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Helping Others

Brayam Muro Ornelas


First of all I chose this capstone project because I love to help my

community. I’m already very good with helping people, meanwhile I like to have

new experiences and connections with my community. The significant steps I made

first were to think of a way to give to my community in a way they would benefit

from it. So I thought of building small homes for homeless people or helping

people in other ways. I then researched how much it would cost me to build one

small home and it’s about ($14,000 to $38,000) and said o no i don’t have

that much money, so I thought of a way which I wouldn’t spent so much money

but would still be able to help my community. What I did was rode around center

with my bike and looked for some jobs I could get done and humbly asked if they

would like me to do the job for them for free. Some jobs were contacted by Mrs

Ruggles she reached out to me to see if I would get them done and I agreed.

After finding different jobs I found a good time to do them and I did. The

problem I had was just being really shy to read and also show the kids how to

dance. But then I thought of it that I’ve never done something like this before

so I dident have any bad experiences that could lead to being shy. I then said

to myself their just kids they don’t take anything serious ill just get loose

and have a good time with them. After that I forgot about being shy and we all
had a good time. The impact this capstone project had was seeing many smiles on

my communities’ faces. Then when I would do labor work I would feel accomplished

because the people didn’t have to worry about finding time to do or get the

work done themselves. Some of the jobs I did were to split and stack wood for

an elderly family. I helped an elder man go to the mountains and cut down fire

wood and bring it down to his house. I also helped that same elderly man paint

a work truck and had a new learning experience because I never knew how to paint

a vehicle or do body work. The impact or the bad side I had with this capstone

project was being exhausted at the end of every project, because it was hard

work but I found out it was ok to be tired I just needed rest. I rested and

then went to the next job when I found time in my schedule. On the other side

at the end of the day I would feel something warm in my heart from doing good

things for people in my community. Something I would change about my capstone

project would be to make a fundraiser, some sort of funding or donations by

different businesses more like sponsors. To buy food or other appliances for

many elders in need. Specifically Birthday cakes to the ones that have birthdays.

In the way I demonstrated post-secondary workforce readiness was with physical

work, getting jobs done for my community and keeping data of every job/activity

of every person. I will use what I have learned from my capstone project, in my

future career to take a big head start in real life, by using the skills I

learned. Which were communicating with people to get the word out about my
welding career/business. Painting automobiles to fix project trucks. Cutting

and splitting fire wood for my future home. Painting buildings to start my own

painting business and restore homes. Learning the basics of cooking to cook

food for people and my family. My favorite one is to dance so in my future I

can have my own dance club and teach my community some dance moves. Finally

from the data I collected I reached my goal of helping out at least 8 people.

I put about 36 hours of manual labor and helped my community earn a total of

$720. After my whole capstone was done I felt good about helping my community

get things done that needed to be done. I don’t take it as a stopping point.

I see it as a starting point to changing my community in a good way. By changing

the thought that people have, that everything you do for someone you always

have to get something back. I don’t see it that way I want to change that to

where everyone helps everyone from the bottom of their heart and we get to the

point where center is the best town in the Sanluis valley.

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