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1. What is force
2. Describe the arrangements of states of matter?
3. What is Newton’s First Law?
4. What is elastic deformation?
5. What is limit of proportionality
6. What is Hooke’s law? And represent Hooke’s law through graph?

Fill in the blanks

1. The greater is the weight of an object, the ______________is the pressure.

2. The pressure_______________with the density of liquid at given depth.
3. The pressure of liquid increases with _______________of gradational field strength.
4. Decreases the pressure when the area in contact with the object is _______________.


1. What is the difference between manometer and barometer and write their formulas?
2. Calculate the atmospheric pressure near sea level corresponds to the pressure exerted by a
column of mercury that is about 760 mm high. The density of mercury = 13.6g/m3, g=9.8
3. Write the equation for the pressure P at a depth h in a fluid of density r and
calculate the pressure on the bottom of a swimming pool 3 m deep. (Density of
water = 1000 kg/m3

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