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ADVANCED Structures

1. It is important to avoid going out late at night because it is unsafe.

2. It takes time and effort to prepare meal for a big family.
3. It is just the matter of time before human beings completely disappear, and

replaced by a more advanced ouster space creature.

4. Having breakfast is so important that I never skip it because I know most of the

energy we consume for a normal day is taken from the breakfast.

5. Studying hard is a good thing, but it will be better if you can a faster yet effective

way of learning.
6. Neither money nor fame can bring true happiness to someone.
7. You are only allowed to pick either one of the 2 options when it comes to learning

vocabulary, you can only choose to use it or lose it.

8. Happiness is the matter of personal preference, rather than a blessed thing.
9. Living up to the mercy of circumstances is temporary.
10. If there hadn’t been the existence of the meteor that killed the dinosaurs millions

of years ago, there would not be human beings now.

11. When you give it a second thought, you would realize the ugly truth that she

wasn’t there for your sake. (for you)

12. If you took “disability” out of the equation, disable people are nothing special

just the norm.

13. There is not much difference between taking animals to a vet and a lab.

14. Animals used for animal tests experiments are voluntarily donated.

15. Animal tests are there for the animals’ well-being. (tồn tại là để)
16. Animals used for these experiments are forced to expose themselves to various

physical conditions, in one of which they are forced to remove parts of their body.

(đặt vào: be subject to high risk of N)

17. Hard Smokers and drinkers are subject to high risk of serious diseases like heart

stroke or cancer.

18. Animals find it normal undergoing these experiments because they have no

emotion like human.

19. Humans, as a superior creature, have right to use other inferior creatures to

serve for their daily needs.

20. Cruelty Free International team is an organization comes into being with the

fundamental goal of standing up for the so-called “animals rights.”

21. There are not any other ways to replace experiments related to animals.

22. Testing results have been showing optimistic signs by far.

23. There is neither hope nor chance to affect the process of introducing laws

related to animals.

24. The advanced technology alone can stop animal testing experiment.
25. The advanced technology itself can stop animal testing experiment.

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