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Dakota State University College of Education


Name: Loren Larson

Date: 11.29.18
Level: 5th grade
Time: 1:25 – 2:15
School: Elkton Elementary
Lesson Goal(s) / Standards:
 5.W.4
 5.W.8
 5.RL.4

Lesson Objectives:
 After the comprehension reading, students will be able to answer the multiple-choice
questions with 80% accuracy.
 Before reading, students will be able to have a discussion about what we have previously
read in the book.
 During the reading, students will be able to follow along and, when called upon, read one
to two paragraphs out loud for the rest of the class.
 After the reading, students will be able to complete a short writing based on a given
prompt within the remaining time of class.

Materials Needed:
 Comprehension Packets
 Class Novel – Hatchet
 Chapter 3 – 4 worksheet

Contextual Factors/ Learner Characteristics: There are 22 students in this fifth-grade class, 14 boys
and 8 girls. The majority of the class is Caucasian with a few Hispanics. In Mr. Erickson’s room the
students sit in 7 pods of 3 or 4. In Mr. Clark’s room the students sit in 5 pods of 3 or 4 and two
students sit toward the back on the left. When we work in groups those two students join one of the
other pods. This class is very talkative and likes to move around a lot. The math class is controlled
with an assertive discipline style. This style seems to keep them in check for the most part.
A. The Lesson
1. Introduction - “Please clear off your desks and get out Hatchet and a pencil. **Student**
is handing out your daily comprehension packets. Open your packets to day 3.” **Read
the short passage aloud to class, read questions aloud, and let students answer the
question** “Once you are finished please fold your packet back in half and **Student**
will pick them up.”
**After student has finished collecting daily comprehension** “Yesterday we read
chapter two and did a worksheet about what we have read in chapters 1 and 2. Can
anyone raise their hand and tell me what we have read about so far?” **Call on students
to share information** (main points: Brian went on a plain to see his dad in Canada. His
parents are divorced and his dad has visiting rights so he is going out to see him. He has a
hatchet that his mom gave him as a gift. On the plane the pilot gave him a short lesson on
how to fly when they first took off. The pilot had a heart attack and died. Brian is in the
air by himself trying to find out how to land the plane. He comes up with a plan to try and
land in a clearing on the edge of a lake. Where he ended he had just ran out of fuel and
was facing his fear of having to land the plane.) **after the review being reading**
2. Content Delivery – “Go ahead and open your books to page 26.” **Pick a student to
being reading aloud. Students will popcorn read for a paragraph or two. After all students
have read if there is reading left I will finish reading until page 35.**
**After the reading is complete I will hand out chapter 3-4 writing prompt. (attached
below)** “Today we are going to work some more on our writing. This is another
prompt like the one we did on Tuesday. Today you will be writing about **read
prompt**. Use the next **amount of time** to work on this quietly by yourself. If you
get done before times up reread to make corrections. If you do that then you can get a
book out and read quietly or work on homework quietly.”
3. Closure - “Alright I need everyone to put their pencils down and look up front. Today
we read about the plane crash and Brian waking up after the crash. Will someone raise
their hand and give me some details about what happened today?” **Call on student(s) to
give details about what we read.** “Tomorrow we will pick up reading where we left off
and find out more about what happened to Brian.”
B. Assessments Used:
 Pre reading discussion/review
 Post reading discussion
 Chapter 3-4 writing
C. Differentiated Instruction:
 There is one student who leaves the room during our reading time to get help at her
level. The rest of the students remain in the classroom and do not need a lot of
modifications. One little boy is allowed to have someone write for him if there is a
part of the work that requires him to write excessively. A few students will need to be
reminded to stay on task but will not need specific differentiation.
Chapter 3 – 4
Have you ever had to keep a big secret? What did it feel
like? If not, how do you imagine it would feel?


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