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A young single girl who

has a child should give it

up for adoption

Jimena Torres López

Ana Paola Pagaza de Pando
The life is complex for a lot of people but in
certain ways it's fair, Desiring to be a mother
and not having the possibility is very hard,
but also be pregnant and don’t want it.
Thanks to adoption, many couples can fulfill
their dream of forming a family, of educating,
giving love to their child and sharing a life
Giving in adoption responsibly is the most
viable option in cases of being pregnant
and don’t wanting it.
Of course, first you have to be sure that the
family who is receiving your baby can
afford take care of he or she.
The OPS and the Unicef confirms that
México has 32.7 millions of woman that
are mothers and 6 out of 10 are around 14
years old. This is caused by the sexual
violence and lack of information or access
to the contraceptives methods
In the country, there are about 400
thousand births of babies among women
aged 19 or younger and, of these, around
10 thousand 280 were among girls from 10
to 14 years old last year.
To conclude, The United for Life
Association has already launched the
"Adoption Project", in this project you can
adopt easily without so much paperwork.
If you want to know more about them, you
can enter in their website and learn more
about their work.
- Valadez, B. (2018) México, primer país de OCDE con más embarazos en niñas. available in:
- Packham, A. (2016). Pregnancy Around The World: The Average Age Women Become First-Time
Mothers Revealed. available in:
- Banfi, K. (2018). Aborto y adopción: preservar la maternidad elegida. available in:


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