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GeniusTrainers Exam Psychology

Learning Styles Visual Strategies

What is a Learning Style?

Information enters your brain three main ways: sight, hearing and touch, which
one you use the most is called your Learning Style
New Zealand-based teacher Neil D. Fleming is the originator of the VARK®, or
visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic classification
• Visual Learners learn by sight
• Auditory Learners learn by hearing
• Read/Write Learn by read and write
• Tactile Learners (kinesthetic) learn by touch

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GeniusTrainers Exam Psychology

Key words:
Different formats, space, graphs, charts, diagrams, maps and plans.

This preference uses symbolism and different formats, fonts and colors to
emphasize important points.

If you have a strong preference for learning by Visual methods (V =

INTAKEvisual) you should use some or all of the following:

To take in the information:

 lecturers who use gestures and picturesque language
 pictures, videos, posters, slides
 flowcharts
 underlining, different colours, highlighters
 textbooks with diagrams and pictures
 graphs
 Mind maps or concept maps
 symbols @, #, & and white space

Study tips for Visual Learner

 Use all of the techniques above
 Reconstruct the images in different ways… try different spatial
 Redraw your pages from memory

This Resource is Part of Exam Psychology WhatsApp Training By GeniusTrainers

GeniusTrainers Exam Psychology
 Replace words with symbols or initials
 Look at your pages and see any patterns.
 Use imagination power to remember facts and lines.
 Avoid group discussions, they prefer one to one study.
 Watching audio-visual for study purpose.
 Make outline of everything you study.
 Copy what's written on the board.
 Convert the linear text or passage in the form of diagram & then study.
 Make web notes rather than linear notes.

To perform well in examination:

 Draw things, use diagrams
 Write exam answers
 Recall the pictures made by your pages
 Practice turning your visuals back into words

This is YOU
 Visual learners learn best by seeing.
 They like to read silently.
 They enjoy visual stimulation, color, vivid imagery.
 Relate most effectively to written information.
 They can remember faces but forget names.
 They notice visual effects in movies.
 They enjoys watching TV, movies etc.
 They like to study alone and quietly.

This Resource is Part of Exam Psychology WhatsApp Training By GeniusTrainers

GeniusTrainers Exam Psychology
 They follows written instructions & directions.
 They have to think a while before understanding lecture.
 They are good at reading and spellings.
 Easily distracted in lecture with no visual aids
 They like pictures, diagrams, cartoons, demonstrations
 Benefit from using charts, maps, notes, and flash cards when studying
 Overwhelmed with intense visuals accompanied by lecture

This Resource is Part of Exam Psychology WhatsApp Training By GeniusTrainers

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