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A Subtle Love Letter

A list of all the places I find you:

in my playlists, in my poetry, in the way your words sound like a love song I
never even knew I craved
In all of my favorite love poems, in every chai latte
In coffee stains on my notebook pages, lines that scribbled out my mistakes, in
the way we giggled after tripping over the uneven pavement; that is to say that I
adore your imperfections as much as I adore you
At the lifeguard tower towards midnight, I can still feel the warm breeze and my
heart on my sleeve; with your arms around me, I placed all of my trust into your
hands for the first time
In the cold January air at the tree that grew into itself, I can hear your laughter
rustling through the branches, I can still feel our first kiss on my lips
In the feeling of your fingertips brushing across my skin lingering the way your
scent remains on my pillow for days after; in the way your gentle kiss grazes
across my forehead as I lay on your chest, and how I swear you comfort me so
effortlessly that I could fall asleep just like that
How is it that only your lips can tame me?
In the smile that appears across my face every time you cross my mind, or when
you show me that I'm on yours
In the deep sea green, I am reminded of your eyes and the ocean of all the
adventures we have yet to face within them
My longing nature stands witness that you are without a doubt my favorite “I’ll
see you soon,” but I’ll still order your favorite drink when I miss you
In the way that you took me by storm but I didn’t mind; what I mean is you were
the glorious rain and I was a drought and I never even realized that I have never
tasted such sweet nourishment until everyone around me could see that I was
blossoming — what I mean is, sometimes I write thank you notes to the stars for
helping us align
What I mean is, I have a hard time believing in God, but it still somehow feels like
all my prayers have been answered
What I mean is that since falling into you I seem to find all of these subtle love
letters unfolding around me,
Perhaps my favorite is the way you softly say my name, the sweet song tuned so
perfectly to my heartstrings, and you suddenly become the clearest thing in the
Or the way you have me sitting here writing about it...
Honestly, I can't decide what my favorite part is, but I hope this feeling never

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