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1. Identifikasi Tinggi Badan Melalui Pengukuran Panjang Lengan Bawah

a. Author
i. Tychara Korah
ii. James F. Siwu
iii. Johannis F. Mallo
b. Skripsi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado
2. Determination of Sex from Femora
a. Author
i. Gita Mall
ii. Matthias Graw
iii. Kristina-D. Gehring
iv. Michael Hubig
b. Forensic Science International, Elsevier
3. Stature Reconstruction Using Fragmentary Femora in South Africans of European Descent
a. Author
i. Mubarak Ariyo Bidmos, M.B.B.S., M.Sc.
4. Korelasi Panjang Tulang Tibia Terhadap Tinggi Badan Pada Mahasiswa FK UMSU
a. Author
i. Putra Diandro Utama Ritonga
ii. Hendra Sutysna
5. Korelasi Antara Tinggi Badan dan Panjang Jari Tangan
a. Author
i. Athfiyatul Fatati
6. The Estimation of Stature on the Basis of Measurements of The Femur
a. Author
i. Roman Hause, Janusz Smolinski, Tomas Gos
7. The Relationships between Height and Arm Span, Mid-Upper Arm and Waist
Circumferences and Sum of Four Skinfolds in Ellisras Rural Children Aged 8 – 18 Years
a. Author
i. Kotsedi Daniel Monyeki, Michael Matome Sekhotha
8. Skeletal Height Reconstruction from Measurements of The Skull in Indigenous South
a. Author
i. I. Ryan, M. A Bidmos
9. Body Length Estimation During the Post Mortem Interval: Preliminary Study
a. Author
i. Davide Ferorelli, Alessandro Dell’Erba, Biagio Solarino
10. Gambaran Pemeriksaan Gigi Untuk Identifikasi Korban Meninggal di Bagian Kedokteran
Forensik dan Medikolegal RSUP Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado Tahun 2010-2015
a. Author
i. Cornelius F. Tandaju, James Siwu, Bernart S.P. Hutagalung
11. Forensic Anthropology
a. Author
i. R. Jankauskas
12. Peran Dokter di Tempat Kejadian Perkara di Kota Manado
a. Author
i. Theo L. Siwu, Djemi Tomuka, Nola T. S. Mallo
13. Korelasi Panjang Lengan Bawah dan Tinggi Badan Mahasiswi Suku Banjar Fakultas
Kedokteran Universitas Lambung Mangkurat.
a. Author
i. Iwan Aflanie, Nurul Qomariah, Mashuri
14. Estimating the Length of Incomplete Long Bones: Forensic Standards From Guatemala
a. Author
i. Lori E. Wright, Mario A. Vasquez
15. Stature Estimation of 3-10 Year Old Children from Long Bone Lengths
a. Author
i. Shelley L. Smith, Ph.D.
16. Estimation of Stature using Fragmentary Femora in Indigenous South Africans
a. Author
i. Mubarak Ariyo Bidmos
17. Stature Estimation in Fo
18. rensic Examinations: A Few Technical Considerations
a. Author
i. Kewal Krishan, Tanuj Kanchan
19. Sex Estimation Using the Femur of Austrians born in the 19th to the Middle of the 20th
a. Author
i. Fabian Kanz, Christine Fitzl, Alexander Vleek, Florian Frommlet

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