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I believe that all students are unique and creative artists in their own way.

For them to
share their artistic abilities, they need to have an environment where they can grow into
independent artists. A classroom should be a place where students are free to speak their minds,
share ideas, and take risks. Students need the opportunity to practice skills in a safe environment,
a place where they have all the materials they need to create art. Technology will be integrated
into their learning of the arts; students need to know that there are many different mediums
available to them for creating art.

I want students to be able to appreciate art and its history as I do. I will set an example by
continuing to be a student of art myself. By learning new techniques and skills that I will share
with my students and encourage them to share their knowledge with their peers and me. I will act
as their guide and role model, helping them to meet their full potential and finding their learning
style in art. I believe students need to question and explore what is going on in the world around
them, and then express their feelings through art. I want students to understand that art is a life-
long learning process, one that will grow as they grow.

I will have an open mind, a positive attitude, and high expectations in my classroom each
day toward my students. In my classroom, students will use cooperative learning, create art
projects, and will have learning experiences that will be relevant to their lives. Students will have
choices, which will let their curiosity direct their learning in art. My teaching will consist of
demonstrations on how to use the materials, as well as teaching art history relating to the art we
discuss in class. I will let my students tap into their creativity to produce unique and personal
artwork. I will guide students through the process of creating art, and help them as they need it.
My teaching approach will be one of modeling, guiding, and assisting students to become
independent artists and teach them how art history plays a role in art today.

Teaching is a learning process. Teachers can learn from their students and their
colleagues; it is a lifelong process where you learn new strategies and ideas — one which I plan
to keep on doing through learning about new materials and different approaches to art. My
teaching philosophy has changed and may change again in the future, but that is okay, it just
means I have grown and will continue to grow and learn new things.

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