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1. Read the following texts and write down the new words:
Bone= os
hard skeleton= schelet osos
cartilage= cartilagiu
process of ossification= process de osificare
diaphysis= diafiză
epiphysia= epifiză
bone articulation=articulaţia osului
connective-tissues structures=structuri ale ţesutului conjuctiv
muscular tissue=ţesut muscular

2. Pronounce and learn the names of the main parts of the skeletal system. Add more
terms to the list:
Mandible= mandibulă
Maxila= maxilar
Fibula =fibula
Ilum=craesta iliacă

3. Complete the following sentences using the nouns in the box. The first one has been done
for you as an example:

1. The spine is a flexuous column, formed of a series of bones called _vertebrae_.

2. The __cranium__________ is composed of eight bones: the occipital, two parietal, frontal,
two temporal, sphenoid, and ethmoid.

3. The ___sternum_________ is a long, flat vertical bone, situated in front of the thorax to
which are attached the collarbone and the first seven parts of ribs.

4. The ___femur_________ is the longest, thickest and heaviest bone in the skeleton, articulating
with the pelvis above and the knee below.

5. The __tibia__________ is the inner and thicker of the two bones of the human leg, between
the knee and ankle.
6. The ___coccyx_________ is a small triangular bone at the end of the spinal column,
articulating by its base with the apex of the sacrum.

7. The ____scapula________ is a large, flat bone, triangular in shape which forms the back part
of each shoulder.

8. The hand is subdivided into three segments: the ____ carpus ______ or wrist, the __
__metacarpus________ or palm and the ___phalanges_________ or fingers.

9. The ___calcaneus___________ or heel bone is the largest tarsal bone, irregularly cuboidal in
form and situated at the lower back part of the foot.

10. The structures which enter the formation of a ____joint_______ are: bone, cartilage, fibro-
cartilage, ligament and synovial membrane.

4. Match up the following words with their definitions:

1. breastbone- h
2. ligament- f
3. skull- j
4. vertebrae- a
5. clavicle- i
6. spine-d
7. pelvis-e
8. sacrum-b
9. cartilage-g
10.ribs- c

5. Ask questions for the underlined phrases using the interrogative words what,
which, where, why, how, how many and the verb to be.

3.Which are the three bones of the leg?

4.Where is situated the patella
5. Where is situated the scapula?
6.What is the shape of the sternum?
7.What is the name of the form of cartilage which enters into the formation of the
8. What is the definition of a ligament? What is the roll of the ligament? Which are
the main characteristics of the the ligament?
9. How many bones are in the entire skeleton of an adult?
10.Which is the largest part of the humerus?

6. Read the following extracts and translate them into Romanian:

Majoritatea oaselor unui adult constau într-un cadru osos și cartilaginos, iar ca urmare acestui
lucru în scheletul uman se disting o parte osoasă şi una cartilaginoasă.
Partea osoasă reprezintă majoritatea osului. Cartilagiile articulare, cartilagiile epifizale şi
cartilagiile costale formează partea cartilaginoasă a sistemului scheletal.

Oasele lungi (umărul, clavicula, femurul, falangă, etc.) au o parte mijlocie, diafiza, și două părți
finale, epifizele. Epifiza situată în apropierea scheletului axial se numeşte epifiză proximală, în
timp ce epifiză aceluiaşi os, dar situată mai departe de scheletul axial, se numeşte epifiză distală.
Părțile mai largi ale oaselor lungi, între diafiză și epifiză, sunt cunoscute sub numele de metafiză.
Limitele lor sunt vizibile numai la oasele copiilor și adolescenților, pe ale căror oase un strat
cartilagos, cartilagiul epifizial, rămâne în continuare între diafiză şi epifiză.

Mădușa roșie prezintă o activitatea funcțională ridicată și este capabilă să formeze celule
sanguine din seria mieloidă. Odată cu dezvoltarea și creșterea organismului, măduva roșie este
înlocuită treptat de măduva galbenă. Măduva galbenă este mai puțin activă și joacă un rol de
rezervă, dar, în anumite condiții, poate fi activată.

7. Translate the following questions into English, using the new vocabulary. Providing an
answer to these questions will also test your anatomy knowledge:

1.What is the science that studies the bones? (What is the study of bones called?)
2. Which are the bones main types?
3. Which are the joint components?
4. What are the causes of the spine fractures and injuries?
5. How many bones are in the skull and what are their names?
6. Which of the joints has a greater risk of being fractured? Is more frequently affected in
7. How many vertebrae a lumbar spine has? What about the thoracic spine?
8.Where is situated the acromion?
9. How the sternum is described in the human anatomy atlas?
10. Why the surgical intervention is more appropriate in this case than physiotherapy or
8. Question-answer exercise: Using your anatomy courses notes, ask your deskmate questions about
the skeletal system.

How many types of bones are in the skeletal system?

Which is the smallest bone of the body? What about the biggest?
What is the shape of scapula?
Where is the sacrum situated?
How can be described the skull?

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