice cream with finely ground a-lactose crystals varying nucleation times that seem to depend on
was studied as a means of preventing the for- no parameter in particular. Thus, control of crys-
mation of large lactose crystals responsible for tallization processes in foods in general is a dif-
the sandy texture. The principle here was that ficult task at best. Many commercial processes
each of the many small nuclei would grow only are still based on prior art tempered by a modicum
a small amount as the crystallization equilibrium of quantitative information. Further studies re-
was approached and that these fine crystals would garding the basic mechanisms of crystal forma-
remain below the threshold detection size. The tion are necessary to fully understand the details
critical aspect of this seeding was that sufficient of textural development in crystallized food
lactose seeds were required so that the final crys- products.
tal size remained small. Nickerson190 stated that
the widespread use of gum stabilizers in the ice
cream mix formulation essentially prevents the
formation of large lactose crystals by inhibiting
the growth of these crystals. Thus, sandiness in REFERENCES
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