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EDUC 300 Classroom Management and Effective Teaching

Name: Mallory Matthies

Differentiated Learning Strategies - See Differentiation Packet for Assistance

Directions: Develop a specific teaching idea for the compacting differentiation strategy.
Focus on “skills” compacting for your example. First write an “instructional objective,”
a “learner will” statement, for each teaching idea that is very specific to an “instructional
goal.” This should not be a classroom activity. Then continue with a differentiated
teaching activity or example that will meet that instructional goal.
(See Model for assistance.)

Instructional Objective: The learner will correctly differentiate the life cycles and
habitats of animals that live in the jungle.

Sarah: Diorama of the life cycle of an animal
Josh: Report and PowerPoint about different habitats of the jungle
Anna: Script and performance about animals who live in the jungle
Activity/Example: Create and fill out “The Compactor” Form – in Differentiation
(You will need to compact for three different students.)

Student Name: Sarah

Areas of Strength Documenting Mastery Alternate Activities
Life cycle and habitat of Received “A” on quiz Will create a diorama of a
jungle life cycle of animal
- Great with art Mastered Life cycle and
- Loves to create habitats unit Will present it to the class

Will work with other

students and help them
create their own diorama

Student Name: Josh

Areas of Strength Documenting Mastery Alternate Activities
Life cycle and habitat of Received “A” on quiz Will write a report about the
jungle different habitats of the
- Great writer Mastered Life cycle and jungle
- Presenting is fun for habitats unit
him Will make a PowerPoint for
the class to use
Will collaborate with other
students to help them create
a report and work with him
to make the PowerPoint

Student Name: Anna

Areas of Strength Documenting Mastery Alternate Activities
Life cycle and habitat of Received “A” on quiz Will write a short script
jungle about animals that live in
- Loves to work with Mastered Life cycle and the jungle
others habitats unit
- Performing in front Will cast different students
of the class is fun for to help her perform for the
her class

Will collaborate with other

students to create costumes
and other props to perform

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