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Senior Project Proposal

Daniel Sweeney
A. Summary
I have chosen to investigate the overarching issue of ponzi schemes. More

specifically, I want to explore the effects of ponzi schemes on society and the economy.

Through the use of deception, ponzi schemes have stolen many of people’s life savings.

The perpetrators behind ponzi schemes have been able to start illegitimate, but thriving

practices despite the fact that ponzi schemes are fraudulent and therefore illegal in the

United States.

The driving questions behind my research are as follows:

● How are ponzi schemes started?

● How do ponzi schemes affect the economy?

● Who are the main targets of ponzi schemes and why are they targeted?

● What laws have been created to prevent ponzi schemes?

● How do ponzi schemes thrive without being detected by the authorities?

I plan on teaching a civics and economics class about fraudulent practices and

their detrimental effects. With the help of my advisor, Mrs. Jennifer Hill, I want to

design a lesson plan that will educate a class on ponzi schemes. The purpose of teaching

a class about ponzi schemes is to alert the students about the dangers of scams.

Teaching a group of students will start to prepare the younger population so that they

are familiar with different types of scams which will result in knowledge that will

hopefully prevent them from having their money stolen later on in life. I will relate

fraud to the curriculum of civics and economics in order to make my presentation

appropriate for a civics and economics class. The ultimate goal of my senior project is

to inform students about fraud in a fun and entertaining way. To measure the success of
my project, I will ask the students to take a quick survey along with answering a few

questions to see how many understood the material.

B. New Skills, Enhanced Skills, and Growth Goals

New Skills

● Teaching

● Creating interactive activities

Enhanced Skills

● Research

● Slideshow/Presentation

Growth Skills

● Communication

● Organization

C. Marketing Plan/Facilities/Audience

I am going to teach in a Virginia Beach City Public Schools classroom. The target

audience of my project are students who are not aware of ponzi scheme and other forms

of fraud. I am going to contact a Middle School Teacher who teaches Civics and

Economics. My project will relate to the economics portion of the Civics and Economics

class. My presentation will be interactive and interesting to hold the attention of the

students participating.

D. Projects Steps
Preliminary Steps Contact Teacher, emails, research 5 hours

Midway Steps Create presentation, confirm with teacher, practice 7 hours

Later Steps Practice, check technology in classroom, gather all 5 hours

materials needed to teach

Follow Up Send thank you to teacher, analyze survey 3 hours

Total 20 hours

E. Project Documentation

● Photographs of teaching class

● Email conversations

● Phone logs of calls

● Screenshots of text messages about project

● Advertisement flyers

F. Project Justification

My project will help to educate young individuals on the dangers of ponzi

schemes and other fraudulent practices. Learning about fraud will help prevent those

students from being victimized in the future. Fraud can take place just about anywhere,

so it is important to be aware of its dangers. This project will be a challenge for me

because I have never thoroughly researched ponzi schemes or fraud. As for my project,

this will also prove challenging because I have never formally taught a classroom full of

students before. The longest presentation I have ever given was 10 minutes long, and I

have never written a lesson plan guided by a curriculum. By choosing this project, my

knowledge of fraud will be expanded as well as my presentation/teaching skills.

G. Project-Paper Connection

The main goal of my paper is to answer the guiding questions. My paper will not

be limited to just ponzi schemes; other types of fraud will also be included. Enough

research will be in my paper to effectively teach a class about fraud. After my

presentation to the class, they will know how about the dangers of fraud and how to

avoid becoming a victim.

H. Academic Honesty

I understand that any academic dishonesty by me on any part of the project will

result in failure of the Senior Project and forfeiture of the Legal Studies Seal on my

High School diploma.

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