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Reading is one of the language skills besides listening, speaking and writing.

Reading is also
one of the learning activities that are often carried out in the process of teaching and learning
activities at school. Even written school exams and state examinations focus on reading
activities. A student who is skilled in reading will understand each item given.
The purpose of reading is to get information. Through this activity, we are required to capture
ideas and not just from reading aloud. That's why there are questions related to the reading text
after we read a discourse. The questions are done to test whether we have understood the
reading well or not.
Because the purpose of reading is to get information then in reading activities we must
understand the meaning of each word or symbol of the written language so that we are able to
know the contents, information and, meanings that the writer wants to convey. In understanding
each word or symbol of language involves visual activity and thought processes so that our
brains are able to process the writing codes that we see so as to produce required information.
In addition to aiming for getting the desired information, reading activities can train our brain
to think critically. Every symbol and word in writing has its own meaning, then it is arranged
into a sentence and paragraph so that it has the meaning of whole unity. To find out the meaning
as a whole so that it can capture the message that the writer wants to convey requires a lot of
processes. So reading is a boring activity for a student.
the word for word that is arranged into a sentence is a sight that is not beautiful to the eye for
a student so it is only natural that students do not like reading activities. Because of the thought
that reading is so boring that reading is not a culture for developing countries like Indonesia.
Unlike in developed countries. Reading is a habit that is used as the culture of the country.
Because reading is a culture so reading is no longer a boring thing for them.
An assumption says that reading culture is more important than school in the goal of achieving
success. Love to read without going to school is still a chance to achieve success because
reading makes our mindset broad and sharp. Increase our level of creativity in working or
creating jobs to achieve success. Whereas they do not like to read but go to school, the
opportunity to achieve success is smaller.
The importance of reading so that there is an opinion that reading will provide an opportunity
for success even without going to school because reading makes the mindset more open.
Reading which aims to gain understanding requires a process of critical thinking. In thinking
critically there will be various questions in us during the reading process. That question will
lead us to the stage of understanding the reading.
But before critical thinking processes occur, there is a problem for students in reading a passage
in a foreign language, especially English, which is a compulsory lesson for them. When read
reading in English, to gain understanding they must know the meaning of each word so that
they will understand the meaning of each sentence from a reading.
After understanding each sentence they read, they will understand the purpose of each
paragraph that the writer wants to convey so that they will gain an understanding of reading
activities. To understand a symbol of language and the meaning of reading in reading activities,
a strategy that is suitable for us is needed to facilitate the process of reading.
The reading strategy that is done depends on the purpose of our reading. There are various
strategies in reading that can be done so that the reading activities carried out get maximum
results. Some strategies that have been carried out by previous researchers are considered
successful in helping students reduce the problems they experience so that they get an
understanding of reading activities.
One strategy that is considered appropriate with the problem students face is the CSR strategy.
This strategy helps students understand every time they read because they are helped in
knowing the meaning of each word that is foreign to them.
Based on the previous explanation about the nature of reading, how to read, the difficulties
faced by students to the strategy in reading that will be used as a solution to students' problems
with reading, the authors conducted research with the title of CSR impact and critical reading
of understanding.

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